fuckyeahteenlock · 5 months
rip to all the “fuckyeah___” blogs that carried our society at one point </3
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fuckyeahteenlock · 2 years
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2010-2019: Sherlock Holmes’ Camera Roll - (2022)
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fuckyeahteenlock · 2 years
*briefly resurrects this blog in order to promo Quinn's new book* Go check it out! - Mod B
✨Y'ALL✨ My new book just went live! I'm so excited about this silly m/m romance I wrote about the kitten I adopted. Sometimes you just gotta ask yourself: Are You KITTEN Me? ;)
Pre-order Are You Kitten Me here and support a queer author of queer romance. Every order = more catnip for Meatball! 😂
Free to Good Home: two sweet males, need lots of love! Shane Maguire is over-stressed and under-loved. He’s finally landed a respectable job at an upscale restaurant, but the brutal hours have butchered his chances at romance. When his dad suggests he fill the void with a pet, Shane agrees and falls head-over-heels for a gorgeous shelter kitten. There’s only one problem: the handsome stranger who claims he saw her first. They can’t both adopt her, so Shane proposes they share custody . . . of a cat. What could go wrong? Damian Murphy used to love working from home, but prolonged isolation has made the passing days a blur. He hopes his adorable new tabby will shake things up. Now if only Shane would stop insisting she’s their cat and disappear already, same as all the other men in his life. But the more time they spend together, the harder it is to deny their smoldering chemistry. Meatball is a kitten. She is very cute, which is important because of reasons. For such a little cat, Meatball has big problems. Her dads are in denial, and as much as she enjoys watching them dance around each other, they need a claw in the right direction. If the three of them are going to be a real family, someone will have to play matchmaker. And Meatball is just the intrepid kitty for the job.
Here's a bonus photo of the real-life Meatball! 😻
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fuckyeahteenlock · 2 years
We lost a vital part of this site when people stopped making “fuckyeah_____” fan blogs 
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fuckyeahteenlock · 3 years
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You can spend all nignt in library only if you have old brother as headteacher.
Teenlock special for @shipvicturi
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fuckyeahteenlock · 3 years
I’d like to thank the makers of sherlock for releasing the pilot so we know what teen sherlock looked like
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I mean look at that little bb genius
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if you don’t think this is the cutest shit I don’t know what to say to you
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look poor teenaged Sherlock’s gone and got a drink in his face at the pub, maybe if he weren’t such a dick
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partied a lil too hard there buddy, it’s okay adorable pilot lestrade will help you out
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this concludes my thank you
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fuckyeahteenlock · 3 years
🌈🌈🌈 THE VIDEO GAME BASED ON MY BOOK, ACTION, FINALLY DROPPED!!! I'm so excited about this, y'all. 🌈🌈🌈
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It's an m/m romance, sex-worker positive, and for a book about porn stars, it's a slow burn and extremely sweet. Now you can experience the story as one of the characters!!! HOW COOL IS THAT? Don't want to get off your phone to do some reading? (relatable) Now you don't have to!
Download the Maybe app to play and support a queer author of queer stories!
Google Play Link
Apple Store Link
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fuckyeahteenlock · 5 years
Hi! I can’t remember the name of a fic and it’s driving me insane. It’s teenlock and pretty long. Sherlock does drugs and there’s a scene where John helps him back to his own house. John takes a job at Sherlock’s house. Sherlock eventually cheats on John with victor. Thank you!
Pretty sure that’s Common Grounds by couchbarnacle, but it’s been a hot minute!
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fuckyeahteenlock · 5 years
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life sucks but ballet/rugby johnlock is soft
//dont repost my art period plz and thank you//
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fuckyeahteenlock · 5 years
teenlock idea:
There’s a wall in their school where people write anonymous confessions and scribble nonsense and leave doodles. The administration have tried to paint over it a few times but it always gets covered again, so instead they just tell everyone to keep it civil and PG. 
One day Mike Stamford finds on the wall, tucked away between all the chaotic graffiti, a very intriguing message: 
I’m gay and hopelessly in love with the rugby captain
The words are written so small it’s almost illegible, but that doesn’t stop Mike (and the rest of the rugby lads) from making it their mission in life to find the boy who’s in love with their beloved (and recently out as bisexual) Captain John Watson. 
They take a picture of the message, enhance it, and start passing out fliers and searching for the secret admirer like it’s their job. By the time John finds out about it, the school is covered in the fliers and there’s nothing he can do to stop them. 
John really wishes they’d asked his opinion before they started this ridiculous search. He knows they meant well, but John’s heart is already taken. He’s been lovesick over his shy lab partner Sherlock Holmes for ages.
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fuckyeahteenlock · 5 years
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The Kendrick brothers have traded longbow for briefcase, battle steed for Harley, and enchanted harp for electric guitar. But while they’re finding their feet in the modern world, they stumble straight into love.  
Because we love this book and we love our readers, we’re giving away Cutie and the Beast, the first in the Fae Out of Water series by E.J. Russell!
To claim your free book, go here and use code FreeCutie at checkout. Good for the first 10,000 uses.
About the book:
Temp worker David Evans has been dreaming of Dr. Alun Kendrick ever since that one transcription job for him, because holy cats, that voice. Swoon. So when his agency offers him a position as Dr. Kendrick’s temporary office manager, David neglects to mention that he’s been permanently banished from offices. Because, forgiveness? Way easier than permission.
Alun Kendrick, former Queen’s Champion of Faerie’s Seelie Court, takes his job as a psychologist for Portland’s supernatural population extremely seriously. Secrecy is paramount: no non-supe can know of their existence. So when a gods-bedamned human shows up to replace his office manager, he intends to send the man packing. It shouldn’t be difficult—in the two hundred years since he was cursed, no human has ever failed to run screaming from his hideous face.
But cheeky David isn’t intimidated, and despite himself, Alun is drawn to David in a way that can only spell disaster: when fae consort with humans, it never ends well. And if the human has secrets of his own? The disaster might be greater than either of them could ever imagine.
Cutie and the Beast was winner for Best Gay Fantasy and runner up for the Best Gay Book at the 2017 Rainbow Awards!
If you download this book, please help support the author by leaving a review on Amazon, telling your friends, and/or reblogging. Thank you!
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fuckyeahteenlock · 7 years
Forever FuckYeahTeenlock
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fuckyeahteenlock · 7 years
Thank you, for always being a small happiness on a rough day.
Thank YOU for this lovely ask.
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fuckyeahteenlock · 7 years
Hey, I'm very sad to hear you're shutting down the blog, it's been one of my faves over the years. I was wondering if you'll keep it up even while it's inactive. I'd certainly hope so.
It’s not going anywhere. :) It’ll be up for as long as tumblr is around. We just won’t be updating anymore. Thanks so much for your kind words.
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fuckyeahteenlock · 7 years
Hi, everyone. This is mod Grace here with sad news. After much heart-wrenching deliberation, Jaime and I have decided to stop actively running FYTL. This decision wasn’t easy, and it took us MONTHS to finally admit we couldn’t run the blog anymore. Even now, as I type this, I’m itching to put things in the queue, but it’s time to give this blog the send-off it deserves.
I started FYTL more than 4 years ago when I was in uni, and I was determined to make it a fun, wank-free, and all-inclusive teenlock archive. I spent all my spare time reading teenlock fic for the blog. At the time, I was running it with two of my best friends, @brettanomycroft and @heretherebefandom, and we had so much FUN swapping fics. I remember when we hit 1,000 followers–a dream that back then seemed totally unattainable–and how excited we were. Then we hit 2k.. and 4k… and 6k… and it seemed like our momentum was never going to stop.
I certainly thought mine never would. Even as the original mods left, we added new ones, and they left too, the one constant was that FYTL was my baby. I watched other, bigger review blogs fizzle out and die around me, but I made sure there was a post on this blog every single day without fail. Even when I graduated from college and got a full-time job, I kept up with it. But inevitably, it became more stress than fun, as some hobbies occasionally do.
Now I’m writing full time, trying to live the dream and miraculously succeeding. That’s my top priority right now, as it has to be. I still plan to write fic, because fandom is where my heart is, but I’ve moved on to other fandoms.
I’ll be honest. Season 4 was the kicker for me. I don’t want to start any wank; I just want to say that after that, my heart wasn’t in it anymore. I feel like a quitter, and I’m sorry if I’m letting any of you down, but I can’t rec fic and fan art to you all if I have no taste for it anymore. It wouldn’t be fair.
If anyone would like to share some final words or favorite FYTL memories, our ask is still open. You can find it here. We’re also leaving this blog up as an archive. Everything on here is tagged, so hopefully any future lovers of teen/kid/uni/parentlock will be able to enjoy it.
If you’d like to chat with me, you can find me here.
What’s next for the blog: I’ve just finished publishing every single unanswered ask, submission, and draft, which includes over 200 fics we never got around to reviewing. Troll through them to see if their are any gems if you like, but we didn’t read them, so we’re not guaranteeing quality. 
The blog will be left up as an archive.
It has been a pleasure running this blog and getting to interact with all of you. I’ve made some incredible friends through FYTL, and there are dozens of you whom I know/love just from seeing you in our notes over the years. I’m going to miss you all, and I’m going to miss FYTL.
Happy reading, Grace
Forever FuckYeahTeenlock
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fuckyeahteenlock · 7 years
Goodbye FYTeenlockers
Saying goodbye is always hard when you love something very much, and I love you guys. I love fuckyeahteenlock! I love kidlock, I love parentlock, and I especially love potterlock, but most of all, I love how much you guys love these things. It has meant a lot to me these past three years (wow, has it really been that long?) to be a part of this blog. I have loved procuring fan art and sharing it with you guys, reading your fics and judging contests. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end eventually, even when you really don’t want them to, and for both me and Grace, we agree that time is now for FYTL. It pains me to say this, but my heart isn’t in the blog as it used to be. In fact, I’ve been a wisp in this fandom for a long time now.
Though I will keep updating my own blog, which you can find here @eveningsoother (message me there if you want to talk), Grace and myself will no longer be updating fuckyeahteenlock.
I am so grateful that all those years ago, Grace (@shipvicturi) chose me to help run this blog with her. Even though I wasn’t as consistent as I (and I’m sure she) would’ve liked me to be, being a part of FYTL was a very special thing in my life and I won’t forget it. Thank you for sticking with us! <3 I hope you enjoy the archive.
And for one last time,
this has been From Jaime, With Love.
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fuckyeahteenlock · 7 years
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Baby Harriet and smol rugby john being soft because YES
1. Sorry for being extremely NON productive but.. ugh exams
2. I love boys in cute 90s hairstyles and since young martin’s hair was like that in some pics, i decided to give my teenjohn this hair hashtag mushroom hair don’t care
4. Hope u like ^^
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