frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
[ I wanted to stop in and let you all know I am working on your replies! Alas,  I have 17 replies to my original starter so I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. I’m going to open up a simple F2F starter here in a little while though if anyone is interested! Thanks for bearing with me! ]
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
God, it’s like you know me and my life! But exactly, cos you know the second you get rid of something, you’ll come up on a time soon after that you really need it! The only thing I don’t do that with is furniture cos I feel like I change that out rather quickly, so maybe that’s my balance. Most definitely, it can make for a fun night! Maybe we could head down there sometime and I’ll introduce you to the place in style, with the bar games and the drinks. And wow, that giant Jenga game sounds like something I need in my life?! Seeing how much me and my bandmates already go nuts for Jenga, it’s a wonder we’ve not found this before. But I can imagine, that’s a whole party theme right there. Is that where you’re from, Jersey? 
Seascape Apartments are pretty nice! And I’d also be the one giving stellar reviews about Bayside since I live over there myself. It’s great to meet you too, Brian! So you end up being the guy with the face to people for a little while? Totally works for you. I’m glad you’re liking the place so far! Definitely has a little bit of something for everyone, and that’s one of its charms. And it’s always building up and changing so you know, never a dull moment for keeping busy. What brought you around these parts? 
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Exactly! Like, man, who the hell knows when I could use this roll of electrical tape I’ve had for seven years? I haven’t used it... ever... but as soon as it’s in a trash truck on the way to the landfill, my phone charger will get busted and I’ll need it. I don’t change my furniture out often but the same stuff that’s lasted me for years is still sturdy, so I never see a need to buy anything new. Makes me sound like a typical 30 year old bachelor, but hey, if it still functions, that’s all that matters to me. I’d love that! I’m definitely looking to make new friends, especially fellow musicians. Maybe I’ll have to invest in giant Jenga as my own housewarming gift. I had honestly never heard of it before until I saw it in that bar. Yeah, I’m Jersey through and through. Born and raised. People say it’s the armpit of America - and they’re kinda right - but it’s my armpit of America. Where’re you from originally?
Nice! So now I have even more of an excuse to spend all of my time there. As much as I love the ocean, I decided on something off the beach because I don’t wanna get burned out. Ha! Yeah, I’m definitely the guy with the face. I’m bad with names most of the time anyway and I usually remember faces better than names anyway. That’s awesome - there’s really nothing like an up and coming area. 
Well, truthfully, I’m here to rest my brain a little. I’ve been touring and writing and releasing new music for the last two years and I felt like I needed a change. My band’s still together, we’re just taking a breather, getting some new inspiration and settling down a little bit. I’m about to be 31 in June, and it’s like, man, I’ve had a great time but I’m getting too old! What brought you here to Bayview, if you don’t mind my asking?
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
I like you already – I subscribe to the same mentality. When I’m working, I’m all-in and focused and ready to go, but when they yell “cut,” then I want to be soaking up the rays and sipping something sweet. Did you come with a lot of boxes, or are you fairly simple with what you’re packing? For sure! Maybe your next song will be about… hmm… blossoms in the spring time. You can see why I’m an actress and not a song-writer, clearly.
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We live in a world that’s so, like, go go go all the time that it’s nice to breathe. I love what I do, don’t get me wrong, but it can’t all be shaking hands and signing beer cans. You gotta have stuff just for you. Self-care, I guess. As for my box situation, it’s... messy. I’m one of those people that holds onto things forever so there’s definitely clutter. I also packed last minute, so I kinda just... threw things in boxes randomly and hoped for the best. Oh man, I wish I was delicate enough to sing about blossoms and flowers. Music for me is like, venting, so a lot of my inspiration comes from the negative stuff in life. Maybe I can work in the blossoms in the spring time though.
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
Yep! It’s a fun place to hang out with good friends, have a few drinks and just enjoy the music. I love the ocean too. And over here the beach is pretty incredible. Oh yeah? Where are you from, then? It’s nice to meet you, I’m Darren. It’s always awesome to meet another musician in town.
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Sounds awesome, man. A lot of people think, as a musician, I must get tired of seeing shows because I play shows. But it’s nice to be on the other side sometimes, y’know? I haven’t lost my passion for good jams just because I play on the stage too. I’m originally from a little town called Woodcliff Lake, in Jersey, but I’ve spent most of my years in Asbury Park. It’s a nice place, good vibes and all, but I really just needed a change. 
Totally agreed. I was worried when I moved here that I might not get to meet any musicians. We’ll definitely have to hang and jam sometime. I’m taking a little breather from making music at the moment but I don’t mind a chill jam session every now and then!
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
Oh, from one clutterbug to another, I certainly feel your pain on that! But you know, some things I just don’t want to throw out. Rustic charm is pretty accurate! I mean, it’s got pool tables and dart games and a dancefloor by the jukebox, totally that kind of joint. It’s a lot of fun, though. And I’m always in on a good party for those very reasons, so excellent move there. Where in town are you staying? And I’m Olly, by the way! Rude of me to roll up without introducing myself. I hope the first impressions of the place have been good, though. 
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Exactly! It’s like, some stuff is sentimental, but then you have that random junk that you feel like you might need at some point in time... but then you never end up using it. But you never know, so you still don’t get rid of it. That sounds awesome. I’m not much on dancing unless I’ve got more than a few drinks in me, but bar games are fun, especially with the right company. We have a place in Jersey that used to have like, this giant-sized Jenga. Get a bunch of drunk people in a room together with giant Jenga and you’re bound to have a good time.
I’m actually at Seascape Apartments. It just seemed to be a little more of my scene, though I’m hearing stellar reviews of the Bayside area as well. I’m Brian, it’s great to meet ya, Olly. I’m just as guilty, no worries. Sometimes I just get to talking and forget I haven’t even told someone my name. And so far, so good! Seems like this place has a little bit of everything, which I like. I get bored easily, so having a lot of variety makes me feel like I made a good choice moving here.
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
Oh, totally! You have to do what you have to do to keep yourself motivated, and that might as well be getting a good drink and soaking up some sunshine, right? We’ve got a lot of parks in town, there’s pretty much one in every district, so you can never go too far without finding a nice bench to park yourself on and play guitar. It’s great to meet you, too, Brian! I’m Claire.
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Exactly. I’m all about, like, balance in my life, you know? You can’t just work yourself to death. Gotta squeeze some fun in and enjoy life too, even when you’ve got boxes to unpack. It can wait until tomorrow. That’s awesome! Parks really do have something for everyone. I haven’t taken much time to really sit down and enjoy nature lately either, so it’ll be nice to pay a visit to the park sometime soon. I guess musicians draw inspiration from nature and stuff, but I just like to sit and relax. Become one with the earth or whatever. Makes me sound a little bit like a hippie.
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
I know exactly how you feel. I don’t think anyone would really wanna be stuck inside trying to get all unpacked when it’s a gorgeous day out. As for a good place for a beer, I’m not entirely sure since I usually love to stay home for stuff like that sometimes but I hear people talk about The Rusty Wheel or Blackbeard’s Bar & Grill though.
I know, right? I’m kinda going a little stir crazy but at the same time, I know it needs to be done. I agree that there’s nothing like staying home and having a few drinks, but without the company, it can feel a little lonely. There’s no doubt in my mind that once I settle in, I’ll have some parties over at my place. I’ve heard about Rusty Wheel, but I’ll have to give Blackbeard’s a shot too. The name alone has a nice ring to it.
I’m Brian, by the way!
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
Hi, Brian! I am Daisy, and it’s great to meet you too. I am! I have been here for a few weeks now, and so far it’s been so wicked. Everyone has been welcoming, and there is SO much to do. I’ve gotten around, and I still feel like I haven’t seen one percent of it. I would love It sounds fun to explore, so I am up for that anytime. I am leaving for Star Wars Celebration tomorrow, so how about when I get back?
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That’s really reassuring. It’s kinda scary moving to a new place because you never know what the crowd’ll be like, ya know? It sounds like there are a lot of cool people here though. Star Wars Celebration? Man, that sounds awesome! I hope you enjoy it. No worries at all. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, so whenever you want to hang, I’m down.
What’ll you be doing for the celebration? 
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
Pearls. Especially if you like the glitz and glitter and good music? Might even catch a show there at night. But if we’re talking sun, then the pier is the place to be. And the beach. I love it there. Plus it’s super relaxing and you get to smell the ocean.
Oh yeah? Sounds like my kind of thing, for sure! I always love a good show. The Pier sounds like a great place, to be honest. Definitely love the ocean. I grew up on the shore and even after 30 years, I’ve never gotten sick of it. I’m Brian, by the way. Nice to meet ya!
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
The weather has been so warm lately that it’s making me want to stay outside now all day. Definitely go to the pier, it has the best views and you can’t go wrong with a beer, nice weather, and the boardwalk.
Oh yeah. Once I’m settled in, I plan on spending my days like a retiree -- soaking up the sun and not caring about anything. (I’m only half kidding). The Pier sounds like a killer locale, I’m definitely gonna have to go out there with my guitar. Nothin’ like the ocean breeze on a warm spring day.
I’m Brian, by the way. It’s nice to meet ya.
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
I’m actually at Seascape Apartments in the Village. Bayside sounds like something I’d like though. I grew up in Jersey, on the shore, so I’m pretty fond of the beach. I’ll have to come out there sometime, maybe we can explore a little together. I’m Brian, by the way. It’s great to meet you? Are you fairly new to town too? 
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It’s too nice of a day to sit inside and unpack all these boxes. Anyone know of a good spot to hang, maybe get a beer and just soak up the sun? Mostly for the sake of procrastination, but I also need to find a good “watering hole”… and fast!
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
The Pier? Awesome! That’s just my kind of place. As a guy who grew up near the Jersey shore, I definitely have a soft spot for piers and the ocean breeze. I’ve heard a few of the folks mention Rusty Wheel, I’m definitely gonna have to check it out. 
It’s great to meet you, Scarlett. I’m a pretty big fan, if I’m being honest. I’m Brian. I’m actually just trying to find a change of pace. My band’s been touring and making music pretty much non-stop for the last couple of years and it was time to slow down. Not to say I won’t be using Bayview as a source of inspiration, but the music’s gotta take a backseat for a while. 
It’s too nice of a day to sit inside and unpack all these boxes. Anyone know of a good spot to hang, maybe get a beer and just soak up the sun? Mostly for the sake of procrastination, but I also need to find a good “watering hole”… and fast!
I have to agree with you, too nice to spend the day inside. The Pier is a fantastic place to soak up the sun especially to watch the sunset over the water. As for the beer, I recommend the Rusty Wheel downtown. The RW definitely fits the bill for a good ‘watering hole.’ I’m Scarlett, by the way and its nice to meet you. What brings you to our quaint little town?
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
Definitely agree with ya there. It’s not only tedious, but it’s a not-so-nice reminder of all the clutter I’ve gathered over the years. Rusty Wheel sounds like a great place just by the name alone. It sounds like it’s got some... uhh... rustic charm to it? And hey, you’re totally right about that. Maybe once I’m settled in and make some friends around town, I’ll have a little party here. There’s nothin’ like food, beer, and good company. 
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It’s too nice of a day to sit inside and unpack all these boxes. Anyone know of a good spot to hang, maybe get a beer and just soak up the sun? Mostly for the sake of procrastination, but I also need to find a good “watering hole”… and fast!
I hear that, though most things seem far more appealing that unpacking, yeah? For getting a beer, the Rusty Wheel isn’t a bad place for it! Though I’ve no idea which venues have an outdoor spot for enjoying their beer too, but nothing wrong with doing that in your own yard or roof if push comes to shove? Sounds relaxing. 
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
I couldn’t agree with you more. Honestly, moving is a total pain in the ass so some procrastination and a little Vitamin D was in order. I’ll have to check out Rusty Wheel. It sounds like my kind of place! The park sounds nice too -- I’ll definitely have to check it out once my guitar is unpacked. It sounds like a nice place to relax and play some chill tunes.
I’m Brian, by the way. It’s nice to meet ya!
It’s too nice of a day to sit inside and unpack all these boxes. Anyone know of a good spot to hang, maybe get a beer and just soak up the sun? Mostly for the sake of procrastination, but I also need to find a good “watering hole”… and fast!
I hear you – it’s tough to want to be cooped up inside the house with a bunch of boxes when you could be outside doing… pretty much anything else. I’m not sure if any of the bars around here would have any type of deck where you could sit and drink outside, but! Rusty Wheel is probably the go-to bar in town, and as for soaking up the sun, Central Park’s not too far from there!
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frontmanbrian-blog · 5 years
It’s too nice of a day to sit inside and unpack all these boxes. Anyone know of a good spot to hang, maybe get a beer and just soak up the sun? Mostly for the sake of procrastination, but I also need to find a good “watering hole”... and fast!
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