futboleverything 1 month
So I did a thing and created a blog on Ghost! I鈥檝e been thinking about this for a while and decided to just go for it and make it. As the description suggests, this blog isn鈥檛 just about f煤tbol/soccer/football, or whatever you call it. It鈥檚 going to be a mix of everything! I created this blog to have somewhere to talk about the thoughts and ideas that ravage my mind. I don鈥檛 have a partner or people who I can just talk to about everything. Okay, that鈥檚 kind of a lie because I have a best friend and cousins I can talk to about anything. Yet, I feel like I鈥檓 being annoying and a drag when I ramble about things. So that鈥檚 why I created this blog, to be able to ramble on and on about things I enjoy or thoughts that cross my mind. Basically a public journal. While I get back into the swing of writing I can鈥檛 promise that I鈥檒l be publishing regularly but I鈥檓 hoping to get my first blog out within the next few days. I hope you subscribe and enjoy the ramblings of my mind!(:
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futboleverything 2 months
Me and who when?! 馃槱
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futboleverything 2 months
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futboleverything 鈿斤笍 turned 5 today! Can鈥檛 believe I鈥檝e had this blog for 5 years馃槷. I swear it鈥檚 only been 1 year.
Anyway, it鈥檚 been fun being on here and just saying whatever comes to mind. Sometimes I have random thoughts, adhd at fault, that I can鈥檛 say on my Twitter (f u Elon!). So it鈥檚 nice to have another platform to talk on where nobody knows who I am and I can just talk. 馃槉
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futboleverything 4 months
After seeing so many people talk about Fyodor Dostoevsky I decided to read one of his books. I ordered White Nights like everyone suggested. I have a feeling I鈥檓 in for quite a ride not only with White Nights but all of his books.
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futboleverything 5 months
I鈥檝e been meaning to go watch Mean Girls in theaters but I haven鈥檛 been able to. Now after listening to the album I don鈥檛 think I will. Rene茅 Rapp did incredible and Auli鈥檌 did great too! But the rest of the voices are just not good and it鈥檚 not the actors fault it鈥檚 the producers who cast actors instead of broadway singers. If you鈥檙e going to take a broadway musical and put it on the big screen then put broadway actors in the film. Broadway is so much more different and I鈥檓 kinda disappointed now.
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futboleverything 5 months
After seeing Six: The Musical all over my social media I decided to listen to the album and I became hooked! I love every single track on the album. This is rare because I always find myself disliking some songs from musicals but not with Six, I love them all! I watched it on YT and I HAVE to see it live one day! I love it and now I鈥檓 obsessed with it!
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futboleverything 7 months
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This is what heaven looks like to me!
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futboleverything 7 months
me and who?
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futboleverything 2 years
Gifting someone a book because you know how much they'll love it is very intimate actually
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