futureihavechosen · 3 days
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hatchling after getting eaten by an anglerfish
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futureihavechosen · 3 days
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In the ancient glade
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futureihavechosen · 5 days
i love counterspell. "i cast fireball!" no you dont
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futureihavechosen · 5 days
ps5 brain monday
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futureihavechosen · 5 days
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Cry me a fucking river
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futureihavechosen · 5 days
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you'll be alright
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futureihavechosen · 5 days
Play of the Week! A new play, performed live, every week, in front of a live studio audience. How wrong could it go?
Okay, I gotta talk about The Goes Wrong Show.
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The Goes Wrong Show is something I'm surprised Tumblr hasn't been more up in arms about. This website is, after all, all about committing to the bit. A popular text post by @linecoveredinjellyfish proposed the school of media criticism called "Bitism". And buddy, lemme tell you, The Goes Wrong Show is the patron saint of Bitism. They commit to the bit harder than an alcoholic horse who recently found protestant Jesus.
And it is the funniest goddamn thing I have ever seen.
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As is so often the case, writing a review of a very good comedy is hard - it's not easy to talk about it without taking some of the oomph out of the jokes. And, make no mistake, The Goes Wrong Show is an incredibly good comedy. I'll try my best anyways, because I cannot stop recommending it, but if you don't need more convincing, just go watch an episode. It's incredible.
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Our framing device is a series of weekly plays put on by an unbelievably incompetent and eclectic drama society, where anything can and probably will fuck up horribly. Terrible acting? A horrific script? Broken props? A set mistakenly built at a 90-degree angle? You name it, they found a way to fuck it up.
But. And this is the key thing. They commit. The script calls for a scene involving pouring tea in a set that's oriented completely wrong? Commit to the bit.
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The script demands a period piece family dinner, but something is very wrong with the ceiling fan?
Commit. To. The. Bit.
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Major actor in the piece is completely incompetent?
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It's an Airplane!-esque barrage of constant absurd gags, and I don't say that lightly. Each member of the cast is distinctly deranged in their own unique ways, the stage management is woefully incompetent, and the special effects are really just a special kind of fucked.
Really, the only complaint I can make of this show is that there isn't more of it, and frankly that's a good problem to have! If you're the kind of person who's not too busy to read a long Tumblr fandom post, but is too busy to binge a series you can get through in an evening, just give s1e3, "A Trial To Watch", a look - in my humble opinion, it is incredibly hard to top.
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futureihavechosen · 5 days
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pye (and ideae)
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futureihavechosen · 9 days
Honestly the only slur I ever get called is 'gay' or 'homo', people here just aren't very creative with their slurs anymore
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futureihavechosen · 9 days
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futureihavechosen · 9 days
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The Palestinian (1977)
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futureihavechosen · 9 days
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231K notes · View notes
futureihavechosen · 19 days
bro gojo was so unserious that he didn't even say ごめん (gomen - sorry)
he said めんご (mengo)
but can we also talk about the word gojo uses for "father"
he uses 父親 chichioya which is a general societal term for father meaning he attaches no politeness or feelings towards the word. basically saying "person you would call your dad since he technically made you"
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is this the gyaru talk gege was talking about 😭*
* it's come to my attention that gojo's gyaru talk may not have come from gege. idk enough about the jpn language/culture to confirm or deny if gojo always talks cute/like a gyaru. im just actively learning japanese and i make posts like this to share the cool things that get lost in translation - thank you!
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futureihavechosen · 19 days
honest to god we've got to start naming the elderly as a vulnerable group & calling their disabilities, disabilities. we sugarcoat and distance these things by only calling them "elderly," "old & frail," etc. most of them are disabled.
too many people completely separate disability from themselves in their mind. it's something that happens to other people. other sad people i don't want to think about. are they really even people, it's too much to bear thinking about that happening to a person... those background characters over there. it would never be me, i can't cope with thinking about that possibility.
this mass denialism of the fragility of the human body (YOUR human body) has created a whole category separate from the disabled - the "elderly." since anyone can join it if they live long enough.. no they can't be disabled. that's scary, and worse it's political. so they are just "old." so what they lost their hearing, their mobility, their heart function? that's just how it goes for old people. as if that's not a person as real as you. as if you wouldn't be devastated if that happened to you today (and it can btw). as if you won't be when it's your turn to be old, and disabled.
simultaneously the disabled are dehumanized as not people, and the elderly are dehumanized as not disabled. so the illusion of disability as separate can be upheld.
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futureihavechosen · 19 days
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compliments from girls go hard
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futureihavechosen · 19 days
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futureihavechosen · 19 days
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haunting the narrative
find me on instagram !
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