I'm not a fan of LoveLife at all.  
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Illuminati Youth. I'm not really sure what this means. Do you think that Viva Brother will reform under this name, or do you think they are gone for good?
well the Illuminati Youth youtube account is years old, but there have been pictures surfacing of the boys in a studio, so I don't know, we'll all just have to wait and see. 
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Please sign to show the boys how much we love them :)
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Illuminati Youth
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I don't want to be loved, but I need to be loved.
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I really love Viva Brother's music. I'm a bit of an Oasis fan but I actually prefer Viva Brother. and it's really too bad that they decided to split :( I'm disappointed I never got to see them live since I had to miss their show in Toronto, Canada. I don't get why all those people have to hate on them, if you don't like a band you don't need to terrorize them for it. Maybe if people weren't so ignorant we'd still be able to get Viva Brother's new album!
I totally agree, and I'm so sorry that you never got to see them live
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hey is it possible for you to post a link to this Q and A?
you'll have to join this: https://www.facebook.com/groups/143271099074868/
and wait till your accepted, that's the only way sorry, and it's pretty lengthy 
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i fucking hate the NME. Don't get me started on them. Every brother song i have heard songs exactly the same as oasis. The same notes, chords and style. He tries to sing like them too but fails. Look how he dresses and the answers there.
Lee and the others may take influence from Oasis but they never set out to copy them, I'm a big Oasis fan and I can see some similarities in the music along with Blur but I don't think their copying, Oasis should be grateful that they have so much influence on a band. 
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hahaha they did copy oasis. with everything. all they did was change the lyrics and made them worse
no they didn't, you and I both know that you just love NME a bit too much than what is healthy. 
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wait what Q and A?
yeah, he just answered a few questions some of us had, and summed up why the band was splitting, but he assured us that this wasn't the end. 
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viva brother is a failed oasis tribute band. Enough said
a tribute band directly copies another bands songs, vb never did that. 
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