A Mission Statement of Sorts
I like tabletop gaming. I like it a lot. Tabletop gaming probably takes up more of my time then the rest of my hobbies combined. I have turned off movies because I had an idea for one of campaigns and then forgotten to turn it back on because I got so caught up in writing. I get disappointed when the rest of my group decides that five hours of play has been enough. The only reason I don't have a tattoo is because I can't decide between a D20 or an Elder Sign.
This means that I game a lot. And because I usually am the DM for the games I take part in, I like to think of myself as an experienced DM. I've been DMing on an almost consistent basis for 5 years now and I like to think in my arrogance that maybe I can share some of my thoughts and ideas on gaming to help others be better DM's or to get into gaming. Who knows if I actually have that level of experience, but I would like to try.
And I guess that was really my catalyst for setting up this blog. Almost as much as playing tabletop games, I love talking about them. I enjoy tabletop theory discussions. I'm quite happy to spend hours discussing rules interpretations, world building, or character concepts. And I kind of figured that having a blog like this would allow me to both share my ideas and hear ideas from others as well.
I should post a warning though, that even though I'm big on theory I have never been a “rules guy” when it comes to gaming. I have always emphasized story and roleplay in my games and tend to play it a little loose with the rules when rules impede either.
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