froggiethoughts · 3 years
Thoughts of Buffy
So, I just finished watching Buffy for the first time and I now have it's spin off Angel to watch. I plan to write more about both shows once I've finished Angel so you'll be seeing another thoughts of Buffy in the future. I just wanted to ramble somewhere about my initial feelings of how Buffy ended and just my thoughts on the show as whole. I loved the show. It was very entertaining to watch.
I loved the characters. There was always someone to relate to on screen. I think my favourite characters were Tara, Oz and Giles. Willow and Spike would have been on that list too as I loved them in earlier seasons but I hate what they became. I felt so seen when Willow had her love triangle with Oz and Tara. I loved both relationships. I love multisexual identities being seen on screen, I hate how they tried to erase that though. I like early seasons Spike too. I thought him and Buffy's dynamic was interesting. I liked how sarcastic he was. But season 6 ruined him by making him do things I just don't think is in line for Spike to do. He was an evil vampire sure, but he was gentlemanly about it.
I don't think the ending was fair either. Anya deserved a better death than to just die with people barely noticing. I have complicated feelings on Spike's death because I do believe that he would die for Buffy, I just don't think his last moments with Buffy was in character for him.
As much as I have my complaints about this show, I have praises for it to. The musical episode was so enjoyable and I loved hearing the cast sing too. On the opposite, I really enjoyed the silent episode too. I really like the chemistry between all of the characters. I loved the father-daughter bond between Buffy and Giles, I think it was beautifully executed. Willow, Xander and Buffy's friendship was very strong. Anya was so blunt and I loved that about her character, same with Cordelia. Xander has a type.
But anyway, I will write something more structured about this show in the future. It's a cult classic. It deserves more than one post. This was just a ramble while I'm still processing the ending.
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froggiethoughts · 3 years
Thoughts Of Annie
As a kid, I loved the 1982 release of Annie. It’s easily the movie that gives me the most nostalgia. Recently, I decided to watch the 2014 remake. I hated it. I feel like so much was removed from the story which had to be done due to it being set in a different time and needing to be updated to fit that, but because of that, there was so much charm that was lost. I much prefer the 30’s time period in comparison to modern day.
Now onto characters, firstly I’d like to talk about Miss Hannigan. What did they do to her? The 2014 Miss Hannigan is working in the care home because she got fired from her band and is taking it out on everyone around her. The 1982 Miss Hannigan is working in a care home because her options just aren’t there, it’s either stick with this job or end up on the streets. The 1982 Miss Hannigan just feels more human to me. Yes, she’s the antagonist but you love to hate her. You can tell from the beginning that there is a connection between her and Annie and by the end of the film it feels like she actually cared about her. That isn’t the case for the 2014 version.
Secondly, I’d like to talk about Grace. In the 1982 movie, she really felt like a mother figure to Annie. She was very focused on her job. She had responsibility to Oliver Warbucks on the business side of things as well. She knew how to get things done. The 2014 Grace literally felt as if she was just there to be Will Stacks love interest.
Since we’re talking about him, Will Stacks vs Oliver Warbucks. Oliver doesn’t like Annie for most of the film. We have little moments where he starts to show he loves her but it’s a slow build up and it makes that moment where he gives her the necklace and she says she wants to find her parents instead all the more heartbreaking. Will Stacks just doesn’t have the same build up, it happens too quickly. I still think the moments where they end up matching like the spit take scene is cute but I much prefer Oliver too Will.
Now let’s talk about the titular Annie. Again, it’s a case of things feel missing. 1982 Annie was a leader at the orphanage, an important figure to Molly, she wasn’t afraid to get in a fight to do the right thing, she’s quite cheeky but also very kind. I feel like a lot of those things the 2014 Annie just wasn’t. She was kind and cheeky to Will but that was it.
I won’t lie, I did quite like the song ‘The City’s Yours’. I thought it was a very cute moment between Annie and Will. Easily the best part of the 2014 film. I feel like if they took Annie as a concept and gave us something different instead of trying to retell the same story in a new time, it would have been a much better experience.
I just want to close this out by saying that if you dislike this film purely for the change of race, you’re out of line. I think representation is an important thing for everyone. I think you should be able to see someone on screen that looks/is like you. I feel like the 2014 film could have been better if they went in a different direction with the script. I think the cast did a good job but it just wasn't as good as the original for me.
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froggiethoughts · 3 years
Thoughts of Loki
So I’ve seen a lot of discourse about Loki on tiktok and honestly, where better to talk about fandom than here? Spoiler warning for the show, obviously.
Firstly, I am so glad that we got some rep in the MCU. I know it means so much to both non-binary and multisexual communities. I know a lot of people feel like the show queer-baited but I want to talk about how I think it didn’t. First of all, the conversation between Sylvie and Loki, he outright said that he likes both and the director of the show confirmed him being bi on twitter. I honestly believe that Loki doesn’t need to “prove his bi-ness” by having a relationship storyline on the show. What has been said is enough for me personally. There are other LGBTQ+ storyline ideas that are barely used in media that I’d rather see for Loki in comparison to seeing him in a relationship anyway. Secondly, it says he’s genderfluid in his files at the TVA and a lot of people are mad that they don’t see him shift to match that, but here is where I think otherwise. All the Loki’s we see are a part of the sacred timeline until a nexus event which causes a new timeline to branch. I think other Loki’s embraced their gender-fluidity much more than the 2012 Loki we know and that could be why their nexus events occurred. Obviously we haven’t seen that in the show yet and that’s just me theorising but I think that it’s a cool idea.
Secondly, Sylvie and Loki. I don’t ship them personally but I have no issue with anyone who does. I think self love is an important thing and I think that what they’ve done with Sylvie and Loki is quite the metaphor for that. I don’t think they should begin a relationship as I think them being friends is really cute, but if they did, It wouldn’t be the weirdest thing Marvel could do. 
I really like this show for more than just the interesting discourse though. From the visuals to the story itself, I think it was really well done. Bonus points for the bi flag colours around in episode 3. It was subtle but also really beautiful to see. Easily one of my favourite shows right now and I’m very hyped for the next episode. 
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