4doji · 1 year
❛ㅤ𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙭ㅤ—ㅤ@itaidoshin,ㅤPops a lil kiss on his cheek !
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'ㅤyou disappeared.ㅤ'ㅤ he'd been fraught with worry over the girl's impromptu absence, an absence that was felt strongly, deeply, painstakingly... his days had been consumed with ideas of what he would say to her when they crossed paths again ... only to come up short now that the time has come. torn between bombarding her with questions on her well-being, what she'd been up to, if her family was well...
but he couldn't find the voice to do it. and even if he did, it would be hypocritical of him. the feel of soft lips caressing the side of his face made his thoughts scatter like marbles, and he has to restrain himself from lifting her into his arms and spinning her around in the middle of the street.
'ㅤwelcome back, isaksen-san.ㅤ'ㅤthe smile in his voice said far more anything else could.
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angstm · 3 years
“you make a difference in my life.  i’m not just saying that.  it wouldn’t be the same without you here and i don’t want to find out what it’d be like to not have you around.” - for vince
all good things never seemed to last, but the male got too comfortable and careless. he knew he was suppose to be on the straight & narrow, but his lifestyle that hadn't changed called for relapse. no, he craved it too much. the air was thick with silence after a heated argument & before her comment was made which made him quiet; before it mostly consisted of vince shouting and making light of the situation. she had caught him in the midst of doing a line - shame on him for leaving the bathroom door open and shame on her for being so quiet when she entered his apartment. no, it wasn't her fault, he was just too eager and tuned out the world when addiction made him ache.
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with balled fists, his sharp gaze never broke her own unyielding one. she never backed down; a love and hate relationship with that trait of her's. however, he knew this must've been hard for her to witness and he could tell in her voice. she could put on the best front, but it never held for long. looking away from her and click his tongue, vince's hand was quick to come to his eyes for thumb & index to pinch at bridge of nose. he needed to think, but thinking was thrown out the door when the drugs were kicking in. defensive mode was turned on with a mixture of shame. closing his eyes, he wanted so badly for this to be some bad dream he couldn't bring himself to wake up from.
“  don't.  ”
was all he could muster to say, his other hand being used to wave at his dismissively before he completely turned his back to her.
“  don't give me that sentimental shite right now. trust me, you aren't the first to say it, okay? and it's very easy for you to say it 'cause you're on the outside lookin' in. you don't get to cure me with that phrase.  ” an uncomfortable laugh was let out from him. even though he figured she couldn't keep a strong face, neither could he. not when it came to her. he could feel tears stinging lower lids, but his fingers were quick to rub them away. “  everything hurts, yvanna. even after all this time, i thought i got over it … but it all still hurts and it's suffocating and …  ” words died in his throat that clogged the area; making it all too hard to swallow. “  i can't …  ”
now, he was letting the tears fall. taking his hand away from his face and turning back to face her; red as a cherry in the ears, cheeks, nose and eyes.
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musaics · 3 years
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’ you deserve an award or something, you’re that great. ’ .. Says @itaidoshin​‘s Sachiko to Li, selected from these compliment starters.  Accepting!
          𝙻 𝙸 ’ 𝚂  𝙵 𝙰 𝙲 𝙴  𝚃 𝚄 𝚁 𝙽 𝚂  𝚁 𝙴 𝙳  at the compliment and his face is lit up by his signature toothy grin.  He stands next to the doctor, the two of them watching their shared patient take a few steps on his own after having experiencing a terrible tumble from a horse a few months earlier— One that resulted in both brain and bodily injuries.  While Li had worked hard to assist the adolescent in regaining strength in his legs, Sachiko had worked tirelessly to assist him in his speech, which had been impacted by the trauma to his brain. 
                  “I must return the compliment.” Li finally replies, dark eyes finally tearing away from the young boy to reach Dr. Ikasen’s— Err, Sachiko’s— grey ones. “It is through your great efforts as well that our patient has come this far.”   
                  Gingerly, he places a hand on her shoulder.  This was all right, wasn’t it? He hopes so.  Li’s smile still shines brightly. “So, please, offer yourself some praise in addition to me!” He continues to gesture to the boy, who was smiling proudly at his progress. “And to our friend, too!”
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angstiism · 3 years
sachiko leans against lazily vince's back, melting into him, arms spilling across his form & wrapping loosely around his neck. "i love you," softly spoken words roll from her lips, chin gently propped up upon his shoulder, a curious smile lighting her features. "you know that?"
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“  if you loved me you would put a baby inside me,  ”  he countered,  tone serious despite his nonsensical words.  yellow rubber gloved hands were scrubbing and rinsing off dishes as vince was halfway through cleaning day;  listening to the running water  &  the steady breaths that she took behind him.  placing the final dish on the drying rack,  the male removed his gloves and raising his hands to hold her arms.  “  did’ja expect me to marry you AND put a baby inside you ?  how lazy of you.  ”  turning his head,  pink lips pressed two kisses to her cheek (  though it wasn’t as full as he would’ve like due to their height difference plus the way they stood  )  before he adjusted their position;  this time facing her but keeping her arms wrapped around his neck.
his own arms wrapped around her waist with his hands resting at the small of her back,  pulling her closer as if on the same page of wanting to melt into one another.  lowering his head,  vince rested his forehead against sachiko’s  -  sandy blond strands mixing in with chestnut brown curls.  there was silence between them,  but that never seemed to be a problem.  he treasured the moments where they were quiet just as much as the moments when they were rowdy.  in a beat,  he moved his head to nuzzle his nose into her cheek and then down to her neck;  setting his head down on her shoulder in the end.
“  i love you too.  ”  he admitted,  albeit muffled due to placement of his mouth being buried in her shirt.  thinking back on it,  he remembered a time when he would’ve had a complete panic attack trying to say that to her  &  getting as red as a tomato.  even if he didn’t have a complete meltdown though  -  his nape and ears still faintly grew aflame.
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tsunchii · 3 years
@itaidoshin​  ♡  for a starter ! 
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                     LITHE FINGERS ARE BUSY .   /    expertly fiddling with the hooks of his earrings  ,  clasping them gently into place.   this feels casual  ,  this feels mundane.  he feels like he belongs here  ---  sat across from her  ,   his best friend of  (    six ?  seven ?   )   years .  ‘  so ,  how’s the family ?  how’s everyone doing ?  ’    blue eyes meet her own.  there’s genuine curiosity in his tone  (    a part of him wonders if he should apologize for being gone so long   )  lips slip quietly shut.   
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freuitt · 5 years
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     “ s-sacchan. i’m ------ terrified. “  there’s a horned beetle roving over his hands and fingertips. it wasn’t supposed to be there; he’d only touched a plant and it climbed onto him. what is he supposed to do? half of him wants to throw it, and the other half is terrified that it’ll incur its wrath upon him if he moves.  “ please save me. “
     @itaidoshin  /  sc.
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@itaidoshin / starter call 
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kaionace · 5 years
HE’S GOT A LITTLE SUCCULENT in his hands, and he SHOVES it into Sachiko’s FACE, all proud smile and happy beam. “Look what I’ve been CARING for in the PAST few months! Mama might let me have a dog if I keep it ALIVE AND HEALTHY! Or, at least, that’s one of the things she says I gotta do for me to get a dog!”
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veiliisms · 5 years
* RENJI & SACHI / @itaidoshin (sc.)
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“no, really - i think it’s cute,” he laughs a bit, watching as she struggles to straighten his tie. “i appreciate your help, either way. i wanted to try something new with my wardrobe... what do you think?”
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lpseitys · 5 years
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❛ excuse me—! i’m really sorry if i’m interrupting you, but uh, could you ? help me record me . . . doingthewoah. ❜ the last part came out as a bit of a rush, cheeks tinged with splotchy red. regretti in his spaghetti. ❛ i’m doing this thing on twitter, where i make a poll and people vote, s - so basically twitter’s running my day right now. ❜
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setterpride · 5 years
@itaidoshin ! | continued from:
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           ‘      …      ’          talking with him was always a headache.   talking with most people often turned out to be troublesome,    but oikawa had a special talent for making things   fucking insufferable.     most conversations left tobio going in blind,   not knowing what might be the    wrong thing  to say,    what might anger or upset the other person but sometimes he would walk away,  ego unscathed.
         with oikawa,    he was certain     no matter what       everything he said the older setter would have     something snide     to comment.    some issue,    some spiteful words to spit at him,    or something he would find     utterly hilarious     that would leave tobio feeling small    &   pathetic.
         there was no walking away feeling good when it came to talking with oikawa.
        so the pause felt heavy,    necessary,    even.     the silence was thick in his throat before he spoke cautiously,      ‘   i need your advice.  ’      needing something from him had not served tobio well in the past,   so this may very well prove a fruitless endeavour,     but still   -       ‘   please.   it’s about - hinata.   ’
                the question had been rhetoric, bit out and exasperated, when the silence stretched between them minutes after they crossed paths. silence did not bode well with him, especially when in the company of others, even if there was nothing to be said -- tooru would fill it by humming to a random tune in his head. 
                there was no tune to hum to with tobio around and exchanging words was even less favourable, in his humble opinion, but there were those inquiring pools of navy blue directed at him, his mouth twisting around the thoughts swimming in them and tooru felt grounded, compelled to stay. to hear, maybe even listen.
                ❛ ah. ❜ of course, tobio only ever knew how to ask from him, hands out and open, ready to take any and all knowledge tooru had to offer. not that tooru ever willingly gave anything. head tilted, his expression incredulous as he regarded him.  ❛ my advice on shrimpy? what is it this time? ❜
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nemurui-a · 5 years
“I’m so proud of you, you know that?” Sachi @ Tooru hehe
𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 ♡   /   @itaidoshin !
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       “   aw,  is sacchan growing soft ~  ?   what happened to sacchan of the good old days,  we had so many fond memories together !   like,  ah,  do you remember,  that time you pushed me into a pond ~  ?   ”       
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angstm · 3 years
"i saw evelyn today," the news had been dangling from the tip of her tongue for a while now and it had taken more than a few sips of liquid courage to actually let it fall from her lips, uncertain how well it would land with vince. yet sitting on it felt equally wrong. so, she took the plunge.
from the corner of her eye sachi carefully tries to gauge his reaction to the sound of his mothers name being spoken unexpectedly, out into the comfortable air of their evening spent together. fingers flinch with the desire to reach out & curl around his own - an instinctive reaction, one she didn't listen to in that moment. perhaps unnecessary, or even worse - unhelpful.
"just in passing, i was on my way to work and she was on the other side of the street," she clarifies, lifting the heavy glass tumbler back up to her lips for another sip of the amber whisky - allowing the burn to distract from the tension building within her. she was quick to clear up any potential misunderstanding so that he knew there was no secret rendezvous behind his back. "we chatted just for a minute or so but..." shoulders lift in a non-committal shrug before setting her glass back down on the table. wondering if she should share that evelyn didn't seem all too well - wondering if that would be more of a burden than of interest to him.
"have you spoken to her recently?"
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once in a blue moon, the balcony of vince's apartment would be used but only when he was at his calmest & seeking inspiration. SHE was his inspiration for today as she eclipsed the usual ballad about pain or whatever narcos that came to mind. the mention of his mother made fingers stop plucking strings for the soft melody he played; his soft hums followed soon after. there was no point to look at her - steadying pale oceanic eyes on his roughed up, yet patched digits. the blond listened to her even though he wished he could tune out the part about speaking of the other woman. everything. he'd tune everything out - basically.
“  y'know i've never written a love song before.  ”
he wouldn't answer her question - the dodge was enough to signal both that he hadn't & he didn't want to talk about it. a roll of the shoulder and close of his eyes; it was as if he was trying to find words for what he was about to say. cutely bandaged fingers would once again strum at strings to create a different tune - one that was still soft and almost tropical island-esque.
“  an interviewer pointed that out a while ago. it really surprised me at the time and she asked the question of if i even knew what love was … or if i'd ever been loved. i didn't take a offense or anything, but it really threw me, y'know? cause i had to sit there and wonder if i'd ever been truly loved before or if i'd ever been in love.  ”
pursing his lips and opening his eyes, vince looked from strings to her face - shaking his head with a lopsided smile.
“  you're distracting me as i try to write a song about a beautiful, radiant missus of mine sitting in a pretty sundress drinking whisky like some extravagant stay-at-home mum … that i love, of course.  ”
to hell with evelyn.
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airxn · 5 years
@itaidoshin has crossed paths.
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        He was used to the quiet walk on the way home. There was only the soft rumble of cars above him. Maybe the occasional drip of a leaky pipeline. The flashlight on his phone wasn’t needed for this walk. Despite the old train line having no light source he knew the way to his lair by memory. So, he walked unbothered. Thinking of the instances at work, or what his brother was currently doing–
        Until he heard rubble shift. The man halted in his tracks. Hands instantly lifting from his pockets to clench themselves. Rarely had anything come down this far. Sure, edgy kids or the common adventurer. Sometimes gangs who came down to dispose of a body.  Any of the above though, he’d have some explaining to do, so he finally flipped on his phone’s flash light– like an idiot. 
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maskage · 6 years
ash, lil note to say ily and you're doin a great job w kaks as always! writin & portrayal? impeccable xoxo
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// !!!!!! brie. brieeeeeee. ily u’re always so fkin kind to me and everyone else ahhh. thank u sm for this. ngl i needed a lil Positivity. i’d also like to say that ur a Delight on my dash and im so glad u’re still around :’)) ur writing has improved so much since we first met too and i just :’))) i get emotional thinkin abt our History sometimes. always wishin u nothing but da best, sis xoxo
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heartslight-a · 5 years
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     ❛  want to go walk along the shore and look for seashells with me? we can try and see if we can find any humongous ones!  ❜     /     @itaidoshin
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