How to cure lovesickness
1. Realise your irrational desire for love 2. Remember you don't have time and remember your irrationality. 3. Imagine a scenario 4. then yell for being dumb 5. Remember you aren't a child and remind yourself how dumb this is 6. Listen to sad songs 7. This isn't even a breakup 8. Or even crush FFS 9. Remember how attractive all these people are 10. Think how good looking you're getting 11. But no one's gonna get to see this hot bod™ 12. You're nearly an adult get a grip 13. Your friends are having their anniversary 14. Remember those missed opportunities 15. Wonder why you only get hit on by creeps 16. Don't cry 17. Dig out your old playlists and cry 18. Get back to work 19. Daydream yourself into a sadness 20. Mope around 21. Over fucking WHAT 22. Write shitty ass posts on tumblr 23. Don't write any more it's getting embarrassing 24. Switch to your other blog so you can write more shitty posts 25. What are you doing
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I'm so fukin lovesick Get a grip You don't even have a crush What happened to strong independent woman? Maybe I want to be strong and independent But with someone to kiss Someone to make my heart race Someone to curl up on Someone to think about when I see those posts about crushes and relationships Someone to just Be There To love And love me But like that Honestly I should've finished by now But I need to articulate myself I know this is ridiculous Objectively I make no sense But I just wanna fuckin boyfriend
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Thinking I used to overanalyse the things certain people would say and do.
I would spend hours considering the meanings
Of a certain inflection on a certain word.
I was sure they thought about it as much as I did
But I soon came to realise that no one did.
I came to the conclusion that they didn’t think about things
That none of them would contemplate what lay between the lines
But you’ve thrown me off.
You stand there looking at things,
And if I ask what’s wrong, you say you’re thinking.
When I ask what you’re thinking you say that I don’t need to know.
You look around my house
Taking in the details, I assume
But I have no idea why.
You’ve turned it all upside down.
The only explanation I can think of
Upsets everything I’ve made myself believe.
You can’t be thinking
It unnerves me
Because if you’re thinking,
You might notice.
You might notice my actions
You might notice my words
You might notice the slight infliction and the meaning behind it
You might notice the feelings I’m trying so hard to hide.
Found this in my drafts, don't know where it's from, when it's from, or who it's about, but voilà.
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I made another thing for ExR week, for today's theme which is Divine. This is a nice and happy drawing/comic strip of Enjoltaire being ridiculous. It relates to the theme cuz they think each other are just divine. Enjoy my rubbish fun lil drawings!
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This is also today’s doodling on exam papers
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So I made a thing for exr week and it’s just an image of something I’m always reading of them being ‘tangled up together’ and it’s sort of nsfw but only in implications and idk it’s not amazing but I kinda like it?? Anyway voilà! Enjolras and Grantaire cuddling, happy as can be, on the morning of the June the 5th, momentarily forgetting what they’re gonna do today :)))
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So I made a thing for exr week and it's just an image of something I'm always reading of them being 'tangled up together' and it's sort of nsfw but only in implications and idk it's not amazing but I kinda like it?? Anyway voilà! Enjolras and Grantaire cuddling, happy as can be, on the morning of the June the 5th, momentarily forgetting what they're gonna do today :)))
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Thing is I just look really cute in lacy black lingerie?? But then no one gets to see it. This feels like the world is missing out tbh...
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Today’s episode of ‘drawing on exam papers’ features: • Some French and American revolution ships - Black biro on C2 maths paper • A person highly skilled at makeup who hasn’t bothered doing anything with their hair - Black biro on Psychology paper • Sketch made out of lipstick trace - Pencil on chemistry paper • Unhappy human in a dress - Purple biro on chemistry paper Disclaimer: Not all drawings done today
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Spending my life doodling on exam papers
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He's your last thought at night when you're drifting into sleep, and your first thought in the morning upon waking. But the time in between? The gates of those realms will always be locked to him.
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I can't stop thinking about him Every action sparks a cascade of speculation and theories I assume that humans are books with the symbolism of Victor Hugo I can't grasp the idea that it is what it is In my head there's a reason behind everything, and a secret motive, despite my own actions not reflecting this I've been corrupted into a cynical mess of hatred Truly convinced that everything he does is to express power or to hurt me The idea that he could ever care about me is entirely unfathomable to me And although it is ostensibly incorrect, I'm so afraid of humiliation and heartbreak that I can't bear to risk it I fear that I hurt him with my apparent antipathy, but for him to become aware of the extent to which I care would be the quietus to the condemnation of my heart.
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How can he break me down like this Hurt me everyday Then expect me to be okay? How can everything I enthuse about Everything that brings me joy Be met with constant scathe? How can his relentless sarcasm And cutting comments On everything I do Be expected to be forgiven every minute With the complete knowledge that nothing will change Except me, and my enthusiasm, and passion, and kindness, and optimism How can he be surprised when I'm distrustful of his apparent sweetness and it is met with wariness How can he be hurt by the reaction which has been taught to me by him How can he be confused and upset suddenly, when this was the only way before And how dare he reduce me to a sobbing mess of sorrow and guilt, when all I have done is what I have been forced to do, by his cruel hand.
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It's bullshit that tears are good for the skin cos if that were true mine would be flawless by now
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A beautiful memory that can't exist
I remember it so clearly. I didn't mean to do it, but something came across me and I did. Not for the reason you'd expect either. I reached out my hand and stroked your cheek. The soft gentle caress of the back of my hand along your cheek and jaw. You didn't jerk away like I expected, or make some snide and cutting remark. You didn't say anything at all, as if it was perfectly normal. Then we just continued as normal, but with the memory of that gesture at the front of our minds, and the feelings of love and trust and happiness. Do you see how clearly I remember it? The strength of my words? But it isn't true. It didn't happen. It can't have happened it doesn't make any sense. So why do I remember it so well?
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Six months ago, we stayed up until 5am talking about anything and everything.
I don’t even know how to say hi.
Love always,
- C
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Evening on the River by Matt Crowell
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Me, to crush: Excuse me can u not be so cute and make me think about you all the time I find it to be very rude kay thanks
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