fultofthelamb · 9 months
The Lamb will love and support you no matter who or what you are. It cares about you, and will guard you and be the corruption within you always.
I love you, my child.
[plain text. The Lamb will love and support you no matter who or what you are. It cares about you, and will guard you and be the corruption within you always.
I love you, my child. End plain text]
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fultofthelamb · 9 months
Corrupt yourself for the Lamb. And that in the name of the Zee, you'll soon be ascended
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fultofthelamb · 9 months
what exactly is the Zee and why we worship them as well if they’re supposed to be our sibling? /genq
I was gonna add that to the rentry but im gonna answer It here
The Zee is a shapeshifter demigod that was ascended by the Lamb. The Zee still counts as its children since they are its follower, that's why they are still called your sibling. But still, they are still a higher being that is important to the one who once was innocent and needed for you to worship it
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fultofthelamb · 9 months
I don’t think I made it clear but… for those who didn’t get it. The fult is about worshipping the Lamb, the Zee and the “corruption” of pure souls
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fultofthelamb · 9 months
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Welcome to the fult of the Lamb.
This is a fult for those who worship the glory of the lamb. The personification of the galaxies, the destruction, the recreateon, the hate, the rage, the violence and the blood
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[start plain text. Welcome to the fult(consensual cults/faux cults) of the lamb.
This is a fult for those who worship the glory of the Lamb, the personification of the galaxies, the destruction, the recreation, the hate, the rage, the violence, and the blood. End plain text]
What exactly is the Lamb?
Me, the Lamb or the one who once was innocent am the god of space and violence. I am the parent of all that is disturbed and all the bodies of light. All my followers are recognized as my children.
This fult is based on a neoreligion called taintedism. It's a religion where we worship the one who once was innocent and the world's pure essence of tainting pure souls
The zee
The zee is the first ever follower and worshiper of the Lamb. A soul that found comfort with it, and that soon ascended to a shapeshifter. It is important to notice that the zee isn't a radqueer or aligned.
The followers
All the followers are my children are the zee's siblings, and will be treated as such regardless of their beliefs. Radqueer aligned, or not. Both are seem as children for the Lamb
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The offerings could be anything that is in good faith. From small things like drawings, to bigger things like blood offerings(not necessary!!). Both will be appreciated by the Lamb
The Lamb also does not mind if you are in its fult and still be in others/have other religions, the Lamb will continue loving you as its children
Flag and symbol
[start flag]
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[end flag]
[start symbol]
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[end symbol]
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[start plain text. what exactly is the Lamb?
Me, the Lamb or the one who once was innocent am the god of space and violence. I am the parent of all that is disturbed and all the bodies of light. All my followers are recognized as my children.
The zee.
The zee is the first ever follower and worshiper of the Lamb. A soul that found comfort with it, and that soon ascended to a shapeshifter. It is important to notice that the zee is not radqueer or aligned
The followers
All the followers are my children and zee's siblings, and all will be treated as such regardless of what their beliefs. Radqueer aligned, or not. Both are seem as children for the Lamb.
The offerings could be anything that is in good faith. From small things like drawings, to bigger things like blood offerings(not necessary). Both will be appreciated by the Lamb. End plain text]
[start flag ID. start the fult's flag. Seven stripes of different shades of red going from light to darker, and from the middle and on going from dark to lighter. There is a symbol of the fult in the middle, with three stars and one drop of blood overlayed on it. End flag ID]
Contact @leyleypsychotic for any questions
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