fukuzu-blog · 7 years
*:・゚☆ faillte
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          A REALLY sharp gasp — a miracle that she didn’t happen to drop the cup she had in her hands, though she did drop some hot tea on the floor due to the small jump she made, together with the SQUEAK. What was going on? Not only was there a stranger in her house, but he seemed to be somehow trapped into the wall!! How could this happen?? Was she dreaming??
          To be sure she was awake, Eileen proceeded to pinch with a satisfying amount of strength – making herself wince & whimper — definitely awake. But that meant that there WAS a stranger stuck in her wall. Definitely not something ordinary. To say the least.
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          ❛ Um — what… ❜ what is going on? Confusion & some level of fear are clearly present on her face but nevertheless, the Irishwoman takes a step forward, eyeing him & trying to understand how that was possible.  ❛ How… How can I help? ❜
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       he hadn’t thought that far . could she even help at all ? opting to set aside his tragically wounded dignity for allowing himself to get into a humiliating predicament , he awkwardly gestures for them to draw closer , palms open and out as consolation and reassurance that he had no weapons on hand ( none that he can reach , at least ) . how was he to properly explain to her how he’d gotten caught between her walls ? was it even worth offering a explanation that she’d believe ?
        though , if she were kind enough to lend a helping hand to a stranger , anything was possible . either she was a classic martyr and a good Samaritan , or just plain stupid . 
        ❛  … t - try to tug on my arms ?  ❜
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
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          pathetically attempts to break eye contact with the homeowner that happened upon the intruding presence of a random young male inside of her kitchen ( himself !! )  , whose body was halfway lodged & trapped through the wall . somehow . he squirms and fidgets to no avail ; the time travel device was somewhat faulty , and regardless of what coordinates he fed to the machine , no matter how precise , it was a rarity that he actually ended up where he truly wished to go . 
        ❛  . . . please don’t call the police . if you assist me , i’ll make my leave immediately . this is not where i wanted to end up . . .  ❜ part of him aches to inquire the year they were in , but feared it would serve to worsen the woman’s fears and prompt her to call the authorities about the weirdo in her house . 
        ——  *:・゚☆ @faillte
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
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——  *:・゚☆ HEADCANON. shohei has a bizarre tendency to refer to inanimate objects/search engines/etc as sentient entities . whenever he’s googling something , it always ends up unnecessarily long winded , such as : “ Hello Google! Can you please tell me what voring is? Thank you!”  and in conversation, he addresses these things as The Google, The Wikipedia, The Facebook, etc. even if you explain to him ( repeatedly ) that these things aren’t actual people, he’ll still do it.
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
。゚ ⊰ florecode
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       sometimes  he  has  no  idea  what  suzuki  is  going  on  about.  this  is  one  of  those  times.  thankfully,  or  not,  SPHERE - LIKE  and  CHEST  clue  him  in.  ❛  girls  don’t  actually  have  …  mammaries  …  this  big  or,  uh,  glossy.  unfortunately.  ❜  a  thought  occurs  to  him,  then.  ❛  but  most  girls  in  anime  and  bishoujo  games  do          ❜
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         ❛  i asked The Google about these figurines of yours , and according to my findings , having a particular affinity for large mammaries makes miko-pi a fetishist !! is that correct ? ❜  the use of honorifics , even in jest , feels unnatural on his tongue ; having initially focused the core of his human studies in america , the transition to japan was not an easy one . the language itself wasn’t what threw him off balance , but the culture . he couldn’t assimilate into society as easily as he used to , and having a host family made things all the more easier . 
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
。゚ ⊰ springdreamt
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               kenji made the face his boyfriend HATED the most , he’d snap a picture with that wondrous dog filter slapped on top of his face before adding a caption : am i your mcm every day ? after sending the CHEESY ten second picture , the model whipped his head back in response to the strangers inquiry . “ MAN CRUSH MONDAY ! mcm means man crush monday ! my boyfriend is my man crush everyday , though . ”
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         ❛  … is that an American custom ? ❜ he assumes the role of human technology inept without trouble , finding it sufficient enough to disguise the fact that he hadn’t the faintest idea what modern slang he was meant to be using . of all his years of being on earth , the colloquial language changed so rapidly , he couldn’t be bothered to memorize all of it .  ❛  … is making disturbing faces also involved in ‘ MCM ‘ ? ❜
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
。゚ ⊰ dohoshu
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           “–Hit me with your car in the crosswalk.” He played this game with his brothers, where they take notable lines from songs, yell it out at random intervals of time, and someone else has to say the next line with something funny that rhymed. It was like a meme, but he wasn’t uploading anything on the internet. He didn’t need the judgement of thousands of people criticizing him and his family, and what he already knew about them. 
           But he soon realized, this was not his brother, and he just replied inappropriately to a stranger. He snapped his head in their direction, eyes wide, embarrassed and flustered. Should he run away? Running away seemed like a good idea right about now. 
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        having committed the trending song to his memory bank , he was beyond certain that that was indeed not the next line !! the sheer morbidity of it caught him off guard , and he deliberates whether he should counter with the correct lyrics , or to mimic what the other had done and make up his own rhyme . maybe it was a up-and-coming fad he’d missed ? he didn’t want to blow his cover if that was the case !!
        ❛   maybe if you’re sad we should get some hot - pot - pot !!   ❜
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
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        ` ☆ * 。゚ ⊰ out of character.  anyways !! who’s cool w/ me throwing a random starter their way ,, or if you wanna plot smthn, ILL HIT UP UR DMs (@´ー`)ノ゙
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
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isshiki satoshi in episode 4 (。✿‿✿。)
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
。゚ ⊰ lvmier
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      …..GOD THEY’RE GOING to have to get that fixed.        “Just making sure you didn’t fall in a hole somewhere. At ease.”
        he doesn’t bear witness to any crime or shenanigans that would’ve called for his attention / he casts his gaze to the gigantic , crater - like hole he’d created from his ‘ expressive ‘ entrance , and awkwardly whistles a tune as he shuffles the bricks to the side with his shoe . the humans can fix a tiny hole , right ? no one saw him do it , miraculously . 
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        ❛  sio !!  ❜ averts focus away from the hole , good job !! he crouches into a pouncing position , wiggling his behind as he does so and races over to where they were , lunging for her with widespread arms and legs and a grin that split his lips.  ❛ what are we doing today !?  ❜
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
。゚ ⊰ minugahanax
PChan was a mass of laughter; the others hand comment really had the alien’s imagination off the tarts and as much as he loved spaghetti, he had a feeling having such a limb like that wasn’t at all pleasant. Nothing like his tentacles he guessed; under his control, strong enough to lift a car and stuff a like. These fingers of the others were literally limp noodles, right? Still; humoured the  Ekliparó̱ for sure! “Your face is cute though so it’s okay. I don’t think the humans will mind, but I think they’ll be super curious, y’know?” Pink-galaxy filled hues shimmered within his own curiosity but since he was already told the other was suffering with a facial mess; he didn’t need to see it. 
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“Does your ship need repairing too? I can’t fix mine at all. Not yet anyway.” Not that it mattered; Earth was fun! “You ever had a candy apple?”
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        under pchan’s laughter , he shrinks , eyeing his tentacles with exaggerated disdain // being referred to as cute was . . .  an event tragically scarce and unfamiliar . the droplets of crimson daubed on his facial mask served as an adequate substitute for blushing . how easy it was to butter him up and schmooze him !! easy to please , easy as eating a pie !!
        ❛   —— !! w - well !! it’s not necessarily that i can’t fix mine . . .   ❜ he’d already exhausted his supply of readily available energy and was in dire of need of refueling . semantics , linguistics : the bitter reality was that he was just a lazy pile of limp noodles && couldn’t be bothered to tend to his trashed ride , even if it was his only means of transporation . other , much more important things called for his attention , after all !! like unraveling the mystery behind miko-piko’s lady figurines and why the balloons on their torsos were so large !!
        ❛   candy apple —— ? my host family has yet to introduce me to such a thing !!   ❜
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
。゚ ⊰ lvmier
    // @fukuzu .
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       IT’S TIME for the hourly ‘Shohei check-up’.         “Reeeed Robin.”
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         cuts clean right through a brick wall with the radical coolness of the kool - aid man , shohei ready for duty & prompt for roll call , teach !!
    ❛   — YUM !!!!  ❜
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
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        he’d fled from the household in an uncharacteristic fit of rage , seeking refuge in the one place he felt freed of his obligations as the first born . not the library , no , but the house where his godfathers resided , with one of them particularly in mind . he hadn’t intended on losing his composure , one he relied on for being ironclad and unbending , but he couldn’t bear the weight burdening him any longer .
        ❛   . . . . unc — er , eden ? are you home ? is uncle lanzo home , too ... ?   ❜
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
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        ❛   … so . . . i see everyone staring at me . . . and i fail to see anything odd or peculiar that might make me stand out .  ❜ his offensively and repulsively mismatched clothes might be an indicator as to why he’s the center of attention . his fashion style should’ve been considered a crime against nature . a true abomination . when he did his research on how to dress himself as humanly as possible , the information he dug up was a bit . . . dated , to say the least .
         ❛   am i not “ stuntin’  ” ? am i not hip ? swaggy ? dope ?   ❜
        。゚ ⊰ @itaidoshin / liked.
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
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        as far as having his existence documented went , he wasn’t particularly sure why people tended to take pictures of themselves that clearly didn’t have their entire face in the shot . more often than not , this occurred when he was seated ways behind them , and his face somehow ended up in the corner of the camera . whether or not this was deliberate or coincidental was beyond his knowledge . 
        ❛  … what is a ‘ mcm‘ ?  ❜
        。゚ ⊰ @springdreamt / liked.
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fukuzu-blog · 7 years
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        yikes !! MAYDAY , MAYDAY , he’s been caught red - handed !! hand in the cookie jar !! EXPOSED !! he caught wind of stressed meowing in the distance , and upon further investigation , he happened upon a cat trapped inside of a tree !! neglecting to do a spot check , he’d gripped the trunk of the tree with both hands , effortlessly & ripping it clean from its roots -- even if he had done a spot check , who wouldn’t notice this ? who would ignore the sight of a young man with a park tree raised high above his head ? spoiler alert : it wasn’t even a cat . it was a squirrel that had been chased up the tree by a cat 
        ❛  . . . hi !  ❜ just oh-so casually sets the tree back down .
        。゚ ⊰ @travaileur / liked.
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