fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
She was about to open her mouth when she was stopped. Hearing a crash and the ensuing curses, Chelsea laughed. "Oh my god— you didn'ae just—" She put two and two together, figuring out she was looking at the culprit, and mirrored his smirk-turning-into-a-frown as the angry doctor barrelled out of the office and past them. Once he was gone, she gave a quiet laugh. 
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"Wait shh   Give it a sec.” He holds his hand up to whoever came to speak with him, not even looking as he stares at the office door. Kaden smirks knowing what’s to come and a loud crash echoes from the room and a string of curses. The little shit had taken all the screws out of the chair and desk. He starts chuckling and quickly hides it as the victim bursts out of the office.
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
Chelsea said something under her breath that he wouldn't be able to hear.
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"Maybe you should get your hearing checked then. Not being able to tell the difference from a compliment and a caustic remark, is a little concerning. Now I’m patronizing you."
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
"Don't let tha' rat boy find out. He'll wanna add yah to his collection."
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I'm beginning to wonder if my shrink has mistaken me for a lab rat. 
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
Her mouth turns into a momentary O-shape as the magazine she had been reading so intently was snatched out of her hands, the boys' now. It infuriated Chelsea more than anything, now she wouldn't be able to know who the designer of Kim Kardashian's wedding dress had been. "Ya tit!" She shouted, though not loud enough to raise the alarm of nurses. Chelsea stretched out her hand, trying to grab at him or the magazine, not wanting to actually move or use any effort in retrieving her lost treasure.
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Mac rolls his eyes at her saying fascinating. Mus’ be real fascinatin’ love. He thinks sarcastically as she turns back to her magazine. Kicking his feet up onto the table he leans back in his chair and tries to think of something to do. Staring at the wall had already been ticked off for things to do today so his attention gets caught by the magazine. In seconds he snatches it and moves it so he can read it. 
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
"Well it sounded like it."
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"I-I’m not."
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
Chelsea watched him with a befuddled expression on her face. Having the coffee snatched out of her hands was not an appreciated gesture, and it didn't go quietly either. "T'fook was tha' for?" It was completely baffling to her. "Try it ovah? Why'd I wanna do tha' now?" She snapped, wanting the session to just be over.
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"Well to bad princess. I’m the only one avaliable. Seeing as how Dr. Kurtz is the favorite, she’s booked solid." He said getting up. Grabbing the coffee cup from the girl he dumped both cups down the sink in his office. Walking back to his seat, Nicolai crossed his legs. "Now, you want to try this over?"
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
Chelsea sat on the bench, crossing her legs as elbows went back to lean against the table. "Would luv a curry," she said, tossing hair back behind her head. "If yah got some, tha' is. I could settle wiv chips, though." There was never a time when Chelsea wasn't craving chips, if she was really honest with herself. Nice, thick cut ones with enough salt and vinegar on them. It was enough to make her mouth water.
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Probably Dale would have to have a talk with the docs and Marna about having a patient to do some tests, but probably it would be alright. Or at least Dale hoped it would be okay. He opened the door to the kitchen stepping in and then right away to the fridge to check what he could cook to check did he have any idea what would taste good. “Something specific you want to eat?” he asked while staring into the fridge.
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
It seemed like one of the other girls stepped up to the plate to talk to her, as the nurse who had been on her case to get back to work glanced over at the brunette and then walked off to tend to something else. That was good. Chelsea could handle a fellow patient, the nurses seemed a lot more adamant. She squared up the to the girl, arms crossed tight over her chest. "Oh yeah? Tell that to them nurse's ovah there," Chelsea said with a tilt of her chin. "They've been on my fookin' case since mornin'."
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Des had been observing the other’s mood swings for some time, enjoying the little show. The child before her stomped about, and she wouldn’t have been surprised to have seen at least a few things breaking. After a few minutes, however, Des grew bored and somewhat irritated by Chelsea’s ranting.
"Oh, pipe down. Go make a blanket fort and sulk in there," she called out, leaning on one of the cooler pipes.
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
Chelsea was in full on tantrum mode, sulking in the corner of the steaming laundry room, death-glaring nurses and patients alike. Some of them were sneering behind her back, some of them were huffing in irritation at the stroppy blonde, but Chelsea didn't care. It was bad enough having to rot in St. James, where the water fucked with her complexion and turned her hair dull, but now manual labour? They were taking the piss.
 "Fold them yahselves! If I hafta do one more scummy bedsheet I'm gonna fookin'— I'm gonna—"
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
"Made it? Ya sneak into tha' kitchens, then?" she asked conspiratorially. Taking the sandwich from the plate, she bit into it, flashing a thankful smile and speaking in between chews. "Fanks. Was fookin' starvin'."
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Kai looked at the half sandwich in his hand, then down at the other half on the plate. “I made it.” He said between chews. Titling his head a bit he sighed before sliding the plate over to her. “Do you want it?” He questioned biting into the half he still had. 
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
Chelsea found the way he spoke amusing. Surely the dying bit was just jokes, just being modest and all that. If he really was in charge of all the desserts and so on, it was clearly a lie that he was awful; she'd tried all of his cooking and it pretty fab. Silently, chelsea followed him across the halls and to the kitchen, smugly beaming at the other patients, feeling superior about her new position as taste-tester.
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"I already got kicked out from one job, so this is just one to add on that list of failures. Besides, I already have a bet with one nurse about which one of us gets fired first. So you better not die too soon, I need to win the bet." Dale really has no intention of losing to Leora, so if it would start to look like he was going to get fired before her, Dale probably would sabotage things so she would be flying out first. "I’m going to the kitchen right now, so tag along."
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
"Ya don't speak, but ya can hear me," Chelsea observed with a curious tilt of her head. "Fascinatin'." But of course, Chelsea's forte was gabber, and being unable to engage in that with her table-opponent, her eyes quickly fell back to the magazine in her hands. 
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Mac has to stop himself from rolling his eyes at the question that had followed him for the last five years. Running a finger across the smooth surface of the table he simply shrugs. His eyes fall to the notepad and pen but he doesn’t reach for them, his hand is already shaking slightly so there was no way he could get a proper sentence written. Turning back to her he’s not sure what to do, he knows his shrug won’t do but it’s all hes got. It’s not like he doesn’t want to speak, he truly does but the past had messed with his subconscious and shut down his ability to speak to those he didn’t trust. 
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
Even though they were a sizeable distance away, Chelsea still backed up a pace or two, pinching at her nose. "Disgustin'! I can smell it from 'ere!"
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"It’s just piss," Des observed bluntly as she watched the patient down the hall. She couldn’t help but feel amused by the old man as he finished his business against the wall, immediately yelling out when orderlies attempted to stop him.  "Now they’re gonna get pissed on.”
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
"Patronize meh."
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"Do what?"
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
Chelsea walked over to the windows, cracking one open. She waited until the nurse was further off so as not to smell. They allowed the girls to smoke out the window, but strictly tobacco, of course. Lighting the spliff, she sucked in at it, breathing it out through the crack in the window. Then she passed it onto him. "Chelsea," she said by way of introduction. She tried to assess him simply by looking: anorexic, maybe; depressive, quite possibly. It was hard to tell though. "So what got you's in this place?"
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When his eyes landed on the object in her hands the sides of his lips twitched nearing a smile. He gave an eager nod “God yes.” 
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
"So if they 'ad — dental, ye'd wanna do it? Unbelievable." Chelsea shook her head incredulously, wondering just how far the standards of the place would fall if they were hiring wannabe drug dealers who were only in it for the money. She huffed in annoyance. "I want someone diff'rent ta speak ta." 
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"I couldn’t handle the whole gang violence thing. Besides, this place has dental." Nicolai said with a smirk. 
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fucking-hell-chels · 10 years
"Stop callin' me a whore," she grumbled, crossing her arms. It might be a tic but it was annoying as fuck. Chelsea scanned the perimeter, her eyes landing on a shovel that was leaning against the brick wall of the chapel in the distance. "There," she pointed. "Go get it." Then, realising her usual talk wouldn't motivate him enough she pushed her teeth out into a false grin. "Please?"
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"What makes you—whore!—think I’m gonna do it for you? Either we’re in this together or I’m leaving.” It was an ultimatum, but there was still an easy smile on his face.
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