fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Piers. Nice to meetcha.
Uh oh...
That might actually work well with me. Thanks, I’m Hayden.
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Just make it into a song in your head or write it down. Lists work pretty damn well.
Uh oh...
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
You know there's a little trick to fixing that right?
Uh oh...
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I’m such a forgetful person. That’s a bad habit. A really bad one.
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
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We are on our own
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
I wish you luck with that, buddy. Hopefully he does so it puts your mind at ease and what not.
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Uh oh...
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Thanks.. I mean I try. I should probably check if he does have it though.
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Check that out, you lost it all and found it in like three seconds. Or possibly found it...either way, it's good detective skills there.
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Uh oh...
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That’s what I’m trying to figure out… Maybe Elijah has it..
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Ahhh, okay. Where at then?
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Uh oh...
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Oh, thanks for the tip,but I think I missed placed  it..
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Uh oh. Loose pockets lose money, my friend. You should be more careful with your stuff.
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Uh oh...
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Where’s my wallet? I just had it here..
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Same way I do. Sneak into the back of the pub. It'll probably go away after a while though right?
Fearless leader, I like that. It makes me sound all strong and mysterious which is always an added bonus, so yes, please keep calling me that. 
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-He drops the mirror- Well isn’t that great, I lost my good looks and now look like a ten year old. How am I supposed to get drunk now?
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Quite the valiant one, oh fearless leader...uh...you changed...again...by the way. Check it out -he hands him a mirror-
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I’ve got some aspirin back at headquarters if you wish for some.
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Oh you know, scared someone and made them afraid of me, saved a life but apart from that i just got away with a few cuts and a headache.
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Thanks for the advice. I'll try and find an empty bathroom later and try that. 
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Mau survived the earthquake.
Try an orgasm. Works better than Advil at curing headaches.
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Well I have a headache I can't shake, so I'm a bit cranky. Sorry. 
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Mau survived the earthquake.
Never struck you as a whiner.
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
I can curse it. It sucked. It was like being in a tin can and all shook up man.
Mau survived the earthquake.
The woman pet-sitting for me did not.
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Oh well. Can’t really curse a natural disaster for killing someone I barely knew.
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Nothing just a headache. It'll go away in a minute or two. Always does. How did your earthquake days fair?
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Is everything okay there?
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Ow. Ow ow oww.
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Piers lets Alexis's question drop because he honestly didn't want to have to explain to this girl that he was a rebel. He didn't like putting that out there too much. The more people who know the more chance it would get him in some sort of trouble right? Thankfully, Jude distracted both of them from the topic. Piers had stood carefully with him, sure that he would fall because his ankle really did look that bad. So when he did, Piers was ready for him. He caught him as quickly as he could, one arm wrapped around his waist and the other holding him steady on his chest. It was strained, but he could hold him at least. At Alexis's mention of help though, he looked to her with a raised brow before he looked back to Jude. Unlike Alexis, he didn't particularly ask if he could help. He just did. After making sure he was sitting back on the seat again, Piers sat next to him.
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"He's always gonna be too stubborn to say yes," he pointed out simply as he reached out and let his hand lay against the side of his neck. The affects were almost instant. He could feel a sickening feeling in his stomach, and fought all instinct to just let go of Jude. No...that wouldn't help anything in this situation. He was soon dizzy, his skin growing pale and him feeling as if he were going to throw up. Soon his vision was getting black around the edges, and he felt his whole body go numb. There was a slight ringing in his ears before finally Piers simply fell unconscious next to the other two.
“I was playing follow-the-leader, but the leader didn’t know she was leading.” Jude’s eyelids lowered so that the blue was only half-visible and directed a nasty look from the corners of his eyes at the woman who had denied any desire of wanting to sleep with him. If he had the means, he would definitely do what he could to seduce her. All because her words came off as a challenge. There would be no stopping him once he put his mind to it either, despite the ache in his chest that reminded him every waking moment of his recent abandonment. Throat constricting not because of the pain in his leg, but because of the absolute bitterness that permeated through his entire body and threatened to choke him speechless, he breathed through his nose and exhaled when Piers rolled up his pant leg. “You can’t be right. It’s just twisted.” Shaking his head, he shifted and moved his leg out of the other male’s lap. Bracing himself for the agony that was bound to explode throughout the damaged joint, Jude forced himself to stand up from his seat just to prove that he could. “Ta-dah!” His show of stubbornness was ruined as he took a step and nearly crumpled to the floor, having to grab onto Piers for all the support his slim body could offer him.
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“…All right, maybe it’s sprained, at most.” 
She watched him an eyebrow raised, not particularly interested in him getting up with whatever the hell was wrong with his leg. The look he’d given her had been entirely too raw for her liking. “Exploring, huh,” she said, staring at the other intently as she ignored Jude, “I’d have thought things like that would get you in trouble. It’d be a shame if the Force heard about you messing around down here.” Cocking her head at Piers, she held his gaze for a moment before Jude nearly collapsed besides them. “Holy shit, don’t be an idiot. You’re hurt so don’t try to walk,” she said, rolling her eyes before Alexis sighed, “I told you I’d help you. I mean, you can touch me. It’ll knock me out, but if it heals you…”
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fromthepiers12 · 11 years
Piers couldn't help but give a large grin. Despite the situation, the light hearted conversation couldn't help but lift his spirits. Anything would lift ones spirits right now, though. Considering how on bottom they were. At the girls question though he shrugged, moving closer to the other two and sitting down in front of Jude. He was determined to check out the broken ankle of his.
"I was...exploring, more or less. What about you? What brings you two down here?" he asked as he lifted Jude's foot up carefully and sat it in his lap. He pulled up the leg of his pants careful not to touch the skin just yet. They could've fallen from the streets above or something, he didn't know. It had certainly been a bad enough quake for such things. "I think you broke it," he added as he looked back up to Jude.
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Jude’s head snapped from Alexis to the direction of approaching footsteps before he could open his mouth and explain to her that he wasn’t going to do anything not entirely necessary—like strip the life out of her for his own benefit. At the sight and sound of Piers, his scowl softened and morphed into a sly grin, bright irises sliding over to the just-dressed figure of Alexis before he spoke. “Guess it’s not too much of a surprise, but it’s too bad you missed the sex we had. I’m pretty sure it’s what caused the quake, and my busted ankle.” Against his better judgement, he wiggled his right leg so to emphasize where his injury was, enduring the pain because it wasn’t an altogether new sensation. “Next time we’ll take a break during foreplay to warn the population of San Fan to wear helmets.”
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Her nerves on edge, she twisted around to face Piers with a low growl before her features softened as she recognized him. “We did not have sex,” she said, furrowing her brow as she glared at the two, “And, for future reference, I never plan on having sex with this idiot. Alright, kid?” Though she was eyeing the boy, her words were directed towards Jude. If he made one more joke about them, she was going to punch him in the face no matter what the consequences. Even offering to help him didn’t make him stop to think before teasing her. “What are you even doing down here,” she asked, realizing that Piers had to be a rebel if he was down here. Luckily, he seemed to know Jude well. She would have expected a rebel to be more cold with them this close to headquarters.
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