fritzfreud · 6 months
Chapter 57: About alternatives to control
    (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]   I can’t believe that everything will work out even if I do nothing.                            [ ]   I find it hard to let others handle their own problems.                                                                        [ ]   I hate asking for help. [ ]   If someone offers help I…
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fritzfreud · 6 months
Chapter 56: About self-care
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]   I pay more attention to the needs of others than my own.     [ ]   I often overcommit or overextend myself.                  [ ]   I find it difficult to say No to requests. [ ]   If I want something done right I have to do it…
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fritzfreud · 6 months
Chapter 55: About parenting
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]   I am a “helicopter” parent – anxious, hypervigilant, and/or overprotective.                         [ ]   I worry that my parenting is not good enough.            [ ]   If my kids are unhappy, I’m unhappy.  [ ]   If my kids are happy, I worry it will end. [ ]   I take my kids’ problems and…
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fritzfreud · 6 months
Chapter 54: About self-worth
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]   I often fear being judged or rejected.                                                                        [ ]   I hate making mistakes. [ ]   When I make mistakes, I punish myself.                    [ ]   I worry a lot about what other people think or feel about…
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fritzfreud · 6 months
Chapter 53: About defenses
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]   I worry a lot.                                                               [ ]   I tend to expect the worst.                                           [ ]   I spend a lot of time imagining how other people see me.                                                     [ ]   I often accept…
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fritzfreud · 6 months
Chapter 52: About addictions
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]   I have used alcohol to manage feelings.                                             [ ]   I have used drugs to manage feelings.                                                             [ ]   I have used food to manage feelings.                                                   [ ]   I…
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fritzfreud · 6 months
Chapter 51: About feelings
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]   I live in my head.                                                                                [ ]   “How do you feel?” sounds like a trick question to me. [ ]   I have trouble knowing what I feel.                                        [ ]   I have trouble expressing what I…
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fritzfreud · 6 months
Chapter 50: About caretaking
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]   I am drawn to needy or unhappy people. [ ]   Needy or unhappy people are drawn to me.                                       [ ]   I feel responsible for the happiness of others. [ ]   I tend to anticipate other people’s needs.                                [ ]   It bothers me that other…
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fritzfreud · 6 months
Chapter 49: About people-pleasing
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]   I pride myself on being a nice person. [ ]   I believe that I should always be nice. [ ]   I find it hard to reject another person no matter how much they may deserve it. [ ]   I probably go overboard in doing nice things for other people. [ ]   It’s much easier for me to acknowledge…
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fritzfreud · 6 months
Chapter 48: About relationships
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)       [ ]   Relationships are difficult for me. [ ]   I have trouble feeling safe or comfortable with other people. [ ]   I worry a lot about what others think of me. [ ]   I find it difficult to trust or confide in others. [ ]   I am more careful than spontaneous in relationships. [ ]   I am a people…
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fritzfreud · 6 months
Chapter 47: About family
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)       [ ]   I grew up in an alcoholic family. [ ]   I grew up in a family with members who struggled with substance abuse or eating disorders. [ ]   I grew up in a family with members who struggled with mental illness. [ ]   I grew up in a family with members who struggled with chronic illness. [ ]   I…
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fritzfreud · 7 months
Chapter 46: About boundaries
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)   [ ]   I tend to please others instead of myself.                                 [ ]   I have trouble saying No to requests or demands. [ ]   I find it hard to not absorb other people’s feelings.                [ ]   I feel controlled by other people’s anger.                              [ ]   I will…
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fritzfreud · 7 months
Chapter 45: About emotional problems
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]   I have struggled with anxiety. [ ]   I have struggled with depression. [ ]   I have struggled with substance abuse. [ ]   I tend to forget (or never learned) that anxiety, depression and addiction are all symptoms of emotional constipation — i.e., overcontrolled feelings. [ ]   I struggle with…
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fritzfreud · 7 months
Chapter 44: About internal controlling
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]   I am intolerant of my own mistakes, failures and weaknesses.                                              [ ]   I often beat myself up. [ ]   I feel burdened by shoulds.                                                                             [ ]   I have trouble forgiving…
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fritzfreud · 7 months
Chapter 43: About external controlling
  (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)     [ ]  I avoid new or unfamiliar situations.                                                              [ ]  I avoid meeting new people.                                                                           [ ]  I avoid the unpredictable. [ ] Disorder and disorganization make me…
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fritzfreud · 7 months
Chapter 42: About controlling
(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)   . [ ]   I constantly compare the reality I have to the reality I want. [ ]   I am often unsatisfied or frustrated with things as they are. [ ]   I get anxious when things don’t go as expected.                                              [ ]   I get angry when things don’t go my way. [ ]  When…
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fritzfreud · 7 months
Chapter 41: About control
* (This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)       [ ]   I usually see control as a solution, not a problem.                                            [ ]   I overreact to situations I cannot control.                                                       [ ]   I often complain – aloud or to myself — about my current situation. [ ]   I often find…
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