A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself or a situation which seems to defy logic. That's a simple definition of paradox.
Often premises can be proven false which rectifies the contradiction. Sometimes they are just play on words, however, some paradoxes still don't have universally accepted resolutions.
On this page you can find several good paradox examples to tease your mind.
Paradox Examples
This is a well known paradox written by the great stoical logician Chrysippos. The poet, grammarian and critic Philetus of Cos was said to have died of exhaustion attempting to resolve it.
1 A Cretan sails to Greece and says to some Greek men who are standing upon the shore: "All Cretans are liars." Did he speak the truth, or did he lie?
2 A week later, the Cretan sailed to Greece again and said: "All Cretans are liars and all I say is the truth." Although the Greeks on the shore weren't aware of what he had said the first time, they were truly puzzled.
If someone says "I always lie", are they telling the truth? Or are they lying?
This version of a famous paradox was presented by English mathematician P. E. B. Jourdain in 1913.
The following is written on opposite sides of a card:
Back side:
Face side:
Analogue paradox to the 'liar paradox' formulated by English logician, philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell.
In a village, the barber shaves everyone who does not shave himself/herself, but no one else.
Who shaves the barber?
If destiny designed a master plan which defines everything that is to happen, isn't it useless, for example, to go to a doctor? If I am ill and it is my destiny to regain health, then I will regain health whether I visit a doctor or not. If it is my destiny to not regain my health, then seeing a doctor can't help me.
How could you question the presented opinion?
My Favorite Sophisms
A slim crocodile living in the Nile took a child. His mother begged to have him back. The crocodile could not only talk, but was also a great sophist and stated, "If you guess correctly what I will do with him, I will return him. However, if you don't predict his fate correctly, I'll eat him." 
What statement should the mother make to save her child?
Sophist: "Yes, greedy man gives his cash with sorrow. However, he doesn't have the cash with sorrow, so he gives what he doesn't have.”
What is better than eternal bliss? Nothing. But a slice of bread is better than nothing. So a slice of bread is better than eternal bliss.
A few sentences from life - funny paradox quotes
1 Nobody goes to that restaurant; it's too crowded.
2 Don't go near the water 'til you have learned how to swim.
3 The man who wrote such a stupid sentence can not write at all.
4 If you get this message, call me, and if you don't get it, don't call.
5 ADVERTISEMENT: Are you an analphabet? Write a letter and we will send you free of charge instructions how to undo it.
Think about these
1 Let's say there is a bullet which can shoot through any barrier. Let's also say there is an absolutely bullet-proof armor which no object can penetrate. What will happen if such a bullet hits such an armor?
2 Can a man drown in the fountain of eternal life?
3 Your mission is not to accept the mission. Do you accept?
4 A girl goes into the past and kills her Grandmother. Since her Grandmother is dead, the girl was never born. If she were never born, she never killed her grandmother.
5 If the temperature this morning is 0 degrees and the Weather Channel says, "it will be twice as cold tomorrow", what will the temperature be?
6 Answer truthfully (yes or no) to the following question: Will the next word you say be 'no'?
7 What happens if you are in a car going the speed of light and you turn the headlights on?
8 I conclude with this challenge:
9 Let the God Almighty create a stone, which he is not capable of lifting!
What are some of the most famous paradoxes?
72 Answers
Dean Yeong, Writer on DeanYeong.com
Answered Sep 19, 2016
The Paradox of Choice
One of the biggest dogma runs like this:
If we want to maximize our happiness, the best way to achieve it is to maximize our freedom.
That is because freedom is in and of itself something valuable, worthwhile and essential to every single one of us. It sounds logical.
When we have freedom, we can use it to do things that maximize our happiness, we’re not taking orders from anyone, and no one needs to make decisions on behalf of us. And the way to maximize freedom is to maximize choice. Most people want to make more money not because they want the cold hard cash, but money actually brings more freedom to our life.
The more choices we have, the more freedom we have. The more freedom we have, the happier we are. No one is ever questioning this.
The top goals most people have today are certainly not job security nor stable relationship and happy family. Most people want to have more freedom to choose how they spend their life in their own term.
Indeed, we are bombarded by endless choices today:
• There are more than hundred of degree programs up to choose from a wide range of colleges and university nowadays.
• Our smartphones come with billions of applications up to download.
• We have hundreds different type of salad dressing when we walk into the grocery store.
All of them should make us happier since more choice means a happier life. This belief is heavily and deeply embedded in our day to day life. But does more choice really lead to more happiness?
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The Negative Side of More Freedom
I’m not suggesting that more choice and freedom are bad to us. There is no argument on how more choice changes our world positively, and we all knew how more freedom brings us more happiness in the personal level.
So, let’s dive right into the negative impacts of more choice brings to us.
(1) Too many choices produce procrastination and paralysis.
Just imagine what would happen if Apple actually launches 100 different models of iPhone in a year. The sales will definitely drop, why? Because there are too many models to choose, it makes it incredibly hard to make a decision and actually picks one.
The problem of it is not about the iPhone’s quality here, but the hassle customers need to go through to make the right choice. The more choice we have, the harder for us to choose. And most people will simply walk away due to the difficulty in making a decision.
The best example is a big majority of startup failures. Most startup failures aren’t caused by the lack of resources or market size, but the lack of focus of the founding team. Smart people with great ideas and endless resources have more choice, which is not always a good thing. In this case, more choice produces procrastination and distractions to focus on the most important matters at the moment.
(2) The opportunity cost leads to comparison and dissatisfaction.
Now, you have 5 oranges to choose from, one of them is the best orange you will ever have in this world. And this is the only chance for you to have that, if you miss it, you will never be able to get your hand on the world’s tastiest orange in your lifetime ever. How is that make you feel?
More choice produces higher expectation to each and every option you have. We now know there is a world’s tastiest orange out of the five, but our brain will assume all the five are the tastiest. Even if we don’t think so, rationally and logically, we assume we will pick the tastiest one, and we can’t accept anything less than that.
But even if you’re incredibly lucky to pick the best, you might think it’s not perfect, because you can never know how the other four oranges taste like. The opportunity cost of the other oranges leads to dissatisfaction in us. This happened a lot in many areas of our life. Some people will think their spouse is not the best because there is always a better one, even their spouse is actually the best for them.
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Eliminate Options and Choices
The more choice we have, the higher our expectation to every choice. The higher the expectation, the harder for us to choose. After we make a decision, we compare our choice with the other alternatives and assume what we have is somehow less attractive, even our choice is the best choice we can make.
The solution to this problem is clear. We first need to break the dogma we believe in so much. More choice does lead more happiness to a certain point, but it’s never linear; more choice after that point, it’s clear that we become more miserable.
We should trim down the choices we have by focusing on the most important thing. Here are a few examples you can implement into your daily life now.
• Focus only on one business idea or career goal, put in all your effort and time to build that up first, before you hop to the next one.
• Remove the other productivity app in your smartphone, you only need one. In fact, you need a pocket-sized notebook and a pen.
• Be content with what you have and who are already with you, appreciate your marriage, make an effort to see the good in your spouse and focus on giving, not receiving.
• Set only one fitness goal, you can’t build mass, cut fats, boost strength, improve endurance, and train for mobility all together at the same time.
• Niche down your targeted market when you’re crafting your marketing campaign. So you can provide what your customers really need, and talk to them using their language.
If you have made a choice before – for your career, relationship, or finance, focus on the choice you had already made. Stop comparing your decision with other alternatives. Instead, focus on what you decided before and make the best out of it.
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The Fish and The Aquarium
We are like a fish in an aquarium. The size of the aquarium dictates the freedom we have, and some of us see it as our constraints. To grow, we need a bigger aquarium. Unfortunately, what most people are trying to do is breaking the aquarium. Without it, you’re a dead fish.
With the advancement of technology today, we are open to limitless choices. Thus, we want to believe that we could have limitless freedom so we can be happier. But limitless freedom is never a good thing. Yes, we do need some freedom to expand and grow, but without constraints, we will have no direction, no standard, no plan, and certainly no happiness.
contradictions (plural noun)
a combination of statements, ideas, or features of a situation that are opposed to one another: "the proposed new system suffers from a set of internal contradictions"
a person, thing, or situation in which inconsistent elements are present: "the paradox of using force to overcome force is a real contradiction"
the statement of a position opposite to one already made: "the second sentence appears to be in flat contradiction of the first" · "the experiment provides a contradiction of the hypothesis" synonyms: denial · refutation · rebuttal · countering antonyms: confirmation · reaffirmation
A contradiction is when to things have a variance with each other. There for, it basically means compare and contrast facts. For example, a contradiction between a cat and a dog is that they are a completely different species and have a completely different phenotype and genotype. 
So there far, there's an example of a contradiction.
Speakers of a given language know that when a certain statement is made and is true, if another statement is made that contarvenes the first one, then its false. 
My younger brother is the only child in our home. 
My younger brother means (+ sibling) 
The only child (- sibling) 
Hence the statement contradicts itself
a contradiction is like an oxy-moron. Like, an anti-absorbant sponge or jumbo-shrimp. they cancel eachother out
bible contradiction
Birds are awesome! Now let's go kill some birds because they are the worst kind of animal on earth!
1、“生前”与“死前”   老师讲到“死”这个字时说:“生“和”死“是一对反义词。根据生死轮回的观点,生和死二种状态不断在转换。生的以前是死,死的以前就是生。小明这下就不明白了:老师,那为什么一个英雄人物去世后讲他活着时的先进事迹时总是讲他“生前”如何如何,而这明明应该讲“死前”才对啊!    2、“果然”与“果不其然”
    老师讲课说:“果然”就是“结果就是这样”,“不出所料”的意思。例如气象预报说明天要下雨,到了第二天真的下雨了,我们就可以说“果然”下雨了。小明又问了:那么“果不其然”是什么意思呢?老师未加思考着马上回答:顾名思义么,“果不其然“就是”结果不是这样“,是”果然“的反义词么。小明又问:那么同样是天气预报,同样是第二天下雨,怎么播音员叔叔说:“果不其然“,下了一场雨。我听来听去,还是“果然”的意思,那么加上“不”和“其”二字不是画蛇添足吗?老师语塞。    3、“救”与“灭”   老师正在解释“救”字:救,就是让濒临消亡的人或物重新恢复生气所采取的行动。例如抢救病人啊,抢救历史文物啊,等等。小明又不明白了:昨天我在电视里看到一幢大楼火烧得越来越大,这火一点也没有“濒临消亡”的迹象,那为什么要去“救”火,而不是灭火呢?老师无法回答,只好说:救就是灭,灭就是救。不待小明继续再问,赶紧夺门而出了。    4、“非”与“不非”   老师说:“非”和“不”字一样,是否定词。用了它,后面的意思就颠倒了。小明想起了上星期天在商店里看到的一位大姐姐,倒有点不懂了。事情是这样的:一对恋人在商店珠宝柜台前,男的看着价值不菲的钻戒面有难色,而女的一边摇着男的手一边说:我非要么,我非要么,你不买就是不爱我。小明直纳闷:这大姐姐嘴上说不要(“非“要),但行动却是一定要,看来真是书没念好,”非“是否定词都不懂。    5、“浮”与“沉”    自然课的老师正在解释浮力,说:木头比水轻所以会浮上来,铁块比水重,所以沉下去。注意,“浮“总是向上的,”沉“总是向下的。小明又有话了:我老是在广播和电视里听到,什么经济指标一会儿”上浮“了,一会儿又”下浮“了,”下浮“怎么个浮法呀?
so we best on,boats against the curewnt,borne back ceaselessly into the past.
from  the great Gatzby
Do you know why people like violence?It is because it feels good.Humans find violence deeply satisfying,but remove the satisfaction,the acts becomes hollow.
who am i? am i a hero? a criminal?
from imitation game
已有 2759 次阅读 2014-12-3 00:10 |个人分类:教育|系统分类:观点评述
1. “矛盾”典故的由来
2. “contradiction”能否被翻译为“矛盾”这个问题的由来
西方逻辑学(Logic)有三条基本定律:同一律(the law of identity)、矛盾律(the law of contradiction)和排中律(the law of excluded middles)。“contradiction”能否被翻译为“矛盾”这个问题,笔者最早是从被誉为日本思想大师小室直树所著的《给讨厌数学的人--数学的奥秘&生活》一书中知晓的。小室直树在书中从“矛盾”典故中提出两个命题:[1]
命题 A:这支矛可以刺穿任何的盾
命题 B:这块盾可以抵挡任何的矛
3. 讨论
3.1 西方逻辑学(Logic)中“contradiction”的含义
设有 命题 A和命题 B。如果命题 A和命题 B满足如下条件,那么,就称命题 A和命题 B之间的关系是“contradiction”:
(1) A = true, B = false;
(2) A = false, B = true
(3) A = true, B = true
(4) A = false, B = false
3.2 “矛盾”典故中“矛盾”的含义
命题 A:这支矛可以刺穿任何的盾
命题 B:这块盾可以抵挡任何的矛
这种情况只能证明 命题B = false,但是不能证明 命题 A = true。说明这点很简单。假如盾是白纸做的,一根竹签就可以刺穿盾。显然,竹签不会是世上最锋利的矛。
这种情况只能证明 命题 A = false,但是不能证明 命题 B = true。说明这点,同样简单。假如矛是茅草做的,即使盾是白纸糊的,这种矛也是刺不穿这种盾的。总之,不论是上面哪种情况,都无法实现当一个命题为假的时候,另外一个命题必然为真。
小室直树先生还在其著作中介绍,受“矛盾”这种中国哲学的影响,日本人在赠予财产处理方面,与美国人是大相径庭。在明治维新之前,日本人向下辈赠予财产是可以反悔的,而美国人是不能反悔的。为什么两��对于财产赠予的处理反差这么大的呢?小室直树先生认为欧美的私人所有权的特性是:“(1) 私人所有权就是对个人所有物具有全面且绝对的支配权;(2) 私人所有权的存在是观念性、逻辑上的决定”。换句话说:小室直树先生认为,正是西方逻辑学的这种“contradiction”,导致西方私人所有权具有“神圣不可侵犯”的特征,从而催生出了现代资本主义。与此对应的是,日本人因为接受了中国的“矛盾”而非西方的“contradiction”,导致日本一直无法建立具有“神圣不可侵犯”的私人所有权,从而日本无法诞生现代资本主义[2]。直到后来日本人选择“脱亚入欧”,才解决了中国“矛盾”哲学对于日本人步入现代文明社会的困扰。
4. 结论 
contradiction的解释是a situation in which inherent factors, actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another。
The boss will not tolerate any contradiction。老板不能容忍有人顶嘴
Armed conflict is likely to break out between the two countries
Contradiction consists of a logical l incompatibility between two or more propositions. It occurs when the propositions, taken together, yield two conclusions which form the logical, usually opposite inversions of each other. By extension, outside of classical logic, one can speak of contradictions between actions when one presumes that their motives contradict each other.
高更 颜色
Edvard Munch   强烈 表情和线条,强烈的色彩
Tiffany Bozic   梦幻和细节,材料
Kim Noble  too much styles and personalities
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For school sport day
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These are the sketches I used in English homework.
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Gif art research
In this paper, I will investigate how to make a gif art and make questionaries to some of the gif artists. Gifs is one of the most contemporary art forms. Most of time, we use them in online chatting and  the main characteristic of this art form is repetition. Some of Gif arts are extraction from other videos, I also wonder if it would be a problem on copy right. What kind of software will we use to make gif art and how to make them? What is the difference between the normal gif and gif art. 
I designed seven questions for each gif artistic and relative new media artists. 3 out of 29 people replied me. Based on their advices, I will report my understanding of gif art and new media art from several angles.
Two out of three of them started to use gif since university. One of them started because of a performance of his idol inspired him. Professor Bao is a teacher of new media art in Fudan university. He was the first group of graduates of new media art. Just like the white mice in the lab, there were no successful Chinese new media artist in 2007 except for them. Cody Walzel started making gifs to post on tumblr back in college at Pratt before he graduated in 2013. The give and take of being part of a strong online community allows artist to be get more personal and honest with their unique artist voice, and get out of the technical world of academic art study. 
As a special art form, gif is suitable for almost all searching engines. It is a small form that can carry several photos. It is an addition to the language. It helps to communicate faster and carries more information and impact than words. However, it is not easy to evaluate and compare it with other mediums, because the medium should be picked depend on what artist is trying to do in a piece of art.
 “If I want something simple with great texture, I might do a linoleum print, If I want something with a lot of control of color and detail, I'd do a digital painting, if I want something quick, loose, and expressive, I'd do an ink sketch on paper, ” wrote Cody Walzer. “Gifs can convey mood in a way that I've never seen outside of film.” 
For most of time, gif is more like a tool rather than an formal art medium for artists. For animators, it is a practice. Gif is commonly used as a presentation of art.
When the artists are choosing the medium, they are thinking about these three questions:
What forms can I tell this idea in? 
What are the funniest/most entertaining forms it could be in? 
What is the most direct means of getting there/the least time for the best result?
New media art is an art form very close to gif art. It is also represented in sound, videos and etc. , unlike the classic paintings. These kind of art need to build relationship with the audience and the living experience of it is very important. For gif, the most important characteristic is repetitive movement which is also called loops. Gif artist need to maximize its advantages and utilize this characteristics. 
Micaël Reynaud is a very good example of gif artist using unending loops and realistic photos.  
Patakk is my favorite gif artist. He used 3 dimensional and geometric to make the unending loops. Compare to the previous one. He paid more attention to the details of the texture rather than the complexity of colors. 
Uno Moralez is a good comic gif artist. He used pixels to tell stories. Pixels make his work more recognizable, classic and creepy.
Photoshop. flash, and after effects are most commonly used softwares. Toonboom Storyboard pro and clip studio. Nuwendo, ableton live are for sounds. Some websites allow you to make simple gifs online.  I have used makeagif.com to extract some clips. 
The success of gif artists mostly have to do with Tumblr and Twitter. 
On websites like Youtube will clearly label the name and the rights of the artists. When I asked the question about the infringement. I found that it is almost unpreventable, but the artists do not think that infringement will be a big concern for them. However, if you find out you're being infringed, gather all the evidence you can, build a comparison, then call a copyright lawyer. You could send them your side by side comparisons, and you might get a little story. So even in the worst case scenario, your artwork has the chance to get a lot of new attention. In the most of New media art, it is hard and meaningless to steal the art. The copyright problems usually are related to the commercial. When you sold it to an organization or a person, copyright become into a problem, otherwise it is not that important.
People lash out at gifs and emojis as a regression of our lexicon back into hieroglyphs, but I don't think that's the full picture. It's irritating seeing emojis overused when it feels like an inarticulate crutch for not having the proper language skills. The stereotype about the way kids and young teens text in broken English and emojis, for example. It's annoying because they're not communicating clearly, and it's a mess to untangle as the reader. But I've seen many bright, articulate people begin to communicate in gifs in ways that they couldn't do as quickly or effectively with words. I think gifs and emojis are just an addition to the tools in our toolbox. If we use them to say things that are better said with moving images than words, the vocabulary of human language could expand exponentially. 
Some companies may invite the artists to help design a gif for them, but pay rates are pretty low, except for Google. Most of the gif artists cannot make living just on making gif arts. Some of the artists can raise donation from their fans, but most of them may take part-time job or make it an interest. For new Media artists, it was truly hard to make art, because the instruments are very expansive. They will seek for support form exhibition holders or make money from other ways to have enough money. The popularization of the art form is essential.
About the evaluation of this art, there is not only one standard. Art is unlimited. There might be opposite evaluation in the same situation. The audience with different level of sensibility and experience will give completely different feedback. If we divide it into two distinct groups, one is led by art history and popular art criticisms, the other one is online artists. The demand from the first kind are the rich people, some organizations and purchasers, the other kind are for the normal people who like to give “likes”.   
My favorite sentence from all my interviews is  “I like what gifs can communicate during a lonely 3am Twitter scroll.”
For the future of the gif art, development of 5G and the technology of webjr maybe will make gif’s advantage of small size become useless, but some the the gif artists deem that gif is an unique art form. 
Form can be out of date in history, people will use the tools according to the current technology and economy to maximize the ability of expression. However, art can still be in any form to shock you.
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