fromalegacy · 2 months
closed starter ; the usos @rvbelhearts
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like old bloodline times, it felt as if the walls were caving in around jey making it hard to breathe, like the words of his twin brother were causing him to suffocate with fear. what happened to jimmy? what happened to the boy he grew up with? this wasn’t him. roman changed him. it was always something that jey was afraid of all while being too blind to see it. beforehand jimmy was the one trying to break him free from the shackles of the tribal chief — now ? the roles were reversed and it somehow managed to get worse. the words spewed from jimmy’s mouth cut through him like a knife. how could he ever blame his little brother? was this truly jey’s fault deep down? the doubt was seeping into his head again, mind games taking control. he was so pre occupied keeping cody safe that jimmy’s problems were pushed aside until now, and they all came crashing down like a ton of bricks. with the awful experience from their older cousin, jey learned not to crack under pressure — to hide his fear and push it away. if jimmy knew he was scared, it was over. “ why don’t you realise what he’s doing to you, uce? you got me out of this mess !! what don’t you see? ”
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fromalegacy · 2 months
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fromalegacy · 2 months
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newest additions to the roster ( my ocs )
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fromalegacy · 2 months
* also hitting a little revamp on here :)
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fromalegacy · 9 months
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getting this side of her is something that grayson holds true to his heart, feeling luckier than ever. nobody matches up to that girl, it would be near impossible. “ even better ”
soft laugh falls from his lips as arms are now crossed over his chest, giving her the moment that it is to have a dig at the opponent “ you’ll get to be around me. and, you’ll get to kick her ass. maybe they’ll let you stick around after, hm? ” it’s what he hopes deep down anyway “ i get it, love ”
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“ i would never ” his touch is featherlight almost, refraining from messing it up. he can’t help to hide the smile on his face that appears from the sounds of those words “ there — perfect. best blonde in the business ”
grayson raises a brow, setting cocky nature aside for a moment, as much as he loves to boast about his time on smackdown. “ a little bit. it’s not the same without you though. ” only could he hope that sometime soon she’d be right back here with him. “ but becky, huh? ”
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fromalegacy · 9 months
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“ i would never ” his touch is featherlight almost, refraining from messing it up. he can’t help to hide the smile on his face that appears from the sounds of those words “ there — perfect. best blonde in the business ”
grayson raises a brow, setting cocky nature aside for a moment, as much as he loves to boast about his time on smackdown. “ a little bit. it’s not the same without you though. ” only could he hope that sometime soon she’d be right back here with him. “ but becky, huh? ”
sender  tucks  hair  out  of  receiver’s  face . / for tiff from grayson ( sideblog is @fromalegacy )
“      dont      mess      it      up.      “      she  knows  he  wouldn’t,      wouldn’t  dare  nor  dream  of  it  unless  a  playful  ruffle  he’d  fix  before  she’s  had  time  to  wear  a  POUT of  innocence  and  stomp  her  feet.      he’s  probably  the  only  person  allowed  to  touch  perfect  curls  of  blonde,      barbie  brilliance  and  he’s  every  bit  of  kenergy  she  needed  to  get  through  the  day.  
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“      you’re  kind  of  a  big  deal  these  days      “      he’d  hit  the  ground  running,      made  a  name  for  himself,      albeit  at  the  price  of  them  not  running  things  every  tuesday  night  like  they  deserved.      
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fromalegacy · 9 months
✷ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ; angst edition ( . 01 )
❝ i still wanted to believe that you are a good person after everything you've done to me. ❞
❝ you gave me another chance to be a new person again, but you didn't seem to trust me enough. ❞
❝ why did you betray / leave me ? ❞
❝ my heart desired for your love then. ❞
❝ why did you love me now ? ❞
❝ i have given you all my love but you threw them away like it was nothing. ❞
❝ now you want me like i wanted you ? ❞
❝ you're wasting my time. ❞
❝ i just wish that we both had the same feeling back then. ❞
❝ we still can fix this, but we can't be together again. ❞
❝ i regret meeting you. ❞
❝ thanks for the trauma, by the way. ❞
❝ it's best for us to be strangers again. ❞
❝ maybe there's another universe where we have a happy ending we've always wanted. ❞
❝ i hope to never see you again. ❞
❝ i've seen the way you look at her/him/them, if she/he/they is/are the one, then leave. be with your true soulmate. ❞
❝ what am i to you truly ? a puppet to be used to get what you want? ❞
❝ what am i to you truly ? ❞
❝ you manipulated me into believing your bullshits ! ❞
❝ i don't care if you need me, it's your own fault for breaking our relationship. ❞
❝ why should i trust you again ? ❞
❝ we can't go back like we used to, take a look what happened to us now. ❞
❝ our relationship / friendship ends now. ❞
❝ we were never meant be. ❞
❝ of all people, why it should be you who hurt me ? ❞
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fromalegacy · 9 months
❝   i’m not really the advice type,  but i am damn good at coming up with distractions to forget the bullshit for a while.  ❞
priest towards your muse of choice.
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the young man sat there without speaking a word, just gave a slight raise of the brow in response. how they even crossed paths at this point is forgotten, but he’s sure thankful of it. hook had been struggling with how things were recently. seemed to all get a bit much for him and he had the god awful habit of never talking about it. bottling it up seemed like the best option. that was until damian came along, seemed to pick him right back up. at least enough for hook to hang around and not abandon ship “ oh yeah? hit me with your best one then ”
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fromalegacy · 9 months
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if adam DOES turn, we better get this kinda adam back
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fromalegacy · 9 months
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“ the one i deserve? ” max scoffed at his words in an utter state of disbelief at what was happening in-front of him. there’s no way things between them had gotten this bad. “ by the time i’m done with you, you won’t even want to step foot back into a wrestling ring. even if it’s one back at home ” it’s a cheap jab really. anything to try poke the bear and get a quick remark in.
'i don't want to see you again.' / for punk from max ( @fromalegacy )
“Max, the feeling is mutual.” Punk growled, the nerve on him to say that after everything that they had been through. “If it was up to me, I wouldn’t see your ass ever again. But I’m glad you’re here, wanna know why? It may not be tomorrow, it might not be next week or even six months from now…” He steps in closer to him. “I’m going to give you the beating you deserve. Got it?”
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fromalegacy · 9 months
❝  i’m rather proud of you.  i don’t say that often,  so believe i mean it.  ❞ // for our adamjf demands to be met 🔫🫶🏻
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forty - five minutes later and the adrenaline is still running through his mind and body at a rampant pace. he can’t quite believe that this is a real life moment. happening in present time along with his . . . best friend. they just main evented the biggest show ever and delivered infront of 80 thousand people. adam had his conveying thoughts about max at the start of their little pairing, there was no doubt about that and he wouldn’t be one to act like it didn’t happen. the man proved him wrong big time and the two did more than co-exist. they became the tag team champions, and then followed it up by wrestling each other
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during the match there was a moment or two where things seemed like they cracked apart. seemingly though, the pair managed to push through it and adam was a firm believer that their bond was near unbreakable now. he sat there in the lockerroom alone with his thoughts for a moment before max joined. his gaze flickered up towards the world champion with a smile already growing on his face. never did he think he’d hear max say those words. to anyone. he was just lucky enough that they were directed towards him.
“ i’m proud of you too ” adam stood up from his spot and almost instantly pulled the other into his arms for a tight hug, embracing the feeling while it was still there between them. who knows how long it would truly last? “ you killed it out there. they love you ”
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fromalegacy · 9 months
❝  you wanna know how i know you’re a good friend— not just for me but in general?  i always feel better after hanging out with you.  ❞
❝  sometimes things aren’t alright and they’re not gonna be okay for a while.  and that’s alright.  as cliche as it sounds it’s okay to not be okay.  give yourself time.  ❞
❝  have you even taken the time to let yourself feel it?  everything that’s been happening.  eventually,  you have to slow down and let it feel real.  ❞
❝   i’m not really the advice type,  but i am damn good at coming up with distractions to forget the bullshit for a while.  ❞
❝  was this not what you expected?  ❞
❝  i think the whole idea of ‘finding yourself’ is kind of bullshit.  we are what we chose to be.  we make ourselves.   ❞
❝  did you come by for a reason or did you just want some company?  ❞
❝  i’m going to tell you this,  once,  because i think you need to hear it.  you deserve more.  you should expect more from the world and put in the work to get what you deserve.  ❞
❝  i brought some seeds for your garden.  i thought about bringing a bouquet but— this way you can grow them and enjoy them longer.  ❞
❝  please,  stay for dinner?  i enjoy your company.  ❞
❝  come sit a little while with me.  tell me how you’ve been?  really.  ❞
❝  you don’t know how glad i am to see you made it.  here,  let me get you a drink.   ❞
❝  if you’d like to discuss it in private,  we can step outside?  ❞
❝  whatever it is you wish to tell me,  it won’t leave this room.  ❞
❝  well,  i’ve been wanting to talk to you.  but i don’t really know how to put it all in words.  ❞
❝  how have you been sleeping?  ❞
❝  don’t take this the wrong way,  but you don’t quite look well.  ❞
❝  don’t feel bad for not knowing—  i was trying not to bother anyone.  you didn’t know because i didn’t let you.  ❞
❝  miscommunication is a shitty trope in sitcoms and it’s even shittier in real life,  so let’s just take a moment to breathe.  and let’s get on the same page.  alright?   ❞
❝  is this a time for me to listen or fix it?  ❞
❝  i don’t really have anything to say,  i just know that i don’t really want to be alone.  ❞
❝  could you just…talk to me?  it doesn’t have to be anything important.  i just like listening to your voice.  it calms me.  ❞
❝  honestly,  it was a long time ago.  i don’t really remember the details.  ❞
❝  i’m rather proud of you.  i don’t say that often,  so believe i mean it.  ❞
❝  you seem content here.  happy,  even?  ❞
❝  i’m not here to drudge up the past.  i’m just hoping we could have a future.  ❞
❝  i see you’re not getting much sleep either.  should i make us both some tea,  then?  ❞
❝  are you sure you didn’t want to mention something to me?  ❞
❝  are you sure you’re alright?  ❞
❝  i’m a fan of your work,  actually.  ❞
❝  you have more of a reputation than you might think.  ❞
❝  you haven’t heard of me?  how refreshing.  ❞
❝  go on,  tell me what’s on your mind.  ❞
❝  something is troubling you,  yes?  ❞
❝  with a smile like that,  i can’t help but want to know your secret.  what’s got you so cheery today?  ❞
❝  come on,  you’re clearly upset.  and i’m not the asshole who pretends not to notice.  ❞
❝  oh,  i’m going to enjoy making my first impression with you.  how am i doing so far?  ❞
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fromalegacy · 9 months
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Hearing Max talking to someone else like this... saying he just got lucky to win the match It's unbelievable. He has grown so much and it has been beautiful to see the effect the friendship with Adam has had on him. He said Adam has made him a better person... and we definitely can see that now.
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fromalegacy · 9 months
someone invade my memes
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fromalegacy · 9 months
Let’s text! feel free to make edits to better suit your muse’s voice/typing style/contact names, but please don’t edit or add on to the original post. 💛
[ text ] are you awake?
[ text ] it’s been three days! why haven’t you been answering your phone?
[ text ] are you ignoring me?
[ text ] can you let me in? I’m out front.
[ text ] are you okay?
[ text ] I miss you.
[ text ] are you at home?
[ text ] did you get home safe?
[ text ] where are you?
[ text ] what did you do?
[ text ] how did you get this number?
[ text ] can we talk?
[ text ] hey, is this [ name/wrong name ]?
[ text ] are you drunk?
[ text ] do you also hear thunder outside?
[ text ] text me when you get home safe.
[ text ] are you in my kitchen??
[ text ] stop lying to me!
[ text ] what the hell happened?
[ text ] why do you only text me at 3am?
[ text ] okay, that’s it. I’m coming over.
[ text ] do you want to come over?
[ text ] stop shutting me out.
[ text ] come over.
[ text ] are you lost?
[ text ] do you want to talk?
[ text ] rough day, huh?
[ text ] can you bring snacks on your way here?
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fromalegacy · 9 months
will be updating muse list / blog again. my bloodline muse is kind of non - existent. aew stuff will primarily be here as of now
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fromalegacy · 10 months
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