g3mst0ne · 4 years
This is gonna be a mouthful but here we go
In the pre historic times when dinosuars were a thing there was a creater known as the "colossis". A creature woth very poor eye sight yet very good hearing.
Near the end of their extinction, a colossis mother seperated her child into four gemstones, each corosponding to a certain edge of the body
Head, front paws, torso, and back paws.
As time numbered, the gemstones were fpund by scientists and soon after, grew humanoid features. The only features that werent humanoid were a part of the body. (The head grew on as a tail).
They were meant to reunite and repopulate the colossis species, but something was wrong.
The torso grew more delayed. And once it finally gre fully. It was violent.
here are the names and personality as well as the body part
Topaz (ze/zem)
Sweet and kind, not what you would expect a leader to be. Ze is the leader obviously, zem being a head. Ze was the first to go
Alex (she/her)
Front paws
She is the co leader and much more mature than the rest. She is calm, cool, and very collected. Obviously the second to go.
Derich (pronounced dare-ic) (he/him)
He is complicated to explain. He used to be a sweet fun and loving guy but when he found out he had counterparts, and most importantly he wasnt in control, he grew insane due to the hunger for power. Perhaps he was the last to go?
Leo (he/she)
Back paws
They werent named after horoscopes actually i just really liked the name leo for him lmfao. She is easily manipulated and the last to go
Thats really all lmfao thats what this blog is about is these babys lol
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g3mst0ne · 4 years
W rong b log
The thing ink sent me appearently has been hidden bc of tumblrs guidelines so um
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g3mst0ne · 4 years
1. How the fuck did you f i n d t h a t
2. Ive seen probably worse smsks
The thing ink sent me appearently has been hidden bc of tumblrs guidelines so um
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g3mst0ne · 4 years
Hi yes this is an oc blog lmfao
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