gabagabaink ¡ 6 years
Rory Regan x Jewish! reader
Words: 1,839
Y/N = Your Name
A/N: This is just a little something I’ve been working on, sorry if it sucks. I wrote the reader as a religious, Sephardic Jew, and this is set at about mid/end season 5ish?
‘God, all I want are some Doritos, but nooo. Doritos aren’t kosher in the U.S.’ Y/N thought as she walked through Star City.
Y/N was in Star City to talk to a tech start-up that the law firm she worked at saw as a potential client. She had just left her things at the hotel she was staying at, and was looking for something to eat. She came across a coffee shop that had a kosher symbol in the window and decided to go in.
Whilst Y/N was deciding what to order, she heard a familiar voice. She turned around and saw a face she hadn’t seen in a long time, over by a table, sitting with two others.
‘Ho. Ly. SHIT.’ she thought. ‘Is that Rory?’
Y/N had gone to high school with Rory. They used to be really good friends. They would hang out all the time. They would study together, eat lunch together, and laugh about their classmates together. Y/N and Rory were also really close to each other’s families.
When the tragedy in Havenrock occurred, Y/N’s family were no longer living in the town. However, it was her hometown and she was hit hard by it. Y/N had no way of knowing if Rory was alive and she just hoped that he had been able to get out or to get his rags. Y/N was also one of the few people who knew about the magical, ancient rags from the time of Bnei Yisrael in the desert. She had a feeling that they would have been able to keep him safe.
Just as this thought came to Y/N, a news report on the TV in the restaurant began to talk about a vigilante named the “Green Arrow” and how his group saved some citizens from an explosion. She couldn’t help but notice that one of the Green Arrow’s accomplices was a  superhero named the “Ragman”.
The report also showed a picture of what Y/N remembered being the rags that Rory inherited.
‘I can’t quite imagine Rory running around being a superhero. But at the same time, it doesn’t quite seem like something he wouldn’t do… Oh my god, he is the Ragman isn’t he!”
Now, while Y/N was contemplating this exciting, yet also a slightly distressing thought, Rory had come to realize to whom that familiar face that just walked in belonged to.
At first, he had trouble recognizing her, she had changed quite a bit from the gangly, emo-ish teen he used to know. Then again, Rory had changed a bit too. He never thought he would be running around wearing his ancestor's rags, saving people with a team of vigilantes.
‘Is that- No, it can’t be. It’s Y/N! Wow. Wait, what’s she doing here?’ he thought. Rory hadn’t been in touch with Y/N for a while. Neither of them was at fault. Stuff happens, people move away, and it can grow hard to keep in touch. Especially when one of them moves to a different country.
“Yo rags, whatcha’ lookin’ at?” questioned Rene.
Rory snapped out of his stupor. “Um, I-uh. Nothing.”
“Really?” asked Curtis. “Because it looks like you were staring at that girl.”
“I wasn’t staring”
“Uh, yeah you were,” muttered Rene before stuffing half a sandwich in his mouth.
“She’s just someone I knew in high school. I haven’t talked to her in forever.”
“You should go talk to her!” urged Curtis.
“I… Um… (sigh) ok.” Rory conceded as he got up from his chair.
“Well that was easier than I thought it would be,” said Curtis.
As Rory was on his way to Y/N, she had just made her mind to head over to his table once she got her coffee. She was on her way to his table when she realized that they were practically face-to-face.
“Oh, my- Rory! Hi, it’s so good to see you!”  Y/N said as she gave him one of her signature hugs that used to be a common gesture after bad days.
“Y/N, hi! I haven’t seen you in forever!” Rory said.
“I know! How have you been doing?”
“Good, good. I mean, losing everyone was hard, but I’m doing ok. You?”
Y/N nodded, “I’m fine Baruch Hashem. I’m so sorry for what happened to your family. I would have come to see you, but… Well, I didn’t even know that you were alive.”
“And you were in Israel,” Rory added. “It’s ok,” he said reassuringly. “And I was really happy to hear that all of your family made it out.”
“Thank you. But not all of them made it out. Your parents were practically family to me.” Y/N said softly.
“Yeah” he replied, memories of his deceased loved ones taking over his brain. “Uh, what brings you to Star City?” he stammered, bringing himself back from memory lane.
“Well, I’m working for this law firm, and they want to get this new startup… um, Helix something or other, as their client.”
“Oh, that’s awesome,” he replied, still kind of out of it. “So how long will you be in town for?”
“Well, that all depends. If the startup decides to become a client, then I’ll be here for a while, and after that, I’ll be going back home, and then I’ll be coming back every few weeks. However, if they decide not to, I’ll only be here for a little bit.”
“Oh, I hope you can get them to become clients then,” Rory said, as his brain put two and two together. “What did you say the name of the startup was again?”
“Um, Helix Dynamics.” “This is perfect!”
Y/N looked quizzically at Rory in response to this reaction, and he almost kicked himself for his lack of an explanation.
“I-um. I mean, basically, I’m friends with the people who own the startup. One of the owners is actually here at the restaurant with me. At that table over there.”
Y/N followed his gaze over to the table where Curtis was fiddling with some electronic device, and Rene was scarfing down another burger.
“Really, how do you know them?”
“Oh, I-um. We just kinda know each other. Like casual acquaintances.” Rory said, failing at coming up with a believable lie. He wasn’t really close to anyone in Star City who he would have to lie about his “vigilante-ing”, so the coming up with excuses thing was new to him.
“Anyway, let me introduce you.”
The pair walked over to the table.
“Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Rene, and that’s Curtis. Curtis is one of the owners of Helix Dynamics. Curtis, Y/N is the representative from that law firm that you and Felicity were telling us about.”  
“I also happen to have been lucky enough to be this dork’s friend in high school.” Y/N added with a smirk creeping onto her face.
Curtis stood up and shook her hand, and Rene finally swallowed his burger and greeted her.
“Nice to meet you, you said you knew Regan from high school?” Rene asked.
“Yeah,” Y/N answered. “We went to the same Jewish day school for high school, and we hung out a lot.”
“Hung out a lot?” snorted Rory. “Please, you were the daughter my mother never had. And I was at your house almost every Shabbat afternoon.”
“That is true. You’re practically Sephardic now,” she confirmed with a smile.
Curtis then invited her to sit down and the two then planned a time to meet together with Felicity about Y/N’s law firm. After finding a time, and drinking her coffee, Y/N bade the three farewell.
“Where are you staying?” Curtis asked.
Y/N told them the name of the hotel she was lodging at.
“Oh, my apartment’s near there,” Rory said happily. “I can walk you if you want.”
“Sure, lead the way.”
The two old friends headed out and left Rene and Curtis at the table by themselves.
“I ship it,” Curtis stated.
Rene rolled his eyes.
As Rory and Y/N walked to the hotel they talked and got caught up on each other’s lives. Where they’ve been, what they’ve been up to.
“So, you know why I’m here. But how did you end up in Star City?” Y/N asked him.
“Well, I was just looking for somewhere to go. After everything in Havenrock, you know? And I guess I just kind of… ended up here.”
Y/N nodded and seemed deep in thought for a few seconds. After hearing two not so believable explanations from him, it got her thinking back to the revelation she had come to moments before the two had reunited.
Whether Rory was the Ragman or not.
“Did you bring the rags? Do you still have them?”
Rory was a bit surprised by her question. He had forgotten that she even knew about them.
“Of course I have them. Why?”
“Alright, I’m just going to say it,” she looked down and took a deep breath. “Are you Ragman?”
Shocked silence.
“I just mean, I saw this thing on the news, and I remembered the rags and it just sounds like something you could get yourself into and it just kinda makes sen-”
Y/N’s rambling was immediately cut off by Rory’s curt answer.
“Excuse me?”
Rory sighed looking away from her. Part of him was surprised that barely a couple hours after reuniting she would figure out his secret so quickly. But part of him was expecting this to happen. If anyone could find out that he was Ragman, it would be Y/N.
He then looked her right in the eyes and clarified that “Yes as in, I am Ragman. And yes, it is the rags.”
“I. Um… Oh.” Y/N mumbled. The shock visible on her face.
“I’m sorry for not telling you earlier, I just- we haven’t seen each other in a while, and I didn’t get a chance t-”
“It’s fine,” Y/N said soothingly, taking his hands that moments before had been flying all over the place.
“Also, just for the record, I KNEW IT!” she then exclaimed, jumping in the air a little.
Rory chuckled a little, realizing how much he had missed this wonderful human being.
The two continued on their way, with Y/N beginning to get more curious about her friend’s vigilante life.
“So what, you go around beating up bad guys?”
“Well I mean, basically? But it’s more complicated than that.”
“Of course.”
“I mean, it’s kind of awesome to be doing it. And, it’s also nice to be part of a team.”
“A crime-fighting team.”
Y/N had Rory laughing yet again. “Yeah,” he said, a smile on his face.
The pair soon came upon the hotel.
“Well, here we are,” announced Rory.
“Thank you for escorting me safely, good samaritan Ragman! You have truly gone above and beyond your call of duty.” Y/N jokingly thanked him, bowing for effect.
“At your service fair maiden,” he joked back, adding a little tilt of his head as well.
The two then went their separate ways, already eager to see each other again.
21 notes ¡ View notes
gabagabaink ¡ 6 years
Rory Regan x Jewish! reader
Words: 1,556
Based on prompts from this post:
“Your latkes gave me food poisoning” “no it was the horrid sour cream you insisted on putting on my perfectly good latkes” Somehow person A gets roped into cooking all the latkes for a Channukah party, which is fine, until Person B decides to tell them they’re making them wrong. OR person B starts eating too many OR Person B causes a huge mess
Y/N = Your Name
A/N: I wrote Y/N as being Sephardic, just because I am Sephardic and this is set during probably around season 5ish? Like, before Rory left. Enjoy!
“You’ve put too much onion!” Y/N complained.
“We’re cooking an Ashkenazi dish, there’s never too much onion.” Y/N’s boyfriend, Rory responded.
“Actually for your information, Sephardim have latkes too. Which means that I can say that you’re adding too. Much. Onion!”
“Onion is a necessary ingredient, do you want these latkes to be tasteless lumps of potato?”  
“No, but you don’t need it to be completely onion, the ketchup, or sour cream, or whatever you put on your levivot will enhance the flavor. You don’t need an onion to potato ratio of 1:1.” Y/N retaliated.
“Putting something on latkes is for people who don’t appreciate latkes in their whole selves. You can drown out the flavor but I’m going to eat my latkes plain.”
“Well then, if you’re such a purist then why don’t you just eat a plain potato? And, are you insinuating that I don’t appreciate latkes?!”
Just as Rory was going to answer, the timer went off and Y/N immediately rushed over to the oven to take her cheese bourekas out of the oven. It was going to be the third night of Chanukah in three hours and the two were throwing a small Chanukah party for Team Arrow. They were going to light the Chanukiah, play dreidel, and eat tons of food.
Now, Rory and Y/N had been super happy to throw this party, but they soon came to realize just how true the phrase “too many cooks in the kitchen” was. They both were skilled with a skillet, but the two were both used to cooking alone.
However, the two finally got into a rhythm of who was making sufganiyah batter, who was making the jelly. Y/N would be chopping onions, Rory would grate the potatoes, and so on.
Finally, the food was done, the apartment was decorated, and the Chanukiah was set. All that was left was the guests.
Curtis and his husband arrived first, then came Dinah, and then Rene and Zoe. Not long after, Felicity turned up, along with some excuse of why Oliver was late. Then John, and not long after Quentin arrived. And of course, Oliver came last.
The whole gang was there, in Y/N and Rory’s living room, to celebrate the festival of lights.
“Alright, everyone’s here now, let’s eat!” Rene said rising from his seat, gingerly rubbing his hands together.
“Yeah, no.” Y/N commented, blocking the doorway to the dining room. “First we have to light the Chanukiah. Plus, I have a feeling that some clarification regarding Chanukah’s history is required, considering most of you guys are non-Jews.”
“Or Jews who were raised secular,” added Felicity, “but yeah some clarification is definitely required. Back at the Arrow Cave, Rene said that Chanukah was basically the Jewish version of Christmas.”
Rene shrugged, Rory facepalmed, and Y/N went “Oy vey.”
“Maybe we’ll do a crash course in the history of Chanukah before we bench licht?” Rory said to Y/N.
“Sounds good, I’ll get us something to drink, and maybe some babka?”
“What’s babka?” asked Zoe.
“Babka is a type of bread-like cake, that has chocolate swirled in. There’s a kosher bakery around here that makes amazing babka.” Y/N answered on her way to the kitchen.
A few moments later, Y/N came in holding a plate of babka from the local kosher bakery, a jug of milk and a few mugs.
“So basically, Chanukah is the story of how the Jews beat the Greek army and about lights staying on for eight days or something. Right?” asked Oliver.
“That's part of it,” Rory answered. “First, we need to set the story. It all starts with Alexander the Great’s conquest of the middle east. After conquering most of the Persian Empire, Alexander set his sights towards Israel.”
“However, when his army got to Israel, there was no big resistance from the Jews.” Y/N continued. “No big armies awaiting him. Just the high priest Shimon. Alexander talked with him, and decided to learn about the Jewish religion.”
“And all was well for a time. The Greeks and Jews got along nicely for many years. Then a new Emperor was crowned, Antiochus, and he didn’t like the Jews. He made many Jewish practices illegal. Such as, prohibiting the acts of circumcision, learning the Torah, and against keeping Shabbat.” told Rory.
“Then, it all hit the breaking point for the Jews when Antiochus vandalized the Holy Temple, or the Beit Hamikdash, and put idols on its altar. He also sent soldiers to enforce that the Jews were worshipping idols. But when the soldiers got to Modin, where some of the priests who worked in the Beit Hamikdash lived, they demanded that the local leader, Matityahu, a Kohen (priest), be an example to the Jews by making a non-kosher sacrifice. Matityahu retaliated by killing the person who stepped up to make the sacrifice and Antiochus’ representative.”
“Wow,” said Quentin. “He had balls.”
Y/N chuckled a bit while Rory picked up where Y/N left off.
“After killing them, Matityahu, with the help of his five sons, rallied the Jews of Modin and they all fled to the hills and caves of the wooded Judean wilderness to prepare for battle. Now let me remind you, these Jews were not soldiers, they were farmers and craftsmen and the only weapons they had were simple spears, swords, rocks, bows, and arrows. However, over the course of three years, the small “army” of Jews, managed to defeat the Greeks and drive them out of Israel.” Rory recounted the miraculous victory.
“There’s actually historical records of this, and the Jewish people celebrate this victory as a miracle today. Now, that wasn’t the only miracle that occurred over the course of this story. Remember how we mentioned that the Greeks defiled the Beit Hamikdash? Well, now that the Jews had sovereignty again, they wanted to make offerings to Hashem in the Beit Hamikdash. But they couldn’t do that if it was unholy.”
“A lot of stress on holiness, huh?” stated Dinah.
“Well, according to Jewish law, you can’t make an offering in an unholy place. And considering the Greeks had been sacrificing pigs in there, it was definitely unholy. So the Jews began cleaning it up. You know, getting rid of the idols, and pig altars and what not.” Rory answered.
“However, in the Beit Hamikdash, there was a menorah that was ceremoniously lit every day, and that couldn't be left with none of the candles being lit.”
“Actually they were technically cups filled with oil that had wicks in them,” Rory interjected.
“Oh shush! Anyway, it could also only be lit with pure olive oil. You could tell if it was pure or not by the jug. If it had the seal of the Kohen Gadol, the high priest, then it was pure. So the Jews scoured the Beit Hamikdash for a jug that had the seal, with no avail. Until finally, someone found one small jug with the seal on it. But, it would only last for maybe one day, and it would take at least a week for them to get new, pure, olive oil. It was a real dilemma, they didn't know what to do.”
“But the Jews decided to put their faith in Hashem and light it. Hopefully, it would all turn out ok.” Rory finished.
“And they were right to do so because the oil ended up lasting eight days! Which was all the time it took for the new oil to be brought to the Beit Hamikdash.”
“And, it's also why we celebrate Chanukah for eight nights. In honor of the miracle that Hashem made for us. He brought us light in the darkness.”
“And now that you have heard the whole story, we can light the candles.” Y/n said while getting up.
Everyone got up and followed her over to the windowsill, where there was a big silver Chanukiah, with four candles set up. Three regular, one shamash.
Everyone watched as Rory lit the candles and said the brachot, and listened as Y/N and Rory sang “Hanerot Halalu”, and Felicity joined in when she could.
Then they all joined at the table, for a game of dreidel. Once the rules were explained, dreidels and gelt were doled out to everyone. Zoe had to keep stopping her dad from eating his gelt, and Dinah and Quentin became very competitive.
Then, all the litter was cleared from the dreidel game, and the food was brought out.
Now, being a good Yiddishe Mama, Y/N made sure that everyone tried some of everything. Whether it was latkes or soup. Schnitzel Tiraz, or a sufganiyah, everyone was satisfied and full.
Once the food was all gone, the two hosts benched and then saw their guests out. Not too long after Y/N began complaining that she had a stomach ache.
“Oooy, my stomach hurts. This is all your fault you know.”
“My fault? How?” Rory asked skeptically.
“Your latkes gave me food poisoning, I knew I should have made them on my own”
“Um no, It wasn't the latkes. Which by the way you helped make. It was that disgusting sour cream that you insisted on putting on your latkes.”
“Don’t you dare insult sour cream!” Y/N exclaimed indignantly. “Y’know what, I’m done arguing, I’m going to bed, you coming?”
“Yeah, yeah. In a minute latke desecrator.”
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