freyalangdon · 3 years
OPEN  STARTER @agnesstarters a  hotdog  stand  somewhere,  late  afternoon.
“yeah,  i  don’t  know  about  that.  seems  pretty  sketch  to  me,”  he  says  to  the  other  upon  hearing  of  their  predicament.  “so  what’s  in  it  for  you  if  you  do  it?”
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“So, you think transferring two million dollars to that Prince overseas who sent me a chain email isn’t a good idea?” Freya quipped, trying her hardest not to crack a smile. She ultimately failed. “I was just messing with you. I thought you’d be used to my bullshit by now.” 
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freyalangdon · 3 years
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“…So yeah, while there were a couple of ‘yikes’ elements from a cultural sensitivity standpoint in it, I really ended up enjoying Jungle Cruise! Granted, the dynamic of the main three was essentially The Mummy, so I was bound to enjoy it for just how much it threw me into a pansexual panic.” Robin conceded with a little shrug, picking up her giant iced matcha latte next to her and taking a sip before looking to her friend that had joined her. “What about you, dear? How was your weekend? I hope you found some time for yourself, maybe even to get some rest.”
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With words coming out at a million miles an hour, Freya couldn’t help but offer the brunette across from her a small, tight-lipped smile. She honestly had no idea what was being said, but appreciated the enthusiasm they exhibited. It was something she didn’t possess in any form. “Jungle Cruise?” The blonde repeated, her processing of the conversation starting off slow. “Isn’t that an amusement park ride?” Furrowing her brow a little, she tried to pinpoint exactly what she was missing out on. 
“You’re too kind. I did rest... for the first time in what has felt like forever. I switched up my skincare routine, and watched a riveting new true crime series on Netflix... Once Upon A Crime.” Now she was the one rambling. “I think I actually stayed up until 3am to finish it.”
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freyalangdon · 3 years
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✨ rosamund pike, cis woman, she/her    —    whenever i see freya langdon meandering down agnes street therefore i am by billie eilish starts to play inside my head. maybe it is the vibe they give off. buying clothes without checking the price tag, reeking of expensive perfume, quitting cigarettes only to take up vaping ;   you know ? pure tranquility is what keeps them interested in agnes. i heard they are a forty year old law professor. they look like the kind of person who smiles in your face while stabbing you in the back. 
name ╱ freya carys langdon
age ╱ 40
birthplace ╱ england
zodiac ╱ scorpio
orientation ╱ bisexual
status ╱ married, in an open relationship
freya comes from old money. she’s the eldest of the langdon family, and she describes herself as the family favourite, or at the very least, her father’s favourite. growing up, she was the apple of his eye and still is. she can do no wrong according to the patriarch, much to her siblings’ dismay. 
she has been living in the united states since she was in her late twenties. she married an american, and has lived all over the country. only in the most lavish accommodation, of course. 
she’s recently moved to islebury in an effort to keep an eye on her younger brother. she lives here with her husband, and can’t help but throw their happiness in everyone else’s face every chance she gets.
in recent months, freya and her husband decided they wanted to try an open arrangement in their marriage. they are free to sleep with other people, although, the line is drawn when it comes to developing feelings. their side ‘flings’ are purely physical, and one of their rules is that they can’t keep seeing the same person for too long.
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freyalangdon · 3 years
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Rosamund Pike in An Education — 2009, dir. Lone Scherfig
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