frostspoken · 1 year
(⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) blanche my beloved, an event all to themselves, I'm so proud.
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frostspoken · 1 year
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what jewel are your bones made of?
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reserved (by choice), decisive, self-sure and self-contained, selective, resolved, close-minded, intuitive, deliberate ⍚ opaque - my secrets are not for you ⍚ scrying - i can see more than you know ⍚ sharp - i know where to cut
Tagged by: @dynamoprotocol Tagging: Anyone still up at this hour
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frostspoken · 1 year
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@dynamoprotocol​ asked: "I was making sure you weren’t dead, since you never called."
She always seemed to find the oddest ways to show up and even more so ways to find them in ways that their family could not, this time she came like a foreign sound in your home, a out of place tap on a window, the creak of a door you swore you didn't touch and this was no exception when it came to Clarissa. Now standing in what was currently their living room, not to say the place they lived didn't change often to, some could be seen as grand while others like this one were... liveable at best.
They'd just been getting themselves settled for the day, as suggested by the nest of blankets carefully arranged on the floor to make a bed with a few choice books and a steamy cup of tea in their hands. They would have been scared if not for the fact Clarissa had a tendency to just, show up. They personally thought it was out of worry but they knew she'd never admit that.
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Though they had the grace to be a little sheepish."I am still unused to using electronics of my own and I had misplaced it a day or so ago. I am perfectly okay however, death has not claimed me, I simply needed to get another phone for contact purposes."
That barbed tail sways slightly back and forth, ears faintly pricked back, they really couldn't hide much of their own embarrassment.
"You may stay if you'd like since you are already here."
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frostspoken · 1 year
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@skullkxd​ asked: [ TEXT ] turn on your images I have a funny meme to send
They stare at the text that has infiltrated their phone, they'd wonder how they'd gotten their number if not for the fact it was publicly available due to the nature of their work.
Well at least they didn't try to call
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[text - blanche]: I am not doing that, this number is not for memes, Send them to sparks number instead. He will find far greater humor then I.
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frostspoken · 1 year
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(I think my favorite part about the job I have now is it’s 99% downtime)
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frostspoken · 1 year
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also some quick sketches of blanche’s miraidon they find, They are sleek, regal and knowing 50% of the time.
The other 50% is head empty, only sandwiches and chaos.
It loves bothering articuno and refuses to stay hidden much to blanche’s chagrin so they compromised by having it wear a team mystic badge and being caught in a ball so it can’t be captured by anyone else.
Little does blanche know, it’s not going anywhere and has decided they are fantastic.
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frostspoken · 1 year
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Update, It’s been colored, Different colors then usual miraidon because i figured since Miraidon in the future are the equivalent of Cyclizar (so literally everywhere!) that they’d have color varieties either naturally occurring/bred specifically for aesthetics.
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also some quick sketches of blanche’s miraidon they find, They are sleek, regal and knowing 50% of the time.
The other 50% is head empty, only sandwiches and chaos.
It loves bothering articuno and refuses to stay hidden much to blanche’s chagrin so they compromised by having it wear a team mystic badge and being caught in a ball so it can’t be captured by anyone else.
Little does blanche know, it’s not going anywhere and has decided they are fantastic.
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frostspoken · 1 year
            some days 
                                                i don’t even feel human 
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frostspoken · 1 year
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also some quick sketches of blanche’s miraidon they find, They are sleek, regal and knowing 50% of the time.
The other 50% is head empty, only sandwiches and chaos.
It loves bothering articuno and refuses to stay hidden much to blanche’s chagrin so they compromised by having it wear a team mystic badge and being caught in a ball so it can’t be captured by anyone else.
Little does blanche know, it’s not going anywhere and has decided they are fantastic.
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frostspoken · 1 year
“Willow, I did not mean the ursaluna.”
Briefly they wondered why they had to specify even as they eyed the professor, looking as though he’d been lightly mauled by the massive bear that now lay limp near his feet, if not for the fact the professor was as sturdy as spark or candela and just as reckless. They did despite their concern though, pull out a notepad to take a few notes.
“Rotom, picture please.”
including utilizing their phone to take a few images of the bear since willow was right, ursaluna were ancient forms and barely talked about until recently.
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“A fantastic reminder I'm hoping you will keep to heart for now on professor, But after this, please let’s at least get you new clothes and disinfect our cuts, We have little idea what this ursaluna could be carrying on it’s claws.”
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@frostspoken asked:
“  just tell me what happened.  ”
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❝ Ah dont worry, he's alright. He'll come too in an hour. ❞
Gesturing to the knocked out Ursaluna he was standing next too anyways. Willow however was covered in various dissaray of scratches and torn clothing but seemingly no serious injuries...that they knew of.
❝ Studying Ursaring is pretty dangerous, but I have to keep reminding myself that studying their den habits during a full moon is even worse. Fascinating though! The raw power they display during evolution goes into an outrage until the subject can adjust to their new body. ❞
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❝ Blanche, take notes on this won't you? We're not quite one with Hisuian Pokemon yet and I dont want to forget this experience! ❞
Nevermind the struggle and near death experience with an Ursaluna, this had to be recorded!
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frostspoken · 1 year
⍤, ☺, 📱
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep?
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 - Blanche has a very smooth toned voice that edges only faintly on rougher/raspier territory when emotions run high, They do have a tilt to the feminine side and it rarely goes above a demanding tone, Blanche doesn’t enjoy yelling and will do their best to avoid it unless things really are dire. The best example i have is - https://youtu.be/YjTPQ0bzEfo?t=141 Mary from Reign, Minus the slight british(?) accent i hear. That’s not to say blanche doesn’t have an accent though because they do. They just hide it well, But when angry or sad. Sometimes even when they are very happy, they speak in a rougher, semi-clipped though proper accent. Think arizona in RL. (Or Orre-ian/whatever it’d translate late to in orre).
☺ : What is your muse’s smile like? Do they smile often?
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- Unfortunately Blanche doesn’t smile very often, This is due to their up bringing, Lack of proper socializing and general attitude towards seeming vulnerable, They often have what many would call a resting bitch face or a frown. Though their smile is extremely flattering, It’s often a confident grin when they feel accomplished about something. But they have a softer smile, Reserved only for close friends and small children, it’s soft, comforting and is often one in the same with them being relaxed or happy.
📱 : Does your muse prefer calling or texting?
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- Calling, Have fun trying to get blanche to text you back for longer then a few minutes before they inevitably call you instead, They find the act of texting annoying because of their insistence on perfectly writing up neat paragraphs. Calling is faster and they can just tell people what they want to say.
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frostspoken · 1 year
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@picavecalyx​ asked: " articunu is nice!! but uhhh...I dun't knuw a lut abut yu, I dun't think yu're articunu either, yu feel different. even thugh....same budy....... " 
They still felt a little chilly from articuno’s recent expedition with their body, It never fared well when the bird wanted to use it for their own purposes, but this time felt like they’d purposefully gone out of their way to spend time in some of the coldest areas of Amoll. So safe to say they weren’t expecting that interesting but admittedly slightly strange child they’d met once before at a pokestop to talk to them again now nor could they predict the words out of her mouth.
She’s talking about articuno.
The momentary panic that made their heart race was likely almost palpable especially as they turned to stare at Silva, A swimming mix of trying to stay calm while their brain sorted through the many different Why’s, Why did silva know about articuno? could she sense something others couldn’t? had articuno not been careful and been caught? or...Impossibly, she had called articuno nice, Had...had they introduced themselves to silva? if so why? what out of her in particular had interested the bird who’d been interested by nobody for as long as they’d known them and as far as they knew. As long as they’d lived.
But if she knew, they couldn’t fib out of it and if articuno had their say, This wouldn’t be the last meeting either.
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“Articuno needs to stay a secret, You can’t say anything to anyone about them besides me okay? They are a strong legendary but there’s people who can’t know about them or they might try to hurt articuno.”
Do they explain further? probably, Silva mentioned they feel different, She had to be able to tell the difference between the two.
“..I’m...what’s the best way to put it, I’m bonded to articuno, I get granted some of their powers in exchange for something in return. So they occasionally use my body but my name is blanche, blanche illiol.”
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frostspoken · 1 year
It had been a long time since he’d been rushed by a Shadow Pokemon, the sudden activation of the Aura Reader taking him by surprise enough to throw off his reaction. If they were just wandering around like this, could it mean he’d finally found where the Cipher remnants were hiding? But if it was, why would they just let them run around causing chaos where any trainer could catch them without a Snag Machine? Not that Michael would go without it, just in case. Any Shadow Pokemon in the wrong hands was his responsibility to take. He shuffled through his bag until he found the Snag Machine, snapping it into place like a comfort blanket. Now he was ready to take on whatever this place had to throw at him.
And this time, there were other people who knew what they were doing. The Go Initiative hit at something in Michael’s memory, a passing comment Professor Krane had made about another researcher looking into Shadow Pokemon.
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“I’m pretty good at handling myself. A shadowed nidoran isn’t the scariest thing I’ve had run at me.”
He rotated his arm, making sure none of the wires tangled.
“Do you know Professor Willow?”
“Is this not the first time you’ve seen a-.” They paused only when they noticed the machine the other had pulled out, snapping it onto their arm, ensuring none of the wires got tangled. Their eyes widening slightly, they recognized what it was though they’d never seen one in real life (Nor did they recognize the specific model on the other’s arm, but they’d seen pictures in old research documents of the first one and one or two clearer ones from candela’s second in command-) and though they weren’t to blurt things out, there was a momentary pause.
“That’s a snag machine isn’t it”
It wasn’t so much a question, as much a stated fact, some part of them wanted so badly to ask to study the device but they knew better. It was just the scientist in them.
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“But excusing that, Yes i know professor willow, He’s the one i report to after all though there is personal history as well. As you seem to have guessed, we study shadow pokemon as well due to their recreation by team rocket go and subsequent infestation across Amoll. Normally they don’t run wild but there’s nothing stopping grunts from just dumping the ones they think are to ‘weak’ until me, one of my fellow leaders or one of our go members catches it and brings it in for purification.”
They were having a deeper and deeper suspicion that this kid was familiar, Where had they seen him??
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frostspoken · 1 year
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@gnzma​ asked: BUG FACT! Did ya know a single Combee can produce up to 100kg of honey each year? Lil guys will save the world. Save the Combees.
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“I did in fact know that but it’s always a nice refresher to hear someone talk about combee and the effects humanity has had on their population so in return, i will also give you a bug fact. Did you know there’s a desert dwelling version of combee and on average are slightly less than two millimeters long!”
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frostspoken · 1 year
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@schattenfanger​ asked: ❛ why did you help me? ❜
“Did i need a reason?”
They probably sounded irritated, not helped by the new wound on their arm, Long scratches that dripped crimson down the length of a odd scar that curled in loops upwards and disappeared under their sleeve. They’d received it from where they’d bore an attack from a furious shadow nidoran denoted by the glint in it’s red eyes. They couldn’t blame the pokemon, they knew full well it was in pain, a lot more pain then they would ever understand. Besides it wasn’t the first time they’d been injured and it wouldn’t be the last, it was worth helping this kid (Something about him made them wonder if they recognized him despite knowing they’d never met him before-), Still they paid no mind to the injury and it’s slight ache as their vaporeon sent the nidoran flying with a hydro pump that blasted out of her mouth and left it in a state easy to catch.
Using their good arm, they tossed a ultra ball and watched the subtle rock of the ball, 1, 2, 3 before it clicked and they felt. For the moment, they could relax, it was odd, that wound of theirs had already stopped bleeding even as they retrieved the ball and slipped it into a small bag at their hip. Notably separate from their other pokeballs
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“You should be more careful around here, There’s more like that one dotted around most of the region.”
It was only then they realized they hadn’t even said who they were and got just slightly sheepish but only slightly
“My name is blanche, Blanche illiol, I’m the leader of team mystic apart of the go initiative.”
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frostspoken · 1 year
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“ uh!! i’m silva! bagatella silva!! it’s su nice tu meet yu! ”
Silva just sort of giggled, crossing her arms behind her back while bobbing on the soles of her boots.
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“ uh! uh! well i dun’t always stick tu the cities!! i like furests mure, if i’m hunest… ”
“Silva bagatella, such a fancy name, it’s quite fitting for you.”
She wasn’t a normal child, that much was clear, the horns were blatantly obvious though there was a certain...energy to her that denoted a less then human quality yet she didn’t act that way. 
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“A good choice to make, the forests lay wild and full of mysteries since few are bold enough to come out here.”
There was a consideration from the silver haired individual, icy blue eyes taking another moment before smiling, if only slightly.
“My name is articuno, This area is my domain, this form of mine is...borrowed. Because having hands can be very convenient.”
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frostspoken · 1 year
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“What an odd little child you are, what is your name? it is unusual for any living being to wander this far from the main cities.”
@frostspoken replied:
looks at blanche's bond with articuno, they smell like cold bird
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silva, who spent her infancy in a snow ridden forest: FRIEND?
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