g48fs3-blog · 4 years
Hi im Ella and a year ago there happend something that still haunts me till this day. But lets start by the begining. In 2018 I started cosplaying. It was a lot of fun and pretty soon i went to my first convention. I made a lot of new friends there and it was so much fun. Most of them lived pretty far so we kept in contact by instagram. A month after the convention one of them contacted me. And told me about this group of cosplayers on instagram. I happly joined and all of them where so nice. There regarly joined new people. I was 2 weeks in there when a new person joined. Im not gonna tell his name but lets call him thomas. After some time he dmd me in private and told me i was cute. We soon started talking regarly. And a month later he asked me to be his gf i happly said yes. But the problem was we lived pretty far from eachother wich made it hard to meet up a lot. So we chatted and videocalled a lot. After sometime someone made a group with the same people but on whats app, and there thomas sended a message to me after that we talked on insta and whats app. A weird thing abt it that sometimes he would send on whats app but 5 min after that conversation he would dm me on insta. It was just weird. Something else that was off was the way he talked on insta looked differnt from whatsapp but i could lay my finger on why it felt off. So i decided to ignore it. When my phone broke i got a new one and i instalt all my apps aigan exept mu social media,because i started viewing my body badly bc of all the models on there. Lets fast forward to a week after i got my new phone. Thomas sended a message that was just very weird. No aigan no and he kept repeating that on and on i was getting woried. I decided to block him for today. So i did but... i didnt stop. Also i could turned of my ringtone but it didnt stop ringing. I tryd to turn of my phone but it went on aigan. After that the only thing i could think of was to send him stop. And he stopped for 1 minute. And then he said"ill stop if you make me happy." "Happy?" i said. That he replied to with make me happy. "How"i said. He answerd me with make me happy. My phone started glitching. I got scared so i trew my phone to the other side of the room. And tryd to sleep true the ringing of my phone. After a 3 hours i think i fell asleep. When i woke up i rememberd what happend and decided to look at my phone. It was broken. Probaly bc i trew it pretty hard.luckly it still worked. I went to look at my messages with thomas but... his contact was gone in my phone. Like it was never there. Then i got an idea maybe he was still on insta. When i got on there i saw i missed like 50 mesages and like 20 calls. The messages where things like "why arent you texting me anymore?","stop ignorring me!!" And so on i dm him very confused "what but didnt we text on whats app why do you wanna talk so badly on here." What he answerd with what are you talking abt youve been ingoring me for 2 weeks this isnt funny blank."i was really confused and scarly texed my bff. I explained everyting to here and after some thinking we came to the conclusing that it probablumy was a hacker who acted like thomas. There were still something that confused me and didnt match but i ignored that. Its was a month after the insident and i didnt contact tomas Since it happend that day i didnt think abt it that much anymore. But all memorys came back when i woke up today to find make me happy carved in my wall. i moved after that day i called the police but they still didnt found out who did its been a year when i came home from my grandparents this morning i found a hanged body from a stanger in my kitchen. Vomided for 10 minutes before i called the cops they investigaded the body and found a note on it with you didnt make me happy...
#creepypasta #horrorstory
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