frogtape2 · 1 year
Switching all my writing to @frogtapesupplier so go follow there <3
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frogtape2 · 1 year
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 50 likes! Much love ❤️
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frogtape2 · 1 year
Modern!Gareth Emerson Pt. 2
Part 2 of lover boy thoughts 
He absolutely knows Sophia the first theme song thanks to his little sister 
he hums it all the time and doesn’t even realize it 
weakness is head scratches 
and cheek kisses 
he loves when his girl kisses him on the cheek
Since this is modern-day he's not an outcast 
Like I would say he's not quite popular but a lot of people know him in high school
He lives in an arcade
has a ridiculously amount of tickets saved up  
Has an interest in hockey 
He plays it for fun with his cousins because pretty boy can’t be getting injured 
Loves harry potter, star wars, the hobbit, Lord of the Rings, hunger games, maze runner
He's a movie guy 
But he watches them on his phone so he can move around
Oh he lets his sister paint and customize one of his dnd characters  
His family gets so happy when gets a gf 
I see him as being straight 
But he probably questioned it and kissed a guy and realized it wasn't for him
Big ally supporter 
Big supporter in general 
But back to the gf 
His family gets so happy and instantly opens up their home with open arms
His little sister makes them both have tea parties with her 
Gareth has heart eyes for her whenever he sees her interacting with his family 
Like her helping his mom with dinner yeah he's ready to propose
His little sister loves doing his hair and putting butterfly clips in his hair
He totally forgets about them 
His friends wouldn't even mention them tell they were leaving wherever they were 
I mentioned before that he tried skating
Because of that he has the tools
Now with those tools he may or may not have stolen a street sign 
Or two 
When he's in a relationship he's not big on PDA 
However when he's home he's the biggest baby 
He just wants to either be wrapped up in their arms or have his arms wrapped around them 
This dude lives for kisses 
Neck kisses and he's done for 
I also mentioned he plays Minecraft 
Hellfire and him would have their own server and their builds are inspired by their campaigns 
He 100% found a cat by a dumpster 
That cat lives in luxury now 
Hes the boyfriend that does everything perfectly 
Like obviously everyone has flaws
But he is such a good boyfriend 
If he was to mess up he’s instantly try to fix it 
His love language is quality time 
It's why he's always with his family, friends, gf 
He loves being around the ones he loves
Oh he loves blaring music and man has he gone through a serious amount of headphones
Definitely broke a few by stepping on them
Without even thinking about it he got into the shower wearing them
His garbage cat chewed up a pair 
He eventually found a pair that has kept up with him 
Hellfire Club has its own TikTok to 
Which people love 
Lots of thirst comments 
Gareth has gotten many comments talking about him being beautiful 
Oh man the way this boy's face lit up when he was going through his grandparent's stuff and found a Walkman 
The way he freaked out finding metal tapes 
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frogtape2 · 1 year
• Masterlist•
Hawkins, Indiana
Eddie Munson:
Coming soon
Steve Harrington:
Coming soon
Gareth Emerson:
Modern!Gareth Emerson 
Modern!Gareth Emerson Pt. 2 
Portland, Oregon
Kai Parker: 1994
Coming soon
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frogtape2 · 1 year
Modern!Gareth Emerson
Gareth has been on my mind lately <3 
tw: drug use mentioned 
Big gamer
Definitely plays Minecraft religiously
Loves wearing flannels
He has a favorite it's his red one
Post tiktoks of him playing the drums to every song that trends on there
100% had a job at GameStop
Total adhd
Always has to be moving around
Golden retriever boyfriend (when he does get a gf) 
Let’s his gf sit on his lap while he holds her hands with drum sticks and teaches her how to play
doesn't matter how long he’s in a relationship he gets flustered 
Parents love him
he can’t cook a lot of fancy stuff but he still makes nice dinners
Dude loves horror movies
Halloween, nightmare on elm street, scream, chucky
I could see him being slightly scared of chucky because of him being a doll
Like if someone brought a chucky doll around him he might punch it
Paints his nails
Black of course
Might spice it up with a red nail
probably got yelled at for bringing home a random cat he fount 
Totally got a perm once
Refused to do it again because of the smell
has his ears pierced 
Loves vans
Tried learning to skate
Turns everything into a fidget toy
Back to playing the drums he goes through drum sticks crazy fast because he uses everything as a drum set
Gets in trouble by everyone because he bangs on everything
Obviously he’s obsessed with the 80’s and 90’s
Lives for rock music
Definitely gets a couple tattoos
Maybe even a stick n poke from Eddie when they're drunk
I don't see him smoking like he doesn't care if other people do it but he doesn't participate in it 
really good at school
hellfire club exist 
omg he orders custom dice from an etsy seller
he also gets everyone in hell fire a custom dice set for their birthdays 
its also where he gets cool pins for his bag 
favorite cartoon was gravity falls
fuck team Jacob and team Edward he was team Alice 
not a ‘swifty fan’ but happens to know almost every one of her songs
totally love the idea of him as a big her
best big brother ever
he has a little sister
she worships him
if their parents cant make it to anything for her involving school he’s there
not like he isn't already there
he also takes them to school before he goes to school
i feel like he would have a nut allergy
has to carry an epi pen
his friends definitely joke about getting peanuts when with him and he slightly freaks out
but his friends are the first ones to make sure everything is nut free
total loveable dude  
Part 2 Here 
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frogtape2 · 1 year
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Request: Open/Close
Will add characters eventually ♡
Since I’m just starting idk if I’ll write smut anytime soon
Send me ideas mostly because I wanna practice writing
No weird shit please if you question if it’s weird it’s probably weird
#froggie writes #froggie thoughts #froggie mail
•About Me And This Blog•
I’m a college student and struggling so I will try to write when I can. If I manage to even write one post it’ll be a miracle I did that. Tell me if you notice anything wrong so I can fix it (:
Things about my master list will change since I’m still figuring out who I wanna write for
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