fuchsrox · 5 years
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After the long wait we’re proud to finally announce pre-orders for IMPRINT opening! 
Watching the process up to this point has been such a joy and we’re super excited to finally release this to the public! 30 extremely talented creators poured a lot of passion into bringing this project to life and we hope you enjoy this as much as we do!
Formatted like a fashion & lifestyle magazine, IMPRINT makes it easy to keep up with Shibuya’s trends. Be sure not to miss out and get your copy!
Pre-orders will be open from June 24th to July 28th
We are hosting a GIVEAWAY of a free physical copy (incl. shipping) on here as well as a separate one on Twitter. All you have to do to enter is reblog this post before July 19th. ▼ More info below ▼
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fuchsrox · 5 years
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tagged by: @federgraux
tagging: whoever wants to do this lol
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fuchsrox · 5 years
[ Neku ]
Neku gave a fond laugh at that, letting his boyfriend get secure and comfy on his back before he moved away from the couch. He looked back at the familiar fluffy head of the Composer, reaching back to pat his hair. With Joshua being secure on his back, he started walking towards the kitchen, his hands unconsciously moving to support his body as he walked. “I think the real test is if you can hold yourself up while I do the dishes.”
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「Joshua grinned as he rested his chin on his shoulder, legs wrapping around his partner’s waist. He was fully secure now and to be honest, he loved being carried around like this.」
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   “ As if that would be a real test. I can hold on to you for years. ”
Neku snorted and smiled fondly, tilting his head to nuzzle his cheek slightly before he walked to the kitchen, easily carrying his boyfriend’s weight. “You sure about that?” He teased, poking his boyfriend’s arm with a fond look.
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fuchsrox · 5 years
[ Neku ]
Neku inwardly chuckled at how closely the boy watched him put his sword into the bag, not really blaming him though. If he was as attached to the sword as he himself was attached to his headphones, it’s not surprising that he’d keep a close eye on the item. He tilted his head slightly at that warm smile, not able to really help that small smile that curled his lips. Seems his earlier assessment of ‘puppy’ vibes was not inaccurate. 
He was about to answer, his mouth opening to speak when he saw the other boy startle and turn his head. Neku blinked and looked off to the side, the only thing different about the crowd being- oh, well, that answers his question. Sorey could definitely see the UG, if he reacted to the Noise that was hopping towards some players that were a ways behind them. He jolted as the boy yelped and nearly fell, his hands coming out without thinking to catch him if he fell. He glanced at the player the frog was attacking, wincing in sympathy. He still hated those things and had nightmares about them.
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When Sorey whirled around and grabbed at his bag, Neku quickly grabbed his arm and hissed at him. “No! You can’t hurt the creatures, and you can’t help that person! No one else can see them!” He could already see and hear people around them whispering, wondering what happened to cause the boy to react like that and looking worriedly amongst themselves.
「that strong grip on his arm actually startled him and sorey stopped for a second to look at the male beside him in confusion and urgency.」
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   “  what do you mean, no one can see them?!  ”
「was this a seraph? but then they should be able to defend themselves and those people definitely didn’t had the confidence of any of the seraphs he’d seen. no matter what, he couldn’t just stand by and watch and little did neku know that he actually wasn’t unable to help. he learned a lot of artes during his travels and if he could defeat hellions twice the size of this frog, it definitely should be no problem. thus he tugged at the bag of the other once more, determination in his eyes.」
   “  somebody has to help them! if you’re not going to, i will! give me my sword.  ”
He shook his head firmly as he gripped his arm tightly, looking him in the eyes. “You can not help them!” He repeated sternly, holding his bag tightly closed. “This isn’t something that you can help with! This has nothing to do with you or whatever you can do wherever you’re from!” As much as Neku would possibly want to interfere, he couldn’t. He had to let the Game run its course. He was it’s Conductor, and he couldn’t just interfere on the whims of some stranger to their world.
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His eyes darted to the Player, seeing them struggle, calling out for someone to partner up. He remembered that first day, the fear as Noise chased him through the streets and he cried for help, only to be ignored by everyone around him until Shiki forcibly partnered up with him, the confusion that plagued him. One of the frogs spewed bubbles around the Player and he winced in sympathy. “This is not something that you can do anything about. This is the order of my world, not yours. Things aren’t the same here as they are back in your world. This world does not follow the rules of yours, so you can’t expect things to work here the same way they do there. And if you interfere, there will be severe repercussions for you.” Hopefully this would get through to him, laying out the facts that he didn’t have any experience with yet. This was likely the first time he’d been to another world, and specifically another world with such different rules.
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fuchsrox · 5 years
[ Neku ]
Neku snorted fondly and rolled his eyes, reaching up to nudge his fiance. “I can’t get up if you’re on my back, babe.” He shifted his body, moving to stand even with the other still draped over him. Josh is light enough he can still get up quite easily, he just doesn’t wanna disturb his comfortable boyfriend.
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   “ It’s a test of strength, Neku. Can you do the dishes with my weight on you? ”
「A light giggle as he got lifted up, his arms wrapping tighter around him to cling and soon his legs would follow and wrap around him as well. He was comfy, so Neku would just have to deal with him.」
Neku gave a fond laugh at that, letting his boyfriend get secure and comfy on his back before he moved away from the couch. He looked back at the familiar fluffy head of the Composer, reaching back to pat his hair. With Joshua being secure on his back, he started walking towards the kitchen, his hands unconsciously moving to support his body as he walked. “I think the real test is if you can hold yourself up while I do the dishes.”
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fuchsrox · 5 years
[ Neku ]
Neku blinked at that, his steps faltering slightly before shaking his head at his question.”I don’t really know where you could get a permit, sorry. I’d have to look that up.” It’s not like he would’ve had the need to do that stuff. His weapons were all very inconspicuous, being pins and all, and Josh’s weapon was something he just materialized on a whim. He took hold of the sword and carefully tucked it into his bag, making sure that the only things that stuck out were the handle and the feathers on the end. As he placed it in, he glanced at the other, trying to gauge whether he could possibly see the UG. Not too many people could see it, but he got the strange feeling this guy would be able to.
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“Neku Sakuraba.” He said in answer to his second question. He glanced ahead, subtly tapping one of the pins on his bag to change its vibe so that it was in the UG. That was probably the easiest, least likely to cause a scene methods to test his theory. Thankfully, he couldn’t see any cops around them, which was great for them. They definitely didn’t need cops coming over because it was suspected they were doing illegal shit. “Ya know, you should count yourself lucky you landed in Shibuya. People will just think you’re cosplaying, and won’t really bat an eye at your outfit.” He for one, wouldn’t have really noticed him being too out of place aside from the fact he looked utterly overwhelmed in the crowds. And. You know, the fact he sat on his precious headphones.
「sorey watched him intently, the worry about his precious sword obvious. he would hate to lose it and in such a– seemingly– large city it wouldn’t be easily found again once lost. although, as he saw it being properly secured in the bag, the shepherd could relax somewhat.」
   “  –it’s nice to meet you, neku!  ”
「he smiled in the friendly way that was so usual for him, already feeling a little closer to the other now that he got a name to link to his person. continuing to walk beside the redhead, he sometimes glanced at the bag, as if to make sure that it was still there.」
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   “  cosplaying? what’s that?  ”
「such a foreign word; sorey couldn’t even begin to guess what it meant. maybe it was a tradition of sorts. it seemed to be pretty common judging from neku’s words. before he could think on it more, however, he was startled by a movement out of the corner of his eyes. he turned his head to see what it was that was moving among the masses so quickly, eyes widening in surprise once seeing the… creature. he would’ve described it as frog if it wasn’t way bigger and had these odd sharp shapes.
sorey yelped as it hopped past him, tripping over his own feet and just barely saving himself from falling. the sight of it was startling enough, but it got worse when he saw it attack another human. why did nobody helped them?! somebody had to help them! unable to turn his back on someone in need, he whirled around and grabbed neku’s bag in order to retrieve his sword.」
Neku inwardly chuckled at how closely the boy watched him put his sword into the bag, not really blaming him though. If he was as attached to the sword as he himself was attached to his headphones, it’s not surprising that he’d keep a close eye on the item. He tilted his head slightly at that warm smile, not able to really help that small smile that curled his lips. Seems his earlier assessment of ‘puppy’ vibes was not inaccurate. 
He was about to answer, his mouth opening to speak when he saw the other boy startle and turn his head. Neku blinked and looked off to the side, the only thing different about the crowd being- oh, well, that answers his question. Sorey could definitely see the UG, if he reacted to the Noise that was hopping towards some players that were a ways behind them. He jolted as the boy yelped and nearly fell, his hands coming out without thinking to catch him if he fell. He glanced at the player the frog was attacking, wincing in sympathy. He still hated those things and had nightmares about them.
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When Sorey whirled around and grabbed at his bag, Neku quickly grabbed his arm and hissed at him. “No! You can’t hurt the creatures, and you can’t help that person! No one else can see them!” He could already see and hear people around them whispering, wondering what happened to cause the boy to react like that and looking worriedly amongst themselves.
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fuchsrox · 5 years
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bold what applies to your muse. italicize what they like / what they would like
SIGHT. small towns. big cities. six thirty curfews. lights that take the place of stars.blanket nests. light through the blinds as a wake up call. found family. finding a single star in the middle of new york city. window shopping. watching something terrible and enjoying it. growing numb to the sight of injustice. wilted flowers. faded caricatures. bright, bold colors.
HEARING. crickets and lightning bugs. car engines and ac units. a phone call to mom / dad.laughing with friends. jokes that are so bad you have to laugh. the clicking of computer keys. noise cancelling headphones. the sound of silence. muffled music from another room. drumming fingertips on a table. clicking of pens. listening to a clock and swearing the ticks get slower. ringing in the ears. the voice of someone you love.pitch shifted songs.
TOUCH. being held close during a long night. fleeting reassurances. holding hands when you’re scared. brushing fingers through strands of hair. freshly dried clothes.bruises on your knuckles. silk and satin. your favorite pet’s fur / feather. wringing your hands anxiously.snuggles. comforters in the dead of winter. nails against skin. cold metal. leather in summer.
TASTE. coffee in the morning. tea in the evening. bubblegum that lost its flavor. alcohol burning the back of your throat. homemade cooking, no matter what’s made. blood in your mouth. stale air. mint. fresh vegetables. the first meal you cook by yourself that tastes good. foreign sweets. fast food. bittersweet. sour. spicy. sweet. bitter. too much salt on fries.
SMELL. morning glories and honeysuckles. freshly cut grass. hot chocolate in the middle of winter. nail polish. acetone. hospital rooms. smoke. hair spray. your favorite shampoo / conditioner. the scent of home. perfume. cologne. mint. something burning.wet “dogs”. copper. metal. unemptied ash trays. something familiar yet different.
tagged by: @shepherdduty
tagging: @federgraux
0 notes
fuchsrox · 5 years
[ Neku ]
Neku slowed down his gait to stand next to Sorey, holding his hand out for the sword. “They won’t care. It’s not legal for people to carry weapons around here without a permit. Which I doubt you have.” If he recalled correctly, swords were pretty strictly prohibited. Along with guns. “They don’t want to risk you going around hurting anyone. Give it here, I can put it in my bag.” Thank god he’d brought along his bag. It might not be perfect, but it’d work well enough to hide his sword. And if need be, he could always shift it to the UG so that no one could see it.
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「sorey hesitated, taking a step back at hand that was held out towards him. this area didn’t seem dangerous, but he still didn’t liked to be without any way to defend himself.」
   “  can you tell me how I can get a permit?  ”
「shoulders slumped in defeat as the other’s offer. getting a permit would’ve probably taken too long anyway and thus he took his sword and held it out to the other with a heavy heart. only sorey notices that he hadn’t asked for the other’s name yet.」
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   “  hey, what’s your name? mine’s sorey!  ”
Neku blinked at that, his steps faltering slightly before shaking his head at his question.”I don’t really know where you could get a permit, sorry. I’d have to look that up.” It’s not like he would’ve had the need to do that stuff. His weapons were all very inconspicuous, being pins and all, and Josh’s weapon was something he just materialized on a whim. He took hold of the sword and carefully tucked it into his bag, making sure that the only things that stuck out were the handle and the feathers on the end. As he placed it in, he glanced at the other, trying to gauge whether he could possibly see the UG. Not too many people could see it, but he got the strange feeling this guy would be able to.
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“Neku Sakuraba.” He said in answer to his second question. He glanced ahead, subtly tapping one of the pins on his bag to change its vibe so that it was in the UG. That was probably the easiest, least likely to cause a scene methods to test his theory. Thankfully, he couldn’t see any cops around them, which was great for them. They definitely didn’t need cops coming over because it was suspected they were doing illegal shit. “Ya know, you should count yourself lucky you landed in Shibuya. People will just think you’re cosplaying, and won’t really bat an eye at your outfit.” He for one, wouldn’t have really noticed him being too out of place aside from the fact he looked utterly overwhelmed in the crowds. And. You know, the fact he sat on his precious headphones.
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fuchsrox · 5 years
[ Neku ]
Neku glanced back at the boy, noticing how the signs and crowds were starting to overwhelm him. To be honest, he could blame him. Shibuya was… A Lot. Especially for someone unused to modern times and a big city like this. His eyes flicked to the sheath at the other’s side, his brows quirked until he focused on his face. “If you’re sure.” He shrugged his shoulders as they walked, glancing ahead. “You’ll want to be careful with that sword. The cops won’t take lightly to you walking around with a visible weapon.” And it would be far better for everyone involved if the other didn’t get arrested for carrying his weapon in the open. He’d rather not have to deal with the fall out when they realize the guy doesn’t exist in this world.
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「the shepherd glanced down at his sword, brows quirking in confusion. cops? what were those? in any case, now that the other mentioned it, none of the people around him had any weapons on them, which was weird to say the least. there was worry nagging at him now; he really didn’t wanted to cause trouble but where else should he put it? there was no way that he would discard it– as it being his only weapon– so what other choice did he have?」
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   “ this is only a ritual sword. it has no sharp edges. ”
Neku slowed down his gait to stand next to Sorey, holding his hand out for the sword. “They won’t care. It’s not legal for people to carry weapons around here without a permit. Which I doubt you have.” If he recalled correctly, swords were pretty strictly prohibited. Along with guns. “They don’t want to risk you going around hurting anyone. Give it here, I can put it in my bag.” Thank god he’d brought along his bag. It might not be perfect, but it’d work well enough to hide his sword. And if need be, he could always shift it to the UG so that no one could see it.
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fuchsrox · 5 years
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bold what applies.
I. THE FAIRY.  chipped nail polish. glitter highlight. tall trees with smooth bark.  tangled hair. the taste of cinnamon sugar. talking too loud and too fast. overgrown flowers in your hair. crumbling buildings reclaimed by nature. flirting. walking home at 3am with no coat. platonic hand-holding. blowing smoke out of your nose. dragonfly wings. chaotic good. freckles.  fairy rings. secret meetings. gender nonconformity.  leather.smudged eyeliner.  forbidden fruit.
II. THE REAPER. computer errors. a shiver down your spine  haunting beauty. hard liquor.  crowns of thorns. shadowed alleyways  decaying plant matter. shattered mirrors and broken glass.  corrupted memories. stopped clocks. the scent of stale cigarettes.  tattered black hoodies. walking your friends home.  the crescent moon.  the sea. a graveyard on a foggy day. cold rings on cold fingers. absolution.  looking out the window of an airplane. soft kisses.
III. THE WITCH. graffiti.  pretending to know what you’re doing.  worn paperback books. growing up too fast. parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.  lace and combat boots. moth wings. candles on every surface.  a weathered deck of cards. turning the music up. fireflies in jars. calloused fingers. drawing on your skin.  sunlight filtering through clouds. petrichor.  a dying rose in a jar.  wearing a crystal pendant. illusions and spells. black cats.  mint gum.  chapped lips. dirt under your fingernails. the cycle of life and death.
IV. THE WOLF. murders of crows.  frost-bitten leaves. wolves howling at midnight.knocking on your door. leaving food out for stray animals. the twang of an acoustic guitar. honey. tiny red buds on trees.  claw marks on the walls.  golden eyes. slightly too long stubble. sharp canines.  soft, thick fur. hunger. a small cottage in the middle of the woods. knitted fingerless gloves.  sleeping on the forest floor.  always finding your way back home.
tagged by: @federgraux
tagging: whoever wants to do this
0 notes
fuchsrox · 5 years
[ Neku ]
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“You mean we don’t already have that happen on a regular basis? We’re literally dead, Josh. You could go stand by the door if you want while I take care of the dishes.” He’ll need Josh to get off his back first, but he’ll go take care of his dishes right away.
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   “ …–you got me there. ”
「he chuckles softly and drapes himself over his back, lightly nudging him to get up. you know he won’t stop until neku is actually up.」
Neku snorted fondly and rolled his eyes, reaching up to nudge his fiance. “I can’t get up if you’re on my back, babe.” He shifted his body, moving to stand even with the other still draped over him. Josh is light enough he can still get up quite easily, he just doesn’t wanna disturb his comfortable boyfriend.
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fuchsrox · 5 years
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if your favorite ship doesn’t boil down to ‘they’re both stupid but they help each other be less sad’ then What’s The Point
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fuchsrox · 5 years
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Hi, yes sorry. Stuff came up but I’m here.
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fuchsrox · 5 years
[ Neku ]
Blue eyes blinked as the boy grew panicked, looking over the crowds as if looking for someone before slumping in defeat. “Looking for someone?” He tilted his head and pulled out his phone, checking to see whether he’d gotten any messages. “If you’re worried about it, I’ve got connections.” He waved his phone vaguely. He could text Uzuki or Kariya, see if one of the pair had noticed someone matching the mystery person’s description. Technology had it’s perks sometimes, he mused absently.
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With a nod of his head, he hefted his bag up to his shoulder, giving a nod in the direction he was going to walk. Heading towards the Shibuya River was the closest spot from Hachiko, even if he was more than a little leary about leading someone from a different world to the area. But it was quiet, at least, with only a few people passing through at any given time. “Follow me. And be careful with the crowds.” He took a step forward, glancing back to make sure his new companion would follow.
「sorey fidgeted with his sword as he followed the other’s lead, still peering around. not only because he was hoping to see mikleo but also from all the impressions that were just too much on him. those big flashy walls kind of hurt his eyes and he ducked his head down, rather focusing on the various shops on his eye level. there was so much hustle and loud chatter and more than once he fell behind because people bumped into him. now he understood the reason of why the other said to be careful with the crowds.
once he got at least a little bit closer to him again, he tried to answer his companion’s previous question.」
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   “it’s fine. i’m not even sure if he’s here. ”
Neku glanced back at the boy, noticing how the signs and crowds were starting to overwhelm him. To be honest, he could blame him. Shibuya was... A Lot. Especially for someone unused to modern times and a big city like this. His eyes flicked to the sheath at the other’s side, his brows quirked until he focused on his face. “If you’re sure.” He shrugged his shoulders as they walked, glancing ahead. “You’ll want to be careful with that sword. The cops won’t take lightly to you walking around with a visible weapon.” And it would be far better for everyone involved if the other didn’t get arrested for carrying his weapon in the open. He’d rather not have to deal with the fall out when they realize the guy doesn’t exist in this world.
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fuchsrox · 5 years
[ Neku ]
Neku watched the other’s reactions closely, gauging how truthful he was being. Even from this brief encounter, he was getting a huge ‘puppy’ vibe from the guy in his eagerness and energy. Like he could look up and expect to see a pair of fluffy ears peeking up from his brown hair.
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He gave a faint smile, glancing around the crowds walking passed them. “This is Shibuya, a district of Tokyo which is the capital city of Japan.” He flipped closed his sketchbook, tucking it into the bag he’d brought along with himself when he’d left the apartment. He wasn’t likely to get much more sketching done anyway, and this guy looked he could use a quieter place to stand. “I know an area that’s fairly quiet, if you’d prefer it. I know these crowds aren’t for everyone.” Hell, even he’d hated them for a time, and he was born and raised in the city.
   “ hmmm… ”
「that certainly wasn’t a place in glenwood. this was all too confusing if you ask him. the last thing he remembered was that he was with Mi– oh god, Mikleo! what if he was here too?! his face grew panicked as he looked around as if he could possibly spot a tiny head of white in the masses; he was hopeful enough for that. but when there was no one he recognized, his shoulders slumped, a slight worry overtaking him. he knew Mikleo could take care of himself just fine but still…
sorey raised his head at the offer, thinking it through. he didn’t mind the crowds; yet, at least. a quiet place to think about his next actions would be good though. 」
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   “ i think that would be the best right now. thank you. ”
Blue eyes blinked as the boy grew panicked, looking over the crowds as if looking for someone before slumping in defeat. "Looking for someone?” He tilted his head and pulled out his phone, checking to see whether he’d gotten any messages. “If you’re worried about it, I’ve got connections.” He waved his phone vaguely. He could text Uzuki or Kariya, see if one of the pair had noticed someone matching the mystery person’s description. Technology had it’s perks sometimes, he mused absently.
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With a nod of his head, he hefted his bag up to his shoulder, giving a nod in the direction he was going to walk. Heading towards the Shibuya River was the closest spot from Hachiko, even if he was more than a little leary about leading someone from a different world to the area. But it was quiet, at least, with only a few people passing through at any given time. “Follow me. And be careful with the crowds.” He took a step forward, glancing back to make sure his new companion would follow.
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fuchsrox · 5 years
[ Neku ]
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Neku blinked at the question, leveling the boy who looked roughly his own age (give or take a few years) with a blank gaze. He quirked a brow, looking him over. Huh, weird outfit, must be from another world. Either that, or he’s really getting in character and cosplaying someone he’s never seen before. But he’s dealt with that shit enough over his span as Conductor to know when it pops up. “They’re headphones. I use them to listen to music.” He pulled out his phone and plugged them in, picking a random song and turning up the volume for the male to hear over the crowds. After a moment, he tilts his head and speaks. “You’re not from here.” For one thing, his outfit, and for another, he looked very uncomfortable with all these people around. Probably from a small town, wherever they’re from.
   “ headphones… to listen to music? so you mean like an instrument? ”
「he put his hand to his chin in thought, before jolting as he could hear faint music coming from those ‘headphones’. his eyes widened in awe, since this special instrument seemed to imitate every other instrurment he’d heard before. simultaneously at that!」
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   “ woah! this is so cool! ”
「but before his enthusiasm could get too big, he got interrupted by the statement of the stranger. it seemed like he was really resolute about it; there was no beating around the bush.」
   “ yeah… i guess? what is this place? ”
Neku watched the other’s reactions closely, gauging how truthful he was being. Even from this brief encounter, he was getting a huge ‘puppy’ vibe from the guy in his eagerness and energy. Like he could look up and expect to see a pair of fluffy ears peeking up from his brown hair.
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He gave a faint smile, glancing around the crowds walking passed them. “This is Shibuya, a district of Tokyo which is the capital city of Japan.” He flipped closed his sketchbook, tucking it into the bag he’d brought along with himself when he’d left the apartment. He wasn’t likely to get much more sketching done anyway, and this guy looked he could use a quieter place to stand. “I know an area that’s fairly quiet, if you’d prefer it. I know these crowds aren’t for everyone.” Hell, even he’d hated them for a time, and he was born and raised in the city.
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fuchsrox · 5 years
[ Neku ]
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He blinked slightly, trying to remember if he did, in fact, leave dishes in the sink. “… Well shit.” He couldn’t remember cleaning them, he’d probably been distracted after eating. “I can go take care of them now.”
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   “’Well shit’ for real.I really advise you to clean them or someone will get angry. You don’t want dead people at your doorstop, do you? ”
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“You mean we don’t already have that happen on a regular basis? We’re literally dead, Josh. You could go stand by the door if you want while I take care of the dishes.” He’ll need Josh to get off his back first, but he’ll go take care of his dishes right away.
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