froggytape · 4 years
Can We Stay Like This?
Omegaverse: Tsuyu gets a call from Kaminari on her day off, Kami urgently asking her to come where he is. When she gets there she finds a late presenting Sero in heat who was asking for her. Spending time with him makes her start to think about the past and what their future could hold. AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22536757
It had been some years since they all graduated, but they made sure to plan a reunion at least every year. It was something everyone looked forward to. Sure they all kept in touch, the group chat they made back in high school was still there for updates and planning. They all had their own lives now, some joined together and created agencies, others had joined pre-existing ones with close friends.
Even in their busy lives it wasn’t odd to get a text or call from someone every now and then, but for Kaminari to be calling her? He doesn’t normally call. Maybe a text but never a call, is something wrong?
“Hey Kami, everything okay?” “Hey Tsuyu- um..do you happen to be busy?” His voice over the line was hushed yet urgent, something rare for Kaminari. Sure she had some minor shopping to do, but that could wait until her next day off.
“No I’m off today, why? Is something wrong?”
“I guess that’s one way to put it. Can you get over here? I’ll text you the address, we just need you here as soon as you can.” We?
“Uh, yeah. Let me grab some pants and I’ll be on my way.” She fibbed. She was still in her clothes from yesterday when she came home late from the agency.
“Thanks so much Tsu, see you in a bit!” The call ended with a click, Tsuyu rushing to get a quick shower and clothes. In the scramble to get out of her apartment, she had the sense to grab the emergency kit she keeps above the counter. She practically flies down the stairs, checking her phone and heading across town to the address Kami sent.
After a quick ‘I’m here’ message and a buzz in to the apartment building, she’s racing up steps again until she’s in front of the apartment number Kami sent her. Her heart pounding in her chest, she doesn’t know what to expect on the other side of the door. The knock causes hushed voices on the other side of the door, soft steps approach until familiar yellow eyes peek out to see who’s there.
“Oh thank god, just a second.”
The door is swiftly closed with a click, more hushed whispers ensue until she’s quickly ushered in. The small space opens up into a commons area with a small kitchen off to the side. The shades had been closed and lights turned off, the only light coming from an overhead fixture above the small kitchen sink. It takes her eyes a moment to adjust, her view of the commons being blocked by the yellow omega. “I got here as fast as I could, what’s going-“
The scent blindsides her. A heavy, crisp woodsy scent that’s almost over bearing. And she knows that it’s not coming from Kami. She recollects herself, now even more confused why she would be brought here during someone’s heat. She’s careful to keep her tone even and low. “Kaminari what-”
“I’m sorry Tsu, he just kept asking for you and I didn’t know what else to do. I thought it would just be best to ask you to come.”
Who was asking for her? During their heat? Doesn’t an omega usually want an alpha when they’re in heat? “Kami, who? Who’s asking for me?” She was racking her brain trying to think of who they both know that would want her there, nothing seeming to connect. She could tell Kami was trying to keep himself calm as well, he mumbled something before stepping to the side to let her fully see the commons area.
The sight made her stomach feel strange. Side tables and other small furniture had been moved to the far side of the room out of the way, the floor and part of the couch were covered in blankets and clothes in a hurried makeshift nest. In the dim light she could make out a figure in the nest, curled up as if around something.
She glanced at Kami before setting down the kit she brought and slipping off her shoes. She took slow, light steps closer until she could make out who it was in the nest. Her heart felt like it stopped, but the heartbeat pounding in her ears told her otherwise. Curled up in the nest was their friend from high school, causing even more confusion and rattled thoughts.
But Sero was a beta wasn’t he? This seems really late to present, but stranger things have happened. They made a group in high school with all their beta friends, which wasn’t many but made them feel like they needed to stick together even more. The floor creaked under her next step, causing Sero to raise his head up with a whine.
“Tsuuuu?” That made her melt, she felt like they were back in high school. When they would joke and flirt around, movie nights with the whole class that ended up with one of them passed out on the other’s lap, game nights and tickle fights that left them both out of breath from laughing. It was a comfortable feeling, one she didn’t know they would have again..
“I’m here, Hana. Is it okay if I come in?” She hadn’t realized her use of the old nickname, barely seeing Kami cock his head in her peripheral. “Tsuuu” he nodded, dropping the couch pillow he had curled himself around and reaching out to her with grabby hands like a small child. She takes careful steps into the nest, taking a spot next to him while leaning against the couch. Kami had floated his way around the small apartment, having grabbed water and snacks from the kitchen and settling down on the other side of Sero. She’s almost instantly latched onto, small noises coming from the newly presented omega as her hand finds its way to pet his hair like she did back when he would fall asleep on her.
The room is quiet, the only noises coming from Tsu and Kami’s quiet conversation and an occasional whine from Sero. They decided to catch up a bit, Kami revealing that he was wanting to ask his partner to be his mate. Tsu was happy for him, if not a tiny bit jealous even. It was hard to keep relationships, especially in the hero field. Sure she had tried dating, hero work just made it so much more difficult so she decided to be more focused on her work.
Their conversation was comforting, Kami seemed glad that someone else was here besides just him and Tsu was glad she could get out of the house and help her friends. He excused himself for a phone call to which Sero found it as an opportunity to whimper as he grinds himself up against her leg.
“Sero..I wish I could help.” She pushed his hair out of his face and gave his forehead a small kiss. The simple kiss seeming to calm him down a tiny bit as he whined. Kami came back sooner than expected, saying Jiro was going to stop by on her way home. Tsu had to swallow down a lump in her throat. It completely slipped her mind that Sero has a pack, Jiro’s pack.
Finding an omega in heat from her pack cuddled up with an outside beta wasn’t going to be a pleasant experience. “Do I need to leave before she gets here?” Her question gets a loud, whiny “Noooooo” from Sero and an affirmed head shake no from Kami.
“I told her that you’re here, and that he wants you here. She shouldn’t be upset and if she is, I’ll take care of it.” Kami’s attempt to assure her calms her down for the moment, his promise of peacefulness from Jiro leaving her with a lingering question.
“Is she- your partner you talked about earlier?” A simple question, but it earns a nod and a stupidly happy smile from Kami.
The hours pass by, having made sure Sero ate and drank every hour. Even if his eating was more of just him nibbling until the other two were satisfied. They all jump a bit when a light rapping on the door fills the room, none of them noticed how long it had been.
Kami barely held in his excitement as he jumped and hurried to the door, having asked Sero before he moved if Jiro could enter. As the two have a quiet conversation in the doorway, Kami no doubt telling Jiro the situation, Tsu tries to prepare herself for the worst as she keeps her hold on Sero.
He doesn’t seem to mind the slightly tighter grip, burying his face into her with small content chirps and- purring? Did she really comfort him that much? It was a nice feeling, reminding her that he wanted her here. He asked for her to be here.. “And I’m not going anywhere” she softly mumbles for just the two of them.
She sighs before the couple enter the room, she was ready to sit and take everything Jiro had to throw at her. Sero wanted her here and she was not going anywhere. And Jiro definitely had some things to throw at the green beta, as soon as their eyes met Jiro was growling with a protective and defensive resonance. It flooded the small room, sending a clear message for Tsu to watch herself.
Kami kept true to his earlier statement, grabbing the alpha’s arm and whispering something to her that must have calmed her down because after a couple minutes the growling had been reduced to a low rumble that eventually stopped. The warning still remained active, thick in the air.
Jiro’s entrance earned a head raise and a small wave from Sero, he didn’t seem too phased by the alpha. Other than rubbing himself against Tsu’s leg more than before. Kami assured them ‘Jiji’ was only here for a bit to check on Sero, she had meetings tomorrow morning and patrol in the afternoon so she wouldn’t stick around long. Jiro tried protesting during his speech to no avail.
“You and I both have work tomorrow, Jiji. We’re both going home and to bed.”
“He’s not being left here without a pack member, Denks. That is final.” Jiro spat her reply with a growl, her gaze snapping to Tsu.
Jiro’s demeanor made Tsu want to crawl in a hole, but she knew it was all to keep Sero safe. “I-I can leave” Tsu speaks up, earning another very loud whine from Hanta before Kami steps in again.
“He’s not being left alone either, I can see if Bakugo or Mina will come over. Sero wants her here Jiji.”
He marches off to go make a couple calls, leaving Tsu faced alone with the on-guard alpha. After several moments of silence, save for Kami’s muffled phone calls in the hall, Tsu breaks the quiet wanting to reassure Jiro if she could.
“Jiro I promise I-“
“I-I know Tsu. It’s just-“ Jiro’s expression had gone from anger to a complicated mix of upset and confused in a matter of seconds. Tsu knew what she was trying to say, Jiro’s second gender was keeping her on alert and agitated at the presence of a non pack member in a pack omega’s nest during a heat. The room fell to a less tense silence than before until Kami returned.
He had worked out a schedule with Bakugo and Mina for the next few days. Tsu was welcome to stay as long as she liked, Bakugo or Mina would be here with them as per Jiro’s condition for the situation. Jiro offered to go pick up clothes and overnight stuff from Tsu’s apartment for her, Tsu tossing her the keys and texting the key code and address to the building.
It seemed like a sort of apology or Jiro’s way of making it up to the beta, and Tsu was grateful. Kami stayed with the two until Jiro got back, Bakugo having caught up to Jiro and came in with her so the couple could leave. To Tsu’s surprise, Bakugo brought in a couple bags of groceries when he arrived. Saying hello with a grunt as he went to the kitchen to make a rather late dinner.
Sero was dozing in and out of sleep enough that she could wiggle free without too much of a fuss, trodding to the kitchen to help however she could. “Hey dandelion, how can I help?” Bakugo had become less volatile through the years, making it easier to joke around with him.
“Hey frogger. Chop some veggies while I tend with this.”
She caught a glimpse of broth and a package of noodles on the counter. Bakugo’s ramen! Yes! He brags about it all the time, but Bakugo really was a damn good cook. And home-y comfort foods were his specialty. She did as he needed and soon they had three bowls and some extra noodles. The two sat at the small table and ate, Sero still snoozing away in the nest.
Their conversation was nice, talking about their lives and even some of their coworkers. The two of them had spent some time at the same agency until Bakugo moved up and joined one with some of their other classmates.
Bakugo has started doing some international work when heroes are needed, but before he’s able to talk about some of his trips a whiny Sero stumbles his way into the kitchen. He seems more awake and coherent than he was before, though a bit wobbly on his feet, he’s ushered to the table and a bowl slid in front of him with some vitamins Kami had left.
They resume their conversation, Sero busy eating but giving an occasional ‘mhm’ or grunt to signify he was listening. Tsu excused herself to go shower, seeing this as the best opportunity to do so since Sero was distracted. Maybe she could get a shower and her hair dried before he dropped again.
When she returns she finds Bakugo cleaning the kitchen but Sero nowhere in sight. “Where did he run off to?” She tries to hide the creeping worry in her voice. Almost as if on cue, she hears the shower start up again.
“He went off to his room, waiting so he could shower.” Bakugo was never one for extravagant detail, he bluntly got to the point with his words. That was something you could count on at least, getting the blatant truth rather than something sugar coated to spare your feelings.
“Should I set up a bed on the couch?”
“You can if you want. He’ll probably drop soon and be heat drunk again though.” She helped him clean and put dishes away, but knowing her, she had questions and figured Bakugo with his bluntness was the best one to ask them to.
“Why is he so attached to me? Kami said he kept asking for me, and I know we were close and flirty in high school but it never seemed to go anywhere beyond casual flirting. And even then it’s been a few years.”
She’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy spending this time with Sero, it felt like a dream, like they were back in high school. In the few years since school, they always greeted each other with hugs and laughed together at the reunion they all fought so hard to keep going.
“A bunch of us thought you two would move in together after graduation. We all noticed little things you guys would do for each other. You two just seem to click.”
She wonders just how much they noticed, some things happened with no one else there. Like how she would run to Sero if she had a nightmare, or vice versa. The lullaby from her childhood that she would sing for him when he couldn’t sleep, the way he’d play with her hair until she dozed off. Little things that meant a lot to the both of them.
“I guess I didn’t realize how much you guys-“ her sentence is cut off with a little squeal/eep, earning a head shake and a chuckle from Bakugo. She hadn’t heard the water turn off or the footsteps come up behind her. Unsuspected hands had wrapped around her torso and a face pressed into the side of her neck.
“Someone’s out of the shower.” Bakugo teased, finishing the cleaning. “It would have been nice if someone had warned me.” She cuts a joking glare to Bakugo, who throws his hands up like he’s innocent. A mumbled ‘sorry’ comes from both the omegas, she still appreciates it even though she wasn’t really mad or upset.
After a while they all migrated to the common room, back to their spots from earlier only this time with Bakugo instead of Denki and a movie playing on the small tv. They pulled the comforter off of Sero’s bed for the nest, which they quickly found out that Bakugo is a tremendous blanket hog.
The guys had fallen asleep, Bakugo had successfully burrito-ed himself with the entire comforter while Sero was laid across Tsu’s lap. At least she thought the guys were asleep, that was until Sero rolled over and looked up at her. Bakugo was right, Sero dropped right before the movie and the movie ended an hour or so ago.
She started to think he was still under or not fully awake from his nap, he briefly proved her wrong and snapped her from her thoughts.
“Can you sing for me? Like old times?” His question was pleading, and brought a smile to her face and she felt it show in her eyes. “On one condition.” She missed their old habits too, overjoyed they could have this moment to rekindle them.
“I’ll sing for you, if you play with my hair like you used to.” He quickly agreed, lifting his head to let her settle down then wrapping her in a hug. It was nice to be held again, especially by familiar arms. He sat his chin on the top of her head, letting his hand twirl her hair. And that was all she needed; being back like this, singing for him as he stroked her hair. It wasn’t long until they were both soundly asleep.
When she woke in the late morning she was surprised to still be somewhat entangled, he had moved down and snuggled into her stomach at some point while she slept. What wasn’t surprising was the dried up drool stains on her shirt, that was something she was used to from cuddling with Sero.
She tried to stretch as much as she could without waking him up, her neck feeling dry like her skin should be flaking. Upon further investigation via a quick check with a front facing camera, it looked like someone left sloppy, drooly kisses all on her neck. She looks down with a knowing smirk at her late night attacker, all wrapped around her waist like a belt.
Before she had a chance to go back to sleep, she noticed Mina peeking at them from the other side of the room. When had Mina and Bakugo swapped out? She half expected the spiky blonde to still be around somewhere, his blanket burrito had been vacated.
“Good morning sleepy head!”
No matter the time it always seemed like Mina had boundless energy. “Good morning Mina, what happened to Bakugo?” She tried to stop herself from yawning, failing pretty hard at it.
“Oh, Blasty has to go in this afternoon so I’m here until later tonight! Do you need anything right now?” They might have called Midoriya and Kirishima walking sunshine boys in high school, but Mina blinded people with the sheer amount of energy she put out.
Tsu looked down, she was pretty much trapped. She had issues in high school wiggling out of Sero’s sleepy cuddles, if she even tried to move now he’d just tighten his grip so she couldn’t move at all.
“A bottle of water if you wouldn’t mind? I’m a bit trapped at the moment or I’d get it myself.”
“Sure thing Tsu!” She scrambled to get out of the room, bringing back the bottle she promised. Something didn’t seem right with Mina, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She looked and acted like herself, but there was something about her exuberant energy that seemed almost like it was forced.
“Are you feeling alright Mina? You seem a little off.” If something was up with Mina, she wanted to talk with her before Sero woke up.
“W-whaaaat? I’m fine! Just a little- um.. just a little stressed from work but I’m fine!” Mina darling, you’re one terrible liar. That only boosted the beta’s concern.
“Ok something is definitely up. You know you can tell me, and we can call someone else if you need to go and rest.” That was all it took for Mina to blurt out what was on her mind, Mina never liked to worry people if she could help it.
Mina made Tsu swear not to tell Sero, which she agreed to right away. She wanted to have this conversation before he woke up in the first place. So Mina unloaded what was on her mind, and some of it shocked Tsu and made her think about some things.
Mina explained how she and Sero were an item a few months ago, the relationship only lasting about a month before they determined the two just weren’t right for each other. Mina went on about how she thought this might be the reason they didn’t click, them both being omegas. And after having to coax it out of her, Mina revealed how she was jealous of Tsu.
Tsu and Sero had clicked ever since high school. Mina was happy for the beta but when she found out Sero had asked for Tsu when he went into heat..it just hurt.
“I-I don’t know what to say..Mina I’m-“
“Don’t- don’t apologize for anything, you didn’t purposely cause any of this. You have nothing to apologize for. I’m glad he’s happy and if you choose to stick around after this, please for the love of all that is holy, keep him happy. If you feel like you have to make it up to me or him or anyone else in the pack, just keep him happy.”
There was the Mina she remembered, the two girls looking at each other with watery eyes. Mina could put so much emotion into her words and right now that was a good thing, as they both sniffled and smiled at each other only one thing could come to Tsu’s mind to make them feel better. “Braid chain later?” Mina nodded as soon as the first word was out of Tsu’s mouth, as if she had read Mina’s mind.
Mina wiped her tears, walking off to the bathroom to wash her face and calm down. Tsu looked down at her hip attachment and smiled, curling around him as best as she could. He didn’t seem to mind her movement, keeping his grip steady as he clung onto her like his life depended on it. She couldn’t help but let out a content sigh, this was nice and it felt right. Second genders be damned, this is where she wanted to be..where she needed to be.
Maybe they could try again, go back like they were in high school but just make this an official relationship. She can’t stop her mind from wandering, they could even have pups of their own one day.
‘No, Tsu. You’re thinking too much.’ She snapped herself back to the reality of their situation, a male omega and a female beta can’t have pups without a surrogate or donor. It messed with her head, made her hold onto him tighter as she tried to keep herself grounded. She knew their second genders meant they couldn’t conceive a child together but that’s okay, there’s other options for them if they want to go that route. She shook the thought away, she was thinking too far ahead, what mattered was right now.
And now mattered indeed because as they laid there waiting for the sleepy Sero to wake up, Mina came rushing back into the room mumbling on about something as she grabbed her things. She said they needed her at her agency for something urgent, and that Shinso would be over in a bit but she had to leave now. A few quick goodbyes later, Mina was out the door and the apartment fell silent.
The timing between Mina’s departure and Shinso’s arrival wasn’t much, maybe 20 minutes. Enough time for Sero to wake up and Tsu to convince him to let her get up and go to the bathroom. Shinso knocked lightly before entering the apartment, and his presence was weirdly comforting. She saw the purple beta a bit more than she saw most everyone else since he’s dating her best friend.
Maybe he could help Tsu with her thoughts, he’s in a sort of similar situation that she would be in if her relationship with Sero were to take off as well as everyone seems to think. He came down the hall to find Tsu with the bathroom door propped open, trying to wash the dried slobber off her neck.
“Knock knock, pizza delivery.”
“Hey Toshi, how’s Chako doing?” She didn’t have to turn her head to see the smile that spread across his face. She knew his alpha was one of his favorite things to talk about, and he knew she didn’t mind any of his mindless jabbering.
“She’s been doing great, we’re looking at houses later this week.” Those two had been together since maybe a couple months after graduation, Tsu was ecstatic when Ochako finally asked the beta male on a date. She had heard both of their pining, Shinso keeping Tsu constantly updated on how he felt about the gravity hero through the beta buddies group message.
She managed to get all the slobber off that she could tell, turning and playfully elbowing Shinso’s side. “I thought that was last week.”
“Things came up, dates got changed, you know how it is. Anyway, how is Spiderman doing in there?” She held back a giggle from the old nickname, does Sero know that Shinso still calls him that? It’s probably how his name is saved in Shinso’s phone. “He’s in and out, he’ll be good for a while and then he’ll drop. The drops are seeming to get shorter so he probably has a day or so left.” She tosses the rag she was using into the hamper, ducking under Shinso’s arm to head back to the common room.
Sero was fully awake and moving around, and by the sound of things he definitely just dropped something in the kitchen. The two betas make their way over, finding an open cereal box on the counter and a bowl on the tile that must’ve been the source of clatter. He silently grabbed the box and made a beeline back to his nest.
Tsu held back her laugh while Shinso managed to let a snort escape. She picked up the bowl, setting it in the sink before pulling the purple beta to the other side of the kitchen for a quiet conversation. “Ok I need help.” She made sure to keep an eye on the entrance to the common room, not wanting someone to stumble in on their conversation. “Here it comes,” Shinso teases, taking a seat at the small table. “Talk to me.”
And talk she does. “Pups. What’s your opinion. I know beta’s can’t have pups with an alpha or omega and that fact has been sitting weird in my head and messing with me.”
“Is this because of-“ he gestures off to the common room, earning a tentative nod from her.
“I don’t know why it’s plaguing me, it just is. Being back around him and with him in heat I’m just- I want to stay with him, ask if we can be an official thing this time..” she has to take a breath and calm down a little before continuing, “Shinso I can’t give him pups if he wants pups.”
“And what of it? There are several options out there and I’d be lying if I said I’ve never looked into them.” He places a comforting hand over hers, he always ended up knowing exactly how to ease her nerves.
“At the end of the day, whether you adopt, get a donor, have a surrogate, or whatever other hoop you choose to jump through, that’ll be your guys’ pup. Running around making a mess of the place.” His last comment gave both of them a much needed laugh. It would be okay, she knew they’d all be okay and Shinso just had to reassure her of it.
The rest of Sero’s heat went smoothly, although it hurt Tsu when he started distancing himself from her as his heat was ending. He was a bumbling mess of apologies when he finally came out of it, apologizing for the way he acted and how he attached himself to her.
She assured him it was no big deal, she didn’t mind any of it but he still insisted on apologizing. Tsu forgot to call into work, missing several days but she explained the situation and accepted the extra hours they tacked on to her schedule.
The office sounded more relieved than upset. She had a strong reputation in the agency, never missing any work without a vacation request or calling in when extremely sick. Her going completely silent for a few days scared the hell out of them.
Tsu fixes lunch for the two of them, small conversation mixing with the occasional ‘I’m sorry’ from Sero. She tells him one last time that if she was uncomfortable then she would have left. She fights the urge to ask him right then, he just came out of heat and she doesn’t know how he’d take it. She’s packing her things and heading to the door when Sero stops her, enveloping her in a hug.
“Don’t be a stranger, okay? Come back and see me.” It sounded more like a plea than a request, making her heart drop as she hugged him back.
“I’ll be back Hana. I promise.” She places a peck on his cheek, trodding off to the door to leave. As the door closes she sneaks a final peek in the apartment, finding dark eyes watching her leave.
No- this wouldn’t be her final peek. She’d be back eventually.
Days pass since Tsu left and Sero doesn’t feel right afterwards, his apartment feels empty and hollow. He messages and calls Tsu daily, until she asks what’s made him contact her more. Not that she minds, she’s been enjoying the cute little good morning and good night texts and the daily phone call talking about how their day went.
“It just doesn’t feel right without you here, but I didn’t want to just ask you to stay with me. Especially after some of the things that happened during my heat..”
There’s a couple moments of silence from the both of them before he continues, “Can we- can we go back like how we were in high school? That felt nice Tsu, that felt-“
She cuts him off, words flowing out almost faster than she can make them.
“Right, it felt right. It felt nice being over there with you. Dammit Hana I- I want to be more than how we were in high school. I want to build on it, see where it takes us. I want- I want you and me to be an item, an official thing.”
There was a silence on the other end of the call, her hopeful ears hearing a sniffle and what sounded like a fake cough to cover it up. “You mean that?” He sounded as hopeful as she felt, a slight crack in his tone.
“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it, you should know that by now.” She can’t help but giggle like a schoolgirl, getting up from her couch to go pack an overnight bag. She already knew what he was gonna ask. “I’ll be over soon Hana, see you in a bit.” AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22536757
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froggytape · 4 years
During Training or something, Sero and Tsuyu both getting the idea to use their quirks to swing around the area for some reason, and end up crashing right into each other.
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froggytape · 4 years
Sero and Tsuyu as Pros swinging around the city like Spider Man while on patrol
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froggytape · 4 years
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Tsuyu x Sero drawing based off a draw Otp prompt picture
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