french-canadiens · 8 years
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Black women make me so proud 👑
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french-canadiens · 8 years
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This is a rebellion isn’t it?
I rebel.
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french-canadiens · 8 years
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The Huffington Post: “60 Stunning Photos Of Women Protesting Around The World”
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french-canadiens · 8 years
if you can, donate to the bail funds for the protestors in D.C.
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french-canadiens · 8 years
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Signs from marches and protests all around the world after Trump’s inauguration. Loving the solidary.
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french-canadiens · 8 years
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Jourdan for Wonderland pt 2
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french-canadiens · 8 years
Horrible thing to say but I’m so lucky and glad i grew up with money and got to live in a nice place where I never had to face awful things like racism or homophobia. Although I cannot deny that this is because I make myself small to slide easily through society. But not anymore because that is a cop out and disrespectful to everyone who faces those struggles. I apologize to my latinx brothers and sisters for allowing myself to be whitewashed. I apologize for being embarassed to speak spanish. I apologize for thinking that was best. I apologize to my lgbt family for not being femme enough for not being flamboyant for not being out enough for being proud but not loud. I apologize that my silence is akin to complacence. I apologize for believing what is easy was best. I am more than my labels but I cannot deny the history and heritage of struggle. I cannot deny my brothers and sisters who need my support who face things I do not. Who have feared things I have not. I cannot deny this is injustice and I have allowed it. No more. In the words of a great man Ru Paul: “Everytime I bat my eyelashes, it is a political statement.” there’s nothing more political than being who you are honestly and proudly.
From this point on I pledge to exist loudly. I embrace community and what unites us and what sets us apart.
Existence is resistance.
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french-canadiens · 8 years
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french-canadiens · 8 years
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french-canadiens · 8 years
No matter what choice you make, it doesn’t define you. Not forever. People can make bad choices and change their minds and hearts and do good things later; just as people can make good choices and then turn around and walk a bad path. No choice we make lasts our whole life. If there’s ever a choice you’ve made that you no longer agree with, you can make another choice.
Jonathan Maberry, Dust and Decay  (via wordsnquotes)
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french-canadiens · 8 years
I just don’t give a shit about being alive And I don’t understand it I do all the right things I take all my meds all the time I attend therapy and psychiatry. I practice mindfulness I do deep breathing I do grounding techniques positive thinking and thought identification But I still just want to fucking die my immediate response to anything negative is ‘you’re worthless kill yourself’ And my neutral thought throughout the day is 'there’s nothing for you here why are you alive you’re only alive for other peoples sake.’ If this is me doing good aren’t I just meant to die My dad keeps telling me I need to find something to live for. A person an activity a dream.. Nothing in this world feels valuable to me. Its all impermanent and therefore ultimately pointless. Its all just fucking pointless isn’t it. And that justifies my dying
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french-canadiens · 8 years
Trying to die slowly in an ocean filled with glass. Every breath a reflection to Ponder the years and what brought me out here. Every shattering gulp, a bloody inch closer To endlessness; a little more weightless but sinking anyways. Each wade and paddle a scrape and slip. Above me light plays the repercussions of my strokes. Sinking closer, I watch around me faded rainbows refract, dance and dip, break. Their beauty careless of me, intangible and radiant and unknown. I laugh with my weighty lungs; painfully I smile- giggle. a bloody giggle. With irony I think how marvelous it is that I should fall in love with the world whilst finally sinking from it.
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french-canadiens · 8 years
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Billie Holiday in 1958, Herman Leonard.
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french-canadiens · 8 years
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Feather Starfish. [video]
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french-canadiens · 8 years
I took a bunch of acid and I've been crying all night and I miss my ex lol
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french-canadiens · 8 years
Its pathetic that I still miss him. I shouldn't get high and listen to angel Olsen before work not the right mood taylor cmon now.
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french-canadiens · 8 years
There are years that ask questions and years that answer.
Zora Neale Hurston (via purplebuddhaproject)
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