publicstar0356 · 1 year
I shall begin an all-new, all-homo blog! (I'm definitely not like 10 years behind on starting a blog lol).
I shall dub it JustSomeDude™! (I was gonna make it "Just Some Dude™", but when you Google that name you get a DeviantArt account that posts fat fetish art💀💀💀)
I talk about random bullshit here, basically whatever topic I feel like enlightening the masses about that particular day. And of course, because I am the most interesting man on earth, I'll also talk a lot about my life. You will listen to my whining, you will read my page, and you will consume product! Buy my merch!!!!!
Anyways, the inaugural installment of JustSomeDudeâ„¢ focuses around the single most engaging, interesting topic of all the universes; The Big Sad.
Yep, I'm sad. Got broken up with by the woman I thought was The One, turned out she was the ½. Shit sucks bro. So please, all none of you reading this, beam to me your validation! Praise me this exact instant! I need all the shallow reinforcement I can get!
Ok, to drop the funni haha act for a sec and hit upon a more vulnerable note,a less funni, it truly is devastating to me. She was my first true love, I earnestly thought I would spend my life with her. Obviously, didn't play out that way lol.
It's been 2 weeks now. You'd think time would dull the pain, and what do you know? You'd be right. It's not nearly as bad as it was initially, yet I feel an agonizing emptiness inside my Self. I have navigated beyond grief over the idea of the relationship. I miss her and her specifically, not just the concept of having a girlfriend.
Truly and honestly, I have never had anyone else in my life comparable to her. I shared an intimacy with her that is beyond pre-relationship-me's comprehension. Obviously, having someone to do the sex with was cool and all, but beyond bodily pleasure, I miss her presence. I miss spending time with her, kissing and holding her in my arms, miss having my best friend, closest confidant, and favorite person all wrapped into one. I could go on an unbearably sappy rant about all the things I miss about her, like her freckles, beautiful brown eyes, her smile, her b- Wait a fucking second, I did again! Fuck!!!
Anyways, sorry about that. Just had to put my emotional side back where it belongs (locked and starving in my basement, right next to the 14 children).
Anyways, haha funni! Wanna hear a joke? My life! All you have to do is self deprecate to hide the pain! Afterall, if you refuse to acknowledge it, it doesn't exist. Much like Santa Claus, and the Federal Reserve.
I don't have a good seque into concluding this smattering of words, so I'm going to cheat and lampshade it. Am I being ironic? Am I using satire? Am I just being lazy? Yes.
Boom, instant segue. Basically, I will regularly add to this blog whenever I have something I feel like I need to express. I've found that expressing my emotions helps expel them, or otherwise they're remain entombed within my vessel, blighting the miniature clown people who pilot my body. I hope that people will read this, but honestly I just don't know. If a lot of people read this (which for clarification's sake, I absolutely don't expect to happen), I will be much more active and put significantly more effort into increasing the quality of my writing. I'm very good at revising my own work and drastically improving it, but it takes a whole lot of time, effort, and work. Anyways like, subscribe, and ring that be- wait, I'm a blog shill, not a YouTube shill. Fuck!
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