Pfft...,¿You Thought I Was Dead,Huh?,I’m Not A Pedo Like Everyone Thinks...:/, You’re All Annoying...
I’m posting this here, yes I know bug is here, I hope they read it to realise that maybe they should stop and act more proper
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Other stuff that should be pointed out
Calling a pedo rio & also proof they bother other people
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Proof that they have been basically asking me to alter an au of mine that has been on hiatus + asking over and over to draw something that would never happen in hte au
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And even more proof that they bother even more people
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Tyler & The Demon’s Flower.
Kun:Nyeheh...,I Was Thinking About My 1st,"Carcat",Story...,¡¿Perhaps I'll Should Do It Today?,Yep, Indeed...,'Zis Fantastic & Magical,"Wildtoonz", Tale Gonna Be Called:"Tyler N' The Demon's Flower...",Where Wildcat Is a Kind,And Always Shy Florist From All Entire Indianapolis,Tennessee,That’ll Loves Selling Flowers To His Customers,And,Yeet,Marcel’s Ex-Wife,Miss Cunningham,(Simone,Who Is a Holy Mother),Runs Fast To Tyler's Own Shop Along Speakin' Something Which Tells:"!My Husband Hath Begone Really Sick Along Coughing & Even Sneezing!",And Then,When She Is Gone To Florida...,Father Marcel Arrives In a Rainy Night To Tell Him 'Bout His Own Sickness,Yet,a Storm Comes Quickly,& Marcel Is Worried That Leviathan Should Awake From His 1.000 Year Sleep,Yet Then...,An' Mysterious Couple Arrive At His Shop Seeking For a Flower Named,"Ricinus S Diabolix"...,(Devil's Tulip),Yet,Suddenly,Father Marcel Makes a Circle Along White Watered Salt & Throws an Bottle Of Sacred Turquoise Water At 'Em...,While,Meanwhile,Our Demon Strangers Never Know 'Bout a Really Wicked Plan To Rob That Precious Flower From Him & Dominate The Universe Along It...,But,¿Shall They Stop Him & His Undead Army...,or Wildcat Will Be Connected To The Demon's Heart Forever?..., Let's Begin...,(Agh...,Here I’ll Go...,Pfffft,This Is Where Piggy & Demon Are Our Main Characters):
Prologue:"A Rainy Night..."
Tyler Wilde:"At Last...",*Opening His Flower Shop In Indianapolis,Rose Valley Delivery*,(He Has His 1st Assistant,Jon/Del,Whom Was Picked Up By Tyler As a Baby).
Jon:"¿What're You Doin' In 'Ere All Alone, Sir?".
Florist!Tyler:*Sigh*,"My Girlfriend Put Me In Charge Of All Delivery When We Broke Up...",(Yes,In This Scene,I Mention Kelly,Tyler's IRL Girlfriend...,Whom Was His Wife & Co-Owner In All Delivery...,And Also,Everyone Is 'Ere In This Looooong Tale).
Jon:"Goodness...,I'm Very Sorry That She Leave You Along Me In Our Business Now,Boss...".
*Now,Wilde Closes His Delivery,And He Goes To a Cafe To Drink a Mocca...*
Florist!Tyler:"Okay...","I Need Something To Relax...".
Liz,(Deli's Date,And Waitress Of,"Genay's Coffee Shop"):"Hello,Tyler...,¿Care For an' Mocca?".
Wildcat:"Yes...,¿Um...,Where Is Your Boss?".
Liz:"I...,I Guess I'll Gonna Call Her...".
Tyler:*Entwining His Fingers*,"I'll Be Waiting Outside...".
Genay:"You Came,Wildcat...",*Throwing Her Jacket Out*.
Florist!Tyler:"Seems Like You'll Were Busy Attending The Scouts On Your Camp...".
Genay:"Heh,I Guess...".
Florist!Tyler:"¿Do You'll Have Mocca?".
Genay:*Smiling Warmly*,"Yes...,Sit Down And I'll Bring Ya One...".
*Later,After He Drinks It...*
Florist!Tyler:"Mmm...,That Was Relaxing...".
Genay:"I Hope You Enjoyed It,Sweetie...".
*Meanwhile...,Back In His Delivery..., Someone Arrives Quickly...*
Florist!Tyler:"The Ricinus Setiferum Diabolix Is a Very Rare Plant Which Had Been Kept By Me During Few Years...".
Mother Simone,(Marcel's Girlfriend):"Child Of God...".
Mother Simone:"!Ah,I'm So Happy To See You!".
Florist!Wildcat:"¿Did You Got News 'Bout My Pal,The Pastor?",(Though Marcel Is Our 1st Religious Figure On This Tale...,Simone Is Included As His Dear One).
Mother Simone:"Seems Like He Got Sick...".
Tyler:"This Is Bad...".
Mother Simone:"Don't Worry,Young One...".
Tyler:"I Hope He Gets Better...".
*Suddenly,After The Mother Is Gone..., Pastor Cunningham Finally Appears...*
Pastor Marcel:"!Wilde!",*Sneezing While He Coughs*.
Tyler:"Oh,Dear Pastor...,*Distancing 1 Meter Away*,I Knew You'll Were Sick...".
Pastor Marcel:"Hush...,¿Have Thou Got That Flower?".
Pastor Marcel:"The Ricinus Setiferum Diabolix...,!It Is Forbidden By Me Like a Holy Prophecy That'll The Grand Lord Said:!When The Final Judgement Comes And Leviathan Wakes Up From His Nap,Thunders Shall Strike From The Sky..., Only Meaning That One Of The Devil's Heirs Will Arrive At Your Home Any Moment Now!","!But Now,Come With Me To East Beach,Florida,And,Into An' Little Cathedral Which I Own...,You Shall Be Safe There!",(Ending Of Prologue).
*Chapter 2:Journey Ahead...*
Pastor Marcel:"Welcome To South Beach, Young One...".
Tyler:"Wow...,But You Talked That A Rainy Cloud Shall Strike Soon...".
Pastor Marcel:"Heheh...".
*Now,It's Night...,A Rainy Night...*
Pastor Marcel:"!Quick,Let's Go To The Little Cathedral!".
Tyler:"This Isn't Like My Shop,But It's Really Pretty...".
Pastor Marcel:"Yeah...,Me And Simone Decorated This Church By Ourselves...".
Pastor Marcel:"I Knew It...".
Florist!Tyler:"¿Did You Smell Something?".
Pastor Marcel:"Hmmm...,*Sniff,Sniff*,"It's A Red Dust...".
Florist!Tyler:"That...,Is A Demon...",’’No...,They’re 2...’’.
Pastor Marcel:*Taking Out a Bottle Of Holy Water & Sea Salt While Drawing a Circle Around 2 Mysterious Figures*,"!In All Name Of Lord Jesus,God And All Holy Spirits,I,Pastor Cunningham,I’ll Banish Thee To Heck,Forbidden Ones¡’’.
???:"Your Majesty...,¿Are You Okay?".
Tyler:"¿Wait a Second...,Demon,Hath Thou Say Highness?",*Looking Angrily At an Ancient Demon Whom Got a Golden Crown & Wears a Cloaked Robe*,"Ah..., These Must Be The Forbidden Ya Were Saying...".
???:"¿!How Dare You,Silly Human?!",*Opening An' Eye Which Got a X Scar*.
Tyler:"I Think That This Fella Has 1 Eye...,¿Do You Say He's Blind?".
Pastor Marcel:"...,Yeah...".
???:*Chuckling Darkly While Getting All Mist Outta His Entire Body & Revealing His Other Form...*,"I Am...,Ifrit...".
Tyler:"¿Why Can't You Go Back To Your Devil Form?".
???:*Scratching His Human Beard*,"Well,I'm a Demon When I Get Mad...,Yet, This Is M' True Form...,Due,Now,Call Me,"Luke...",& When I Shapeshift,I’m a Ifrit,One Of All Highest Kings Of Hell In All Ars Goetia...",(Toonz Is Ifrit,Indeed).
???:"Hahah...",(Satt,Who Is Cartoonz's Loyal Imp,Belphegor).
Florist Tyler:"Interesting...".
Ifrit/Luke:"Yep...,By The Way,This Is My Dear Henchman/Vizier,Mike Misetich...".
Pastor Cunningham:"¿Do You Need Help From Us?".
Prince Ifrit:"Indeed.","I'm Sure...".
(End Of 1st Chapter).
Author's Note:Well,Well,Well,I Hope That You Enjoyed This Story,Yeet,Like Y'all Knew,I’m Doing a Amazing,Due Long And Grand Poly,’’Wildtoonz’’,Tale,(I Didn’t Include Mini & Lui In This Because There Hath Been Some,’’Problems’’,Along Pedop*ilia,And Stalking Girls With Ohm...:(
@visionaryinsomniac @crimsonbluemoon​ @crazy-cakez​
*Ep. 3:King Gallmaxun’s Scheme...*
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(¡Prepare Yourselves,Humans¡),¡Here Comes The Main Villain,Brock Barrus,(Moo),Aka King Gallmaxun...>:3
???:*Sitting In His Throne Of Skulls While Grumbling To Himself*,’’Grr...,¡I Killed My Father,(Cartoonz’s/Ifrit’s Pops),In All Coronation Ceremony,And Now,I’ve Got His Realm By Myself,But Today,I Will Need To Hire 3 Mercs Who Will Be Rid Of My Stepson Ifrit...¡,¡Argh¡’’.
???:’’¡Yes,Lord Gall¡’’.
???:’’Once That I’ll Obtain The Ricinus Setiferum,¡No One Shall Stop Me¡’’, ’’¡Hahahaha¡’’,’’But,Man...,¡My Plan Gonna Become Really...,Really...,Really Successful¡’’.
(Author’s Note:This Ep. Is Really Short,But.After All,I Shall Keep Writing More In ‘Zis Lovely App)...,Heh,Heh,Heh...>:3,Yet,Hahahahah...,If Anyone Can Create a Fanart Of This Story..., Tag Me With,’’Marysartstyle_tylernthedemonsflower’’...
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Agh...,!Also,Don't Forget Cartoonz For His Scheming Laughter & Madder Rage!,UwU...👹🐷
What’s your favorite thing about each guy in the group?-lesbian anon
Ooooh that’s a really cool ask! I’ll try picking just one thing for each guy because I can honeslty rant about why I like each of them for hours.
Evan - his creativity + explosions
Brian - pranks + assholeness
Nogla - his idiotic persona + the fact he’s actually very smart
Wildcat - snarkiness + vanity
Brock - innocent + pure
Delirious - hilarious + crazy persona
Marcel - sarcasm
Anthony - kind heart + rage
Scotty - intelligence + good at video games
Holy shit it was so hard picking just one thing, I’ll probably make a seperate post explaining what I like about each of them shskdhsj
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H2ovantoonz: love of the witches
So am making this for October for you all to enjoy :3~
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