fuckyesjucifer-blog · 9 years
Ever see a crazy-long, indecipherable reblog chain on your dashboard? Not ideal, right?
Starting tomorrow, reblogs will have a new look—one that showcases all comments as equals, not buried under an impossible stack of blockquote indents. Our change to reblog captions last month laid the necessary groundwork for us to arrive here, at a place where the dashboard will be a lot easier to read and cleaner-looking.
Here’s how this will look (original on the left, new look on the right):
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Questions about all this? Keep reading for the answers…
Q: Will this show up for all posts on the dashboard, or just the posts published from here on out? A: All posts! So you can scroll back in time and see your older reblogs in this format too. Q: Will it look like this on my blog? A: Not necessarily: your public blog will continue to display reblogs according to however your chosen theme displays them. The new look is on the dashboard only, for now. Q: How do I reblog starting from a certain post in the reblog thread? A: Same as before: Just click the username of whoever made the reblog you want to reblog from. It’ll open up, and you can click or tap its reblog icon to reblog that post. Got it? Q: Can I edit earlier reblogs, or the original post, in my reblog? A: You can choose whether or not you want to include that stuff in your own reblog, but you can’t really go in and edit other people’s text. We know—that level of flexibility allowed you guys do some pretty interesting stuff, but it also made misattribution way too easy. Q: Can I remove all captions on a post that I’m reblogging? A: Sure. Click or tap the reblog button and click on the X that appears when you hover over the comments. Q: Can I delete a single reblog caption within the thread? A: No, it’s an all-or-nothing thing. Q: How can I be sure my posts are credited properly? A: Use the content source field! No matter how many times an original post of yours gets reblogged, you’ll always be credited as the source. Rebloggers might add a gif, or some commentary, or take out the caption entirely, but your username will always, always be stuck to the bottom of the post. Click on that source link any time you want to see what was originally posted. Q: Can I send you my feedback on this change? A: Yes. And for the record, even when you receive a simple thank-you response (which is necessary since there are millions of you and only a few of us), every word of your feedback is read lovingly by human eyes, then passed along to our engineers.
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 9 years
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Elle Fance 1991 - Beverley Peele by Hans Feurer
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 9 years
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 9 years
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 9 years
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 9 years
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2003, Mastodon opening for Jucifer.
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 9 years
sorry I haven’t been here much. I’ve been super stressed with work and just generally busy to focus on the blog…still a fan tho so dw
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 10 years
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Jucifer Sacramento, CA 1-23-2015
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 10 years
Just got a December 5th release date for their 8th studio rv album, Districts of Dystopia.
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 10 years
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Edgar Livengood of Jucifer ©ryanwalker
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 10 years
its so crazy that they're recording their next album from within their rv. i love that. takes my respect for them up another 100 notches
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 10 years
from the facebook page………
NEW ALBUM PREVIEW!! #feelingstoked
we can’t give away the theme until a lil closer to release, but we can tell you that we knew for sure this one required that real intense in the room sound… the kind of energy +sound you only get from a band playing in their rehearsal room, sweat flying, microphones bleeding… something like being at a house show, maybe a little more primitive but exactly for that reason more pure.
it’s been a looong time since we had a house or practice space, so recording in our RV home made more sense to us than anything else. turned out to be one of the most intense (in a good way) and liberating sessions we’ve probably ever done, not to mention edgar gets to sit on a couch to play and yeah, having the fridge right there is awesome when you need another beer seriously tho we can’t wait to share this record with you guys!!
here’s a quick clip, practicing for a take (sound on this is just from the video cam)
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 10 years
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 10 years
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 10 years
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 10 years
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The Hottest Chicks in Hard Rock tour is back … and so is the chorus of disappointed woman metal fans who feel they deserve better. At what point does does embracing and celebrating one’s sexuality go from empowering to exploitative? Do you think it is fair to condemn the women who choose to take part?
Ugh … speaking of A Little Bit Better! I reject reducing music to sex and reducing people to sex. There is nothing wrong WITH sex, but it’s only a very small part of a whole identity and, as a physiological function, makes as much sense to define people and art with as “Chicks Who Poop Good Tour.” (I’m really hoping that one takes off!) I would also reject “Chicks That Kick Ass” even though that, at least, implies some kind of talent beyond good genes. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it until everybody gets it: Gender is not a genre. Theme tours based around femaleness are awful, to me, because they reinforce the TOTALLY WRONG AND SILLY idea that “female” is a legitimate genre or quantifier of creative style.
Though well-intentioned, I dislike all-woman tours and fests run by feminists for their focus on gender, too. I don’t want a “special place” in the world. I want a human-sized piece of the general space.
Read: In-depth interview with Jucifer’s Gazelle Amber Valentine. 
Photo: F. Mullin
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fuckyesjucifer-blog · 10 years
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Amber fr. Jucifer. 
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