#faux cultist
leyleypsychotic · 9 months
what exactly is the Zee and why we worship them as well if they’re supposed to be our sibling? /genq
I was gonna add that to the rentry but im gonna answer It here
The Zee is a shapeshifter demigod that was ascended by the Lamb. The Zee still counts as its children since they are its follower, that's why they are still called your sibling. But still, they are still a higher being that is important to the one who once was innocent and needed for you to worship it
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radwere · 9 months
need 2 8e part of a fult t8h, if anyone has like. a fult they have for me to join just, like, invite me i guess? idk im just feeling very dysphoric atm
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fultofthelamb · 9 months
Corrupt yourself for the Lamb. And that in the name of the Zee, you'll soon be ascended
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everafter-life · 9 months
another question like this, for fults, how would the intro/explanation post look? And what would be important for them, since i can see so many things on how it’ll be set up just, don’t know past that. I know how it all works but setting stuff up is so hard
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
little rich boy sirius who gets disowned and can barely survive without his expensive brands and the basic human need to eat at least once a day meeting the entirely too generous james potter who just falls for the vanity and sincerity of the reformed rich boy and decides that once sirius stops caring about brands and status and rich boy things and just cares about what matters in life he decides to spoil his boyfriend to pieces because he’s secretly sitting on a fucking fortune
#idk i just think it’s funny#like james would find sirius when he’s struggling with money because he’s so bad at saving and prioritising his spendings because he’s never#had too before and so james would teach him how to do all that stuff and emotionally support sirius through it all and sirius just falls in#love with this beautiful guy who’s just so generous and who teaches him so many things and finds value in kindness and sincerity and#compassion and all that jazz and james falls in love with sirius helplessly because he might be stuck up and vein and kind of selfish and#is stuck up and cares all too much about status but he’s trying so hard to be better and he finds empathy because sirius got kicked out for#the worst reasons because he’s always been the black sheep of his highly cultist christian family or whatver and he’s also outwardly queer#and james decides that he wants to give sirius everything and loves the way he looks in expensive makeup and designer faux fur coats and#heels and divine jewellery and all that jazz but makes sirius sell it all and learn what it means to be human and not rely on money and#status and brands and stuff and sirius learns what it’s like to be decent and in touch with humanity and only then does james take sirius on#a surprise luxury holiday for his birthday or something and then just buys him thousands of dollars worth of all these glamorous looking#things and sirius is like omg what the fuck jamie and then he just becomes sirius’ sugar daddy because he can’t help himself but they’re#also in love and much better people because of it and when sirius buys things now it’s not because of brands or because they have big price#tags like he used too. he now buys things with james’ credit card he keeps in his own wallet because he thinks he’ll feel pretty in them or#because he thinks james will loose it if he sees sirius walking around in it or if he sees a really cute toaster that sends him into a#frenzy that has him spending all way too much on an impromptu kitchen renovation but james doesn’t care because as long as his boyfriend is#happy and actually paying attention to the price of things and calculating the best value and taking james’ opinion as well and just being#happy and safe and accepted in his new home and family here with his jamie#please i think they’d be so cute ugh!!!#prongsfoot#bambibelle#drabble#fic idea#marauders#james potter#sirius black#jay talks
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hazelcephalopod · 7 months
Fearne and FCG really tried to do “I do not see. She does not exist. If we don’t look at her she won’t notice us” to Otohan and it was pretty funny. Just tried to walk away with panicked faux confidence from a famed soldier current doomsday cultist leader. Lmao.
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midnigtartist · 3 months
Okay I turned it into a snippet so please enjoy some petty Gale
“And you know, I almost didn’t even recognize him after all these years.” Dotty babbles. Her hand is tucked snuggly into the crook of Gale’s elbow while they walk.
Not the best way to traverse the wilderness, giving the likelihood of goblins or cultists ambushing them, but a worthy indulgence for even a fleeting moment of her hands on him.
Dotty continues, free hand gesturing wildly as she speaks. “Honestly I didn’t put it together until I heard the last name. I mean, Will’s not that uncommon of a name, but Ravengard! He got so dashing and handsome since I last saw him!”
Gale carefully constructs his grimace into a convincingly pleasant smile. “The man certainly has his charms. If you can overlook the more-“ he gestures broadly across his brow “-hellish aspects of his appearance.”
“Gale!” Dotty swats his bicep sharply, fixing him with a pouting, pointed glare “Don’t be rude. His horns look lovely. There so- big! And regal looking. He looks absolutely gorgeous.”
He’d not considered that horn size might be a contributing factor to one’s attractiveness, but he’s also not courted a teifling before. Weave willing its not the predominate factor. That would be rather inconvenient for him.
He holds up his free hand, surrendering to her pointed look. “To each there own. I find them a tad,,, ostentatious for my liking. I find myself inclined towards ones more economic in size. Yours, for example.” He finishes warmly.
“Oh.” Dotty’s hand drifts absently up to her brow, pushing a stray curl behind her horn. She doesn’t look as flattered as he’d hope. In fact, she looks a touch distressed.
“-unless that would be inappropriate to say.” Gale hastens to say. His stomach twists at the perceived faux pa he’s apparently committed. “In which case- I apologize.”
“Oh no, I don’t mind! What’s the point of having them if people aren’t going to look, right?” There’s a quiver of insecurity at the edges of her words that sours the joke a bit.
“My horns never grew in fully.” She dances dexterous fingers over the bunted curve of her short horn. They do have a matte quality to them, like the velvet on a young buck’s antlers, and they don’t split her skin quite as jaggedly as they do on others. “Im a bit jealous of Wyll, to be quite honest.“
“In my experience, the most attractive thing about a person’s appearance is the way they carry it.” Gale says. “And you carry yourself magnificently.”
Dotty blinks doe eyed up at him, once, twice, then a shy smile pulls at the corners of her mouth.
“You’re sweet.” Her voice is once again heavy with warmth and barely contained laughter.
“I know.”
That earns him a proper eye roll, and another thwack across the arm, gentler this time, but still.
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shadowmaat · 26 days
ugh, politics
I'm very tired of being "political" on here. This is where I come to decompress. That being said, I'm also exhausted by all the rage bait, faux-leftist extremism, de-contextualized attacks, and the death cultists permeating this site. Rationality has left the building. Critical thinking is long gone. What's left is a thirst for violence and bloodshed and blind hatred.
I support Harris. Not just because the alternative is Trump, but because I genuinely believe she wants to help make things better. She may not succeed, because the Nationalists/GOP will do everything in their power (and beyond) to stop her, but I believe she'll try.
No, I don't agree with ALL of her policies, but I also wouldn't expect to because she isn't me. I do think she's flexible, though, and would be willing to not only listen to folks who disagree with her, but be willing to change her stance if she felt they might be right.
I think Kamala Harris is a good person. I think Tim Walz is, too. Neither of them is perfect, of course, but literally no human being in history has ever been 100% perfect and pure, so that's fine. Their good qualities outweigh their bad, and that's what matters to me.
If you want to run around and scream about "Holocaust Harris," that's your business. I'd like to suggest you stop punching people in the face with it and demanding to know why they're "pro genocide" for disagreeing with you, but I know that's impossible. Brain chemicals are tricky things, and if they're fired up about this they're going to stay fired up.
Personally, though, I'm tired of the misplaced anger. I'll keep blocking anyone and everyone who tries to convince me that Trump is the better choice, or who's a little more honest and admits that they want to see America burned down to ashes so they can magically rebuild things on our corpses.
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darktapufifi · 5 months
Squadron Kemuri Jouka (Smoke Crew / K.J.-05)
Space Riders AU by @onyxonline
~{ Purpose }~
Squad K.J.-05 is one of many squads focused on planet purification and helping individuals afflicted by the smoke, however unlike some of the other crews, they are a hands-on out in the field type group, made up of like-minded or similarly motivated individuals. Oftentimes they head out on missions that are deemed high red smoke risk, and happen to encounter cultists frequently, though they have skills that are suited to handling red smoke based attacks. The crew has a 50/50 schedule, half of the time being deployed and the other half being at the station and doing work there.
~{ Members }~
Faux Captian & Specialist — SillyBilly ( Me)
Medic & Scientist — Kaiza Koizumi ( @itzsharks-3am-thoughts)
Engineer & Informant — Shiny Spider ( @fanartmayhem)
~{ Tasks/Missions }~
Planet purification
Cultist apprehension
Cultist purification
Smoke analysis
Purification technology improvements
Cultist technology apprehension and analysis
~{ Joining }~
The crew as of now is open for people to join, just gotta ask through either a reblog, the comments, or an ask, let us know which oc you want to have joining, and then we'll decide as a team!
More below the cut..
~{ ✧ 𝑙𝑜𝑔 0# 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 ✧ }~
~{ ✧ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑜𝑔... ✧ }~
In the dead of night, Billy received a notification over his transmitter. It was a new mission; supposedly to an asteroid belt that had recently been found. Billy didn't see why his crew couldn't handle it; the main issue of the mission was the smoke in the area, which their task was to clear it out. Little did Billy know that memories would be haunting him that day, memories he didn't even know he had.
As the crew arrived at the asteroid belt, they found that the entire area was a swath of red smoke and debris. They found that not all of the debris looked like stone or space dust, and that some of them had distinct shape; some of them looked like the rubble of buildings like skyscrapers or high-rises, and others of common city structures, mangled nearly beyond recognition. As soon as Billy saw the area, he began to have a horrid headache, as if he recognized the place, as if he knew the place; he didn't know where from or why, but taking one look at Kaiza's face told him everything, it was Ourea, their home planet. Having this be one of his crew's first missions was a sick trick by fate, a cruel joke that should not have played out, but destiny bid it so. Billy held himself together as he worked to complete the mission, purifying the area of red smoke alongside Shiny and what Kaiza could manage.
It took them a while, but in the end, the area was cleared out to the best of their abilities. While they worked they observed that the rubble looked like the planet had imploded, the how is unknown, they just know that the end wasn't very pleasant for anyone. Once they had completed the mission, Billy reported back and gave in the mission report, requesting at the end to never be deployed to that quadrant ever again, for the sake of his crew.
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longwindedbore · 4 months
The Question of the Day: How was the Trump Hush money trial ‘politically motivated’ as the GOPee cultists screech -
- IF every one of the 34 felony charges involved demonstrable falsification of business records?
The GOPees never mention that ALL 200 documents entered into evidence were exclusively from the Trump Organization.
The witness testimony in the trial explained a prosecution narrative of why false documents were created.
It is always a Felony to charter a business in any State in the Union - or in any Developed Country- and create fraudulent business documents. To keep a ‘second set of books.
The GOPees have no explanation why the Defense team were unable to successfully dispute the factual nature of even one of the 200 Trump created documents that supported the 34 counts of felony falsification of business records.
The GOPees do not have from Trump or his Defense team an alternate narrative, in whole or in part, about the documents.
Media reports have ignored the nature of the charges and all 200 documents. Ignored the witnesses testimonies about the documents.
Instead focused on the bombastic theatrics of the Defense cross examination of Prosecution witnesses.
Implying that the Defense bombast was equal in effect on the jury as the Prosecutions far more boring-to-media direct questioning of the witnesses which created a connect-the-dots between each of the charges.
This media approach was better for the viewership numbers that bring in higher ad revenue to the six corporations that own 95% of USA news outlets.
To increase viewer ratings the media focused on the potential felony charges the Witnesses described; HOWEVER these are alleged felonies for which Trump was not indicted or charged in this case.
By pretending that these potential felonies were the included in the case was how the media created a false but far more exciting narrative.
The false media-created narrative presented what appeared to be a far more evenly balanced trial between contending sides. After all, Prosecution definitely can be seen not proving the non-existent charges.
This 🐴💩 approach wasn’t just Faux News. It was all of the media outlets including most of the ‘respected’ overseas outlets.
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leyleypsychotic · 9 months
Hey just saying im a fult leader now, here's the link If you're interested :)))
(also pls Tell me if It counts as neoreligion i really wanna know-)
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marya-blackbone · 2 years
A/N: I have played not even a whole game of D&D, so I apologise if this is total garbage (and if this is garbage for any other reason), but here’s a little Soul Mate drabble :)
“Working on a new character sheet, Henderson?” Eddie asks as he sets up his DM’s screen in the rec room one Friday. “That’s a little defeatist of you. Not giving up already, are we?” He smirks; he knows his latest campaign is a bitch – never let anyone say Eddie Munson made things easy for his little sheep – but it isn’t like Henderson to throw in the towel so soon.
“I’m not giving up! I just want to be prepared in case Nog doesn’t make it out of this next boss fight – he’s still wiped out from the last. I thought you’d want me to be prepared. Besides, I’ve been wanting to use her for ages, she just needs a little polishing up before she’s ready.”
“She?” Eddie asks, not bothering to hide his intrigue.
Dustin slides the sheet of paper up the table. There’s a drawing – probably one of Will’s – next to the unfinished stats table that immediately catches Eddie’s attention. What started as mild interest gives way to unfettered curiosity. All for one minuscule detail.
Dustin’s creation is wielding a bat studded with nails. A very familiar bat – one he’s seen every day, etched into his skin, just above his heart. The only tattoo he didn’t spend hours picking out, sketching and re-sketching, but easily the most important mark on his skin.
Greedily, he takes in the rest of the picture – the ridiculous Farrah Fawcett hair, the smattering of beauty marks covering her face – she’s pretty, but not in an overly feminine way; not drawn through the male gaze (way to go Will). She looks a lot less zany than Henderson’s usual style (Pardonme Belchin, I’m looking at you), and even though Eddie lives for Henderson’s crazy imagination, he already knows that this character is going to be his absolute favourite.
Eddie’s mouth is dry when he asks, “This–” he glances at the top of the character sheet, “–Queen Stephanie wouldn’t happen to be based on a real person, would she?”
Dustin smiles, “You bet she is. Coolest person I know,” he says. And Eddie, well, Eddie doesn’t doubt that for a second.
Still, that doesn’t stop him from assuming an expression of faux affront, clutching a hand to his chest dramatically. “You wound me, Henderson. Who could possibly be cooler than yours truly?”
It’s a miracle he’s not tripping over himself literally to wring the answer out of Henderson; a true feat of self-control. But maybe that’s not the worst idea in the world when the kid hedges like Eddie’s isn’t hanging off his every word; like his heart’s not racing like a hummingbird’s.
“Why do you wanna know? So you can key his car or something?” And as much as Eddie would like to take offence, that is actually straight out of the Munson playbook.
But the confirmation that OG Queen Stephanie is a guy is the final nail in the coffin. “Or something,” Eddie agrees faintly. Definitely something – definitely not whatever Dustin’s thinking, however.
But he doesn’t have the guts to explain that, so Dustin refuses to elaborate at all for the rest of the session, the butthead. Eddie feels zero remorse when – coincidentally – later that evening, Nog dies a gruesome death to bloodthirsty cultists. And if that just so happens to accelerate Stephanie's debut, Eddie certainly had no hand in it.
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fultofthelamb · 9 months
The Lamb will love and support you no matter who or what you are. It cares about you, and will guard you and be the corruption within you always.
I love you, my child.
[plain text. The Lamb will love and support you no matter who or what you are. It cares about you, and will guard you and be the corruption within you always.
I love you, my child. End plain text]
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chaddywaddy3 · 10 months
"I am the mystery at the end of existence. The first secret whispered at the dawn of creation. I am the guardian of the unseen and the question unanswerable. I hold the knowledge forbidden and untangle the threads of fate." —Hermaeus Mora
We gonna dig into everyone's favorite daedric noodle boy today. As always, this post will contain some of my own head canons and theories. I will do my best to make it clear when I use real canon information, kirkbride faux lore or my own speculations.
Hermaeus Mora, daedric prince of secrets and forbidden knowledge and destiny. But I feel like that description only scratches the surface. My favorite name for him is the Gardener of Men. I think this daedric prince's interest in mortals is unique. Most daedra see them as ants or eves simply as dirt but Hermaus seems to view them more as cogs in a machine that he controls. But I beg to ask the question. Does he truly control fate or does it just appear that he does?
Hermaus Mora claims that he is the oldest daedra made from the discarded ideas and knowledge of the creation of Mundus but its unclear of this is true or not. His realm of apochrapga is everywhere and nowhere at the same time and he lures mortals to the endless, winding stacks of scrolls and books with the promise of endless and powerful knowledge. Most of these mortals lose themselves physically and mentally becoming empty husks of who they once were.
Hermaeus seems to have his tentacles in every corner of Tamriel somehow showing up in every race's theology. He enjoys meddling with the affairs of men and mer alike trying to dig up secrets and forbidden items that are lost to time and obscurity. However it doesn't seem that he is omniscient because he uses his cultists and maddened scholars to dig things up for him. The secrets of the Skaal were unknown to him until the LDB gave them to him.
Despite Mora's obsession with mortals he is the only Prince to choose not to take a mortal form. He appears mostly as a mass of tentacles, eyes and pincers.
I have a few thoughts about Hermaus Mora. I don't think that he is in control of fate and destiny as much as he leads you to believe. This is speculation but I think that Hermaeus just knows enough secrets and information that he is able to predict what mortals are going to do.
Let me clarify. I don't think that he has the ability to oversee the strings of fate and manipulate them. I just think that Hermaus Mora has seen things happen enough times and knows all the tiny details and secrets that he knows exactly how people are going to act in every situation. He is simply 20 steps ahead of even the other daedra. As much as he likes to command people to do things for him it seems he has no power to force them to do anything. However who is to say that he didn't want someone to do the opposite of what he said to do.
Now I've been rambling for a really long time on this one so I'll cut it here bit if you want me to keep going just let me know
This topic was requested by @wintercearig12
Thank you❤ for reading this was a long one.
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Losing Yourself : Kai
{Cole | Jay | Zane | Lloyd | Nya}
[Spin on S4]
There was no chance to fight the burn rage within himself. Even if he could, he didn't want to. This was something important, his family was right there, hurting, begging him to stop before it was too late...
But, how can you stop something when you're too far gone? Seeing those that he loved cave in on themselves from the amount of pain they were in. The amount of restraint they were forced through-
All eyes were on him, those that escaped re-caught, all that he loved in front of him, a staff clinched tightly in his hands. Words around him slowly drowned out, the only thing he could feel was hot. Overwhelmingly hot. Tears brimmed his vision as he stared down his enemy, muffled laughter filling his tears as the tears fell.
Hot. The tears burnt his skin, scaring them nearly on impact. His nose grew stuffy as he could feel smoke building in his throat. His vision steadily grew more and more red, more laughter filling his ears.
Hot. His chest glowed underneath his clothing, starting to shake in place. Smoke left his parted lips, each exhale releasing more and each inhale ignored the burn. One glance over to the others, ignoring the faux pleas and laughter of the enemies around. His eyes focused to Nya, the last line...
A small nod left the little sister, and Kai turned back. Every little noise double in volume, steam rose from the melting staff in his hand, more smoke arose from his mouth, tears falling rapidly. A shout left him, the torches flames on the wall rose in power, turning blue with how hot they were becoming. Long since broken, the staff fell from Kai's hands, the crystal on top shattering.
With his power leaving it and returning rightfully back to his body, he let out another scream, turning animal-istic with how much rage and fire consumed him. They were his friends, his family, his-
Looking through light brown lashes, his normal amber-red eyes turned blue, matching the flames of the torches, matching the fire the raised from his fist. Slamming his hands down caused more fire to arise, surrounding the cult members and Chen himself, as well as lingering close enough to lick the ropes that bounded the others.
His friends. His family.
"You don't deserve life in itself, Chen."
That wasn't the smooth voice of Kai. The pure rage changed it, turning to a growl as he braced his hands to the floor, making the fire rise more and more. Flames of various colors began to appear, mixing with the different elements that created the room.
The fear of the cultist. The shock of his friends. The dead expression of himself.
The fire stayed blazing of all sorts of colors: Green, blue, purple, red- As Kai slowly stood up from his spot, he stared Chen in the face. Embers danced around his body, smoke venting from his mouth, tears still producing and scaring his cheeks. Too hot for anyone in the room to handle. No escape for those he didn't want to escape.
Calmly walking through the fire, as if it wasn't blazing taller than himself, he melted the binds away from the others, steadily becoming more and more light headed. Once melted, he motioned them towards the only exit that wasn't blazing.
He didn't have time. His own body was giving up. The contents of the torches long since jumped off the wall, everything that could be on fire was on fire, even the gold and various metals were melting in the heated room. Still, he felt limp, exhausted, burning and aching all over.
The last member out, Kai followed out as well, before using the last of his reserved strength to set the door on fire itself. Various cries and wails left as the arena burnt down t the ground. Kai couldn't tell what was happening anymore, barely making it out of the danger zone, before his body collapsed down onto the harsh concrete. Light headed, exhausted, pained- He stayed down with his body feeling as though it was still burning.
Getting lost in fire was painful by a long shot.
But it was worth it to protect them.
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corimoss · 1 year
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A concept for the aforementioned faux comic I've been thinking about! They meet at an aristocratic cultist party, Cori had actually been invited and Moss snuck in through the backdoor. Both are after the same artifact—a book with the power to grant control over one's own body from an outside force. The Corinthian wants it to free himself from Dream and Moss seeks to separate himself from his chronic affliction. It ends up having no substantial answers for either of them, but it marks the first time the two meet in the waking world.
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