fuckyeahmmromance · 7 years
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Got you marshmallows in your cocoa. You like marshmallows?
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
Original Slash: Where to Start
New to original slash fic? Want something high-quality (and free!) to read? Here’s a selection of some of the more popular online fic along with some of the more popular online original slash authors. These are all well-known stories in the original slash community that you may or may not know already. This is just a basic primer; if you like any of the links, or none of them, then make use of our tumblr’s tags and search function to find something more tailored to your interests.
In the Company of Shadows series by Sonny and Ais (sonnyais) Summary: In a post-apocalyptic future, the Agency works clandestinely to remove all opposition to the government. Two maladjusted men are brought together as partners: one a killer labeled a monster, and the other a recluse who’s given up on life. In the Company of Shadows follows them as they learn to trust each other even as they avoid dehumanization, imprisonment, and death from the very Agency that employs them. Comments: A complex world, clever plot, and all around interesting and well thought out story. There’s noncon/dubcon, sex, violence, torture, and plenty of other very mature content. Complete, four books long plus various extras, currently going through rewrites.
Shadow of the Templar series by M. Chandler Summary: The story of Simon Drake and Jeremy Archer, two men on opposite sides of the law, and the tenuous relationship they manage to forge and maintain in the face of hopeless odds. Comments: A fun series with great writing and interesting, varied characters who really come to life. Mature rating for sex/violence/language. The entire series is complete.
Special Forces series by Aleksandr Voinov (aleksandrvoinov) and Marquesate (marquesate) Summary: This is the epic story of a Soviet Spetsnaz soldier and a Scottish SAS soldier. Vadim Krasnorada and Dan McFadyen are two enemies who meet in the line of duty during the early days of the Soviet Union’s last war in Afghanistan. Behind enemy lines respect and finally love grow…but that’s only the official version. Comments: A huge, complete series totalling around a million words. It contains things such as noncon and torture and is only suitable for mature readers.
Light and Shadow series by Alyn Drasil (teromain) Summary: A boy and a war, a warrior and his lover, Earth and other worlds, politics, magic, soldiers, and love. Comments: Epic fantasy series with slow building romance, great description, incredible amounts of world building, and believable characters. It gets a mature rating for sex/violence/language reasons. The third book is currently a WIP and it’s going through rewrites on the earlier books. Updates can be a bit slow, but they’re very long and the author is extremely unlikely to abandon the series.
The Administration series by Manna Francis Summary: A series set in a dark future dystopia where there are no good guys, only better guys and worse guys. Comments: An extremely popular series made up of three novels, three novellas, and twenty eight short stories. Contains noncon, dubcon, BDSM, and other very mature content.
Jesse Hijicek (jumpingjacktrash) Writes: Intelligent stories with interesting characters, most of them action heavy fantasy with ratings ranging from teen to mature. Most of the content isn’t too extreme, but if there’s anything you’re particularly sensitive to make sure to check the warnings. Though WIPs are not, as far as I know, abandoned, it’s likely to be a while before anything’s updated. Stick to the completed stuff if you think that’ll bother you. Notable stories: The God Eaters, a novel length steampunk scifi western about magical outlaws, is probably his most popular. The Kastor Chronicles, a sword-and-sorcery series about a socially awkward barbarian berserker, is my personal favourite.
Cordelia Kingsbridge (ckingsbridge) Writes: Sex heavy, plotty stories with kinky elements which are suitable only for mature readers. Notable stories: Close Protection, a novel about a bodyguard and his charge. Blood Red, a novel about a sex slave who forms a bond with another enslaved man who can transform into a wolf. Control, a novel about a government agent who is accidentally bound to a brainwashed sex slave and vows to restore his memories and set him free.
Zebbie Writes: Character focussed, mature rated first person stories in a variety of genres. Don’t expect updates on any of the WIPs. Notable stories: Out of Bounds, a novel about a guy trying to get away from his addiction to one night stands in the face of great temptation. With Intent, a novel about a guy who gets impressions of past and future traumatic events.
RoughDraftHero (rdhero) Writes: A wide variety of stories with ratings ranging from teen to mature. Superheroes! Powerplay! Demons! Notable stories: Leviathan!, a novel about superheroes and supervillians, is currently a slowly updating WIP. Demons of the Heart is a story about the integration of demon students into the human student population at a prep school.
Aggy Bird (aggybird) Writes: Stories rated from teen to mature which don’t contain much in the way of extreme content. Monsters, romcom, and puns! Beware of WIPs as none of her original fic seems to have been updated in a while. Notable stories: Frank-in-Love, a modern day romance about monsters in love. Make the Yuletide Gay, a short story with romance, angst, a dash of mystery, bad puns, and Santa Jr. Like a Sparrow Through the Heart, a novel about a broken-hearted griffon and a sparrow named Flit who takes over his life.
Ocotillo Writes: Stories with elements of BDSM/powerplay suitable only for mature readers. Notable stories: The Violet and the Tom, a novel about a king given a slave he does not want. Esperanza, a post apocalyptic novel about a drifter who followers two traders back to their settlement and is taken prisoner.
Shousetsu Bang*Bang (shousetsubangbang) An archive of quality checked and edited short stories by a variety of authors, generally containing explicit male/male sexual content. Stories are divided into themed issues which they have been putting out several times a year since 2005. Although most of their stories have happy endings, summaries and content warnings are not provided. Tread carefully if there’s anything you’re sensitive to.
If there’s anything you think we’ve overlooked, feel free to reblog and add your own favourites!
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
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I just re-read Brightleaf from Megan Derr’s Fairytales Slashed, and it is still the cutest M/M romance fairytale ever. Here is my sketch of Thorley who is a half goblin and his boyfriend Geoffrey the town healer. @thelobstermobster
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
Do recomend gay webcómics
you asked for it! T=Teen, M=Mature, E= Explicit
Always Raining Here: T 
A Matter of Life and Death: T 
Artifice: M
Avialae: starts off M, then there’s E
City of Cards: Mostly T with a lil M
Dragon Husbands: T
Hotblood:M (E in extras)
I Hate You: T
OMG Check, Please!: T
QuickSilver: M 
Romeo X Julien M
Saint for Rent:T 
Starfighter: hella E 
Teahouse: also hella E
The God in the Field: M
The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal: E
The Wolf at the Door : A Fairy Tale: E
The Young Protectors: M
Whatever Remains: T
i’ll also take rec’s if anyone’s got ‘em!!!
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
MM Book Rec - Society Of Gentlemen
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So, after reading all of the Charm Of Magpie Series I basically fell in love with @kjcharleswriter (It’s alright, she knows.)  So naturally my next step was to devourer her other series Society Of Gentlemen, of which there are four books:
The Ruin Of Gabriel Ashleigh (Ash and Francis) (Short Story)
A Fashionable Indulgence (Harry and Julius)
A Seditious Affair (Dom and Silus)
A Gentleman’s Position (Richard and Cyprian)
This London based series centres around Richard and his like-minded friends in the early-ish 1800s, as they find love and face a number of social and political struggles along the way.  It is one continuous story, and each book focuses on each couple getting together.
They are exquisitely written, with fantastic attention paid to historical accuracy, especially in A Seditious Affair where several real-life events are incorporated into the narrative.  The characters are all so well developed and completely loveable (even Silas “FIGHT ME” Mason lol) that you don’t want to leave them behind when the books are done.  As with all KJ’s books, there is also a good representation of POC and even Trans characters as well, which I always appreciate. 
The plots are all very varied and keep you on your toes (and your heart in your mouth too!)  There are themes of PTSD, BDSM, as well as the ever present threat of the hangman’s noose if any of them get caught, but a lot of fluffy feels to keep you smiling as well.  Oh, and they all have that ever important HEA :)
These books are masterful and I promise you’ll love them, so get reading!!
(NB: The aesthetic is by me, though I own none of the images. Featuring Douglas Booth as Ash, Jonny Lee Miller as Francis, Dominic Cooper as Harry, Charlie Hunnum as Julius, Michael Fassbender as Dom, Rupert Graves as Silas, Rupert Penry-Jones as Richard and Simon Woods as Cyprian.
If you want to follow my mm recs, I’m using the hashtag “#helen juliet recommends” - I’ve got a whole bunch more AMAZING books to rec, and I’d love you to check them out!  I will also be saving them on my main page under “MM Book Recommendations”.)
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
Original Gay Fiction Rec: A World Of A Charm Of Magpies
Guys…you HAVE to read a World Of A Charm Of Magpies!!! It’s a series of gay romances all set in a magical Victorian AU and it is EPIC!!!
Here’s a quick handy guide to KJ Charles’ world!!!  I almost didn’t start this series because it looked a bit complicated to follow, but it’s actually very simple.  All the books are set in the same AU and the characters overlap.  There are the main books that you buy (very cheaply), and then there are a few in between stories you can download for free! 
Here’s the easy to follow breakdown!
A Charm Of Magpies - Lucian and Stephen:
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Free Download Book 0.5: The Smuggler and the Warlord [Technically this story comes first, but the author recommends you read it after Book 1 so you get to know the characters first.]  A glimpse of one of Lucian and Merrick’s adventures in China. 
Book 1: The Magpie Lord  Lucian Vaudrey, the Lord Crane, has returned to England reluctantly from China to inherit his family’s unwanted estate.  He soon requires the magical help of the practitioner Stephen Day, when a curse seems hell bent on taking his life.  Unfortunately, Stephen would love nothing more than to see the last of the Vaudreys gone from this world.  
Free Download Book 1.5: Interlude With Tattoos Lucian and Stephen return home to London, and try to get used to their new relationship.   
Book 2: A Case Of Possession A blackmailer threatens to expose Lucian’s relationship with Stephen, Stephen’s peers are starting to think he’s turned warlock thanks to his blood-and-sex bond with Lucian, and to top things off a murderous plague of giant rats is sweeping through London.  Something has to give, and Lucian is worried it will be his heart.
Free Download Book 2.5: A Case Of Spirits Merrick and Saint are among those afflicted by a mysterious curse that torments victims with ghosts, insanity and blindness.  Stephen and Lucian work together to find the cure before it’s too late. 
Book 3: Flight Of Magpies As Stephen investigates a series of gruesome murders, Lucian is brought into the fray and their relationship is put under increasing strain.  The clock is ticking to stop the villainous band of warlocks and save their relationship before it’s too late. 
Free Download Book 3.5: Feast Of Stephen It’s Christmas, and Lucian is feeling nostalgic.  
Jackdaw - Ben and Jonah:
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Jackdaw After escaping both the Judiciary and the criminals who ruined his life the previous winter, Jonah Pastern is determined to start over.  However, things aren’t so simple after he inadvertently ruined his ex-lover Ben Spenser’s life in the process, and now he’s out for revenge.  As they are forced to flee the city together though, Ben has to admit that he may not want Jonah’s blood after all, not when his heart might still be on offer.  If only the tenacious Stephen Day would let them go that easily… 
Rag And Bone - Crispin and Ned
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Book 0.5: A Queer Trade Crispin comes back to London to discover his master has passed, and in his absence his extremely rare and dangerous magical papers have been sold to one of the city’s many waste men, Ned Hall.  Crispin must risk exposing himself and his illegal magic in order to stop the carnage that will surely ensue, even if that means going up against the Judiciary themselves.  
Book 1: Rag And Bone Crispin is struggling to learn magic the correct way and Ned is getting fed up with the whole business of practitioners.  Both are worried they don’t belong in each others’ world, but a string of bizarre murders forces them to come together and try and stop the culprit before one of them falls victim to foul play.  
…more books in the ‘Rag and Bone’ series to follow…
Basically, these books are so brilliantly written, each one is better than the last! The characters are all extremely well fleshed out and original, and the stories are exciting as well as just the right amount of sexy.  There are so many different depictions of gay men/relationships, kick ass women, and even an interracial couple (which is awesome considering the era!) I really felt like these were just great stories where the characters happen to be gay, which makes a refreshing change.  KJ Charles is one for happy endings too!  10/10 would recommend.
(NB: Aesthetics by me, I own none of the images.  Featuring Armie Hammer as Lucian, James McAvoy as Stephen, Allen Leech as Ben, Matt Bomer as Jonah, Eddie Redmayne as Crispin, and BJ Britt as Ned.
If you want to follow my gay recs, I’m using the hashtag “#juliet recommends gay books” - I’ve got a whole bunch more AMAZING books to rec, and I’d love you to check them out!  I will also be saving them on my main page under “Original Gay Fiction Recs”.)  
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
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Think of England fanart by phonechainy
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
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Enlightenment fanart by phonechainy
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
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Kindred Hearts fanart by phonechainy
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
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The Ruin of Gabriel Ashleigh fanart by phonechainy
Please do not repost without permission from the artist.
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
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Kindred Hearts fanart by phonechainy
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
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A Charm of Magpie fanarts by the amazing phonechainy
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
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All right, so I just finished reading Bitter Springs by @itslaurastone​.  If you like historical romance, especially well-researched and respectful historical romance, this book is for you!  I fell in love with Renaldo and his family right away - especially his twin sister, Calandaria, and his wonderful mother.  The men in Renaldo’s family are also delightful, but I warmed to the women in his life immediately.  You could feel the love they felt for Renaldo, and even though he doubted that they could come to terms with what he learned about himself, you knew that these two women would never turn their backs on him.   Renaldo’s mesteñero, Hank, was such a cowboy that I also fell for him instantly.  Despite everything he had been through in his life, he was the absolute picture of courtesy and kindness, and his determination to true to himself, and to Renaldo’s family, knowing the risks, made me love him even more.  Where Renaldo is full of uncertainty, Hank is a steady counterpoint.  He never asks Renaldo for more than Renaldo is able to give.  Hank treats everyone the way he treats the wild horses he finds - gently and respectfully as equals - and I defy you to read this story and not want all the happiness in the world for him.
The effort and research that the author put into this book is evident from the first chapter, and yet none of it overwhelms the characters or the setting.  Writing historical romance, and with the determination to do it correctly, is no easy task, but the writing in Bitter Springs is so smooth you’d think it was effortless.
Laura Stone’s first book, The Bones of You, was a lesson in strife and heartbreak, and the difficulty of love that seems impossible.  With Bitter Springs she soothes those old wounds, and reassures you that no matter the decade, love and family will triumph.  
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
This book was written all for me. (Not really.)
Let me tell you a story…
I don’t usually post about books. . frankly, because if I started I would never stop. I love books. I love every last little thing about them. I love all kinds of genres and writers, and just books, man, books!
But I have to post about this book, Adulting 101 by Lisa Henry.
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Last year at GRL I asked Lisa to write something fun. Some totally funny NA story. Because I love comedies, and she’s fabulous. (And truth be told, I was probably a little drunk at the time to be so bold and adamant about it, especially to a woman I had only met in person just a couple days prior.)
And what showed up in my email on a cold February night at 1:44am? Adulting 101. I looked at the email, absolutely stunned. I had asked an author, who I totally adore, to write a book…and she freaking did it! It was there just sitting in my email. I lay in bed looking at my phone and staring at the wonder of it, the unrealness of it all.
But it was late. I needed to sleep. I had kids to get to school in the morning and work the next day. I was going to go to sleep and read it the next day…and I managed to last about 15 whole minutes, before I was dragging myself out of bed, stumbling down the steps to living room, and booting up my computer.
At 5am, I looked up from my screen, completely and totally blissed out, cheeks sore from laughing, and in love. This book was not only a book I had asked for, it was the exact book that I didn’t know I wanted and needed. It was perfect. Funny, silly, and so, so, heartwarming-ly wonderful.
Thank you, Lisa, for writing this book. It means more to me than the mere words can say. I am bringing it with me to the hospital and plan to make people read out my favorite parts (read: the whole damn thing) whenever I need a smile. Shocking the poor, unsuspecting hospital staff will be loads of fun.
So, do yourself a favor a get a copy of Adulting 101 by Lisa Henry. You will not regret it. Available now.
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fuckyeahmmromance · 8 years
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Laurent from Captive Prince. I always wondered how lacings looked on his neck,so there’s that haha :-)
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