froggyforever · 2 years
So Imma be honest... I might come back, might not, who knows. But I'll be real, I miss my old content, I miss my old art and my old ocs, I wanna get back into what I love to do.
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froggyforever · 2 years
I’m Back from Hiatus!
but now that I’m all good and so is my dad I can get back to making y’all some good ol content!
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froggyforever · 3 years
Hey guys, I'm sure yall have been looking forward to stories and such, and when the time is good I'll get right back to them. I've been in a bit of a dark place with finding out my dads diagnosis, its taken a bit of a toll on a clear thinking process. I apologize for my absence and overall distance, hopefully soon I'll get back on track for yall!
And I want to thank you for supporting the stories, it makes me glad to see so many enjoy my writing. Stay tuned for more fluff and hugs everyone 🥰
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froggyforever · 3 years
I'm sorry for those who requested stories, but recently I have found out my dad has cancer, and mentally I have been strained.  
I hope to come back soon with new writings and hopefully the same people who love my stories.
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froggyforever · 3 years
Practice I did today, not done yet but will past the final piece
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froggyforever · 3 years
Making fanfics on mobile is hard, every other word is misspelt or not the one I wanted cause of auto correct, but I need auto correct cause I can't spell
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froggyforever · 3 years
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Lolita Doll Style S/O
As per requested by @angel-todd-dimitrescu
Each dress is of personal preference as you like, and imo dresses are for everyone cause they cute
You were the most darling thing she had laid her eyes upon. From your ringlets in your hair to the lace of your shoes. Every outfit you have made you look like a perfect doll. She loved watching how proper you were, as you sipped tea from matching tea cups and having a little pastry on the side, it was all too cute! When you met, you were looking for a place to go at night, as you weren't keeping track of time, and the night was extremely dangerous. When the doors flew open you were met by her 3 daughters who immediately brought you in. They cooed at your ruffles and adorable shoes, but you were still scared, until you locked eyes with Alcinas. From then on she would hold you close as you two read books and had tea times, and alcina either buying you more outfits or asking Donna to make you more. Overall she finds your sense of style impeccable and adores how you look. You both are officially together when bonding over the finer things, a beautiful match.
Donna beneviento
When I tell you she freaked out, she freaked, but in the best way. You were out picking some flowers from a garden you thought might have been abandoned when you came to realize the beneviento house was not empty when Donna came rushing out with Angie ready to throw hands. But the moment she saw you her body froze, breath hitching and eyes bugged out. For once Angie was speechless, for about a minute
.. thats when Angie quickly took you by the hand and drug you towards the house where Donna invited you in for a drink. For the first time she was open and constantly complimented you, saying how adorable your style was and compared it to her dolls that she made. Then she got the idea to make you even more that would suit you. You two bonded over lolita and doll styles, with you two talking over tea and sewing adorable outfits and accessories for each other. Its truly a perfect match.
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froggyforever · 3 years
Centaur S/O
The 4 lords meet you for the first time
Lady D
To her you were the most majestic and beautiful creature she had laid her eyes on. You were strong all over, and tall, nearly nearing her height at 6 feet and 7 inches. You had (y/c/c) hair that was sleek and well kept. You kept your tail in similar style to your hair to match, but sometimes your "mane" and tail had flowers braided in thanks to the three girls. She adored the fact you would let them ride your back or pull them around with a small wagon. Thought she was amused how difficult it was for you to make way through the castle. One evening when the sun went down you took her to your favorite spot. It was an open field that was barren but had flowers here and there. The mixture with the moonlight and fireflies, it was a very romantic place. You loved showing how fast you could gallope, wowing her with your speed and raw horsepower. When settled you two would sit together, you letting her rest against your side as you put flowers in her hair. Courageous, beautiful, kind and a shining smile. The first time you let her ride on your back was quite silly, as she was scared she'd crush you. But you were more than confident that it'd be fine. She treated you like porcelain but reluctantly got on, and lone and behold you carried her like she was nothing but like a carriage. All in all, you were her perfect match.
Donna Beneviento
You awed her with your grace and agility. You loved to go around town jumping over obstacles or buying apples from the Duke. You wanted to go fast and fast you went, amazing her with your speed and you would race past her home and the castle. What truly set her emotions in motion was when she was out, on her way to Castle Dimitrescu. Half way there she witnessed you go toe to toe with some lycans, them holding blunt weapons and you a sword. When you reared and charged you fought quickly and harshly against them, kicking one and slicing the other. When they were good as down, you were about to ride off before noticing Donna and Angie. Angie advised Donna to run but instead she froze, not in fear but gawking at you. You saw her as no threat, quite the opposite really. Compared to your stature she was quite small. You offered her a hand and let her ride as you took her to the castle. From then on you stuck around and took her back and forth from home then to the castle.
Salvatore Moreau
He could've sworn you were a goddess when he saw you trudging through his territory, water up to half your legs, and having to jump some of the goop like hurdles, similar to a sport horse. Your power when you moved was extraordinary to him. He felt horrible that something as elegant as you have to tread through such conditions. But as you got closer to his hiding spot, the sun shown, emphasizing your coats color. When you had spotted him in his... not so secret hiding spot, you chuckled and waved, making his breath hitch in his throat. You approached and asked him where he lived. He nearly had a heart attack as he shakily pointed afar. You knelt and had him hop on as you trotted to his home lickity split. He was head over heels and you too were smitten by his shy demeanor. From then on you went on walks with him and watched movies.
Karl Heisenberg
He nearly shit himself when he saw you wondering through the forest. He thought he was seeing things until you locked eyes with him. You looked around then back to him, and trying to seem friendly, you gave him a smile with a nod. He hesitantly tipped his hat to you, unsure what to say or do. When you got closer he was speechless. You looked strong, and looked like you could easily trample him if you wanted to. But you were showing him a non-threatening aura, and it sparked interest. You started the conversation, like what's your name or how old are you. He answered and asked things back, where'd you come from, how are you real? You two laughed and walked together to his factory, and he showed you around. Well your presence riled up the lycans. One got too close behind you, and instinctively you kicked it, its body flopping to the floor. Instead of anger, he whistled. He had no reason for anger cause "y'never walk behind a horse." You two from then on would hang out, showing each other different skills in crafting.
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froggyforever · 3 years
Hey if my stories have errors or smth don't be afraid to lemme know cause I will fix them asap! My phone either autocorrects or I accidentally have grammer errors due to having 2 braincells, so I do apologize if they have a few errors
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froggyforever · 3 years
S/O Dancer teaches the lords some moves
Lady D
When you showed her some of the dancing styles you knew she qas quite impressed, while she didn't care for much ot the modern moves it was a breath of fresh air to see something different. One day you showed her some vouging and it peaked her interest. "Posing in sync with the song, seems to be simple enough." She would chide as she attempted, but not quite there, you showed her the basics and let her practice with you. You had to admit, vouging was a great way for her to frame her beauty in an artistic and lively way. In other words- it made her 20% hotter. In hindsight you both enjoy dancing together and bonding through practice.
Donna beneviento
She was enchanted by your fluid movements as she played the piano for you, and you suddenly did the most beautiful ballet moves. She was blown away by how elegant you were, and questioned why you never told her. You explained you took ballet in your younger years but later on taking on other forms of dance because you simply lost interest in ballet but still knew the moves. She would give you pleading eyes and you took the hint, teaching her some moves and how to hold her balance. As always she was a natural, but she was more excited that you two had something you could do together.
Salvatore Moreau
He was thrilled at how talented you were, and just how cool you looked showing off harder moves on the floor. What shocked him more was the fact you could dance in the water! Synchronized swimming was an elective in school and for a long time you were in it, learning alot of stuff and you could hold your breath for a long time. You got into your old uniform and got into the water with him, showing him easy moves first and he was getting the hang of it. From then on every weekend was swim day to practice and just have fun together.
Karl Heisenberg
Now all that was on this man's mind at first was dirty dancing, he would pry a bit and ask if you knew how to. Well of course you did BUT you wanted to save it, so you showed him the basics and then breakdancing on the ground. He was really approving cause of your "impressive footwork" as he'd call it. You wanted to teach him and well... he moves like an old man. Stiff and silly is the way to put it. He might be suave but he's got two left feet but that never stopped him from having fun. One session he did some really awkward crumping moves, with an odd smolder, "is this what the kids say is "bussing it down"? Because I'm bussing it hard!" It was embarrassing but still funny.
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froggyforever · 3 years
S/O that has a big lack of self preservation aka if it's too high up I will do anything in my power to get it no matter how dangerous it may seem
As per request by @insomniac-delusions
Lady D
You were always getting into things that were too high up for yourself. If you wanted it you were gonna get it, no help required. While you were in the kitchen, you were about to make a cup of coffee when you notice YOUR FAVORITE CUP is on the highest shelf. Well no problem just a bit of climbing and- no wait still can't get to it. Since your gf is over 9 feet tall the shelves were redone to be higher for her and you know for a damn fact that one of the girls purposely put it up high. Well no matter to you, you were gonna get it anyhow. You grabbed a stool and set it on the counter and- oh you pushed it farther in. No matter! You got down and got a spatula. Well back onto the counter, then the stool and used the spatula to push it forward. Well you forgotten how wobbly it was, making alot of clamor and drawing you beloved to your location. She gasped and scooped you up making you pout, BUT YOU GOT THE MUG! You celebrated by holding up the mug like a prized jewel. "You could've gotten hurt!" She scolded. You give her a small smile while at the same time looking guilty. She shook her head and asked you to promise you'd ask her next time. Welllll that would fall short because when you wanted it, you wanted it!
Donna beneviento
You were pretty agile bit yet again you needed to get the stuff. You were in Donna's home looking for something, and you were checking
e v e r y w h e r e. At long last you saw it on the high shelf in the dining room. It was your sewing kit. Your favorite jacket had a tear and you wanted to fix it. So with all your might you stretched as high as possible but alas, to no avail. So the next best thing was to grab nearby furniture, and with that you grabbed a chair and a stool, staking them. You got on top and started to wobble but you were sooooo close! Your fingers brushed the handle if the kit just barely getting it. Grunting and pushing, you were too busy to realize that Angie was on the table watching silently in entertainment. Before you could grab it you hear an audible gasp in the doorway, making you look back too quickly, you taking a small tumble before landing on your feet. "WHAT were you thinking dear!" She never yelled and when she did, prey that God is more forgiving after you d i e. But thankfully she wasn't too mad, she brought you in a tight hug. Angie was laughing her ass off, she thought it was funny how you fell, but was glad you were OK. Unfortunately it wasn't the last time you would pull this stunt.
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froggyforever · 3 years
As per request by @zombieebrainz here is scenarios where the lords end up in your body/ body switched! I hope you like it!
Lady D
At first she would be startled and try to keep her calm, but when she learns this is temporary she eases up a bit. She takes her time getting used to her new height as she doesnt need to duck under doorways. She would see a mirror am take her time to study your face more, smiling a bit as she tried to not smile like a lovestruck goober, but she couldn't help it. The small intricate features were too adorable. She would find beauty marks here and there and freckles, chuckling at how cute they were. She would tease a bit as she looked up at you in her own body as you got flustered at her exploring your body. Then finally she'd ask you to pick her up as to learn to what it felt like, and now she won't get down.
Karl Heisenberg
He lowkey freaks out because he doesn't want to be stuck in your body no matter how adorable you were to him, he wanted to look at you not be you, but he cools off after learning that the changes will be reversed the next day. He goes to his workshop and quickly learns how hard it was to do things without his powers. Not to mention his new height. He wasn't used to it and kinda wobbled a bit every now and then, passing mirrors was bonkers in Yonkers, but he stood infront of one for a while playing with your hair and looking at yourself at your perspective, thinking "damn... (y/n) Is so cute..." you got red in the face as he poked and prodded around, laughing at your whines. Overall he finds it an enlightening experience and brings you two closer.
Donna Beneviento
She actually cried thinking she was stuck in your body, feeling sad she would never look into your eyes through hers again, but she calms down after you explain its just for 24 hours. She wanted to check things out a little, and observed your looks a but more. The whole time both of your faces were a bit red. Angie was laughing the whole time whether through giggle fits or cackling at you guys trying to figure out how to go to the bathroom, but it was admittedly funny as it was embarrassing to you both. As soon as you two are a little used to it, you decided to lay down but not without getting on your pjs. You did your hair the way you usually did (up/down) and lounged like you normally would. Donna laughed as she saw herself in your clothes and said "well my dear, I wasn't expecting to see myself wearing sweatpants." Then she would get on your other pj's and actually liked how they felt. She laid with you and watched you play with her hands before falling asleep.
Salvatore moreau
He sighed of relief but with a bit of sorrow as to learning of your changes and his were for 24 hrs. He likes the feeling of being upright with good posture. He sat down in comfortable positions and stared at your legs before putting his hands over his eyes in embarrassment. He liked the height difference as it gave him new perspective, and that he could see all the new details of you that he's yet to notice or were unseen to him. When he noticed you were gone he took off looking for you, finding that you were in the waters swimming, basically having the time of your life. He laughed as he watched but got a chill from being outside, realizing he never felt the cold too often. You on the other hand were having a blast in the cold waters and swimming far down and back up. When back inside it was odd to see himself stand in your own positions, whether it was your hands on your hips and legs wide stances. He found your body to feel cute in a way, your adorable soft skin, your shining eyes. He got to appreciate you more while having a bit of a break. Yooou on the other hand learned just how heavy his back is, like a backpack full of heavy textbooks that nearly weighed you down. You two set off to bed as he complimented your pj's that were very comfortable and you on the other hand just put on your sweatpants (bonus points if they have rhinestones) making him laugh a little.
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froggyforever · 3 years
So lemme give a list of things that might be good.
Dirt bike stuntman
Triclops or 3 eyed
A fairy (elemental based)
Centaur reader
Obsessed with certain animals
Pls lemme know down in the comments which one you'd like to see and I'll get a writin it down!
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froggyforever · 3 years
The Lords with a mega blind S/O with thick glasses
So basically you have glasses that are v thicc because without them you cannot see more than 10 to 15 inches from your face.
Lady D
She finds that your frames are rather elegant and dashing, and fit your face shape well, complementing your looks as she'd say. What did surprise her was just how badly you needed them. Curiously she inspected them as you had laid them to the side as you rubbed your eyes a little, and she decided to look through them, immediately regretting it. How was it possible to make lens that thick? You felt around a bit for your glasses and couldn't focus on anything, like, a n y t h i n g. Your eyes nearly squinted shut trying to focus. She had a giggle fit at the scrunch of your face and gently set them on your head with a smile. She'd want to keep a close eye on you so you wouldn't trip or bump into things.
Karl Heisenberg
He loves seeing you adjust your glasses when they'd slip a bit from your nose, and seeing your eyes trying to focus on something from afar. One night he was teasing you and held your glasses above his head to see you try and get it but was shocked at how fast you gave up as you literally could not see the fuzzy mass above you. Your hands had to feel around him up to his arm to get to them, your eyes not even focused on what you were after as to there was no point. He had a bit of a laugh but felt bad for both teasing you and just how bad your eyes were. He kissed your nose with a pat on the head, his way of apologizing.
Donna Beneviento
She loved the way you looked with them, but she was always wondering what you looked like without them, as you always had them on. "Dear? May I see you without your specti- I mean glasses?" She asked with a head tilt. Angie was also curious. "Come on four eyes I wanna see too!" Donna chuckled and shush her for asking rudely but you weren't too hurt, she was just teasing. You reluctantly took your glasses off and felt for the table to set them on. You were going to look at her but couldn't make out whether if it was Angie or Donna that you were looking at. Much to your dismay it was actually the face of another doll on the table. With a chuckle she gently held two fingers under your chin to face her. "As per usual my dear, stunning. But I can see that you need these more than I thought." She giggled as she set them on your face, and kissing your cheek.
Salvatore moreau
He didn't mind your glasses, in fact he thought it added to your personality. He adored the way your eyes lit up behind the lens, especially when it came to cute or beautiful things. One day you two went off to go swimming and he was already in the water before you. As you set your stuff down you were about to get in the water when he stopped you. "Dear? W-wouldnt you like yo take of your glasses? They might get damaged." He suggested. You laughed a little and said "That would be a bad idea." He raised a brow as he looked at you questionably. "Well, how far c-an you see?" He leaned on the edge of the dock as you put your hand about 10 inches from you face. "T-hat bad?" He said shocked. You nodded and took them off, putting them on his face and laughed when the lens made his eyes 10x larger. He joined in as well as he helped you in and gave back your glasses, being sure to be careful when you swam.
I hope you all like it!
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froggyforever · 3 years
I will write even more imagines for stuff bUT there are lil terms I'll fill you in
There will probably be adult content so MINORS here's the tea, if it says there is NSFW please for the love god don't l o o k!
Here's what I will write
X reader, smut and butts, and mild violence
Here is what I refuse to touch with a ten foot pole
Non con/rap3, incest, intense gore (tasteful gore is fine)
If you want it to be serious heck yeah, if you want it goofy af I am down! And if you do forget these rules dw I will just remind you and ask for a re-request so you can still get a story
Don't be scared to ask I will NOT judge for I have no room to in the first place!
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froggyforever · 3 years
Smol gremlin monster energy drink chihuahua take 1 @insomniac-delusions per request as promised
I gib you the lovely chaos, tell me what you think and tell me your thoughts below!
Lady D
She was taken aback by they hyperactive personality, but felt her heartstrings pull at how cute it was that your stature was less than half her leg if maybe smaller.
She loves seeing you run around playing with her daughters, letting them burn out their energy but yet you managed to maintain your own all the same. She then learned that you consumed more caffeine than your body weight could even handle, like how can such a small being have 5 energy drinks and not die? Well to her surprise after a few cans of sippy, you managed to conk out on the couch fast asleep. She loves every little bit of you! She also loves the fact that you won't hesitate to defend her honor as you had tried to bite a chunk out of Karl when he called her names.
Karl Heisenberg
When I say he loves being next to you it's the full on t r u t h! The chaotic energy is hilarious to him, and the size difference is immaculate. When he works he gets to hear an earful of conspiracies tied to birds working for the government and how it's totally true because why can't you see baby pigeons in the wild, do not trust them. One night it was pretty calm and he thought 'oh no, too quiet, they might be hurt or worse' well to his surprise you were in your shared room watching tik toksTM and downing as many monsters as your stomach can handle and a whole package of double stuffed oreos. He's startled by the amount of caffeine is inside each cans and is concerned about your health. But to his dismay he tried to pry them from your hands only to be hissed at and called a piss baby bitch for stealing your juice. He find it hilarious that when you're messed with,, its on sight. When I say this a lycan got into your snacks and you canceled it's life subscription. Overall he's head over heels for your goofy self.
Donna beneviento
At first she felt overwhelmed at how much energy you burned in one setting but warmed up to you when you were sitting close quietly looking through reddit for the memes and you were curled up in the cutest little ball. Your form was enveloped by the sofa making you look like a little doll. Angie warmed up quicker because you two match energy so well that it's lowkey scary. Donna finds it lovely that the two of you can get along, she gets to have some personal time but most importantly seeing two of her Most precious beings having the time of their lives. When you would hang out in her workshop you found it difficult not to point out that maybe, just maybe that Miranda has been conspiring with aliens because she's old af, knows gov officials and the pentagon already said "no cap" in your words. She was worried about your caffeine intake, she saw you in the dining room chug 10 redbulls while Angie chanted chug till you passed out at the table. She thought since you were so smol she would need to protect you with her life but found out you can manage yourself when some brave lycans got too close to her house and they left with bite marks. You also cursed out Miranda for being a bad mom which Karl also enjoyed. She's glad to have you in your life!
Salvatore Moreau
This poor man could not keep up with you because you gotta go fast. You would get bursts of energy to do all the things, run, sprint and trying to fight things. It was chaotic and intimidating personality wise but when you would stand still for 2 minutes he realized just how small you were. It reminded him of a very very angry garden gnome, but in a cute way. He was thrilled when you would talk nonstop about fish and how you both agreed that it was odd that everything was evolving into crabs and that you believe you are nearing the final evolution. He laughs at your jokes and enjoys sharing memes with you as using humor instead of therapy is just better. He nearly has a heartattack when he catches you with your stash of rockstars, and your Amazon wishlist with a cappuccino machine. You say you will drink less caffeine, that is till you come home with a venti frap with 10 shots of espresso. Even the batista was concerned he's learned to accept that you can down as much caffeine and still function normally, especially when you can nap for 10 hrs straight and call that a nap. He also feels like you need to be sheltered from all harm till you headbutted Karl's nose making it cronch after he called Sal some names. He's glad to have someone so amazing and funny in his life!
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froggyforever · 3 years
Alright so picture this yall
The lords with an S/O who can down 5 monsters and 2 cups of coffee a day with gremlin energy, just straight up feeds on chaotic energy. Bonus points if the reader is the size of a garden gnome (short alike a chihuahua). If someone can write this I will uh.. pay in a hug and some belly button lint.
But I will totally write this if requested
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