fwipination · 1 day
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Pokedex 097, Hypno
As much as a bad reputation that Hyno gets, as a chroic nightmare haver I wouldn't mind getting some head-empty sleep every now and again!
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fwipination · 2 days
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Pokedex 096, Drowzee
They didn't need to give this guy the creepiest fingers ever in his 3D model animation but they sure did and that was a choice. He's already fighting off the scary dex entry allegations and that really didn't help his case!
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fwipination · 3 days
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Pokedex 095, Onix
Recently I was talking to my partner about what our respective 'starting' pokemon would be based on where we lived as kids. As a northerner ragamuffin that was always clambering around big breccia limestone boulders and had the biggest soft spot for giant dragon-esque creatures, I think I would have ended up with a lazy, mossy, Onix!
(feel free to respond with what pokemon you think your real-life starter would be and why! I think it's fun!)
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fwipination · 4 days
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Pokedex 094, Gengar
I will always remember... my older brother who introduced me to pokemon thought their name was pronounced "Ginger".
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fwipination · 5 days
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Pokedex 093, Haunter
My personal favorite of gen 1, ever since I was a kid with a card collection. Sabrina's Haunter was my favorite before I even saw the anime (which only endeared me more!)
I always felt like Haunter and Gengars evolutions ought to be switched! I think the big floating claws and spikes look a lot more intimidating! (I am killed instantly by the Gengar fans)
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fwipination · 6 days
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Pokedex 092, Ghastly
It's hard to imagine how there was a whole typeset of pokemon that only had one mon and it's two evolutions in first generation! We've come a long way from our ghastly little beginnings!
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fwipination · 7 days
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Pokedex 091, Cloyster
Don't think about the trainer couple
Don't think about the trainer couple
Don't think abou-
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fwipination · 8 days
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Pokedex 090, Shellder
Top tier pokemon for the best cry in the anime. I hear it in my dreams.
(It's not pokétober quite yet but I'm getting ready!!)
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fwipination · 9 days
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I was out of town for a week but I'm finally getting to post my half of an art trade with @magspy!
Gregory Beltane is a half orc goliath, path of the abomination (with a tiger-esque twist!).
Thanks again for trading with me after artfight and for the excellent art of Fella!
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fwipination · 24 days
My little plague fella!! They've always got their work cut out for them these days, trying to cure all their bits of strains and mutations. A doctor's job is never done.
Huge thanks for trading with me even after artfight! (July always feels so far away!)
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My half of an art trade with @fwipination 🩵✨️✨️
I was already eyeing the little guy during Art Fight, so getting a chance to draw them before next year was a joy!
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fwipination · 26 days
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And finally! My last artfight attack of 2024! #39 for @/adviennequepourra on artfight!
Lucie is the adopted child of a well-to-do necromancer named Nodens! She has a deep interest in birds and in butterflies and a very scientific mind for researching and cataloguing either!
PHEW! What a year! I was able to do more attacks than ever, and had a wonderful time as always! Here's to the winners, and here's to looking forward to whatever teams come next July!
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fwipination · 26 days
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Artfight attack #38 for @pizza-hats-of-the-world-1882 of their lovely lady Senta! Is she a vampire? A pirate? An agent? A robot?
She's probably all of the above, but no matter what she is going to look good being them B)
(I was in despair choosing what outfit of hers to draw, she was so cool in all of them!!)
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fwipination · 27 days
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Artfight attack #37 for @/Nekgesild on twitter or @/NakaBaka09 on artfight! Iyanna "INDIGO" Henderson is a girl with cool tattoos and magic circle powers!
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fwipination · 27 days
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Artfight revenge #21 (Last revenge of the year!) for @/taiga_frosthall on insta (again!) this time of their partner's dnd OC Nal!
Nal is the warlock of a reaper in training spirit named spooks, who shapeshifts to several forms, including the little cat ghost I've drawn here!
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fwipination · 28 days
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Artfight attack #36 for @/PeckuliarCorvid on twitter, insta, and artfight! Last year I drew their moon girl, so this year I got them again with their sun boy Sol! First time dnd characters do hit different <3 (and Sol has a very big axe to hit things with too.)
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fwipination · 28 days
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Artfight attack #35 for @artbykiera of her farmhand Hattie! She may be a little clumsy at times, but she still manages!
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fwipination · 29 days
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Artfight attack #34 for @bel-by-the-sea of their Pirate Lord, Captain Guildford Law! He has been a favorite of mine for several years and I was SO excited to get to draw him! I tried my best to capture all his swarthiness!
(Please check out bel's comics! Photoaxis and To the Wayward Winds and Waters are both so good and so beautiful!)
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