fuji-sen · 13 hours
the 'evil imposter' just wants to be a baker!
Prologue: The Food turned Imposter?!
Part 4.5 special! : adventures of a pyro slime
[ part 4 ] || [ masterlist ] || [ part 5 ]
divider is made by @/saradika-graphics
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The pyro slime stared at you worriedly, it wanted to comfort you but alas, even if you weren't in a body of water it must not. For even touching you would leave you with more pain. Perhaps it had been better if he was born from a different element.
Their eyes squint into something akin to a glare, if only those stupid humans didn't hurt you! or got to you first! they were fake non-believers! they didn't know a real prophecy from a fake one even if it burned them to crisp!
Focusing on the task at hand, the slime watched as something purple crackled from your skin, and its eyes widened, electro! that would be easy to cure. It jumped, but you did not notice as you slowly fell into a pit of hurt, wallowing in pity. Okay then, it jumped away and disappeared in search of a few items.
It's eyes lit up finding a purple crystal, or rather an electro crystal, So, since it had no arms or claymore, it did the first thing that popped into his mind. Crash into it, which worked after a couple of headbutts thanks to the elemental reaction 'overload' which was very neat!
Anyways, after acquiring the electro crystals and swallowing it for safe keeping (which left a weird tingling sensation in its mouth) it then went off to find some butterflies.
Finding one was easy as butterflies were not scared of a slime's presence, they were however quite flammable. The slime stared down at the numerous burnt and dead butterflies that littered the destroyed path. .
Hearing footsteps it went to its ignited state to appear menacing only to relax upon finding some hilichurls exploring the area. So without any fear, or young slime protagonist approached the hilichurls who stared at it curiously.
"olah, kucha celi beru si?" (hello, little fire what are you doing?)
The hilichurls stared at the pyro slime that spat out a few pieces of electro crystals and then stared at the many charred butterfly wings. "sama! sama!" (samachurl) The pyro slime tried to convey in its own slime voice, which sounded like a person trying to speak under water with a dry throat.
"dala?" (what?)
"creator! help! uhhh" the pyro slime tried to remember the hilichurlian language, its eyes brightening up at remembering a few important words.
"Tomo Unu!" (Help God!)
The hilichurls flinched, straightening up in a way the slime was reminded of those rigid knights. "Unu?!" (God)
"Yaya ika!" (Humans bad/Enemy!) the slime told them "Unu Mosi gusha*" (God sad).
The hilichurls then understood and from what they gathered, the slime needed the help of a sama so one of them left to return to their camp and soon enough an anemo samachurl had come. It crouched down, staring at the pieces of electro crystals and the burnt butterflies and deduced what the slime had needed.
An Insulation Potion.
"Upa!" The samachurl yelled and commanded pointing at the distant butterflies. And with a battle cry the hilichurls ran towards the flying insects and begun jumping high with their arms flailing in an attemt to catch them "Upa!"
One hilichurl fell face first on the hard ground and another laughed at it, his hands were closed as he had successfully caught a butterfly "Ye kucha!"
The hilichurl that had fallen had stood up and proceeded to kick the other one, due to the pain the other hilichurl clutched his knees and accidentally released the butterfly it caught.
". . nye. ."
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*Mosi Gusha means "eat vegetables" but is also used as an expression of sadness. I wonder if Hilichurls don't like vegetables since they associate it with sadness or something negative.
taglist: @fantasyhopperhea @rhoswen-drake @cchiiwinkle
Also please comment what to name our little pyro slime buddy! They're gonna be one of our many best friends and companions in the story.
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fuji-sen · 14 hours
the 'evil imposter' just wants to be a baker!
Prologue: The Food turned Imposter?!
Part 4: hilichurl style stew
[ part 3 ] || [ masterlist ] || [ part 4.5 Special! ]
divider is made by @/saradika-graphics
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When you finished the sad attempt of a cup (or rather pot) of Mint Tea, you felt marginally better and decided to try and carefully explore the area again and try to catch or forage for something you could actually eat.
But first. . you sniffed at yourself and gagged at the smell of fish and sweat that clung to you and your now very much torn and raggy clothes. You couldn't help but frown in sadness at the state of your favorite set of pajamas as well as losing your slippers. Your feet were beginning to ache from the rocky and unsafe paths you unfortunately had to cross to get to where you are today.
You backtracked to the pond you had taken water from, it was small but big enough for you to clean yourself in. Looking around, the area was void of any humans, perhaps because this was Stormterror's area after all.
Hearing the sound of something squishing, you turned to the small pyro slime that tried it's best to catch up to you. "Are you going to be accompanying me little one?" you asked and it stared at you, bright eyes blinking before it nodded in excitement. "Alright, you're too cute to be mean too, let me just bathe." You said, and it understood you as it settled itself on a small rock near the pond.
Fighting back a smile you shook your head fondly, strangely feeling already attached to the warm slime. Then you neared the pond, first dipping your foot in the water as a moan of relief escaped your lips from the cool waters. So you went in deeper until your waist was submerged. Then you begun to undress yourself, it's not like there was anybody or rather any person near the area to accidentally peek at you.
Peeling off the now wet clothes, you flung them, watching as they slapped the surface of the water and now merely float about. You'd scrub them clean later, because all you wanted to do was relax and rid the smell of fish off your body.
However your relaxation was short lived as when you tried to go deeper to hid your chest in the waters, you whimpered at the pain from your arms and you finally noticed the scars that littered your body. It was healing, but still the wounds were there. You didn't know electro attacks could leave such hauntingly beautiful scars, you remember seeing it in the internet, from people who were struck by lightning to gain branch like scars that spread across their bodies.
Yours was no different, the librarian had struck you at the side of your left arm, it started at your shoulder before branching out in purple glowing lines. It trailed down your arms and even to your chest.
Hesitantly you let a finger traced the lines but you could only wince at the remnants of electro, it felt like grazing at a live wire, making you jolt up. And letting it touch the water triggered 'electro-charged.'
You sobbed once more, you'd been doing it quite often. . a part of you wondered at how you never seem to run out of tears.
"It's. . *hic* it's bad enough they had to hurt me" you complained to yourself as you tried to ignore the pain and began to scrub your body raw against your better judgement, hopefully the scars disappeared as did the smell of rotten fish. . you did not want to live with a reminder of how the characters you had grown to love had hurt and betrayed you.
It felt like hours until you stopped, staring at the your raw skin, the scars didn't disappear nor the remnants of electro. Bathing was supposed to be relaxing yet now you only felt pain due to the elemental reactions.
Standing up you gathered your clothes, rubbed them in silence in an attempt to clean and rid the fabric of the dirt that clung to it. Then you proceeded to get out of the pond, uncaring that you are naked as you laid the clothes on the rock for it to dry. .
"huh, wheres. ." you frowned worriedly when you noticed your slime friend was gone.
Did they leave you? did something bad happened. .
You started to chew on your nail, your nerves slowly starting to consume you once more until. .
"Unu! Unu!" you flinched turning as a group of hilichurls came, approaching you as they were led by the same slime friend you were worried about.
You felt your cheeks flushed as you jumped into a bush to hide your body from them, embarrassed. The slime was the first to approach while the hilichurls hesitated.
Realizing that you were naked the slime turned and communicated with the hilichurls in a language you didn't quite understand, who knew slimes could talk anyways? that wasn't mentioned in the games!
"mani. ." (to give) a hilichurl was the first to step up, bowing as it held out some fabric, your eyes narrowed, were they giving you clothes? Seeing your hesitance and confusion, the slime bounced about in a way that you could only deduced as encouragement. So you stood up, hand outstretched and the hilichurl took it as a sign to approach.
Slowly and respectfully it placed the gift in your hands and you felt the leather and animal skin to be nice as you wore it quickly and then stepped out of the comfort of the bushes. You smiled warmly at the hilichurls "Thank you."
The hilichurl then fainted with a weak "*Mosi mita. . ."
"a-are you okay" you worriedly crouched down, poking at its mask and was only to be met with silent, the hilichurl was definitely out cold. .
The samachurl facepalmed at the sheer idiocy of the hilichurl, but they couldn't really blame them for they were truly in the presence of their God, their most revered mother. "Olah, Unu" (Hello, Creator) the samachurl greeted, getting your attention as they bowed as well, laying down their staff to ease your suspicions and cautions towards them.
"h-hello" you greeted awkwardly, also bowing causing them to shake their heads, were you not supposed to bow to them? still, you watched as the samachurl motioned the pyro slime to give them something.
You crouched as the slime, remembering something, quickly approach you. What happened next surprised you, the slime had spat out a vial of purple liquid. You remembered it as one of the craftable potions that could help you in battle, raising your resistance to a particular element.
"Ah!" you realized it was to raise a person's electro resistance.
Testing it out, you put some of the potion into your hands and began rubbing it on the scars that now decorated your arms. . the tingling sensation disappeared and the purple cracks of electro were gone. .
you slumped in relief, staring at the hilichurls then at your slime as you grabbed the slime, ignoring the warm burning sensation "thank you. ."
‎𐂐◯𓇋 (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)
Seeing as the hilichurls were far nicer than the knights of Favonious, it didn't take much for you to agree to follow them to their camp. Your little pyro friend was still in your arms as the burning sensation slowly disappeared. You didn't bother to check your arms to see whether the 3rd degree burns simply numbed all the pain away.
Their camp was similar to the ones you saw through your gadget, except it seemed livelier, and far more large and filled with more things like tents, beds, crates of definitely stolen goods.
You found yourself ushered to be sat down, were the younger hilichurls slowly approached you filled with restrained excitement. They played with you in a game you didn't quite understand, they gave you small gifts like flowers and interestingly shaped stones.
You accepted it all, a part of you was overwhelmed from their actions and affections. .
did you deserve this?
weren't you some imposter of a god that you never knew existed?
Seeing your dampened moods, the hilichurls took it as a sign that they had offended you and dejectedly began to give you space. Your pyro slime friend was called over as they settled themselves in a pile of wood and lighting it up to make a good sized fire.
The other hilichurls began to bring out ingredients as another three were busy hanging up a pot just above the fire your pyro body managed. Curiously you stood up and approached, watching as they began cooking. Their utensils were crude, improvised and makeshift versions of the real deal. It seemed they had gotten stones and carved and sharpened them out.
They had carrots, radishes, meat and more.
Scrunching up your brows you tried to remember some basic hilichurlian speech, awkwardly you got their attention and shyly asked "mi tomo?" (I help?")
You felt an arrow stab your heart 'did they just say no? in a matter of seconds?!' you felt a bit offended, until the samachurl from before guided you away, taking your hands into his own as he looked at the cuts and callouses you obtained from hard labor "Unu. . " it muttered sadly, finger tracing the scratches.
"Oh. . i'm fine, so please, let me help you." you whispered hoping he'd understand, the samachurl shook their head, "nye." No again. You frowned at that, why? did they not want your help?
Seeing your confusion the samachurl tried his best to communicate but you didn't quite understand their language so after wracking his brain, he said with a slow way as he focused on each syllable. .
"please rest,. . . Unu."
You blinked, okay you reacted, that meant you understood him "let your . . . wounds . . .heal." he added taking long pauses between each word. Human speech although familiar to him, he had not used such speech for such a long time. .
"Okay" you nearly stumbled over your words as you sat down and the Samachurl tended to your wounds more. "I'll rest."
The hilichurl's special stew was delicious, you had an extra serving as you tried to decipher the spices they had used. It was mostly filled with meat and had a few carrots and potatoes as well as thin slices of radishes. You couldn't help but chuckle at the hilichurls who seemed to not eat the vegetables as much as compared to the meat. They reminded you of children, so you couldn't help but dote on them. Wiping their masks (as they ate with their masks on, only raising them up to reveal their mouths) when it go messy, tucking the younger hilichurls first and helped clean up the pot.
The pyro slime was fed with fire and combustible objects and leftovers of meat. Once he was full, he left the fireplace where only ashes and flickers of flames remained. "Are you full?" you asked watching as the pyro slime let out gulps of smoke, was he burping? that was an interesting sight at least.
Calloused fingers pet the top of the slime, "thank you for getting help."
The day had ended better than the first, you slept with the hilichurls bundled in warmth, wearing fresh clothes and with a full stomach.
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*Mosi mita means "eat meat" which is also a positive expression or an expression of happiness. Yes, the hilichurl fainted out of bliss because their creator smiled at them. most of the words in () are rough translations you can find in the official hilichurlian website.
taglist: @fantasyhopperhea @rhoswen-drake @cchiiwinkle
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fuji-sen · 14 hours
Hello I'm sorry if this is a bad time but I wanted to ask if you're comfortable with writing platonic requests, while this is mainly my curiosity talking I also wanted to ask because most of the requests I have in mind are platonic, I simply wanted to ask so I don't accidentally cross a boundary ☺️
Hellooo, don't worry you didn't catch me at a bad time. I am comfortable with writing platonic relationships (as long as I know the character, and dw I'm willing to research more about that character!)
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fuji-sen · 1 day
the 'evil imposter' just wants to be a baker!
Prologue: The Food turned Imposter?!
Part 3: Mint Tea
[ part 2 ] || [ masterlist ] || [ part 4 ]
divider is made by @/saradika-graphics
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After that bone chilling scream, what happened next was a blur. Vaguely you remembering forcing yourself to run to the windows, crashing through it as you landed outside and behind the headquarters of the knights of Favonious, you stared in fear when a purple hue shone above you, Lisa was ready to hurt you again with her electro powers but-
A flying chair was hurled towards her and hit her straight in the face! you would have laughed but the pain from being electrocuted made you cry, your body was shaking from the immense pain, Lisa was powerful despite what you saw in-game.
The next thing you knew, you heard footsteps and yells from approaching knights, you had nowhere else to go but. .
As Jean ran to the window, the last thing she saw was you, meeting your gaze for a moment and then. . you hurled yourself off the wall and into the lake that had surrounded mondstadt.
The winds that Stormterror brew was stronger than before, as if he was irked more than usual. Perhaps that was the cause of the presence of the imposter, someone so villainous to even try and imitate the divine. .
Still. .
terrified [color] eyes and cold gray blue eyes met only for a moment, the acting grandmaster faltered, hesitated for a moment to yell out orders when she felt something pierce her heart.
she clenched the fabric just above her chest, the pain lessened but it still lingered. . .
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then drowning,
and last, darkness.
Those were the last things your body experienced before finally giving in.
Afraid, Sadness, Confusion. . betrayal.
Those were the feelings that haunted you in your final waking moments.
As you were unconscious, you were susceptible to the nightmares that formed from your experience, like you were trapped in that same scenario in that damned office.
Labelled as an imposter, your life almost being taken, and being struck by powerful lightning, or rather electro. The feeling of being struck by such. . otherworldly power, it felt like being burned and drowning all together at the same time. It left your muscles sore and stiff, you were sure the librarian's attacks would leave scars on your skin.
Stirring awake you sat up, you hadn't been unconscious for long as your clothes were still very much wet. In the struggle of fighting the waters to not drown, your cinnamoroll slippers were lost, perhaps now at the bottom of the lake. The only thing you had left was the same sword Jean pointed at you, the same sword she had almost used to take your life.
A part of you wanted to throw it, discard it some place she'd never be able to find. But you couldn't, not out of guilty but out of exhaustion and the need for a weapon to defend yourself with.
The winds caressed you gently, letting the tears that left your eyes be carried away by the wind.
What hope and respect you had for those characters seemed to slowly die, your comfort game now felt like a prison, it felt like you were in a survival game with all these odds stacked against you.
What crime did you commit to warrant your life to be targeted and taken away from your grasps?
You stomach growled, ah. . "I'm hungry. ." you hugged yourself as you sobbed, the overwhelming feelings you tried to hold back and bottle up were now surging from the broken damn that was your hope. That same hope that was shattered by the knights of favonious, by Jean and Lisa. You wondered if the other characters will treat you in a similar fashion, or maybe even worse.
You ended up falling asleep once again, from the hunger and exhaustion you felt from your very first day in the world you once felt comfort from. . what a pity.
In your tired and frantic state you had never noticed you were in the ruins of Stormterror's lair. The said dragon returning from who knows where, landing near your sleeping form, his neck craned as his head neared your body.
Eyes blinking every so often as he sniffed, although it was faint he could smell it. The smell of warmth and compassion the diving creator had for its land, weak, but it was there. And for Dvalin that was enough, he opened his mouth, and from it dozens of fish fell from it, forming a pile right beside you.
Your nose scrunched up at the smell of fish but you did not wake.
Satisfied Dvalin rested near you, head facing in your direction.
However numerous days and nights had past and you did not stir or wake from your slumber, Dvalin who had already been in a bad state as it is, lost control of his emotions and flew in a fury towards Mondstadt.
For they were the ones that caused you to fallen into such a depressive state. It was well with-in his rights as the dragon of the east to protect your honor as the [redacted]. So please, wake up, if you do not, you may end up dying once more. . .
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When you awoke Dvalin was gone, in the distance you could see the storms brewing from a far, in the direction you assumed that lead to mondstadt.
"Why. . why is there a pile of rotting fish beside me?" you wondered, fingers pinching your nose at the disgusting scent. The fish seemed to have been out for a few days already hence it was in a very undesirable state.
"There's not even a body of water in this ruins. ." you realized when the fish were salt water fish of all things. "God. ." your hand reached to brush through your greasy looks "how did I get here?" you wondered aloud, and of course nobody answered. You'd be more scared if there was.
Your stomach painfully twisted, your body was reaching it's breaking point due to the hunger. Eying the fish, you decided it was best to not risk it and so you began your descent from the ruins of the Dragon's lair. It was harder said than done due to the wind barriers and the lack of a wind glider meant that you had to climb down the infrastracture.
Which was a pain considering you woke up at the very top.
You were only halfway there when you stared at your bruised hand, [color] eyes squint at the shimmering liquid in your hands, barely noticeably, was it glitter? it was hard to tell with all the sweat that accumulated from your rock climbing.
You wiped your hands on your pajamas, as something caught your eyes from your peripheral vision. A statue of the seven. .
Cautiously you walked towards it, hands outstretched, hovering but never quite touching. What if touching it alerts Venti of your presence. . was he an ally or a foe. .
your arm fell limp on your side, you couldn't risk your life.
So in the end you turned your back to the statue as you began walking to a pillar you could easily climb done from. Your hands were aching, part of you screamed to touch the Statue so it could heal you if possible but you ignored it, choosing to endure it.
"Ah!-" you screamed as your grip loosened and you began to fall. You were headed towards the wind barriers, you shut your eyes tight as you brought your arms up to protect you face, fearing the worse!
Instead of getting cut by the fierce winds or being pushed back like what you had seen in game, all you felt was a gentle embrace. You opened your eyes slightly to find yourself floating down to the ground.
". . ."
without even questioning it, you dusted off your clothes and smile in relief. "Thank you to whoever is looking out for me. ." And, not wanting to waste anymore time, you looked around to scavenge for some ingredients, there you found an abandoned cooking station which you made sure to remember its location as you tried to find ingredients otherwise, what was the point of a cooking station if you didn't have any things to cook with?
you found some old utensils, mint, a pot, and calla lilies. Finding nothing else and being unable to kill birds for fowl and the fishes had been scared away you went back to the abandoned cooking station. You filled the pot with water from a nearby pond and boiled some mint in the water (the fire being provided by a nearby fire slime that had been nothing but accommodating for her strangely enough- and stuck beside you).
Sitting pretty on a crate you patiently waited for the tea to brew.
meanwhile. . .
"So there is an imposter that has defiled the lands. I see, this is very serious." Amber nodded in understanding as she, Kaeya and the traveller, Aether and their companion Paimon, had returned to the city after dealing with the temples that had been powering Dvalin.
Jean continued "Yes, although her status is unknown we must make sure to see to it with our very own eyes that the imposter has been dealt with." The blond haired traveller knew that 'dealth with' meant 'killed.' He felt a shiver, was Jean always this. . cruel? merciless?
"This will take precedence above all else. So Stormterror will have to wait." The acting grandmaster decided with shocked him.
Aether looked confused at the situation, an imposter? a creator? as far as he knew, this was a case of identity theft, did that constitute being killed on sight in this land? also, how was that more important than the crazy dragon that had been terrorizing the city for months?
Someone make it make sense for him.
Seeing his confused looks, Kaeya, who had been silent up until now, quietly explained to him the situation.
"In Teyvat, there is a being higher than the seven Archons. They are the divine creator. The origin of everything in this world, it is through them we exist, and it is to them we return in death." he explained in simpler terms.
Ah so the ultimate God, wait. . was that the unknown God that trapped him here?! and took his sister?!
"What do they look like?" Aether asked, trying to remain calm. It seemed that disrespecting this creator would end with him getting killed so he tried to act as neutral as possible. However if the divine creator was the one responsible for him being separated from his sister. .
not even the knights of Favonious will stop him.
"Let me show you," the captain offered "there is a statue made in the exact likeness of her excellency, or so I heard." he chuckled and guided him and Paimon out of the office. As he exited last, he glanced at the three that remained at the office, scheming and planning of ways to catch the so called imposter.
The Statue was located in an intimate area, it was smaller than the Anemo Archon's statue which towered over all in the city, just in front of the cathedral but the statue of the Great Creator made up for what it lacked in size with quality.
Aether stared at the statue that was erected behind the cathedral, he studied the well defined features of the statue and breath a sigh of relief upon realizing that the Great Creator and the Unknown God were not the same person.
And yet, "she seems. . familiar. I know this person." he frowned, facing morphing into a look of hopelessness and confusion until his eyes lit up with recognition. "Care to share traveler?" Kaeya patiently waited for his response.
"I saw her. When I was falling to Teyvat, I saw and heard her voice. ." Aether placed a hand on his chest, closing his eyes as he reminisced that distant memory. "She talked to me with so much sweetness and warmth. When I was in the beach, first waking up alone, I felt a presence, I'm sure it's her."
*He winced, clutching his head as unfamiliar yet familiar at the same time, memories flooded his mind. Memories of soaring through the skies, of falling to the ravenous oceans and being caught by a green haired warrior. . the feeling of being struck by lightning, holding someone in his arms as they drew his final breath-
"Aether!" Paimon floated beside her partner, small hands trying their best to comfort the traveller by rubbing his back or patting it. "are you okay?"
He did not answer, brows scrunching up as he panted, 'what was that?'
"I see." Kaeya's eyes shifted to the statue made in the Creator's image, he paid no heed to the fact that the traveler fell to the floor in a state of disarray.
"Why. . " Aether stood up, not entirely offended at the man's lack of care "why did they label them quickly as an imposter though? Wouldn't they first think it is the creator?" It was a reasonable point to brought up.
The blue haired knight hummed "it is because of an old prophecy that foretold the end of Teyvat, when an evil being that wears the face of the creator descends to bring chaos and trick the loyal followers of the Great Mother."
"How are you sure the prophecy is real or it is fulfilling though. . I mean, not all prohpecies are fulfilled. ." Paimon cautiously asked with a frown.
"True" the cavalier captain chuckled, yet it was humorless "but the fact that they showed up in Mondstadt, during the Stormterror's crisis. . when the city and its people is in a state of unrest. You can see why it led to this conclusion, right?"
Aether frowned at that, "it could have just been a coincidence." he defended.
"It could be, but it doesn't change how uneasy the people feel, they'll seek answers to why this whole situation is happening, for them it is easier to blame an 'imposter' of the divine Creator, which is an omen of destruction and misfortune."
Meanwhile you were sipping the improvised mint tea straight from the pot. It tasted spicy and bitter, a weird description but it worked well enough as you felt the burden on your stomach ease up. **
"This is going to be hard."
The Pyro slime that stayed by your side seemed to agree as it sorta nodded.
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*Although when you were playing genshin impact, you progressed pass mondstadt and other nations, but upon returning to teyvat or getting 'isekai'd' time seemed to turn back to the starting point of the game. The memories of the residents of Teyvat were changed, yet the vision holders could remember your presence, your gifts (artifacts, weapons) and the strength you gave them. There will be characters who remember though, or partly so. **Funfact: there is a type of mint that specifically helps with staving off / delaying hunger (peppermint oil iirc), [name] applied that knowledge in this chapter because she couldn't find anything to fully help with her hunger.
also Teyvat is trying to keep you alive, hence when you were about to hit the wind barriers in stormterror's ruins you were able to pass through it without it hurting you and it (the wind barriers) helped break your fall.
Please pet Dvalin, and tell him he's a good boy (and don't mention how the fish had rot and you ended up disposing it. .)
taglist: @fantasyhopperhea
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fuji-sen · 1 day
the 'evil imposter' just wants to be a baker!
Prologue: The Food turned Imposter?!
Part 2: Sweet Flowers
[ part 1 ] || [ masterlist ] || [ part 3 ]
divider is made by @saradika-graphics
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Walking around you'd slowly realize you were in Mondstadt, based from the bundle of regional specialties you held in your arms. The orange makeshift bouquet of windwheel asters spun around like a regular pinwheel. Seeing that sight brought a small smile on your face, your walk around Mondstadt was peaceful, you hadn't run into unnecessary troubles so maybe your worries were for nothing.
Yeah, nvm — [Name]
You felt your stomach grumble, famished you were. But the city seemed to be nearing in the distance. Perhaps you can wait till then, but then you remember how broke you were and sighed, staring at the orange flowers in your arms. You wonder if you can sell it.
Money was definitely going to be an issue, as well as acquiring a roof over your head. Depending on the timeline, the only place left, may already be booked by the Fatui Delegates.
Food could be remedied by foraging sunsettias and wild crops.
"Oh a waypoint!" excitedly you run up to the red, unactivated waypoint and quickly you did the first thing that came to mind, slapping it with your hand.
The monument gave a hum of life before it turned blue and activated. "So that works at least" you hummed, inspecting it curiously. Up close and in real life, you could see the intricate design chiseled into the material.
Crouching down you wondered, could you use a waypoint? could you use one to go back home. . ?
"Well if I don't get to go back home, at least I don't have any more student debt" you chuckled hopelessly as you rubbed the water that pricked your eyes.
By the time you arrived at Mondstadt, the sun was almost setting. The skies were starting to get painted with an orange and pink hue.
Perhaps you shouldn't have gotten distracted or drowned in your sentiments and emotions. .
You sniffed, hugging yourself at the cold unforgiving winds while the windwheel asters and sweet flowers (a new addition to your wildflower bouquet) were luckily still fresh despite the trials they had gone through with your short travel to the city.
The sweet flowers had a sweet fragrance, once that made you crave for some sweet snacks. You debated on whether you can eat the flower raw, it looked more like a daisy too. . you decided against it. It would be far more wiser to use it for cooking or sell it for money.
The gates to the city was weirdly enough unguarded, so you stood by it awkwardly wondering when the guards would come. Would it be okay to enter without informing the knights? After waiting a couple of minutes, you decided to walk inside the city, time was running out, it would be getting dark soon and if you couldn't afford a place by selling these asters, you decided to at least buy some essentials. A polearm maybe or a coat, and maybe join the adventurers guild and see if there are any freebies or a free uniform you could get, cause your pajamas and fluffy Cinnamoroll designed slippers aren't going to cut it with the outdoor lifestyle you'd no doubt put them through.
You frown as you stared down on your cinnamoroll slippers. . it was no longer a pristine white due to the mud you had stepped into. .
Walking into the city of Mondstadt you found the city strangely. . void of life. You wonder if the prologue had yet to start and Stormterror or rather Dvalin was bothering the region.
Morale would mean a whole time low, and probably meant that prices on essentials would have risen, or maybe hopefully they were giving donations and relief goods.
"Hello," A voice greeted you and you turned to the woman or rather doll that operated the desk of the adventurer's guild "Would you like to join the Adventurer's guild?"
The smile on the puppet's face sent shivers down your spine but you pushed those feelings aside as you nodded politely. "Alright then, would you please present me with your information," she handed you a clipboard and pen "And I'll get the standard uniform for you." and then the receptionist left for a moment.
You blinked, wasn't she going to ask you for your size? or did Katheryne came with special eyes that could measure a person's body to decide the perfect clothes?
You began writing some information down. Your name, your age and your birthday but you left your address and place of origin empty since you couldn't just put in [country] and [city name] could you??
Turning to look behind you, you met eyes with a couple of residents of the city, and politely you waved at them as a greeting. . only for them to gape at you and run away from your gaze.
Okay. . rude much? was it because you were an outlander or a foreigner??
"Here you go. Everything seems to be in order." You snap back to the desk to find the receptionist had returned and had long since taken the clipboard and was reading through your information. 'When did she—?'
Katheryne then placed a set of uniform and fortunately, boots, right in front of you and you sighed in relief. "Thank you" and just as your finger grazed the fabric the clothes disappeared in a warm yellow light.
“. . .”
“can I uh. . get another set of the uniform. ." your voice cracked in shame. But before you could say anything more—
"Halt! Who dares to trespass into the City!" She flinched, turning to the approaching Guards, the knights of Favonius based on their uniforms, they stared at you wide eyes and mouth agape "What the—"
For whatever reason you ended up in Jean's office, tied down and on the floor. The windwheel asters were left on the streets, possibly wilting, alone. . the sweet flowers were trampled when they were trying to restrain her. It's sweet scent long gone, replaced with something bitter.
Jean wasn't here, oh wait no, she was coming in. You could hear muffled voices from the door, strange, when had your hearing been this good?
"do they really have the face of our divine?" that was Jean right? "well we won't know if we don't enter and see for ourselves" that suggestive yet sweet and soft voice was definitely Lisa's.
Were they talking about you?
What the hell did they mean by 'face of their divine?'
for some reason it was like a cold bucket of water was poured onto you, it was cold and terrifying and you started to shiver.
The door opened and Jean and Lisa did enter, as you craned your neck to look behind you, past the door you could see groups of knights who looked at each other with emotions you could vaguely pinpoint, horrified, worried, anger. .
"My my, you really do have the face of our esteemed creator." Lisa, the ever beautiful librarian grabbed you by the chin, making you look at her as she studied your face with scrutinizing Green eyes. Your breath hitched.
"What do you think?"
"I don't sense anything special from them, maybe they truly are an imposter."
You gaped at the terms that were hurled at you, imposter?? nothing special?? okay those were unnecessary!
Jean and Lisa conversed with each other, as your brows furrowed at the growing uncertainty in your stomach. Something was wrong, when were the Steadfast Jean and the carefree Lisa this. . cold and heartless.
"Where are Kaeya and the others?" Jean asked. "They are still visiting the temples with the traveller. I left after finishing the temple I was assigned to." Lisa informed the blond who nodded at the information.
The acting grandmaster hummed "I suppose we should deal with the imposter before they return."
The sound of a blade being unsheathed made you pale, the color disappearing from your skin as you watched Jean approached you, sword in hand without hesitation. .
Was she really going to kill you?
"Wait— wait a second? Why the hell are you going to kill me? What did I even do? Sure I entered the city carelessly but that was because your knights were slacking—hic!"
You could feel cold metal on the skin around your neck, sweat started to gather as you froze under Jean's stare.
"You committed the most grave blasphemy, heresy against the most divine creator! To imitate her beloved's face is a crime punishable by death."
You backtracked "What did you mean by creator! Also also how is being born with my face a crime?! do you hear how stupid that shit sounds?! You're a knight isn't there a due process?!"
Before she could reply the windows rattled and rattled, the winds were strong, the sun had long set and it was dark yet you could see the dust and objects flying about dangerous due to the storm. .
Storm terror was here.
Quickly you stood up, gaining Jean's and Lisa's attention once more as you quickly ran towards the window, knocking Jean to the ground and grabbing her sword due to your pettiness. You stopped for a moment to cut the restraints off your wrists with the sword.
"Why don't you settle down" Lisa said with a sickening sweet voice as powerful electro manifested in her hands and—
you screamed.
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For now the earlier chapters will be titled with ingredients rather than food or recipe names.
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fuji-sen · 2 days
there are so cuteeee, for anyone wanting to use dividers, go check out @saradika-graphics, they're all free to use, but of course Credit is appreciated
I love your dividers like so much! I’ve used them in several fics now. I can’t seem to find them but do you have anything baking related? Like not just desserts but like the utensils too?
hi! I made this baking set with deserts here! And I did edit a couple to add in some utensils in for you 🧁💕
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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fuji-sen · 2 days
the 'evil imposter' just wants to be a baker!
Prologue: The Food turned Imposter?!
Part 1: Sunsettias.
[ masterlist ] || [ part 2 ]
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⌞Forest of Color: ⌝
⌞A salad made from fresh fruit and vegetables. Blanch the Grainfruit, chop the other ingredients, drizzle over the sauce, then stir until evenly mixed. Extremely simple to make, but even more importantly, it's so healthy that no matter how much you eat, you won't feel stressed!⌝
You stared at the in-game meal right in front of you, it was a late friday night and you were wasting the hours away curiously reading and looking through the official page that contained all of the food and drinks that could be found in your comfort game, Genshin Impact.
As a student in the culinary course and a rather enthusiastic foodie, one of the factors you always looked for when playing or finding a certain game or watching a particular show was their cuisine!
Just staring at the delicious looking, not-real, food always got your appetite running. Part of your little hobby was trying to even recreate certain dishes like those foodtubers did in youtube! Right now while mentally eating the pixelated dish in your mind, you were also picking the next food you'd try to recreate.
'Perhaps I should pick from star rail, none of the food here has picked my fancy. .' you thought to yourself while leaning back on your chair and making a point to stroke your chin with a thoughtful expression. 'Ah! how about the Mondstadt hash browns, I could even try to make Razor's variant dish!'
Snapping your fingers you immediately went to the kitchens, mentally patting yourself on the back for going grocery shopping the day before. So like usual, in the comfort of your own apartment, you began to cook, then eat and clean up, before retiring to your bedroom, dozing off with a full stomach and a lazy smile.
Z z z. . .
"Huh?" You swat at your face before sneezing, immediately standing up as you felt something tickling your face, what fell from your face and onto your lap was a pristine white feather.
Immediately standing up, finding yourself out of bed, no, out of your own room and seemingly not even in your fucking city as you started at the environment before you. Lush, verdant grass that swayed with the winds. Birds chirping as they flew high and above your form, some scattering the same feathers that made you sneeze.
A wave of fear and confusion washed over you, you were afraid as you began to realize this wasn't a dream when you ran, and ran, and tripped. Part of your pajama pants had been ruined and vaguely you can feel the blood dripped down on your leg from your fresh injury.
Wincing you stand up, not bothering to look as it as you cried out, wondering, where the hell were you?
. . .
It probably took you a few hours to get your bearings, sitting by a tree as you hugged your knees and contemplated your existence, did you screw with some God or Rich Asshole and they decided to kidnap you and dump you in the middle of nowhere as revenge?
Nah, you were antisocial, so screwing with some rich guy was highly unlike with your lack of a social life. You bit your nails, was it God? "At least give me a sign of where I am!" you shout frustrated as you pulled at your locks.
"Ouch!" Wincing, you rubbed the top part of your head as something fell on it, the perpetrator was round, yellow and orange in color. Your eyes widened, silently grabbing it as you ignored the now dulling pain in your head. .
It was plump, fragrant. .
you bit it.
It tasted sweet.
you ignored the juice that dribbled down you chin as you nodded, yes, this was how you imagined Sunsettia's would taste like base on it's description.
you blinked, jaw dropping.
Sunsettias. .
fuck you were in Teyvat, basically Genshin Impact.
A part of you felt like you were screwed, considering how all of your worldly possessions were gone, and you were here in nothing but your pockets. One hand went to pat the pockets of your pajamas. .
Eyes lighting up as you felt something, pulling that item out, you were speechless as your hand simply held an old expired coupon for some ramen. . .
screwed it is then.
I need to find a banner to use for the series, also also although I put in Baker, the reader will also make dishes, both from in-game and in real lifeee so if you want a particular dish featured in a future chapter, add the recommended dish in my ASKS so it can be a surprise for other readers! Please also add information about that dish since I may most likely not be familiar with themm
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fuji-sen · 2 days
the 'evil imposter' just wants to be a baker!
hello little sprouts! Just recently remembered my love(?) or interest with the sagau concepts!
ɞ﹒₊˚ This is partially inspired by the manhwa "A Divorced Evil Lady Bakes Cakes!" ɞ﹒₊˚ Imposter AU's, there is a bit angst in the first three nations but you'll be fineeeee, hopefully. ɞ﹒₊˚ Female!Reader x Selective!Various
divider used is made by @saradika-graphics
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nobody's allowed to touch >:0, especially you damn acolytes, stop trying to kill me! If found please return to [Name] [Lastname], definitely not the creator nor the imposter!
Prologue; The Foodie turned Imposter?!
When a foodie from the real world gets sucked into one of their comfort games, popular hoyoverse game's middle child Genshin Impact, it's not all fun and playtime as one would have expected. Finding out you share a face with the most divine God and Mother of the world, the creator, you are forced to fight for the right to live, so that you can eat and cook for another day!
Part 1: Sunsettia Part 2: Sweet Flowers Part 3: Mint Tea Part 4: hilichurl style stew > 4.5 special: adventures of a pyro slime
˙ . ꒷ 🍰 . 𖦹˙—˙ . ꒷ 🍰 . 𖦹˙—˙ . ꒷ 🍰 . 𖦹˙—˙ . ꒷ 🍰 . 𖦹˙—˙ . ꒷ 🍰 . 𖦹˙—
Volume 1; TBA
Chapter 1: The start of [Name]'s Recipes!
more coming soon. . .
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ɞ﹒₊˚ Taglist! If you want to be added to the taglist, you can comment here or in the LATEST chapter! This is so that its easier for me to compare which comment is old or new, or those who have or haven't been added yet. ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
taglist: @fantasyhopperhea @rhoswen-drake @cchiiwinkle
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fuji-sen · 2 months
WUWA! Highschool Graduation memories mini-series
drabbles! and oneshots!
To all the recently graduated students! Congratulations! Here's a little dose of delulu.
🎓 Can be seen as platonic or romantic. [scar is flirty at one point, so maybe he's more romantic-- sorry I can't help it, i love the guy]
🎓 modern au.
🎓 graduation is based on my highschool graduation but this can be interchanged to a college graduation one.
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୧⍤⃝💐batch 1
Sanhua, Jinhsi, Scar
note: I assume the characters above are young adults, which I've based on their character models. Scar is confirmed to be a young adult based on his character/personality description into WuWa fandom site. Others I based also on their appearance like in the case of Aalto, Yangyang and Chixia. I'll base it off on this post!
setting: The above characters have already graduated or are older years, and knowing you, they decided to go to your graduation to support you! isn't that just sweet? ❣️
Your palms felt sweaty as you stood up with your classmates, forming a line as the MC of the event called names and listed their awards apart from the diploma.
‘God I wonder if I have an award or am I just going to get a diploma..?’ you worriedly thought. You wore a well planned outfit under your toga that reached a few inches below your knees. Your hat was loose and would nearly fall every time you'd bow at the given time.
The tassel of the cap would sway, sometimes hitting your cheeks or getting tangled with your hair, it was beginning to be annoying at this point.
You were graduating and you were so very afraid to mess up. What if your toga wasn't ironed? was it wrinkly? were your shoes polished?
Hands reached to try and smoothen the nonexistent wrinkles of your toga you even looked down to check your shoes when you realize they were in fact not polished, but it didn't look bad at all, you were just too deep into your graduation blues and worries ‘am I underdressed? or maybe overdressed? do I look plain? or too extravagant-?!’
Your schoolmate that sat nearby called your name in a hushed manner, you stared at them until you realized they were motioning for you to move up the line so you quickly scampered.
"[your full name]" the MC announced as you robotically found yourself walking up the stairs and onto the stage where your principal and school director were there with your diploma and medals for your achievements.
"Woohoo!" Someone cheered despite the silence and the background music playing on repeat, your eyes glanced to meet theirs and your jitters washed away as they clapped for you enthusiastically, even much louder than the instrumental music.
Your Principal eyes your friend with annoyance before turning to you as he handed you your diploma.
You turned to the vast seas of students, teachers and watchers.
You were no longer worried or self-conscious and with a bright smile you bowed in front of them. Finally free from the shackles of your school, and ready to move on to the next stage,
knowing your friend was there for you.
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚.°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
❄️ Sanhua ⊹ ࣪ ˖
probably a year or two younger than you,
╰┈➤ Sanhua was there for even before the start of the ceremony. She was there when you were buying your outfit, or choosing from your wardrobe.
╰┈➤ She chatted you often in between your graduation practices and preparations. She made sure you ate, you slept, you had your things prepared and made sure you chose clothes that you'd be comfortable in.
╰┈➤ She came to the venue early to get better seats, and she'd clapped respectfully as she watched you.
╰┈➤ Sanhua was already in college, she was the secretary for her college's student council president. So she was skilled in preparation, meetings, and so on.
╰┈➤ The white haired beauty approached you after your graduation, greeting you with a smile as she was proud of you. She knew you worked hard to be able to graduate and you deserved your diploma and the medals you were awarded with.
╰┈➤ She didn't come alone or empty handed. Beside her was Jinhsi but that would be for another part. In her hands was a sentimental gift she known you'd appreciate and a bouquet of wintry bells wrapped in pure white floral wrapping, tied together with a ribbon dyed with the color of her eyes and of course a note.
As the ceremony officially ended and the faculty that was part of the graduation had left or more or less scattered, talking with their students. You relaxed, chatting with your classmates, hugging and congratulating one another.
"It's your friend" A classmate tapped you and motioned to a figure that was approaching you. You smiled at the older female as you quickly made your way, through the crowds and groups, to her.
You greeted her with a warm and friendly smile "Sanhua! Thanks for coming!" You'd say and looked at her, silently communicating if you could hug her or not.
The stoic yet kind secretary opened her arms and you quickly enveloped her in a hug. "Congratulations [name]." she said reciprocating your hug but you winced as her gift accidentally hit you wrong at your back.
"Oh sorry" she quickly released you and handed you your gifts, you smelled the subtle scent of the wintry bells and you could vaguely feel the coldness. "It's okay, thank you for the gifts you didn't have to."
"Just you being here for my graduation is enough but aren't you busy with your projects?" you questioned as you stood side by side at the corner watching the people interact with each other.
For someone like Sanhua privacy and alone time was what she had preferred and you didn't mind, you had already greeted your friends anyways and some of your teachers.
"It's alright, I'm on schedule for most of my deadlines." She told you and you believed her, it was Sanhua after all, she was always reliable, hardworking and straight-laced.
"Have you thought about college?" She suddenly asked you, turning her eyes on you as she watched you scrunched up your face. "Oh come on, I just graduated, I wanna have fun!"
Her lips quirked in amusement, her hand made its way to your back "All right then, why don't we go to the mall? get some food?" She suggested and on cue, your stomach growls.
"Sounds great, I had a light breakfast and now I'm starving" you sigh in relief as you both walk towards the exit of the venue.
You laced your fingers with her's and you hummed in satisfaction, your lips quirked to a grin as you told her "I'm thinking about going to Jinzhou Academy,"
Her eyes seemed to shine, that was her college too. "It's close, has a good reputation and my favorite secretary is right there."
"Just secretary?" she repeated her lips mirroring your own.
"An amazing girl, beautiful, talented, hardworking, one of my greatest friends" you listed up as she chuckled.
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚.°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
✨ Jinhsi ⊹ ࣪ ˖
a year or two younger / high position in a student council or at least student representative for her year.
╰┈➤ Jinhsi definitely made time for you in her busy schedule, and don't worry, it's no problem for her afterall it is her friend's/SO/[petname]'s graduation, a milestone meant to be celebrated.
╰┈➤ Definitely the one you come to with questions about the procedures when you're too shy to ask your teachers.
"yes you can wear that type of shoes or that color of dress"
╰┈➤ Would meet you up there at the venue considering you'd either get there by your parents or in a school bus.
╰┈➤ would make sure you are well hydrated and not hungry since she knows how long this ceremonies get.
"here I brought you your [fave drink], make sure you take care of yourself."
╰┈➤ She'll stand in a decent area, making sure she has a good view of you so she can take pictures and videos.
╰┈➤ Is the first one to approach you as soon as the ceremony has ended with a small present (definitely handmade and very personal between you two) and a modest bouquet of flowers.
"[name]" you turned around when a voice greeted you, and lo and behold you are met with Jinhsi, which wasn't really a surprised since you had already met her when you first arrived at the venue wherein she gave you some snacks and calmed your nerves.
You smiled at her warmly, thanking her for coming and saying that she didn't have to knowing her busy schedules considering her school year hasn't quite ended.
"You don't need to worry, I have already dealt with most of the urgent itinerary I have." She assured you and handed you a bouquet of flowers, and a small present. "Oh thank you Jinhsi! I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything. ."
She chuckled "you don't need to, why would I even get anything when it's your graduation." she told you and your cheeks flushed at the reminder, "it's just, you're one of my most cherished friends and you treat me well." you reasoned "you deserve a gift for all your hardwork too."
It was her turn to blush at your words, she usually didn't get flustered much but considering your sincere and genuine nature she couldn't help it.
And with that, the two of you left, you bid goodbye to your classmates and friends and even thanked your professors with Jinhsi, and then you went off, having decided that the two of you should go watch one of the shows at the Jinzhou Theater.
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚.°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
❤️‍🔥Scar⊹ ࣪ ˖
a year or more older than you, plus points if he had also graduated from your school and he was the #1 menace there.
╰┈➤ your teachers and some of your classmates give you a sour look when they find Scar there, clapping and shouting your name in his cheers as soon as he saw you.
╰┈➤ man would definitely be one of those loud participants, clapping loudly, hyping you up, it would amuse others while some would glare at him in annoyance.
╰┈➤ isn't even hiding the fact that he's taking pictures or videos of you, even doing weird poses for the 'perfect shot tm' or smth [probably for blackmail, scratch that, definitely for blackmail] despite your glares at him or signs of embarrassment.
╰┈➤ of course he'd also talk shit or throw boo's at students he either hates or knew they were giving you trouble.
╰┈➤ is almost kicked out of the venue but scares off most of the security.
╰┈➤ finally shuts up when your name is called, watching you intently as you stood up and walk to the platform, and when your eyes meet you are met with a soft smile as he nodded at you in encouragement, mouthing the words 'congrats little lamb.'
your cheeks were flushed in embarrassment as your friends from class giggles and tease you about your friend that came to watch you graduate. Scar was your senior here in school and he had already graduated in a grand way that definitely left a mark in your school.
He basically did a huge ass prank which nearly burned down the last venue.
It was honestly a miracle how he graduated with his track record, you had suspected the school had given up on him and just handed him to be his current college's problem.
"you should go to him before he ends up burning this venue" your classmate joked, playfully punching your elbow as you forced out a laugh, you wouldn't even be surprised if he actually did it.
And you find him with a few of your teachers who sent you a 'please take him away and far from us' look, iykyk.
"Little lamb!" Scar greeted you with open arms as he noticed your presence approaching him, [meanwhile your teachers leave quickly], "you dork" you laugh punching his arm and he simply smirked at your greeting.
"Is that really how you greet your favorite senpai/senior?" he asked suddenly pouting as you rolled your eyes, "thanks for embarrassing the shit out of me."
He cracked up a grin, bowing at you as if you were a king/queen. "anything for my little lamb." your cheeks flushed as he took your hand and kiss the back of it, he stared at you in a way that made your heart skip a beat and your cheeks instantly redden.
Scar offered you a simply gift, a bouquet of roses with a few baby breaths here and there, wrapped in black wrapping paper, and accompanying it was a cute plushie of a lamb holding a pink tulip, one that you had seen in pinterest boards.
You'd seen leave the venue, pulling scar along to make sure he doesn't cause anymore trouble as the two of you went to somewhere to have fun.
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚.°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
I procrastinated this too much to the point its not even graduation season anymore-- still belated happy graduation to you readers. I'm now a college student share ko lang hahahaha
comment who would you want to see next.
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fuji-sen · 3 months
bad news, my hyper fixation for WuWa has ended but now I'm obsessed with aot 😭😭😭
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fuji-sen · 3 months
brother got me into pokerogue, and now im addicted T-T, my run which was around lvl 130+ ended cause of Finn having a shiny rayquaza, fuckkkk
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fuji-sen · 3 months
are oc inserts or centered fanfics not popular here? just migrated from Wattpad and I mostly see x reader
just asking some opinions, have a nice dayyy
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fuji-sen · 3 months
Sawuwa with reader who finally gets their own body and immediately gets carried away princess style PLEEEEASE 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺
SAWuWa Headcanon pt. 5.1 .ೃ࿔*:・
characters: Rover, Jiyan (I keep forgetting its Jiyan not Jinyan--), Scar, I'll add more characters soon.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
takes place presumably sometime after chapter 1/patch 1 story.
➥ other than you, Rover is probably one of the most happiest person in Sol-III now that you got your own body!
➥ because honestly, they had a rough time partly sharing their body with you, it was like not having any privacy! they could hear your thoughts, and you could hear theirs. They were like the anchor to your disembodied soul that either floated around nearby or was in your body like an imaginary voice in the head.
➥ but despite the rough bumps you started off with the main character, you two became very close, forcibly perhaps with being forced to be so close to each other, but still, genuinely close.
➥ so when you were a bit disoriented having your own body they easily picked you up in a princess carry with a bright smile on their face.
➥ "it's finally nice to see you in solid form." they remarked with a chuckle.
➥ feeling a bit weak you were still able to respond, "you don't have to carry me y'know" your voice was soft as you stared at their piercing golden orbs as if the blood of the gods spilled to create such beautiful eyes.
➥ the Rover hummed thoughtfully "I know, just want to."
➥ some part of them knew they'd miss being so close to you.
➥ "can't believe I have my own body, now I have to walk all over the place like you." you scrunched up your nose in annoyance at the thought. Rover laughed at your musings, that was the first thing you were worried about after getting your own body?
➥ "you're worried about the journey but not the tacet discords?" they pointed out and you flailed your arms in frustration "ugh you're right!"
➥ "just stick with me and I'll protect you" they said holding you tighter.
takes place when you end up getting separated with the Rover and ended up getting your own body. probably around the time when Rover was building that huge gun thingy to get close to the threnodian.
➥ The minute you are forcibly separated from the Rover, no longer a specter, no longer a voice with no body to its name, the first one who is over their shock would be General Jiyan.
➥ you feel a bit disoriented, your body swaying as you felt dizzy, your body leaned a bit too far in one direction and suddenly you find yourself falling.
➥ oh but don't worry! well toned arms wrapped themselves around you preventing any injuries.
➥ "Thank you" you managed to say as you steadied yourself, his arms no longer enveloped you but a hand was on your shoulder instead.
➥ "It is no problem." he curtly replied "you seem to be disoriented, it seems that getting your own body has exhausted you." his brows furrowed as the more doctor and medic side of him appeared.
➥ After a bit of silence on his side, he opened his mouth only to offer assistance "would you like me to carry you to the medics? or perhaps the Rover?" ah that's right, you got separated.. you shook your head despite how tempting the offer was, you couldn't take advantage of the general. "no it's okay, you're hurt, I can endure it until I meet with the others again."
➥ but Jiyan wouldn't take no for an answer, "are you doubting my strength?" he asked amused as he crossed his arms, flexing his muscles. You gulped shaking your head fervently 'no'
➥ and that's how you ended up in his arms, perhaps Jiyan was right that you needed to be carried. You find your eyelids grew heavy as you leaned on his chest.
tw: kidnapping? (depends whether you don't want him to take you or not.)
takes place during the awakening of the threnodian.
➥ Scar would watch (stalk) you and Rover after your first encounter, the jail of Jinzhou wasn't enough to stop him.
➥ with the whole fuss of the Threnodian's awakening being expedited he was able to easily slip out.
➥ course he would have preferred to have fight his way out of the place and cause havor like the maniac he is, he decided it would be quicker to slip out so he could get to you and Rover quicker.
➥ so when he arrived to find you, rover and jinyan, he was pleasantly shock to find you in the middle of getting your body.
➥ the powerful frequencies you let off and the reverberations that flowed through after had him excited!
➥ The general and the rover were preoccupied with defending you from the gathering TD's that were attracted to your raw power left them distracted, letting him easily close the distance between you.
➥ you look at the palm of your hands, shock as you truly had a physical body. and yet you were unable to savor it as you could hear a familiar voice.
➥ one dripping with charisma and an underlying tone of insanity. "Scar" you turned to find him walking closer and closer to you, you were shock considered he wasn't supposed to appear in this part of the story since canonically he was in jail at this moment.
➥ "it's nice to see you again little lamb, or should I say bambi?" he tilted his head, an amused smile on his face as he looked at you up and down, his heterochromia eyes settling on your legs.
➥ you followed his stare to realized your legs were shaking, probably being barely able to stand as you were. Your cheeks quickly turned red in embarrassment, "I have a name you know" you hissed and ended with a pout.
➥ you turned around trying to find Jiyan, Rover or anybody to help you. As much as you liked Scar and doted on him every chance you got, you felt vulnerable and you were unsure of his motives regarding you.
➥ "Aw come on little lamb, won't you please pay attention to me?" you jolted to find him right behind you, face near your ears as you could practically feel his breath fanning you. He had an adorable pout on his face, almost looking like a kicked puppy.
➥ before you could reply a sound resembling a growl got your attention as you both turned to find tacet discords approaching you.
➥ as much as Scar liked fighting, and wasn't too afraid of tacet discords he clicked his tongue annoyed "I won't let our little date get interrupted again." he declared as he bent down, and before you could object, he carried you in his arms.
➥ "hey- where are you taking me?!" you yelled as he began moving, dodging attacks sent at him by the tacet discords who wanted you. Scar merely laughed "hold on tight!" and you did, wrapping your arms around his neck as he used his legs to either run, dodge or attack.
➥ boy Rover and Jiyan will be in for a shock when they find you gone.
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fuji-sen · 4 months
⋅˚₊‧🪻‧₊˚ ⋅ Garden's Entrance ⛩️
i.e. navigation and introduction
Hi my name's Fuji_sen! I'm a writer, uhh new to tumblr (2024) and I just slightly transferred from wattpad under the same name!
about me:
She / her pronouns.
I used to play Genshin Impact, got burnt out from honkai star rail and just recently got into wuthering waves.
I like flowers and witchcraft, I don't practice both but I make some of my oc's do as an outlet.
favorite colors: 🤍🩵💙💜🖤💚
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑
tags for navigation to look out for:
fuji-sen everything -> all posts so not filtered.
fuji-sen navigation -> any important posts like masterlists, rules, that first timers should see for their benefits.
fuji-sen works -> written works, fanfics, drabbles, oneshots, headcanon.
fuji-sen opinions -> reviewing things, opinions
fuji-sen rants -> rants
fuji-sen works sawuwa -> self aware wuthering waves au works.
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑
hyperlinks for navigation!
[ garden's bountiful blooms ] masterlist
[ garden's rules ] asks and requests rules
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fuji-sen · 4 months
Garden's rules 💐
Asks and Requests rules ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ₊˚⊹ ᯓᡣ𐭩
I'll write just about anything, it's much easier to put what I WON'T [ 🥀 ] write, anything not mentioned is either okay with me [ 🌸 ] or debatable [ 🪻 ] depending on the specifics of your request.
[ garden's entrance ] main navigation
[ garden's bountiful blooms ] masterlist
𓏲๋࣭࣪˖🌿verdant leaves🍃
i.e. fandoms I'm in
games: wuthering waves, honkai star rail, genshin impact, Stardew valley, sun haven, harry potter.
anime: Bnha, demon slayer, Aang the last Airbender, the legend of Korra, Assassination Classroom, haikyuu.
𓏲๋࣭࣪˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ blooming flora
i.e. what I will write for;
🌸 one shots, drabbles, headcanons
🌸 fluff, angst, yandere themes, dark themes, female readers, non-binary readers, platonic relationships.
🪻 smut, threesome smuts, poly, male readers.
𓏲๋࣭࣪˖𓍢ִ໋🥀 wilted flowers..
i.e. what I will NOT write for;
incest, large age gaps, minors with relationships to adults.
𓏲๋࣭࣪˖💠 hydrangeas colors.
i.e. prompts / au's ; 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
the color of hydrangea flowers can change based on the ph levels of the soil.
prompts / ideas / tropes / themes 🦋
song inspired
yandere themes
forced or arranged marriage / dating
sick or injured fic.
first kiss
general alternate universe
modern au,
historical au,
mob/mafia au,
daycare / kids au,
highschool au,
college au,
harry potter au.
soulmate au.
streamer / youtuber / blogger au.
specific alternate universe (wuthering waves and genshin impact)
Self aware au.
cult / intense worship au
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fuji-sen · 4 months
how old are WUWA characters???
I'm making a mini-series and I need to determine where to put them age wise??
how I sort characters into age groups, this is for modern au's.
calcharo, mortefi, yinlin, yuanwu, Jiyan
probably between adults and young adults:
Sanhua, Jinhsi, Taoqi, Baizhi, Aalto, Jianxin, scar
young adults:
Yangyang, Chixia, Rover (canonically/chronologically 500/1000+ years old),
lingyan, danjin, phrolova
early teens or kids:
encore, verina.
❁ཻུ۪۪⸙͎ ೃ༄ ❁ཻུ۪۪⸙͎ ೃ༄ ❁ཻུ۪۪⸙͎ ೃ༄ ❁ཻུ۪۪⸙͎ ೃ༄ ❁ཻུ۪۪⸙͎ ೃ༄
like do you guys agree with this????
thanks to:
— @sh1-n0bu for insight on jiyan, phrolova and rover.
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fuji-sen · 4 months
Garden's bountiful blooms 💐
an archive of works from a dreamer, who's head is clouded by strange ideas and filled with creativity.
[ garden's entrance ] main navigation
[ garden's rules ] asks and requests rules
' ❤︎ ' means requested.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the 'evil imposter' just wants to be a baker!
[ masterlink ]
this series will have it's own masterlist.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
Series Masterlist ⊹ ࣪ ˖
💌 MONSTER UNDER THE BED 💌 a scar x reader oneshot / miniseries ༉‧₊˚༉‧₊˚.
based on the music video: Monster under the bed by Emily Mei.
fandom: wuthering waves (game) characters: reader, Scar
series: [ part 1 ] [ part 2 ] [ part 3.1 ] headcanons: [ part 1 ]
🌟SaWuWa headcanons 🌟
SaWuWa = self aware Wuthering Waves A continuous headcanon unless stated otherwise or connected to a specific and different series.
[ part 1; intro ] [ part 2; scar-centric ] [ part 3; rover-centric ] [ part 4; simping over boss scar ❤︎ ] [ part 5.1; princess carry ❤︎ ]
🎓 WUWA! Highschool Graduation memories mini-series 🎓
fandom: wuthering waves (game) modern au, school au, fluff, platonic -> romantic type of vibes.
[ batch 1: Sanhua, Jinhsi and Scar ]
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
OneShots Masterlist
⋆。˚☀️ THE SUN AND THE MOON ‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅
Apollo from Blood of Zeus, forgot to clarify. Based on the Song: o sol e a lua - Pequeno Cidadão lyrics translation: hwartless.mp3 in youtube!
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