Follow me on my new blog!
Hey guys! I'm back again and I decided that I wanted to get a new start! If you all want you can follow me on my new blog
@pro-fiction-konata it will be about the same as this blog being a place of positivity for anti antis that get bullied over fiction I just want to kind of have a new place to do it!
If you have any questions regarding my dni pages go ahead and ask!
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Anon what the hell? No seriously think about what you're doing right now. You just told someone to get raped and called them a subhuman over the fact she has ships you don't like. This just goes beyond petty...
Also @prospitcest-princess That's the spirit! don't let them control you! Ship what you want!
get raped, subhuman uwu
Nah uwu
Btw, thank you for sending this adorable ask, my desire to draw my incest ships have increased uwu
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1: Wow that's really low.... Threatening someone on their birthday?! Also you're
2: I'm so sorry D: Have a happy birthday! You deserve it!
Ps. You're not garbage or ugly. You're beautiful and a good person!
Youre garbage and when I find you I want to rip out your guts you ugly bitch
…….Wow yikes 
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Fujoshis and fudanshis are fucking nasty and so is Yaoi and yuri. You have no idea how I’ve been treated as a result of Yaoi shippings and fucking fujoshis. I’ve been harassed, belittled and shamed by you nasties since I first arrived on this god awful site. Stop supporting toxic relationships. Yours sincerely, a lesbian who’s tired of your shit 🖕🏻🖕🏻
I’m really sorry that happened…. It sounds awful what they did and no one should have to go through that but not all of us are like that. A lot of us are just people enjoying fiction. What they did to you was messed up but please don’t think we’re all like those people on the basis of what fiction we like alone. Also just because we ship problematic ships doesn’t mean we would support it in real life. Like I said if you read/watch a work of fiction especially if its dark it is up to you and you alone to know the difference between it and reality. You can ship a problematic ship but know it’s an issue in real life and be against it.
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“Fujin” is the gender neutral form of fujoshi/fudanshi. Nb people usually use it.
Oh, I see! Yes I do accept fujins. ^^ / positivity for all~!
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Hey are you ok with fujins too? I think thats the right term...
What's a Fujin? I apologize I never heard of the term. ^^¡
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It's as likely as them ever stopping the suicide baiting.
Ps. Anon is coward.
execute yourself
Execute me yourself, you fucking coward.
Fun fact: Anon is a fucking coward.
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(I sincerely apologize if this took awhile I've only just gotten back to the blog.) Thank you I'm glad you enjoy the blog! I'm so happy that my blog helped you! ^/////^
Don't let the antis get you down! Ship whatever you want to ship and enjoy the fiction you enjoy! It's your life and the antis have no control over it, they shouldn't be attacking you or anyone else over what fiction you enjoy. You aren't wrong for having interest in or enjoying a series even if its dark/problematic!
.0. I actually been wanting to get into DMMD but I never can figure out how to get it. 😣
Hi! I just saw this blog and i am sooooo happy that this exists! I need to say something about myself. I am a HUGE fan of Nitro+Chiral, i played almost all of their games, and i’s SOOOO into DMMD. DMMD even inspires me to write my original story!
But I DO understand that N+C games are dark as hell but it is fiction, but many people seems to not know this and they’re shitting on N+C fans :/ not helping that sweet pool is going to be officially translated so i expect a huge tumblr war.
I still love DMMD to this day but seeing these kind of people makes me wanna leave. I tried to, I actively looked for works that are aesthetically similar to DMMD.
I played the whole Wipeout series, looked at many futuristic racing games on YT, saw both Blade Runners, saw Inception, educating myself on Electronic Music history (hooked on 90s-early 00s stuff), read Brave New World, and studied an ENTIRE Graphic Design movement to prove a point here. I kept asking people to recommend me shit that is aesthetically like DMMD, i don’t care if it’s whitewashed/problematic/etc as long as it looks like DMMD.
But then I gave up and keep liking it. I know i’d get attacked for liking DMMD, until i saw this blog. Thanks to this, i’m not scared anymore. Please keep going and shut ‘em antis!
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Hi! I just saw this blog and i am sooooo happy that this exists! I need to say something about myself. I am a HUGE fan of Nitro+Chiral, i played almost all of their games, and i's SOOOO into DMMD. DMMD even inspires me to write my original story!
But I DO understand that N+C games are dark as hell but it is fiction, but many people seems to not know this and they're shitting on N+C fans :/ not helping that sweet pool is going to be officially translated so i expect a huge tumblr war.
I still love DMMD to this day but seeing these kind of people makes me wanna leave. I tried to, I actively looked for works that are aesthetically similar to DMMD.
I played the whole Wipeout series, looked at many futuristic racing games on YT, saw both Blade Runners, saw Inception, educating myself on Electronic Music history (hooked on 90s-early 00s stuff), read Brave New World, and studied an ENTIRE Graphic Design movement to prove a point here. I kept asking people to recommend me shit that is aesthetically like DMMD, i don't care if it's whitewashed/problematic/etc as long as it looks like DMMD.
But then I gave up and keep liking it. I know i'd get attacked for liking DMMD, until i saw this blog. Thanks to this, i'm not scared anymore. Please keep going and shut 'em antis!
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To all anons demanding a delation of this blog from Makomi Yurei.
It is time to stop and mind your bussiness. Let people do whatever the hell they want as long it doesnt harm people. FICTION. IS. NOT. REALITY.
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To all anons demanding a delation of this blog from Makomi Yurei.
It is time to stop and mind your bussiness. Let people do whatever the hell they want as long it doesnt harm people. FICTION. IS. NOT. REALITY.
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As a gay man i support fujoshi and fudanshi. Keep up the great blog and i love how calm and kind you are with your responses.
Aaaaaa thank you ^///^ I'm glad you like the blog (I only gotten back to it recently so I'm sorry if I took long to respond)
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Is there a word to describe women (who are often homophobic) that harass and objectify real-life MLM? There should be a seprate word for that because I'm getting tired of people saying "fujoshi" when they are actually talking about objectifiers. Im getting tired of us innocent fujoshis being lumped in with those creeps.
I don't really know if there is tbh? 0.0
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2/2. In all the msgs I got, not one anti condemned what was happening. Not. One. I tried to kill myself 2 years ago and no one gave a shit at all. I still have to hide because i STILL have antis stalking me. Even if they say they don't support suicide baiting, they'll find an excuse to make you an exception. I really wish they didn't just pretend to have morals when they get caught.
...I'm really sorry and please know this is in no way your fault and those antis are despicable for stalking and harassing you. They need to get a damn life. You deserve better friends and nothing they said to you or about you is true or right. You aren’t a bad person at all and you do not deserve this crap no matter what they say. If you ever need to talk you can pm me whenever okay? Stay strong. Once again I'm truly sorry if this took long. I really hope you're doing better now.
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I'd really like to vent some... tw suicide. It's been around 2 years but I'm still really upset about it. I was getting harassed by antis, along with my friends, who were supposedly the "good antis" who don't believe in suicide baiting and such. but... they knew I was getting suicidal over the harassment and I asked them for help over and over again and I got no response whatsoever. I can't believe when "good antis" say they'll reign in the bad ones, because they don't. 1/2
(I’m so sorry this happened to you it sounds terrible you deserve better than those "friends".. and if I took long I was off for awhile ill give my full response in 2/2)
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Hey! I really enjoy & support ur blog & i just want to thank u. Stay strong & i know the antis/haters dont rly bother u, but if tgey ever do, know that u r right. U get too much hate & it probably gets rly hard at times. Ur doing an amazing job
Thank you for the kind words ^////^ (sorry if this took awhile I only got back recently.
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Hey again! i dunno how much this counts, but i also have a problem with people that shut down other sexuality hcs. Because the character “is obviously this & if u say sth else ur a x-phobe“ & while that character might rly seem like x, as long as nothings confirmed its not wrong. Id personally even say that as long as u dont discount their sexuality it doesnt matter? I tenko chabashira from danganronpa is a good example. Ppl dont accept her as not-lesbian. Can ppl pls cool their jets? Sorry & ty
Agreed. We all have our headcanons and there really isn't a point to get worked up over them. :/ It just takes the fun out of things and makes everything feel toxic.
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