fyu-ture · 3 years
a massive, fat slug sort-of just.. plops down on his arm from the ceiling. or thin air. who can really say. is this just a random appearance? or a gift? its skin is red, almost as if it's a warning of some sort. ah, but its eye stalks are clear, absolutely so. almost like-- holy water.
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   This is ...
   A lot to process all at once “Okay! Baby! Sweetie pie! We’re gonna gently scoop you off my arm as Quickly as possible ideally Before it starts Boiling and into a terrarium, okay-----!!!!”
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fyu-ture · 3 years
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   “Huh--? But we talked just last week--!” He starts, only to lull into a pause, a crinkle of the eyes in thought, and quickly draws a hand to his chin in a scratch, a light fluster dusting his cheeks. “Didn’t we--?”
   He snaps his fingers.
   “Right! Forgot that--Haha! Time travel. Forgot that does that for the people not travelling...” And chuckles, exhales... Perks! “Oh! Uh. S--. Sorry! I didn’t mean to--Haha, I’m not used to having to--I don’t know! Leave a note or something?! I’ll have to remember to do that next time--!”
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fyu-ture · 3 years
What does "ixi" stands for
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   “Depends on the interpretation! The actual symbology, which is |x|, can be read as ‘the absolute value of x’--which is a variable in and of itself, and can be anything, but is always positive!” An amused snort. 
   “Mostly, though?” He continues, “I drew it once when I was, like, thirteen, because I was trying to recreate that whole ‘Time Breaker’ symbol my family always sported, and my uncle got so mad at how shitty it was, he told me never to draw it again!”
   And he grins!
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fyu-ture · 4 years
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fyu-ture · 4 years
lab safety but the teacher just wants you to die
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fyu-ture · 4 years
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the feral scientist pride flag
red represents going feral
light grey and dark grey represent the dark underground lab used by feral scientists
the green represent science
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fyu-ture · 4 years
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fyu-ture · 4 years
   “Oh, sure, no way!” He chirps without missing a beat, quirking his head with a succinct clap! “But if you wanted me to stop bugging you, you gotta stop being such a valuable asset worth bugging!”
   An elbow, playful, into the mortal’s bicep; he laughs!
   “Anyway, no!--” He continues, waving a hand. “I don’t need anything manual outta you--” And he points a finger, directs at Hearts a smile. “I just need to pick your brain! --And not literally this time, either!
   “I wanna hear about your experience.”
   The sound of a pen clicks;
   “With the Universe Seed!
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   “Since your little excursion--I wanna hear all about it!”
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“’Course I don’t owe you anything.”
It was a blunt way to start the conversation. But, he wasn’t going to put up with any of this demon’s nonsense if he could help it. Being saved and then imprisoned by him was more than enough contact.
“I know I said you could recall me anytime, but this is getting ridiculous. You having trouble getting stuff down from the high shelves again?”
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fyu-ture · 4 years
Mariko’s cheeks went on fire at Fu’s suggestion. Both fit?
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Both fit?
Her eyes ran at him with a look full of disbelief, as if wondering if she actually heard it right. But Fu was smiling at her, albeit shyly, and upon seeing that smile, Mariko’s heart started racing again. 
Could it be?! Could it be that, after all, her hopes did have a reason to exist? That maybe she hadn’t completely misinterpreted Fu’s signals, that all he had said and done did mean what she always dreamt it meant? That he had looked at her the same way she had been secretly looking at him for what, at least over a year by now, and she had only just realised it?!
Could it be that luck was actually smiling at her, for once?
That mere possibility was enough to steal Mariko a hesitant, embarrassed smile; it was brief, only a hint, because she was still too shaken by the shock of that offer to even keep herself from stammering.
“B-But I don’t… I mean, the floor is okay, I mean–!” Fu’s patting on the mattress almost sent her shrieking of emarrassment. “W-Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable–?” By Kais – what was she doing?! Jeopardising such an occasion out of embarrassment?! Shut up! She urged herself. This is your chance! Don’t throw it away!
“O-Okay then,” she peeped, looking down at the blanket she was still holding and taking in a quick, nervous breath. “That… That’s fine.”
She wasn’t sure how she got herself to stand up, her legs still shaking, just to stiffly plop on the bed, next to Fu. Each movement was awkward, made her self-conscious of the light pajama she was wearing, of how narrow the matterss suddenly felt, of how broad Fu’s shoulders suddenly seemed – and that last one almost made her heart jump in her throat.
“W-Water?!” She exclaimed, still refusing to look at Fu. “I-I think I need water. For the night. In case I’m thirsty. You need some water too? I’ll get you some water too!”
She jumped down the bed, almost tripping on the improvised bed on the floow while she hurried towards the kitchen. She took two glasses and filled both of them with tap water, the glass strikingly cold against her palm. Her whole body burned as if she got a sudden fever. Fu had just suggested they’d sleep in the same bed. Fu had just suggested they’d sleep int he same bed. This was way beyond what she hoped for that night. Did she have to expect more or–?!
A sudden splash on her fingers made her realise she was overfilling one of the two glasses. She chocked a curse and hurried to close the tap, wiping the hand dry on her shorts before returning back towards the bed. The sight of Fu sitting in it was so surreal she thought she needed a pinc to make sure it wasn’t one of her… Emabrrassing dreams, and her face began steaming once more.
“I, uh, got the water,” she muttered idiotically. She shook her head and placed the glasses on the shelf above the bed before awkwardly sneaking back under the blankets, hurrying to pull the duvet to cover her bare legs. “Just, uh… Just tell me if you need me to pass one,” she stammered, offering Fu the edge of the duvet, still unable to look at him in the eyes.
Dear Kais, what now?!
   The slightest of stiffens in his shoulders, in his cheeks--the way she takes it, reacts to it, did he just offer something much more that he wasn’t aware of--?
   His expression, body languages doesn’t shift much from its awkward form, if at all; internally, he feels suffocated, like he’s stuck in place and his lungs are full of concrete when Mariko approaches the first time--what was so weird about this? Why was she making this so weird? Sharing a bed, he just offered to share a bed, didn’t he? 
   “--W,” He mumbles dumbly as she springs up, “Wat--Okay--?” A dumbfounded blink, and he takes a deep breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding, like a binding had just uncinched itself from his ribs. He feels the dispersal and static-like fuzz of peripheral thoughts jumping around his brain; he can’t put together anything coherent, because that would imply he has any idea what to do in this situation, any idea what to say. It’s--rare, to say the least, that he feels so--stupified.
   And here she comes, again, and that weight in his chest builds back up all at once.
   How much of this is his own fault? He thinks--What’s his own fault? That Mariko--expects these things of him? How much obvious shit had he missed leading up to this point? How much more obvious shit is he putting out there without even realizing? He--He clears his throat, and--and chuckles! Meekly, but still chuckles, and waves--waves a hand of dismissal at the duvet, and looks from her hand, to his feet, to the wall, shrugs his shoulders, clears his throat more quietly, quickly this time and shakes his head, “Ah--N-Nah, thanks, I don’t--I move--I kick around a lot when I sleep, I hardly--Uh,” He flaps his arms in vague, circular motions, trying to find words where they fail him, and he--eventually presses himself back into a pillow, a soft clear of the throat a third time, and waves his hands again. “--I can never keep a blanket, so save it for you--! I’d pr--usually just overheat anyway. You know?” And--stiffly--folds his arms over his chest.
   ... Reaall comfortable and totally natural move, he remarks at himself with a mental roll of his eyes. There’s something about that--about that obvious awkardness in his own frame, that for a moment, he has a small burst of inspiration--and with that, it takes only a second or two, but he suddenly shifts over onto his side, and--and he looks at Mariko, looks at her eyes even if she darts hers away from his.
   “I--L-Listen, Mariko,” He begins, with just the barest hints of determination. He--He still doesn’t know what if offered, if he offered anything more with this--whole situation they’d found themselves in--but frankly, either way, he’s sure he can’t just say nothing. Though the determination dwindles quickly as he shortly pauses--he still manages, still murmurs..
   “... Thanks, again. For everything. I--...” He catches, his eyes fall to the corner of a pillow, sincerity ever a weakpoint. “.. I know I keep saying it.. And I don’t want it to.. lose it’s meaning or something, but-...”
   He presses his lips together. And he--pulls his frame up, propped up by an arm and uses the other to sweep over Mariko’s shoulders, suddenly pulls himself to her; it’s a weird laying-down sort-of hug, but--he hopes she gets the idea, all the same.
   And reclines back after a second, looking toward the ceiling with a huff, curls of hair falling over his face floating in the updraft.
   “I don’t know what I’d do without you! And all that.. You know?” He finishes, trying to interject an even-slightly-more light-hearted tone into the thick fog of uncertainty that he feels all around him. He--tosses her a half-smile.
   “Uh--. Good--Good night, and stuff. I hope I don’t--kick you too bad or anything, heh,”
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fyu-ture · 4 years
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whaddyou say to a game of cat and mouse? me and you?
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fyu-ture · 4 years
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requested by ash-the-sparrow-queen
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fyu-ture · 4 years
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fyu-ture · 4 years
“You’re making an effort, more than can be said about many others. That matters, and the fact that you’re still trying despite all the shit thrown your way speaks volumes about your integrity as a person. Don’t forget that, alright?” - Vivi
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   Despite his still outwardly grumpy demeanor, he does shrug a shoulder, murmurs in her direction a reluctant, “Thanks, Vivi.” 
   It’s nice and all, but is it just what he wants to hear? He presses his eyes closed, presses a finger to his temple.
   At least--it’s... well-intentioned, he supposes.
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fyu-ture · 4 years
   A deep inhale, clench of the jaw; his frame bristles like a cat--
   Then his shoulders drop. And he swallows.
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“I know you’re trying.”
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fyu-ture · 4 years
Geez, what did Hearts do to earn so much bitterness from you, lately?
   “It’s not about Hearts! It’s about--”
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   He visibly puffs, like an agitated bird.
   “What about Frieza, or my uncle, or literally anyone else in history who’s been a massive piece of shit for a living? Lots of those guys never change--or maybe, even, they still thrive!
   “Why do I have to get hammered on by the powers at be or some shit that my brain’s all fucked up and I did something shitty?! I’m trying to be better! I don’t know why it’s so hard!!! Does it not matter that I’m trying!?”
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fyu-ture · 4 years
You may have eight eyes, but you were also missing part of your face not so long ago. Did you ever tell cute little Mariko why? She trusts you, you know!
   He initially winces, and his head sinks between his shoulders--
   There’s a bit of a pause, like he considers it, his mood souring, like he feels bad for--even feeling alright again, lately, like he doesn’t deserve to-- 
   --But after that moment, suddenly, his eyes sharpen, his ears flick, and he arches back up, even scowls.
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   “I’m not the only one who’s ever done something really shitty, you know. At least I regret it! You’re not the one I have to apologize to, so what do you care?”
   “Maybe go bug someone that went and massacred universes worth of people, but he got beat up once, so it’s fine now! So fine, he even gets to date and go be happy with someone he super used to want to just outright, indiscriminately murder--
   “--No, sure, though. Worry about me and my bullshit, as if I’ve had a chance to forget about it...”
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fyu-ture · 4 years
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