#Forged by careful hands (Mun’s art)
frostspoken · 1 year
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also some quick sketches of blanche’s miraidon they find, They are sleek, regal and knowing 50% of the time.
The other 50% is head empty, only sandwiches and chaos.
It loves bothering articuno and refuses to stay hidden much to blanche’s chagrin so they compromised by having it wear a team mystic badge and being caught in a ball so it can’t be captured by anyone else.
Little does blanche know, it’s not going anywhere and has decided they are fantastic.
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multiverse-of-souls · 2 years
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@bythebonefire​ - How tall? (For Sansby and Grillster) — Grillby’s 6’2”
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I put all three of them together!, gaster is ver toll, Grillby gets the middle slot and sans is a dwarf.
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awakened-harmony · 2 years
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@bythebonefire​ - How tall? (Ferno’s 6’2”)
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Me, drawing ferno again even just for a ask? yes, vita is not tall fqehk
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the-judge-of-bones · 2 years
"SWAP!" For night and dream, ur take on the swapped Dreamt*le lads
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HEAVY BREATHING, I WAS ENABLED And my brain was left to run wild SO, i present to Everyone my version of swapped dreamtale which for my own sake i'll call Miragetale (as Dreamswap and swapdream are used for other AU's). But here we go!! rambling time, Readmore cause length but also mentions of abuse
For all intent and purposes, Much of the world and story the original brothers knew remains the same in a swapped scenario, They are both still twins, born of the tree as unintended guardians of their respective emotions, Negative and Positive. The villagers still adored dream as the protector of the golden apples while Nightmare was still subjected to some pretty horrendous abuse as the protector of the dark apples and for a long time, Dream was oblivious to the torment his twin was suffering directly under his nose. Unable to glean as to why his sibling withdrew further and further from everyone, From even him and hid himself within' the shallow roots of their mother's tree.
But unlike in the OG where dream never found out about the cruelest of the villager's act, In this? he does and in what could only be seen as the worst way possible because one night, Whether led by a feeling in his non-existent soul or futile cries of pain that reached his ear holes. He found the villagers in the middle of Assaulting night and between the sheer malicious intent mixed with disgusting pleasure on their faces, The way his brother slightly shorter then him hung limp in their grasp like a broken doll, So used to being treated this way that something inside of him broke. Dream does not remember when he did to that particular set of villagers, All he remembers is the screams that could wake the dead, Were they his, Were they the villagers? he didn't know. All he does know is he fled back to the tree, cradling his brother in his arms, His mind still shut down to try and save his psyche from further trauma that to dream in that moment. He could have been dead if not for the faint glow of his magic.
He wasn't the same after that incident as he carefully tended to his siblings injuries, a tenderness reserved now only for him, For weeks he kept nightmare hidden from the villagers who blamed him for 'corrupting' his better. Dream spent many of his waking hours in the village arguing with them and their attempts to 'help' him, He often refusing to sleep and instead would sit awake all night, back pressed firmly against the tree of their mother. Holding his brother in his arms and though the final reason he truly fell to the darkest whispers is unknown whether it be his own anxiety, the lack of sleep or the villagers own whispers that plotted quietly to 'save' him of his twins darker influence so dream turned to the apples. Intent on using them to help both of them, to save both of them but in his state of delirium, Dream never gave an apple to nightmare. Not truly understanding how deep their connection to them went, He turned all thousand apples gold even as his bones cracked from the magical pressure, Forcing itself to heal yet even as he took this power for himself. Growing into something one could only call a god, Nightmare at the same time was thrown into a gagging, coughing fit, Begging dream to stop. That it hurts, Shaking hard and going still when the crown around his skull shatters.
Dream didn't know what to think, He wasn't dream anymore, He didn't know what he was. Only able to stare down at his sibling's body that lay there, Calm and almost lifeless if he hadn't still breathed, He carried himself with a nearly floating grace into the village and with it, He slaughtered all of them. Their blood soaked into the earth, Houses became wisps of light that faded into nothingness, Leaving no trace that a village had ever existed in the first place. There was no screaming, No pain, It simply became nothing. He can remember walking back to where his brother lay, covered in fresh blood and glowing, How he quietly kneeled beside him and gather him up in front of the living though bare tree of their mother who weeped unconsolably inside his skull. He recalls the way he gently prodded at his sibling with soft words, Shaking him yet he did not move of his own volition, He did not awaken from the sleep he'd been cast into and with the revelation, Eos begun to sob, Tears dripped from his sockets Tears that started and have not stopped in the five hundred years, Not even once since his brother fell into the slumber he was cast into.
Yet life had not been barren in the dark brother's absence, Eos would build a world for his brother to come back to, He would find a way to awaken him. So he worked, He worked tirelessly beyond what any mortal could comprehend, Their mother's tree would become the new centerpiece of a new village, Eos's magic forcing her to grow impossibly large, Her roots and branches spreading out into impossibly thick bundles of woven wood. So large that could could easily walk across even the thinnest branches that spread across the sky, No apples grew on the tree but apple blossoms flowered and flew away in the wind like tears once a year, He would take from her tree to grow others, smaller though just as grand that became a village out of a fantasy. Homes were woven into the branches, Dug into the base like hallows. Powered by the magic of Eos, He who was revered as a god, He who walked among his tiny flocks of human and monster followers that worshipped to him, Prayed to him and to a special few, were allowed to collect his tears. For they could heal any ailment, Any injury considered fatal if the collectors intentions were pure of heart, so of his flock, He choose His apostles of their children. Marked from birth by a symbol of the sun, Children who he'd whisk away from their parents soon after, the parents knowing they'd never see their child again, children who grew knowing only his tutelage and his light an' each other within' the sealed woven branches of the main tree, Their mother. For eos lived at what was nearly her peak, Many ask why not at the peak.
and the answer was simple, It was where the sleeping prince lay, Nightmare's body slumbered at the highest peaks of their mother's tree. in a bed so large and lavish that any who lay in it would never wish to leave again, In a room decorated with books, Symbols of the moon and more of nightmare's favorite items, His body always lovingly dressed in silks. Though Eos was associated with the sun, dreams, hope. There was only one festival for him at the same time the apple blossoms fell from the tree's during the day where they all mourned another year where the prince had yet to awaken, all the other festivals were at night, lit by magic and indulgence where they celebrated their darkest desires and for a time...forget who they were when the daylight shone upon them and not have to be anyone for a while under the softer light of the moon. Everyone knows of the prince, they know his stories, They know eos's pain for his twin. Wishing for the day he awakens though they know not that their god is the cause of his slumber. They also know that for every year the prince does not awaken, it is another tick on the clock. For the prince is mortal unlike his twin Eos, Though the prince is a long lived mortal. He is still mortal and rumors have it on the eve of his thousandth birthday, He will die and pass onto the ether.
Some might ask how the prince's body is kept alive, with no food, no water, no soul. This is due to the final work of Eos's apostles who've spent their entire short lives studying, Living, breathing the presence of eos and dedicated their entire existence to him and to the prince. During the same end of the year festival as the beautiful apple blossoms fall is the first and last time his Apostles get to exit the main tree and for one day and one day only they get to walk amongst the rest of the village, Mingling. Offering prayers, bearing their sun shaped marks with smiles on their face as all twelve are inevitably led to the middle of the village and they proudly bear their souls. Glowing bright under the fading light of the day as each one of them is slaughtered on the evening of their 18th birthdays, Their souls harvested and bodies laid carefully to rest in a graveyard dedicated to past...and future apostles. Their souls are taken with eos and he crushes them, turning them into a magical essence that he has his twin drink. Gently guiding it into his jaw, Giving him the energy to keep living for longer. The next day, The cycle begins anew with new apostles.
and now that i've got that mighty story out of the way. Here some smaller HC's and a sketch of their designs.
- Whether he is or isn't dream, Nobody truly knows but he has the full power of a god, He is not maddened nor' is he crazed. He has full control of himself. Even he is not sure how, The best way to explain it though is much like in UT where having six souls gives you almost complete control but not enough where having seven is the true, complete control.
- He's gone by Eos since he took control of all the apples of the tree. His name is shared only by the Greek titan of the dawn so take that as you will.
- He's insanely tall and would likely continue to grow larger as he gets on in years even if very slowly, He currently sits at 8'4. Eos bears four arms and a pair of wing bones on his back that only fledge feathers when he wishes them to. Otherwise they being bear are representative of his fear for his twins life, That it is a situation he has no control over. That these wings are useless without feathers and they would not catch him if he fell.
- He constantly wears a veil which is attached to his now sun shaped crown. Obscuring his features, it is only lifted when his apostles come to collect his tears, Eos never opens his eyes though he can 'see' you just fine despite this. Magical golden tears constantly drip from his eye sockets, Able to heal any and all when collected with the right intentions. Eos has cried continuously from the day he realized what he did to his sibling. He does all of this work for him.
- Eos holds a very glowy presence about him, He walks so lightly that you'd think he floated instead, it is common that people bow their heads to him when he passes as a sign of respect.
- Lost in a eternal dream, Nyx was separated from the magic and his very body the day that Eos took all of the apples from their mother's tree, His body lays unconscious within' the village while Nyx himself. The softest, Purest intentions of what remains of nightmare is stuck in a dreamscape, Separate from the mortal and waking world. He wanders endlessly between dreams, Like a multiverse in a multiverse.
- Nyx can and has appeared to any who are able to sleep or rest, He is a comforting, Calming presence and to many he is a imaginary friend, The only reason you could have to prove he is more real then he lets on is the fact that those who can look into others dreams from the outside can see him to. Nyx to many appears as a nightgown glad skeleton with beaded dangles of stars, Beads and moons around his skull. His singular visible eye light is like the crescent mood and he has small wings (Colored like the Greater sooty owl) that he can use to fly around with though he usually just hovers.
- Very rarely he feels a connection with someone, Normally those of the same dark powers as him or similar (Whether it be connections to the moon, Negativity or simply darkness) and he can appear briefly outside of their dreams as a purple wisp.
- he's so lonely, Ever so deeply lonely and he misses his brother.
- despite having no connection to the tree any longer, He can still see and communicate clearly with his mother as her tree was never cut down. He often goes to her at the end of a 'night', Resting softly in her large hand or on her shoulder, Hearing her soft i loves and i'm sorry's to her dear eternally slumbering child as he falls into his own dreamless sleeps within' a dream..
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intothespidersden · 3 years
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And speaking of pretty ladies, Here she is in her full glory <3, A very spidery lady who’s in fact very nice, now it’s time for some headcannons/basic reiteration of info.
- Her full name is Muffet ‘kahina’ Covent.
- She is a boss monster class Arachne which is what leads to her massive size and increase in magical output (And how long she’s been alive), There are lesser versions of the Arachne species that do not nearly match her size or appearance (Some are much more humanoid like canon muffet) or age
- She stands at 7′2 but she’s often crouching down or folding her legs under her so she’s more at height with most regular monsters, Sometimes she’ll host monsters on her back and just turn around to talk to them, it’s so much easier.
- She’s a lot sturdier then a regular spider you’d find on the surface and those legs can crack straight through concrete if she wants them to, so no you can’t just pull one of her legs off or split her abdomen by dropping her from a far enough height, She’ll just be really angry at you, Also she has mandibles that retract into her mouth and pop out unprompted only when she’s really hungry.
- Muffet is the current leader of the spider clan due to her boss monster status, She has led it since it got passed down to her not long before the monster vs human war kicked off, She was very well known and feared amongst human populations as the Spellweaver and as Deadshot Covent. (A skill set that is passed down in the spider clan specifically, You won’t find this in other clans). Able to wind and weave spells together so instead of going off as ‘bullets’, they could be gathered up and turned into the monster equivalent of Grenades/Mines and in the strongest cases, small nuclear weapons (minus the radiation after, Humans!! >:( ) which were used prominently to decimate some of the largest human camps.
- The deadshot part of her war infamy was because of her other main weapon being a bow an’ arrow, She didn’t miss unless she was aiming to miss on purpose.
- Speaking of husbands, Muffet was bethrothed once but as is spider customs, They mated once to confirm that she’d start a new generation of spiderlings and then she ate him for nutrients, So he’s not around anymore...this tradition has. Mostly been left to the past so any future mates probably won’t meet the same fate.
- She despite her supposed rivalry with Grillby, Actually does see him as a friend and fellow war veteran who she deeply respected
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blazespoken · 3 years
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DID I FORGET TO SHARE THIS ONCE I FINISHED IT, YES,  YES I DID. This is directly inspired by @plataneprofessor brief deliberation of a mythical creature AU and because i am very easily influenced. I immediately made one for Candela, She’s a centaur, She leads a herd named Valor and is. Well she’s really not much different from how she usually is.
side note ya’ll should all join me with myth au’s because heck yeah
Verse tag: Of myth’s and monsters (Mythical creature AU)
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shadowedsight · 3 years
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And here’s lovrina’s extra stinky fuckin’ cat, The true first test subject in the XD line of Shadow pokemon. XD000. I’ll be making a headcannon post about the XD line of shadow pokemon soonish
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voltspoken · 3 years
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And finally spark’s ball of hearts outfit!!
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silver-amalgamation · 3 years
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The biggest dad vibes
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shattered-quartz · 3 years
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I forgot to post the full size version of cliffs icon, I made this one myself!!
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bloodofthecovenants · 4 years
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👀 after so long, i’ve drawn him again, my boy
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frostspoken · 2 years
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Tag:  A life beyond what i’d known (Space AU)
Some of you might remember this AU, it’s getting a bit of a rework because reading back on the old info is painful and it was sloppily written at best + new design for blanche >:3
The runaway princex of a dying species on a fading planet, blanche and their entire species are apex predators so their numbers were always relatively small to begin with, made only worse by rising decline in prey, high infertility rates (And low survival rates in childhood) and a already inhospitable desert planet growing harsher by the year. It’s no surprise by the time that blanche was born, there was a lot of pressure for them to grow up and succeed as they were the only child their parents managed to have, ensuring they were the last of the royal lineage if they were not perfect in their duties. It was a lot of pressure placed on them from a young age, to keep them safe, they were isolated in the cavernous spaces they called home. Friends of which there was few options were heavily vetted and soon blanche denied them all in favor of studying, they’d wanted to bring their world, their home back to the former glory they’d heard about from stories. It was a honorable goal, they’d thought so at least when they were younger and a little more hopeful.
It was a hope that didn’t last the older they got, as that pressure to succeed wore on their shoulders and they felt as though they could never make some of their population happy, Not helped by brewing feelings that they could not let go of, locked inside of them that they weren’t sure were even normal. Their kind perceived any strong emotion as a weakness and shunned any who showed it, Often the biggest grand display they’d get of their parents to show how proud they were was small smiles that lasted only a few seconds before they disappeared back to stony, calm gazes and their heart full of emotion further walled itself itself up with crystal so that they could achieve what they needed to. If they could, it was all they asked for anymore, They finally cracked under the pressure, they’d been trying so hard to learn to be a good leader, to save their world. But how could you save a world with only the tools they allowed you? and so little freedom that you barely knew what lay beyond the cold cavern walls that had become your prison? their people were stubborn, they’d rather all die then to ask any other race for help, then to leave their world behind. The final straw was trying to arrange for them a mate, the mere thought of their children, if they could have any at all being put through the exact same thing they were was a terrifying thought.
So they left, After a fight broke out with their parents, they’d tried one more time to talk to them, to express how they felt. But they were stubborn to, To stuck in traditions that would fade with them if they let it. They took what they could and they left, fleeing the people they’d known into a vast space of which they had little knowledge, it was terrifying but exhilarating. Not to say they had any time to enjoy it, They were on the run, people, their people came after them to try and drag them back kicking and screaming to fulfill their duties and to die with the rest of their people. To keep what they know going until there was nobody left, It hasn’t been easy and though they’ve managed to relax some, taking on jobs translating old languages and repairing books far past their prime. They are still being looked for and don’t stay in one place for long despite longing to be able to have a home and settle down, to fully relax for once in their life. It’s a dream they wonder if it’ll ever come.
Species traits:
Name: TBN
Appearance: Humanoid
Key characteristics: Unique markings akin to a humans fingerprint scattered all across their body that glow in the dark and a long prehensile tail bearing a venomous spike at it’s tip that at best will feel like the world’s world allergic reaction and at worst, will kill you.
Common features: Digitigrade (They are fantastic runners and well suited for long distance travel), Slitted pupils (They commonly hunt at night so in the day/bright light, they shrink to protect their eyes), Large ears (Both to help them cool down and allowing them to hear up to a mile away), their feet are similar to hands, allowing them to pick things up with them and to hang upside down.
They are however terrible swimmers who can essentially only doggy paddle and not very well, there is little opportunity to learn to swim on their home planet but this does not stop them from often haphazardly throwing themselves into bodies of water solely due to their fascination with the concept. Blanche could spend hours in a large bathtub and still feel reluctant to get out after.
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multiverse-of-souls · 2 years
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(Here’s a few other stuff i’ve done to as of recent! the inkmare is the most recent, As in last night. But there’s a few other beans to
- Guardian Blue
- Flower Dream
- Killermare ship child
- and a random naga nightmare)
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awakened-harmony · 2 years
Nakey version under the cut because mom bod
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the-judge-of-bones · 3 years
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And now these!! yes more AU’s, i can never be stopped. This time it’s a species swap, You’ve got sans the lazy elemental and the skeleton is of course grillby! specifically @spookyscientistskeleton ‘s grillby because i love him. A good lad
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flowersofthedead · 4 years
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(IT’S GOAT DAD TIME, NORMAL AND UNDERFELL, I’ll do a HC post at some point for renegade. But for now, Take his ref sheet and how i imagine he looks. Also his soul trait is spite though his magic forms Integrity to. This is the same asgore that @the-judge-of-bones Phoenix (My UF papyrus) is scared of Because he’s a dick)
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