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Imagine how differently you might approach each day by simply stating: God is good. God is good to me. God is good at being God. And today is yet another page in our great love story. Nothing that happens to you today will change that or even alter it in the slightest way. Lift your hands, heart, and soul, and receive that truth as you pray this prayer: My whole life I’ve searched for a love to satisfy the deepest longings within me to be known, treasured, and wholly accepted. When You created me, Lord, Your very first thought of me made Your heart explode with a love that set You in pursuit of me. Your love for me was so great that You, the God of the whole universe, went on a personal quest to woo me, adore me, and finally grab hold of me with the whisper, “I will never let you go.” Lord, I release my grip on all the things I was holding on to, preventing me from returning Your passionate embrace. I want nothing to hold me but You. So, with breathless wonder, I give You all my faith, all my hope, and all my love. I picture myself carrying the old, torn-out boards that inadequately propped me up and placing them in a pile. This pile contains other things I can remove from me now that my new intimacy-based identity is established. I lay down my need to understand why things happen the way they do. I lay down my fears about others walking away and taking their love with them. I lay down my desire to prove my worth. I lay down my resistance to fully trust Your thoughts, Your ways, and Your plans, Lord. I lay down being so self-consumed in an attempt to protect myself. I lay down my anger, unforgiveness, and stubborn ways that beg me to build walls when I sense hints of rejection. I lay all these things down with my broken boards and ask that Your holy fire consume them until they become weightless ashes. And as I walk away, my soul feels safe. Held. And truly free to finally be me.
Lysa TerKeurst, Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely (via gaze-on-jesus)
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Time often feels like an enemy because it seems to work against us. We look back over the years and wonder where they’ve gone. We look back over the weeks and months and get frustrated with ourselves because of the progress that we haven’t made. But when we find ourselves feeling this way, we must remind ourselves of this: Isn’t time in God’s hands? Doesn’t He hold our yesterday, today, and tomorrow in His mighty hands? Yes, the clock may be ticking in this physical world, but that doesn’t mean that the best of our days are behind us. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t enough time for God to make things beautiful in the future, and also in this present moment. His timing is perfect, and though it can be hard to grasp this when the days and years seem to fade into one another, continue to hold onto this: ⠀ He has made everything beautiful in its time. - Ecclesiastes 3:11 ⠀ When it comes to His timing, everything is going to fall into place. And He doesn’t need our timelines and deadlines to do a miraculous work in our lives. So as you wait, don’t spend your life waiting around doing nothing. Spend your time living, loving, and serving. God is already making things happen in your life today. Become so invested in serving and embracing the opportunities God has placed in your life that you’re no longer thinking about what you don’t have all the time. Get to the point where you can scroll past something on social media that you desire to have and you no longer feel empty because you don’t have it. Get to the point where you’re so excited about what God is doing today that you don’t even have time to worry about next year right now. Get to the point where you’ve gained this kind of perspective: “I know God has me in this moment and this season for a reason. So I’m going to make the most of it. Not worried if I’m missing out or if my time is almost up. Time is in His hands, and through Jesus, I will make the most of it everyday.” ⠀ Written by @morganhnichols for #TheDevoCo
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I asked God for a faithful husband, and He asked me to be His faithful bride.
(via godlywoman)
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You will not recognize me. This time, I put my pieces back differently.
Malia Makana, Like Differently Love (via alittlebitoflace)
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Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.
Deepak Chopra (via minuty)
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Note to self: stop rushing forward. You are right where He wants you to be. Whatever or whoever it is that you’re waiting for right now in this moment? Trust Him. Trust His timing. Trust His plan. Because He’s got this, love. He’s got this, and He’s got you, and you are right where you are meant to be. Now, lean into Him and enjoy where you’re at today.
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Jesus already came back. He’s already here. He’s in the Holy Eucharist. Alive. Present. Waiting. Listening. Thirsting. For you. To recognize Him. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you there. Ask Him for the grace He’s longing to give. You won’t be disappointed.
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There are days or weeks or even months when I read the Bible and there are no grand epiphanies. There are whole seasons of Sundays when I sing praise and feel nothing. There are times of prayer where the silence kills me. There are great Christian books and podcasts that I eat up which don’t budge my spiritual life. There are too many times when I doubt the very existence of God and the sending of His Son. It can all feel like a crazy lie. I’m probably being too honest — but I’ve found that I’m not the only one who feels this way. It’s in those times that I ask myself, “Am I out of love with God somehow? Am I losing my faith here? How do I get back to where I used to be?” But I keep reading my Bible. I keep singing on Sundays. I keep praying. I soak in books and sermons. I serve. I enjoy the company of mature Christians. I enjoy the fellowship of the broken. And you know what? Sometimes the clouds part and God comes through and His love squeezes my heart and I fall to my knees remembering how good He is. Then I read Scripture and can’t stop weeping and I turn on Christian songs in my car full blast and sing loud enough to scare the traffic. I serve with shaking hands and get convicted by those sermons and soak in God’s goodness all over again. So I’ve learned over time: I wasn’t really out of love with God. I’m just a fragile human being who changes as much as the weather. I was setting a ridiculous standard for myself that can’t be defined by self-pressuring parameters. I was tricked by the enemy into judging my flesh. My faith is based on His grace and not my feelings. And I think I need to relax.
J.S. Park (via jspark3000)
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Keep reading your Bible
Please. I’m begging you.
I know, I get it. It can be overwhelming to think about. You don’t know where to start. It feels like a chore at times. You get too easily distracted. I. Get. It. But please don’t give up on it.
You need it if you want to survive and remain strong in your faith. Without it, you will spiritually starve yourself to death. You can’t maintain a strong relationship with the Lord when you’re never reading the Word He gave you in order to be close to Him.
Find a book related plan to go off of. Look for reading challenges. Keep a Bible journal. Join a Bible study group. Do something. Make it a habit, to the point that a day without it feels like a day without brushing your teeth. Stop putting it off, please. It’s in your best interest. You’ll never regret spending even the smallest bit of time in the Word.
Please just read your Bible.
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I will always be left in awe at those moments where God makes His presence so clear to you. As if He is saying, “Hey, I’m listening. Keep going.” Whether it’s when your lifting up your broken heart to Him during church worship or talking to Him while staring at your ceiling fan, the Lord is listening. He hears you. He is at work. I just love that.
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God has allowed hard things in your life so you can show the world that your God is great and that knowing Him brings peace and joy, even when times are hard.
Francis Chan, Crazy Love (via breanna-lynn)
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