futuresabode · 13 days
The fact that certain executive dysfunction problems CAN be solved with alcohol is probably really bad actually but also sometimes??? Little Treat Drink = Complete Task.
It lowers my inhibitions but instead of having crazy inhibitions about “cheating on your partner” or “hanging out the car window” it’s just stuff like “experience the joy of creation without the weight of the world suffocating you.
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futuresabode · 13 days
"There's no hope for the future." And that's how they felt during the Atomic Age, during the World Wars, during the Enlightenment Revolutions, during thr plagues, during the Viking raids, during the fall of Rome.
Yet, we persisted.
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futuresabode · 13 days
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Gonna get myself a fun little surprise I guess
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futuresabode · 14 days
unfortunately i Do feel better when i clean my living space and eat enough fruits and veggies and go outside and generally remember i am a mammal :| real pity that knowing this does not make it easier to do those things
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futuresabode · 14 days
things that made me stop wanting to die that require no effort whatsoever
change the color used to highlight text on your laptop
move the pictures on your wall
stack whatever clutter is in your room into piles even if you don’t have time to clean it all
slightly vary your commute, even just by one street
change where you sit and scroll aimlessly on your phone even if it’s only to the chair in your room instead of your bed
drink water or juice out of a wine glass in the morning because nothing is real
shower with the lights off, without music
buy $3 flowers at trader joe’s—they look bad next to the more expensive ones but they look so good in your room
start typing things you don’t post into your notes. your thoughts can be worth documenting even if you don’t deem them worth sharing
wake up super early just once. you don’t have to make it a habit it’s just extra satisfying to go to bed that night
listen to the entirety of your favorite album from 2015
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futuresabode · 16 days
i want passionate people in my life SO BADLY. i want to travel and do fun, wild, memorable things with people. i want to have great conversations about love and relationships and poetry, things that just set your soul on fire. i don’t want to waste my 20s thinking that nobody is the same as me and wants the same things that i do. i need friends that are the same as me. i crave deep human connection so fucking badly. i need people that are willing to get up and leave everything behind just for once in a lifetime experiences. i know there are people like me out there. there has to be. 
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futuresabode · 16 days
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The ultimate dream is to have an art studio like this 🎨
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futuresabode · 16 days
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Anita Ekberg, 1950s
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futuresabode · 17 days
I feel like giving video links to help people new to cooking again.
How to chop an onion:
How to mince garlic:
Safe handling of meat and how to avoid cross-contamination:
How to restore and care for cast iron pans:
An in-depth look at methods of preparing spices:
Making homemade chicken stocks and broths:
Homemade veggie broth:
Basics on cooking eggs:
How to make basic European “mother sauces”. Basically these sauces are the bases of a lot of Western European cooking:
Basic curry paste recipe:
And that’s as many videos as I could fit on one post
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futuresabode · 17 days
Daily reminder that we do not actually live in a dystopian movie put the apocalypse down and back away slowly. You know when your cleaning a room and you pull everything out of it's draws to sort through it and you're like "what the fuck have I done I'm never going to be able to tidy all of this" I think that's the stage we're at in the world. Thanks to social media we've pulled out all the messed up shit from the cupboards of the world, it was always there but now we can see it and we're going to have to sort it all out we made this mess and we can fix it. Falling to the floor sobbing will not clean a crusty room. A group of people working systematically (preferably with music in the background) will.
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futuresabode · 18 days
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futuresabode · 19 days
any tips for someone who wants to start writing but doesn’t know how or about what??
“I want you to do this with me for one month. One month. Write 10 observations a week and by the end of four weeks, you will have an answer. Because when someone writes about the rustic gutter and the water pouring through it onto the muddy grass, the real pours into the room. And it’s thrilling. We’re all enlivened by it. We don’t have to find more than the rustic gutter and the muddy grass and the pouring cold water.” -- Mary Karr
"Just tell me what you saw this morning like in two lines. I saw a water glass on a brown tablecloth, and the light came through it in three places. No metaphor. And to resist metaphor is very difficult because you have to actually endure the thing itself, which hurts us for some reason. -- Marie Howe
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futuresabode · 19 days
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from normal.nyc
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futuresabode · 20 days
could you please elaborate on the confidence vs. entitlement thing? you said new people in the industry should “cultivate the entitlement and forget the confidence” which seems a bit backwards for me based on the connotations those words typically have, but i may have misunderstood entirely
Sure! This is something I was taught at drama school and it's been great advice for me both in acting and in life.
We were rehearsing a play and one of the actors was struggling a bit with a scene (it was Macbeth, I think). He said something like, "I'm just not very confident!" and our facilitator said, "Confidence is bullshit. It's bullshit used to sell self-help books. Do you know your lines? Have you done your preparation? Are you warmed up? Then you are entitled to go on stage and command the audience's time and attention. If you haven't done those things, then you're a professional actor - you know what you have to do to be ready - go do it! Whether you're confident or not simply isn't relevant." And the actor internalised that advice and he went out and gave an absolutely cracking turn as Macbeth!
I've always remembered that. I even remembered it when I was considering transitioning actually, I remember thinking, "Well I'm an adult, I know what this involves, I know the risks, I've done the prep; I'm allowed to bloody well do it if I want to!"
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futuresabode · 21 days
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futuresabode · 21 days
I’ve been in such a funk since the concert. I’m not even sure I enjoyed myself that much. maybe I did. I don’t know
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futuresabode · 25 days
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He is once again so right
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