Quiet a moment to take in all he had said some of which she could agree with and more she could understand. “ . . . People change constantly regardless of what life does. Even day to day we are not the same. Maybe that stone you refer to just needs some weathering down.”
Again silent took her, none of her memories made her wish she slept in longer. Quite the opposite effect a wish to never wake yet she clung to them a poison she kept indulging in despite seeing it kill her in the end. “ more like bittersweet nightmares...”
Raserei shrugged as he played, “There is that for fucking sure. But I talk about the specters that dwell in your fucking dreams. That wake you in a cold sweat. The ones you can always see out of the fucking corner of your eyes. Because they are not merely should have or not. They are the fucking reminder that you can never go home. Or never become something else. They set in stone the who of who you are.” 
“Good memories do not haunt us. They are the fleeting fucking dreams we wish we had slept just a little longer to remain in.”
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at this point, everything i do is a coping mechanism
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"no a cryo pod of some kind... More like something out of a sci-fi flick." She became quiet once more, walking a little as the silence dragged on.
" Mumble I'd rather you didn't.. Maybe some other time please. "
“I wouldn’t really know Mumble, I was…frozen for most of it.” This conversation was a slightly uncomfortable, the wound of the vault was still fresh for her. 
“ I rather if we just keep heading this way. . there is nothing left in there anymore, nothing worth looting or seeing.” 
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@chem-addled-merc: {She brings out his inner nerd} -------- // It is just adorable
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(I love how @chem-addled-merc keeps referring to Xia as some sort of elven creature it's even better remembering she is over 200 years old)
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would anyone be up for a small starter or plot? =u=
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“I started out as a music teacher; I never planned on becoming an actress.”
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"I'll stick to getting the taste of vodka from the source of you don't mind. If have to be drunk myself to want another chem flavored vodka kiss" She spoke before taking a gulp of the stuff half chocking at large amount she took was not quite the taste she remembered. Maybe this is why her husband had only ordered her cocktails and other mixed drinks.
"And leaving while you're like this? You're practically a toddler. Some one has to keep an eye on you"
❤ from-battle-to-battle
He had been sitting there giggling like a loon for the better part of an hour. swaying as he sat there letting the vodka and chems work their magic. He hummed to himself and let his eyes rest closed. He could hear her talking but he did not understand the words; his mind too far gone. 
Without warning in the middle of one of her sentences he leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips.
“Sorry, I wanted to know if you tasted of wood; Lady of the Woods. But I should have asked.”
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With the taste of vodka and chems now lingering on her lips it had silenced any talk of the waste and encounters in it. All deathclaw talk was on hold and and feral stories would have to wait.
She could only stare at him in shock with only a hint of annoyance in her eyes before defeat sinked in. A sigh was soon released and her expression soften
“ I don’t know about wood, but you taste awful. Pass the bottle will you?” She gestured to the vodka
❤ from-battle-to-battle
He had been sitting there giggling like a loon for the better part of an hour. swaying as he sat there letting the vodka and chems work their magic. He hummed to himself and let his eyes rest closed. He could hear her talking but he did not understand the words; his mind too far gone. 
Without warning in the middle of one of her sentences he leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips.
“Sorry, I wanted to know if you tasted of wood; Lady of the Woods. But I should have asked.”
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That had given her some food for thought, was she not also in that category? She differed in some way, the spill of blood did not drive her. Maybe at first weeks ago but not now that anger had crawled down somewhere dark in her to hibernate. She wanted answers.
Her dull gaze slowly panned up to him keeping it for a long time before dropping again and pulling on the jacket that cover her vault suit as if a chill had hit her. “ I did. . . . .” there was a long pause, “ I think you misunderstand me...I mean we make our own ‘ghosts’ the things we said..didn’t say, done shouldn’t have or should have. It’s not the people that have left us haunting a person.....it’s...it’s the ‘what ifs’, the ‘could’ve been’, the ‘never will be’ that go bump in the night. it’s the memories the good and bad.”
“there is a different between a villain, revenge and just being violent.” Again her voice turned stern, maybe she took it a little personal. After all isn’t that why she was even out here? To avenge her own wrong doing. 
“as I said ‘what’s smart out here’ cause apparently IQ’s and safety measures dropped dramatically in my absences” She shook her head, every day out here just made any hope for anything better become more cripplingly unlikely.
She looked up at him at his comment laughing slightly, “ you’re superstitious? really ghost? haunting? Those things are not real. No the only ghosts are the ones we make for ourselves.”   
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The Last Sunset (1961)
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“I’m-..” She paused it hadn’t hit her she was technically out of a job. “ ..nothing. No occupation.” 
Taking a moment to stare into the cup of tea before adding,” I. . had practice law for a time, though I doubt that is in high demand at the moment. . .” She took a slow quiet sip of the tea before sighing afterwards, “ the tea is delicious.”
“lavender is fine..”
Any tea would have done actually, it been so long. She took a seat in one of the chairs looking around the greenhouse, surprised to see so many plants thriving.
“ So you are a botanist then?”
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“there is a different between a villain, revenge and just being violent.” Again her voice turned stern, maybe she took it a little personal. After all isn’t that why she was even out here? To avenge her own wrong doing. 
“as I said ‘what’s smart out here’ cause apparently IQ’s and safety measures dropped dramatically in my absences” She shook her head, every day out here just made any hope for anything better become more cripplingly unlikely.
She looked up at him at his comment laughing slightly, “ you’re superstitious? really ghost? haunting? Those things are not real. No the only ghosts are the ones we make for ourselves.”   
Half a laugh escaped her, it almost surprised her, laughing. Quite the topic change from selling services to comparing this encounter to a fairy-tale. She could understand what he meant,though it felt anything but. At least not any of them with the happy endings.
“ now if I remember my fairy-tales correct, and I better. Villains tend t have a purpose or an agenda, a grudge to settle. You didn’t know I existed till a few seconds ago. ”
She moved to sit on the stairs of the porch, deciding to stay a listen to the music a little longer before going back to her travels. It felt nice just to sit for a minute away from most things, it was ..relaxing to a limit. Leaning against the railing she rested her arms on her knees, eyes closed. 
“ what is smart out of here?” her tone sarcastic from her remark. 
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“I wouldn’t really know Mumble, I was...frozen for most of it.” This conversation was a slightly uncomfortable, the wound of the vault was still fresh for her. 
“ I rather if we just keep heading this way. . there is nothing left in there anymore, nothing worth looting or seeing.” 
“But I’ve never seen an actual vault person before… I didn’t know they still existed! I thought they were extinct.” He frowned thoughtfully and crossed his arms.
“So are vaults as crazy cool as I’ve heard or what? Where’s your vault? I wanna see it.”
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Pain changes people, it makes them trust less, overthink more, and shut people out.
(via leohearts)
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two word starters
“ don’t stop ”
“ please don’t ”
“ don’t shoot ”
“ give it ”
“ shut up ”
“ damn it! ”
“ stop it! ”
“ you’re crazy ”
“ that’s insane ”
“ get out! ”
“ don’t leave ”
“ i’m tired ”
“ that’s bad ”
“ be honest ”
“ be careful ”
“ be nice ”
“ you’re wrong ”
“ go home ”
“ watch it ”
“ fuck me ”
“ kiss me ”
“ we can’t… ”
“ we shouldn’t… ”
“ you’re perfect ”
“ that’s awful ”
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                                          In a b l i n kof an eye,
                                                                 I never got to say GOODBYE.
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