friednightnightmare · 2 years
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friednightnightmare · 2 years
Using IV Meth Responsibly
I’ve spent countless hours researching blogs/forums/articles/etc of methamphetamine and I compiled a list of guidelines as well as little tools for myself in order to continue using meth while keeling my life manageable. This post is for people who want to use meth and not get lost in addiction.
This may also help current addicts set a structure up for themselves to move them out of addiction.
**DISCLAIMER: I do not encourage the use of methamphetamine, it is an extremely powerful stimulant and it is NOT like any other drug. Please tread extremely lightly.**
Rules that cannot be broken: • No more than one session every two weeks. - Your brain needs at least a week to replenish it’s dopamine reserves. I personally give it at least two weeks to help your brain repair itself, but aim for one month to be on the safer side.
• Don’t binge; your session should not go on for more than 2 days. - Aim for a single day of using and learn how to tell yourself no when the urge to continue using arises.
• Eat and drink water !!! - Here, water is more important than anything else. Make sure to drink tons of water before, during, and after. I like to drink gatorade immediately after taking a slam to replenish electrolytes
Eat a large somewhat healthy meal with a lot of protein beforehand. Your body and brain will thank you. Bananas are excellent to have while on one. When you’re tweaking its very hard to have an appetite for anything, let alone be able to swallow something. Bananas go down very easily and are packed with tons of nutrients your body NEEDS while your body is working so much harder than it usually does. Also, fruits like strawberries, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, etc are very easy to get down, and are nice to eat even though you dont have an appetite.
• Vitamins! - These arent essential but have certainly made me feel a lot better. Omega-3 Fish oil Vitamin D Magnesium Potassium Vitamin B For coming down take vitamin C, it helps get the meth out of your system faster and helps get your body working properly again
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