#arrowverse one-shot
arrow-v-flash-polls · 4 months
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The Flash Suit went though quite a few changes over the years but which suit did you like best?
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jackiequick · 1 year
Meet The Wells - Harry Wells Fic
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Tv Show: The Flash
Setting: Season 4
Pairing: Harrison ‘Harry’ Wells x Leanna ‘Lea’ O’Conner
Featuring: One of the best characters on the show, Cisco Ramon!
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The morning everything pretty well. Team Flash was doing their usual work at S.T.A.R LABS. Discussing lunch breaks, new metas they possibly discovered, new experiments to create and plans for the weekend. That was until Harry mentioned friends.
Cisco sat up, “No he’s delusional. That’s because the lack of sleep he’s has been having. Uh, Harry friends are in here!”
Caitlin looked at Barry, who stood there confused, guessing that he’s being sarcastic.
“I got friends other than you guys! You will meet them.” Harry respond, siping his morning coffee.
Cisco gave his second girl a look and asked, “Lea help.”
“I-i know nothing about this.” Lea admitted with her hands up in defense.
“Ramon, believes i don’t got any friends. When i clearly do.” Harry yelled and sighed, typing away on his keyboard, “You told me to go make some friends, right?”
Cisco yelled back, “Yeah but last time i checked, you don’t have any friends besides us!”
Leanna who was tinkering with her tools looked up and nodded, “Yup! I did tell you that. Actually I’m curious to meet your friends, but I gotta hand some paperwork over to Joe first.”
She stood up, giving her boyfriend of 3 years now, a quick kiss on the cheek, in which Harry wraps his hand around her waist pulling her in for one more starling kiss. Clearly he was excited for today.
Cisco and Harry were in the speed lab being introduced to their scientific ragtag team of friends. But it wasn’t what Cisco suspected Harry’s friends to be. One of them even practically threw Cisco Ramon out of the speed lab for being annoyed and offended. Lea walked in, confused onto why her best friend ran out of there but her confusion came to a pause after what she see saw.
There stood right in front of her brown eyes the doppelgängers of Harrison Wells. Not 1, not 2, but 3 Harrison Wells in the speed lab. And if add Harry, that makes 4! In total stood 4 very different variants of Harrison Wells, going from one with gray hair and a turtleneck to one with war general uniform like he just lost an eyeball for God’s sakes.
She didn’t know to laugh at how insane this is or internally whine about this little endeavor being oddly weird for her. But at the same time she was very much integrated into this new situation. She met versions of Wells beforehand but this was completely different. Before she can even say a word or pull together another set of thoughts, when a voice called out to her. More or less a catcall followed by a cheeky whistle.
“Who is this little beauty queen? She’s finer than a flower on a summer morning!” Yelled out a rusty almost burnt blonde Wells in a red rode and slippers.
Lea didn’t realize they were staring at her that moment, quickly fixing her dark gray shirt with tiny daisies scattered all over and dark jacket she borrowed from her friend, Caitlin Snow, earlier that week. She firstly mouth a small “What the fuck?” to Harry as he jogged over swiftly taking her hand with ease. The man was clearly excited about this.
“Honey, come meet my new friend!” He exclaimed holding a grin, returning back to earlier spot but this time with her next to him, “This is Harrison Wolfgang Wells, H. Lothario Wells and Wells 2.0. Men, this is Leanna O’Conner.”
All 3 of them smiled at the lady. Wolfgang Wells stayed wondering his eyes at the brunette, as if he trying to pin point something in particular.
Lea had to just smile politically for the 3 idiots to go sight seeing on her, if allowed. Without a second later the women dragging Harry out into the hallway for a quick chat.
“Harry, honey, what the hell?!” She whispered yelled.
“What the hell? What do you mean ‘what the hell?’?” He whispered yell back.
“Are you out of your mind? Have you officially lost your marbles?!”
“You asked me to make some friends and that’s exactly what I did!”
“When I told you to make friends, I didn’t mean with yourself!”
“They’re technically NOT me! They’re my double hitting doppelgängers from other earths and one of the biggest baddest brightest mind out there.”
“Again! There’s literally 3 of you in that room, all three of them ready to make goo goo eyes at me and oh yeah, one of you is enough but a friend group of Wells that’s just—”
“Sweetie I can handle this. There is nothing to worry about, they’re just charming and intelligent people with different kinds of backgrounds. It’s gonna go great. I promise.”
“You promise? Cause—”
“Lea it’s fine! I got this.”
Once the couple walked back in, Lea announced the plan with Harry, but the second they all heard her voice they looked at her like 3 somewhat trained dogs. Harry had to scuff down a laugh, snorting a smidge.
Sandy hair blonde Wells aka H. Lothario Wells, grinned at her. He found her pretty and said, “Say, gorgeous you got any sisters? Or are you free this Sunday night?”
She blushed chuckling as she shook her head ‘No’ as Harry face them with a glare saying that Lea was HIS girlfriend. So hands off fellas!
Wells 2.0 spoke up, “I had a Lana on my earth…”
“Really? How was I like?” Lea asked, her eyes perked up curious about the answer.
“I wouldn’t know, she died or was it that she left the country? Oh well, i don’t remember! Ladies on my earth aren’t as nice looking as you.”
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The four of them kept talking, mainly Harry and his doubles, Lea just stayed sitting back writing on her iPad a few notes on an old equipment and equations. She listened every once in a awhile to their conversation, walking in and out of the lab to other part of the building or heading down to Jitters for some java.
Blowing a kiss to all 3 copies of Wells as she left. All of them stayed with a loopy and cheeky smiles after that. Harry Wells was the lucky one, he actually got a kiss of the cheek.
Returning with a coffee for her boyfriend, after handing one to Caitlin and Cisco she heard it. “Annie..” said the voice. It belongs to Wolfgang Wells, who staying eyeing her for the moment due stepped into the room in the first place. She rarely heard that nickname tossed around but it been said plenty of times beforehand. Only Cisco or Barry will throw that nickname out.
“That’s Leanna, not Annie, can you believe this guy fellas?” Replied Sandy Wells with a chuckling, figuring his doppelgänger was nuts in the head or something.
“No, Annie O’Conner..” Wolfgang Wells said once again with curiosity and confidence in his tone.
“Yeah he’s right.” Lea confirmed his wording, “Did you know a version of me, on your Earth?”
“My wife.”
“We’re married?”
Harry’s eyes darted towards them, mumbling, “You married a verison of her? When?”
“Yeah but I left her. Too much of a handful.” Wolfgang said with a shrug.
Lea gasped, “HANDFUL? I will have you know that I’m not a handful, you guys are. No offense, Harry..”
Wolfgang snickered, “You sound like her too! I left her cause we fell out of love, she was too uptight and I was too busy to care.”
“But I think still love her very much. Still, love is love. I think we all got a verison of this lady on our earths, right?”
Sandy Wells chuckled, “Mhmmmm! I do. She’s my 2 A.M bootycall. Speaking of which…”
Just like that, blondie wells was gone saying he got business to take care of. Leanna jaw dropped, meanwhile Harry held back a little smile, grabbing everyone’s attention back to the matter at hand.
All 3 men went back to work. But the looks Wolfgang and 2.0 didn’t go unnoticed, glancing at the half Asian brunette every once in a while. Both men saw something in her, and they liked it. Harry had to snap their towards himself instead and looping a hand on his girlfriend’s waist to signify that once again she’s taken!
The men were talking over one another and bickering more often than not about the topic. Honestly it was kinda hilarious.
Cisco walked in soon enough with a smile, “Soo Council Of Wells, how are we doing? Any progress or we just chitchatting about who’s smarter?” 
Leanna chuckled at the last part, because half of it was true.
Harry on the other hand groaned in annoyance, “It’s not going anywhere! We can’t even agree on what method to use.”
“What? You had an entire day.”
“I know! I know!”
“Is it cause Lana is distracting them?”
This time Lea spoke up, “HEY! Right here you know?! First we’re complimenting me, then you’re treating me like a diamond in the rough and now you’re insulting me?! What is it? Leanna Day and I didn’t get the memo?!”
“Well welcome to my life, girlfriend! Theses guys love to do the same thing to me! Ain’t so easy, isn’t it?” Cisco repiled back, tossing her a glare.
“Ohhh, so this is the way your framing this, huh?”
“I guess so, Annie!”
“Cisco I swear—!”
“What?” Harry asked.
“Isn’t there a 3rd one? Isn’t there 3 of—”
He pointed out there was only 2 Wells standing there, not the original 3 from the beginning of the day. Harry was about to say something about it but as if on cue, Sandy haired Wells reappeared with a cheeky grin blabbing on about something.
Sandy turned toward the trio with a smile, “Oh sorry! Had to take care of some off camera business—”
“OHH MY GOD!” Cisco shouted holding a hand, covering whatever it was he didn’t want to see.
This Wells had his pants down, showing everything his mother gave him. Harry tried to looked away, his face accidentally saw it. Leanna just blinked, gasping as she turned around burying his face in her boyfriend’s black shirt.
“What?” Asked Sandy Wells softly , confused.
“I can see your Frank and beans.” Said Wolfgang, looking rather uncomfortable.
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“Come on, now. Do my best thinkin' commando,” Sandy defends himself with a shrug, “Plus, it ain't like we all haven't seen it before. Especially, you little missy.”
“I haven’t seen it!” Cisco yelled, sounding funny and offended by the fact.
He shoots a wink Leanna’s way and she feel like she can’t help but peek her face towards all the men in the room. She saw so much more than clearly expected today! Like Jesus Christ! She rested her head, still sorta hiding her face in her boyfriends shirt.
She didn’t look confident or heroic in that moment.
Harry placed a comforting hand on her head, holding his lady while smiling at her embraced blushing and embarrassment.
Cisco held back a couple of laughs, “Aww! You’re traumatizing the poor girl! But seriously, dude put that away..please.”
Wolfgang agreed with Cisco for once.
“Ah, you Earth Folks. You are so uptight.” Sandy replied pulling up his pants.
“Ah, alright! Can we get back to the take at hand? We need answers.”
Suddenly all men started throwing out suggestions left and right, speaking over one another not allowing Cisco nor Harry to keep a full sentence in.
Lea’s ears were ringing loudly and she groaned in annoyance, “Okay! That’s enough!”
“Enough? We’re just getting started!” Add 2.0 Wells, in which causing another explosion of words being thrown around.
Clearly Harry was losing it having enough of this shit and yelled, “Guys! Guys! Ga—gentlemen!” Grabbing all their attention he continued, “Clearly this isn’t working. And just for the record, it’s not me, it’s you.”
With a simple push of a button, all three holograms disappeared, leaving the trio to themselves.
“This, was a bad idea.” Harry said walking back, placing his hands on his girlfriend’s shoulders whispering, “You okay?”
“It’s like your junk was burnt into my brain.” Cisco answered instead.
“Your welcome.”
Leanna did not answer or add into the previous statement, just walking out with a hand covering her ears silently. Harry and Cisco shared a tired look, figuring something bothered her..
Him and Cisco were talking for a bit, the genius still grumbling about what happened. That he needed to accept the facts and himself, since they are technically his doppelgängers but still. He didn’t truly like it too much.
Until he found her.
Harry found his girlfriend in his lab, scribbling in a notebook wearing her noise canceling headphones, that both him and Cisco carefully crafted her due to her meta human abilities, and playing with her bangs.
He sighed, knowing she was flashed today and practically felt just as insulted as he was. But because Leanna was more of a sensitive soul in the relationship, rather busy lately with Iris’s wedding planning, and helping the team with their issues. Along with the overheating bickering wasn’t probably too pleasant to her ears.
He winced, taking a marker to the whiteboard and tapping it against the clear sided screen. Harry walked over to her, tapping her shoulder and simply asked, “Hey, are you alright?”
“Hm?” She asked, removing her headphone registering what he said and chuckled, “Oh! Yeah honey I’m fine.”
“Isn’t that my line? Lea, honey, what happened? You kinda snapped at them.”
“Yeah well, so did you!…I, uh, umm wasn’t expecting today. Part of me knew something was gonna happen! I felt like I was being pulled left and right. I mean 4 Wells in one room, that’s overwhelmingly surprising and kinda chaotic..no offense.”
“None taken! They are just huge self minded, idiots. Uptight, roughly insulting, snooty and just jerks. I—I didn’t think it would go like that! Hell they flashed you and choose to make eyes at you the whole time. Treated you like you were an prize to be won and be thrown away…no one was paying attention to anything and just talking over one another! Jesus…”
Leanna stayed quiet hearing him rant about how he felt about the situation and the protection his mind created, recognizing things she didn’t notice until now. It made her feel better, knowing that she got the best Wells in the multiverse. All he wanted was to make some more friends and figure out a way to help with his teammates issues.
But instead, he realized that rather became a host and solid choice for a complete conversation than the other guys. He also felt sorta good about himself being one to unlock the door to an O’Conner’s heart unlike his counterpart.
“I uh, don’t take you for granted, you know?” Harry said, with a soft grin.
“I figured as much. You stayed.” She replied with a tired smile.
“Wolfgang had a version of you then lost you, 2.0 Wells was just gah not—the best thing with women and uh, Lothario was something else where uh, you know!”
Lea chuckled and nodded, “Oh I know! I..I know!”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh, “But in all seriousness, Leanna I love you and I’m so sorry you had to deal with that—us, today.”
“I’ve been part of Team Flash for so long, where something like that shouldn’t surprise me but it did. It was chaotic chapter for the books, but I really hope that doesn’t happen again!”
“It better not! I can’t take another moment with those guys. They’re one of the most annoying minds of the multiverse!”
“Harry, honey..”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
She stood up from her chair, wrapped her arms around his middle and looked up at the man gently grinning. He looked down at her, placing a hand on the small of her back, smiled softly confused since she left her second line incomplete.
“For being you! You came to this Earth and took it as it is, trying to help it. And those idiots, didn’t have to FaceTime us but they did. Because you would’ve done the same thing.” She added.
“Of course I’ve would’ve, I kinda like you guys. Especially you and Dr. Snow.” Harry admitted.
“Most importantly, you fell for me. All those other versions of Lea and Wells don’t know what they’re missing.”
“Well, technically, this wasn’t planned. I came to another earth for one goal. But we sorta happened.”
“Do you regret it?”
He leaned down, cupping her cheek a bit, “No.”
“Why’s that?” She asked, leaning in.
“Because it proves my multiverse theory. Every version of you or me, ends up being with an such interesting partner.”
“I love that theory.”
“I know you do.”
Harry closed the space between them, tossing in a few solid pecks of Lea’s waiting lips. A couple of sweet nothings and laughs were thrown into the mix, chatting about getting Big Belly Burger later.
When suddenly..
“Oh come on!”
Came Cisco’s voice, standing at the door with his hands on his hips.
“Seriously? Y’all didn’t need my help making her feel better.” Cisco said.
Lea snorted and smiled, as Harry tossed his friend a playful grin, only ever reserved for Cisco Ramon. 
“We’re heading to Big Belly Burger later, you coming?” asked Lea.
“Oh hell yes!” He replied, replacing the frown with a smile, snatched up his friend from Harry into his arms for a hug and yelling, “She was mine first.”
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story ⚡️
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Welcome Home Baby Brother Pt. 2 (a Queen!Reader x Malcolm Merlyn verse One Shot....PT. 7)
IMAGINE...being the eldest child to Robert Queen, (Being in a relationship with Malcolm Merlyn,) and having dinner for the first time since your baby brother, Oliver, came back from the dead after five, long years.
Word Count: 2,437
Warning: Possible out-of-character canon characters! Spoilers for any readers who haven’t watched Arrow (I guess lol)
A/N: I hope you all enjoy it!
Previous Parts - 1 2 3 4 5 6
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“So, do you plan on telling him about you and Mr. Merlyn?” The question from Thea as the two of you were seated in her room waiting for Oliver to get out of the shower and for dinner to be ready made you flinch and look up from your cell where you had been attempting to do some work for Queen Consolidated while you waited.
You knew that it was going to be brought up, but you had hoped that it would wait until tomorrow.
No. You had no intention of telling Oliver about you and Malcolm. Not only was it something you didn’t know how to bring up, but it was also something that maybe your baby brother didn’t need to know about just yet.
Your gaze fell to your left hand where the diamond ring sat. Malcolm had proposed only a few months earlier during a three-week business trip in France for a joint Queen Consolidated and Merlyn Global business deal. Since then, neither of you had spoken about setting a date or anything to do with a wedding ceremony. A part of you was nervous to bring it up; you didn’t want to make Malcolm feel pressured and didn’t want to somehow, accidentally, bring up memories that would sadden him or anger him by reminding him of Tommy’s mother. The other part of you was nervous to bring it up to Malcolm because…because you weren’t sure you wanted to be married to Malcolm Merlyn. Not right now. Not with Oliver being alive and home and all those suspicions about Malcolm being involved with the Gambit bringing up not anger but dread.
You couldn’t imagine what would happen if that box got opened. You weren’t sure you wanted an answer to whether Malcolm had a hand in your family’s yacht going down.
“Oliver doesn’t need to know about my love life, Thea. There is no reason he needs to be told. Besides, it is probably best that we don’t overwhelm him too much. It’s like…how Mom wants to not bother Oliver with her and Walter just yet. Oliver needs time to settle and adjust. No doubt, he’s hardly at any time to mourn dad or…or even Sara.”
Thea nodded as you spoke and then rolled her eyes saying, “So, you’re scared to tell him?”
How could you not be?
Oliver from five years ago had been an asshole, but he still tried to fight every boyfriend you had ever had.
The last thing you needed was Oliver trying to fight Malcolm the moment he got back to Starling City, not to mention the awkwardness that could pop up between Oliver and Tommy as a result.
Sighing, you stood and brushed a hand through your hair while saying, “Look, I promise that I will tell Oliver, but for tonight lets keep that between us.”
“Us and Tommy, mom and Walter, Raisa, most of Starling City, and…” Thea continued as the two of you walked out from her room and headed downstairs.
She wasn’t wrong. Too many people knew and too many people could let it slip to your brother. But if you were being honest, your biggest concern was Moira. She hadn’t budged even a little on her dissatisfaction toward your relationship with Malcolm, and Moira took every opportunity she could find to try and keep the two of you apart. Even with you now living in Malcolm’s home.
It had been amusing at first, then weird, and then frustrating. It was like there was something she was trying to tell you without telling you.
Like Moira knew something about Malcolm she wanted you to know but couldn’t bring herself to spell it out.
“Tommy!” Thea grinned as she bounded down the last few steps and practically skipped over to where Tommy and Oliver stood, reconnecting in the entryway.
You met the gaze of your brother’s best friend (who just happened to be your fiancé’s son as well) and forced an awkward smile as Tommy greeted Thea. The two of you were on good enough terms, but you also knew each other’s secrets – secrets that neither of you wanted Oliver to know about just yet. It made the situation uncomfortable, and you were kicking yourself for not having spoken openly about it with Tommy before this dinner.
“Well, this is a sight that I have missed.” You finally spoke up, plastering a smile on your lips as you closed the gap between yourself and the others. “And to think Starling City was only just beginning to heal from the terror of Oliver Queen and Thomas Merlyn.”
Most of Starling City probably didn’t care that Oliver had returned. Those who were excited were, of course, your family and Oliver’s party friends.
Still, the thought of having Oliver home meant that there was a chance for some semblance of the familiar. As close to the “good old times” that you could get to with your dad being gone.
“We will try not to do anything too crazy.” Oliver smiled. His voice soft. He sounded sincere, like he truly had zero intention of being his old self, and his eyes held a softness that younger Oliver would have never shown – it would have ruined his party boy persona.
“Make sure you don’t.” you laughed as Risa stepped into the hall announcing that dinner was about to be served.
Thea snorted, “Let’s not keep mom waiting.”
Oliver chuckled at your sister’s attitude and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, teasing Thea about “Making mom happy” as they followed after Risa.
You couldn’t help but chuckle knowing that your stepmother or Walter had sent Risa to “collect” the four of you; no doubt, Moira was having flashbacks from your childhood to when you, Oliver, and Thea would get so caught up in something the three of you had chosen to do together that it would take your father coming home and being “stern” for the three of you to finally come back to reality.
The thought was bittersweet, but you didn’t mind it. You appreciated that you could remember things like that. Over the past five years, there had been plenty of days where memories of your brother and father had been the only thing that helped you get out of bed and get on with your life.
“Hey Y/n,” Tommy hissed, grabbing your arm, and stopping you from following after your brother and sister. He waited for the two of them to be out of earshot before saying, “Listen I just…wanted to make sure we were on the same page about…things. Like, what gets told to Oliver and what can be saved for some other time.”
You knew what he was talking about, and it had nothing to do with you and Malcolm.
It was kind of sweet that Tommy was so concerned about telling Oliver certain things because he wasn’t sure how his lifelong friend would react. It spoke volumes on how much Tommy respected and cherished his friendship with your baby brother.
You whispered his name and offered a small smile as your gaze slipped to your left hand and the diamond engagement ring that sat there. The smart thing would be to remove the ring altogether. After all, if Oliver didn’t see the ring, then he couldn’t ask about it, but you didn’t want to give the impression that you were ashamed of Malcolm and that you wanted to hide your relationship with him.
“I promise that I won’t say anything to Oliver about what you’ve been up to the last five years as long as you don’t say anything about me and your father. I just...I haven’t figured out how to tell Oliver about us yet.”
Tommy stared at you for a long moment, taking in what you had said, and then breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. “Alright, alright. Thank you, Y/n. I…thank you.”
“Any time, Tommy.” And you moved into the dining room to join the others.
While Tommy and Thea sat to either side of Oliver, you chose to sit across from Walter placing Moira (and Oliver) at the head of the table. You didn’t mind as it gave you a chance to speak softly to your stepmother and Walter about Queen Consolidated and it gave Thea the chance to soak up as much of Oliver’s attention and closeness as she desired. Thea needed that. She had been only thirteen when the Gambit went down – life was hard enough for Thea with being in her early teens, the loss of your father and brother hadn’t helped things at all.
Besides, you would have plenty of time to catch up with Oliver.
It isn’t like he’s going anywhere any time soon.
“…I was hoping to swing by the office.” Oliver’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you quickly snapped your full attention in his direction.
“Queen Consolidated?” you laughed, interrupting whatever Walter had been saying as a response to your brother. “You want to go to…how hard did you hit your head while on that island?” you teased while lifting your glass of wine to your lips.
“I had a lot of time to think while I was away.” Oliver smiled, although it didn’t reach his eyes. “I need something to do with my time, and I was thinking, why not make that something the family business?” his blue eyes looked from you to your mother and then back on you, “Unless this is your way of saying you want the company all to yourself?”
“Shut up, brat.” You laughed with a playful roll of your eyes, “I think it’s a brilliant idea for you to have a hand in Queen Consolidated. Dad would want it.”
“Then it’s settled.” Moira was beaming, clearly happy that Oliver had matured enough to show an interest in your family’s business.
You were proud of Oliver as well, but you couldn’t help but wonder what exactly had motivated your baby brother to want to take an active role in Queen Consolidated. Surely, most people who came back from the dead would want to take some time to rest and readjust to life. But Oliver didn’t seem to want to do that.
Actually, that look on his face…it’s determination. He’s home and he has a list of things he plans to do.
But what?
What has happened to you, Olive?
When you were younger, the thing you feared the most was that your baby brother and sister would hate you. That they would grow up and realize how lame you were, and they would then want nothing to do with you.
That morning when you got that call that the Queen’s Gambit had gone down, that your father and brother were lost at sea and presumed dead, you felt so silly for your childhood fears. You knew then that the worst thing imaginable was having those you loved ripped away from you in a moment, in the blink of an eye, without warning.
And now, standing outside with Oliver and avoiding going home to an empty house, you felt that fear in your stomach. Like this was all a dream and that you would wake up, having imagined Oliver being alive, and you would be back in that cold, dark world where your baby brother was gone. Taken from you by fate? A tragic accident at sea? Or…at the hands of unknown enemies.
“So,” Oliver sighed, turning to you with a smile, “When do I get to meet the person who gave you that?” he gestured toward crossed arms, at your engagement ring.
“The wedding?” you shrugged, trying to play it cool at first as you looked anywhere but at him. “It…the engagement is actually pretty new. We don’t have a set date yet.”
“Does mom disapprove?” Oliver asked the question softly, his gaze locked on you so tenderly.
You snorted, “Of course she does. Mom…doesn’t think he’s good enough or me. Which is crazy because he’s a businessman, he’s very successful, and his company actually has a lot of dealings with Queen Consolidated.” Your amusement turned to frustration as you spoke, frowning at your own words and the reminder that Moira could pop off and spill the beans about you and Malcolm at any moment.
“Do I know him?”
Your cheeks flushed at his question, and you found yourself chewing on your bottom lip instead of answering.
Humming, Oliver nodded and leaned toward you, placing a kiss to the side of your head as a sleek, black limo pulled up. “I know that I don’t have to worry about you, Y/n. You’re the smartest out of us all. If you’re sure enough about this guy to marry him, then I will trust you and try to wait patiently for you to introduce me to him.”
“Ollie.” You murmured, eyes filling with tears as you wrapped your arms around him, tucking your face into his shoulder as he returned the hug. “I fucking missed you, Oliver.”
He nodded in agreement, saying “I missed you too, Y/n.”
It took all you had to pull away from him, and it was only after the two of you had agreed to see each other again tomorrow that you finally forced yourself to move away from your baby brother and walk to the limo and Malcolm’s driver.
“Jude.” You nodded, refusing to show your surprise as you stepped past him.
“Miss Queen.” He greeted you with a tilt of his head and a small smile.
Smiling in return, you waved goodbye to Oliver once more before climbing into the limo and letting the door shut behind you.
It was only after you were off your family’s property and Oliver was out of sight that you looked beside you at the man who was supposed to be overseas.
“Darling.” Malcolm hummed, his lips turning upward into that ridiculously charming, crooked smile of his.
“You said…”
Leaning toward you, Malcolm placed a kiss to your lips while murmuring, “You needed me here more.”
Tears prickling in the corner of your eyes, you forced a breathless laugh and pulled away, settling back into the seat. “Thank you, Malcolm.”
“Of course.” He took your hand, placing a kiss to your knuckles, and set it in his lap – seemingly mindlessly playing with the band on your ring finger as he turned to stare out the window, watching the world fly by.
Content and exhausted from the day, you rested your head on his shoulder and let yourself drift off to sleep listening to whatever jazz number Malcolm had chosen for the drive.
I hope you all enjoyed it! And I hope you’re all a sucker for sister!reader x Oliver content as I am lol (Oliver being a brother is so lovely to me 😉 )
The next installment will be reader x Malcolm! Probably a gentle day for them! It won’t be out in the next two weeks as I have other one shots (non-Arrowverse) that I want to finish writing/editing/etcetera.
As always, if you want to show some love, feel free to sent me things through my inbox and I also have a Kofi if you would like to support me in that way!
Please be safe and I hope you are having a good day!
~Atlex Writes!
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Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost × Meta-Reader.
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The last ten years had been an absolute blur. You weren't sure what caused you to end up in a maximum prison but you were there and treated poorly because of it.
You had little sense of what was going on around you. Moments were clear but those moments were few and far between. You suspected it was because your alter ego kept her hands steadfast on the reigns.
"Killer Frost will soon join us but first we you need to push her a little." The speedster spoke and you looked at him with a blank expression. "It's time Blizzard stepped out." He spoke earning a sigh from your alter ego.
"Please don't." Blizzard nearly begged. 'Not my call.' Blaze sighed.
"Do we have a problem Blaze." The speedster stepped closer bit you didn't move. "No." You simply shook your head before turning allowing the speedster to pierce your skin with his suit activating the control chip to adjust to your oncoming cold body temperature knowing this side was harder to control.
He watched as the fire in your hair went out and your hair turned an icy blue colour. "Blizzard." He nodded at you and you stared at him taking a step back. "Savitar." You acknowledged him.
"Your time to shine." He grabbed your arm before he sped you to your needed place.
Standing outside the woman's house you looked over but the speedster was gone.
You sighed and walked over to her house sneaking in through the window then heard her in the shower. You concentrated on the water flowing, keeping the water flowing as you cooled down the rest of the bathroom triggering the woman's alter ego to adapt to the cold and step out more.
You weren't sure how long you'd been out as your usual self making Caitlin Snow more paranoid, pushing her daily by the demands of Savitar. You could sense your alter ego burning to step out again but as you sat drinking your iced coffee you ignored that voice.
"Another iced coffee." The waiter put the glass down and you nodded at her while she took the empty glass. You waited around patiently being sure to avoid the places Savitar told you team flash would be at. But no one made iced coffee like Jitters and frankly being locked up for so long. You couldn't help it.
'You need to get back to the lair!' You heard Blaze making you sigh. "I'm not leaving after I've finished. I'm a person too I deserve a coffe now and then." It was much easier being a bitch towards Blaze as she couldn't do anything unlike Savitar.
'You're incredibly stupid.'
"We're the same person." You sighed taking a gulp of your coffee.
'We are not.' Blaze simply scoffed before leaving you to be once more. "Noisy bitch." You sighed shaking your head.
Arriving at the lair you barely entered when you got slammed against the wall by Savitar. You didn't even bother fighting him.
"Where were you?" He demanded and you sighed. "Drinking an iced coffee." You choked out and he punched you in the gut.
"Blaze come out right now." Savitar said and you gasped shaking your head best you could. "No! Stop please!" You begged but soon the heat began trickling down your spine.
'I warned you Bliz.' Blaze said and you groaned as your skin began burning from her overwhelming heat. "Stop please!" You cried out trying not to flare your cold because you would hurt Savitar and anger him more.
'You know I have to do as he says.' Blaze said but you simply groaned then cried out in pain. "Stop!" You felt yourself slipping as Blaze pushed to take over but not entirely so you could feel her powers burn you up from the inside out.
"I'm sorry!" You cried out before passing out from the heat. Savitar dropped your unconscious body on the floor as Blaze retreated once more so you could heal yourself with your cold powers.
Shackled like a dog. That was your life now. Frost was Savitar's new favourite lacky. Blizzard got hurt and after your most recent torture thanks to Savitar, Blaze couldn't call you back to be Blizzard and that left you useless in his eyes.
You were hiding, running away from Blaze. Avoiding her at all costs. You wished to die but you couldn't, Blaze would go supernova if you did. Same if Blaze would die, you'd go well supernova but with a colder twist to it.
In your mind you ran and hid under your bed which was ironically the bed you'd been sleeping in the past ten years. Blaze had formed much more of your psyche in that time so you were really hiding in her territory.
'Bliz stop running.' You saw her feet and gulped, she then sat down in the doorway.
'I'm sorry for hurting you.' You couldn't see her face but didn't want to risk revealing yourself to her.
'It's either I burn you or Savitar kills you.' She insisted but you stayed quiet slowly turning your back to face her.
'Don't you get it I'm doing this to keep you safe? That's why I always insist on killing. You don't have the stomach or the guts. I know I don't always show it but I'm trying to protect you, I care. It's why I was created.' You slowly turned to lay on your back and look to your side seeing Blaze walking over to the bed then sit down leaning against the bed.
'I'm trying to make the best out of a shitty situation.' She insisted and you sighed softly looking at her hand on the floor seeing the fire in her veins. "You hurt me." You finally spoke after what felt like months of silence.
'You have no idea how much it pains me to forcefully take over your cold body. It stings. I get hurt too. But I know we can -' You gasped when you felt a cold hand on your skin.
'What was that?' Blaze asked touching her cheek. "What?" You got out under the bed standing with Blaze and suddenly you could see out of your eyes. Piercing white eyes staring into yours.
"Back off Snow White." Blaze slapped the woman's hand away.
"I'll burn your hand off." Blaze glared but she seemed unphased. "I'd like to see you try." The woman smirked and you could feel Blaze getting angrier.
"Wanna go princess?" Blaze stumbled up ignoring the shackles clanging. "No. And I'm not a princess." She glared at Blaze while you simply stared amazed by her beauty.
'Easy there keep it in your pants.' Blaze spoke internally making you groan. "For real? Can't I just compliment a beautiful lady?" You asked internally earning a chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Killer Frost demanded and Blaze just grinned. "Blizzard thinks your pretty." You were sure if you were fronting you'd be blushing.
"Your ice friend?" Frost asked and Blaze shrugged. "If you want to call her that." She hummed.
"So there's really two people in there?" Frost asked pointing at your head and Blaze nodded. "Like you and Snow." Blaze said and for a moment you saw her shiny white eyes go brown before flickering white again.
"Idiot! She doesn't know yet!" You yelled internally worried that Savitar would hear.
"What?" Frost asked confused. "Forget I said anything. Stop talking to me." Blaze turned around in the shackles with your back facing the woman.
"Look I'm bored and you spoke first." Frost pointed and Blaze scoffed. "I didn't say anything." You denied turning again.
"You said, “you hurt me”. That's something." Frost countered and you sighed. "Well just ignore me and toss me aside. It's all I'm good for apparently." Blaze snapped and you sighed shaking your head mentally.
"Can I meet your friend Blizzard?" Frost asked peeking your interest but you could practically feel Blaze build the walls higher forcing you back. "Why?" Blaze inquired and Frost shrugged.
"I'm wondering what she's like." Frost simply stated. "She's boring and cold." Blaze snapped.
"One of two things we have in common." Frost said displaying her cold hands holding it out to you. Blaze made a flame in her hand then grabbed Frost's hand but to both your surprise you felt Blaze's scorching heat start to disperse and you got forced to the front until you had taken back control.
"Killer Frost. I'm assuming you're Blizzard." She smirked and you nodded. "Unfortunately you had the pleasantries of meeting Blaze first." You said earning a dry chuckle.
"You're very cold." Blizzard said earning a proud nod from the white haired woman. "Why haven't I met you in the two weeks I've been here?" Frost asked and you bit your tongue wanting to ask the same about her counterpart and against your better judgement you asked anyway.
"I could ask the same about your less frosty side." You stated earning a glare from the woman who pushed you against the wall icicle against your neck and in an instant Blaze came out melting the icicle. "Careful princess, you want to hurt Bliz you have to get through me first." Blaze glared placing a burning hand on her chest over her heart.
"Don't forget, I already did." Frost raised a snarky brow. "Fool me once." Blaze said before you heated up your body sensing her cold presence begin to fade so you stopped not wanting more trouble from the big boss.
"I see you've finally found your fire again, Blaze." Savitar said and you looked over at the speedster who stepped out of his suit walking over to you.
"Is Blizzard still scared to come play?" Savitar asked again and Blizzard panicked looking over at Frost who knew she'd gotten you out but luckily she stayed quiet. "She'll come out when she's needed." Blaze said and he nodded before taking off the shackles.
"Go with Killer Frost. You're gonna kidnap Cecile to get Tracy so Killer Frost can kill her." He said and Blaze looked over at Frost who wore a blank expression on her face.
"Blizzard will play nice. Don't you worry." Blaze said to the speedster who nodded then left. "Killer Frost is in charge." He spoke before disappearing.
"So far you're our element of surprise. Speed and cold don't mix so Blizzard will be more helpful. I don't know if your heat will contradict my ice and I'm not taking another chance." Frost said as you walked to the CCPD where you cleared the DA's office of people so Frost could grab her.
At Joe's house you waited out of sight for Frost to do her part and at the warehouse you hid in the other room knowing Cisco would hide in the rafters so you planted a bomb to smoke him out of his spot.
"This is my job. Don't come out until I say to." Frost demanded and Blaze scoffed but agreed staying put.
"We're a family." The Flash's words rung in your head over and over. Frost has family, why would she do this to them?
'Don't over think. It's how you get soft.' Blaze said. "Why would she fight them? I would kill for a family." Blizzard countered.
'Maybe they're not so good.' Blaze tried lying to get you to focus on the mission. "They're fighting to keep her safe and a live. I wish I had that." Blizzard said sadly.
'You have me.' Blaze snapped. "You know what I mean!" Blizzard snapped back.
"Frost!" You called out seeing her knocked on the ground. You ripped the control from Blaze and busted through the wall freezing Flash and the exit Joe took then blasted Cisco back while running to stand over Frost.
You created ice spikes to keep them at bay. "Who are you?" Flash demanded after he broke free from your ice. "No one." You simply said. You knew in the end you'd be lost to history with no one to remeber you. Your future was as lonely as your past.
"Hand over Caitlin and I won't hurt you." Cisco said and you flicked your wrist causing icicles to shoot out of the already made barried causing them to jump. "I don't answer to the likes of you Vibe." Your voice was echoing in a similar way to Frost's, this only happened when you were working your cold powers harder than usual.
"Are you some evil sister we never knew of? Why didn't I ever meet you?" Vibe asked and you glared at him. "You're long gone when I first learn about you." You said making him stop.
Savitar appeared standing behind you now with Frost between the two of you. You stayed silent knowing he probably had something to say and low and behold he did. He took you with Caitlin back to the lair slamming you into a wall.
"Why didn't you cover her?" He growled and you closes your eyes struggling to breathe. "I didn't give her the signal to intervene." Killer Frost spoke up making Savitar turn and look at her.
"She was only following her orders." Killer Frost said making the speedster drop you and speed away. You stayed on your hands and knees gasping for air holding your throat freezing the bruising skin to ease the burning sensation.
You looked up grey eyes meeting white ones. You wanted to say thanks but you were too scared to talk. Frost could see it in your eyes, you were thanking her and she could swear she felt her cold heart melt but she ignored it walking over to you helping you stand.
"What happened back there?" She asked in a hushed voice. "Savitar is strong. I don't stand a chance." Your voice was hoarse.
"I meant before that. It's like you weren't even there." She raised a brow. "I couldn't think straight. It's hard with two voices talking at the same time." Blizzard gave her half the truth not wanting to drop Blaze in trouble.
"Get your voices under control." She said before walking off and you could swear you saw her smirking.
'Blizzard I'm serious shut up!' Blaze tried silencing the ice Meta.
"You're gonna kill her?" Blizzard asked Savitar who glared at you and you couldn't help but gulp. "You have a problem?" He inquired not noticing Killer Frost behind him.
"It's just she didn't do anything. I thought Flash was your enemy." Blizzard said backing up until your back hit the wall he punched you in the gut making you double over. "He is." Savitar grabbed your hair pulling your head to the side before stabbing you in the neck reactivating the chip and bringing Blaze out and shoving you to your knees.
"You have until midnight to get me Ramon." Savitar said to a kneeling Blaze who nodded before he sped off.
"Want me to help you?" Frost asked and you stood up walking over to her staring at her. "You don't help Blizzard when she's being man handled. Why offer to help now?" Shoving past her Blaze made sure to burn the meta's jacket before flying away to go do her job.
Blaze showed no mercy toward the Meta. Using his weakness against him and aiming at people to distract him. And before Flash could even show up you grabbed him in a headlock.
"Don't think I won't kill your friends to help Savitar achieve his goals." Blaze warned as she melted the earpiece he had. "Why? Because you're his new lacky?" Vibe asked and you scoffed.
"Because my life depends on it." Blaze walked Cisco to the lair and held him captive staring him down until Savitar approached shoving you to the side.
"You're going to help me." Savitar spoke to the hero.
You sat one side watching Cisco work and then see Frost approach. You stepped closer not wanting her to screw up.
"Let her talk to her family Blaze." Blizzard mentally pleaded. 'I'm not going to pay the price for her doubts.' Blaze snapped.
"I will."
"Let her be. I will take the damage."
'You'd take a beating just for princess to get her family back?'
"Yes." Blizzard answered making Blaze sigh.
"Who's your multi-talented friend?" Cisco asked pointing at you and Frost chuckled. "She's hell of a lot more interesting then you losers." Frost said and Blizzard smiled at her words.
'Stop being so soft.' Blaze scolded.
"Why because she's pshyco like you pretend to be?" You jumped down at his words making him flinch. "Wanna say it to my face?" Blaze asked heating the room purposely to make him sweat.
"Stop." Frost put a hand on your shoulder much to Blaze's dislike cooling you down. "We need him alive." She said and you nodded before standing next to Frost.
When Savitar came back you flinched and walked to the other side of the room watching as Frost went to kill Vibe. Blizzard wanted to stop her but Blaze forcefully kept fighting for control forcing you to your knees and in the short time Cisco escaped.
"Let's go." Savitar grabbed you and Frost then sped to the edge of the forest. You and Frost stood ready for demon looking Black Flash.
Once he got out Blaze shot fireballs to draw him closer to Frost who then froze him and made him shatter into pieces. You and Frost then shot Savitar with some speed force gun or something and afterwards a battle ensued.
You faced off against Gypsy and Vibe with Killer Frost although you were far too distracted trying to keep Frost safe and battling yourself.
"Blaze please stop!" Blizzard begged.
'Now is not the time!'
"Don't hurt them! They're Frost's family!"
'They think we're the bad guys. What do you think will happen when they win?'
"We won't be a punching bag anymore!" That sentence made Blaze lose focus and get blasted unconscious.
"I didn't do anything!" You called out in a fruitless attempt to be free.
"Will you please stop?" Blizzard asked tiredness clear in her voice even if only internally. 'They operated on us then locked us up. We have no recollection of the past few months doesn't that bother you!?' Blaze snapped making Blizzard sigh.
"I am freaked out. And scared. But I'm also extremely tired from you screaming constantly and punching the door constantly. I can't heal us and our hands are bleeding so please just stop. For once just stop." Blizzard begged nearing a breakdown. 'I can't stop.' Blaze sighed.
"This power dampeners is making it harder for me to stay awake. I can't fight to stay awake and heal us." Blizzard said again. 'Then stop trying to heal us.' Blaze snapped.
"I can't do this anymore." Those were the last words Blaze heard Blizzard say. It was eerily quiet in their shared mind and it was very lonely too. Enough to push her closer to the edge.
Caitlin returned and only after coming clean on Killer Frost. After Cisco's comment. "If only the other one bad such a cool personality." Then it clicked to Caitlin that the woman she imagined in her moments of clear mind wasn't an illusion.
"Where is she?" Caitlin asked earning a raised brow. "Who?" Iris asked confused.
"The woman who was with Killer Frost?" Caitlin asked and Cisco took her down to the pipeline opening the door.
Once she came into view Caitlin felt her heart break, the woman sat with copper streaks in her hair no visible flame on her head as she stared blankly at them.
"Blizzard?" Caitlin asked cautiously. "You killed her! I remember everything! You're supposed to be the heroes!" Blaze snapped jumping up at the man making Cisco flinch.
"What?" Caitlin looked at her best friend. "I didn't kill anyone." He shook his head.
"She's gone because of you. It's quiet. I can't hear anything." Blaze looked and sounded like a madwoman but Caitlin knew better.
"Leave us please." Cisco frowned at his best friend wanting to object but got interrupted.
"Don't let me down Frost." Caitlin whispered before giving over to her alter ego who smiled upon seeing the familiar face.
"Blaze?" She frowned noticing your bruised hands and empty eyes. Unlocking the door she could practically feel the heat pouring out of the cell but she stood firm.
"Please I don't want to go back." Blaze shook her head staying inside the cell. "Savitar is dead." Frost said and she could see the fire returning to those copper coloured eyes.
"And where were you?" Blaze asked bitterly her voice hoarse from screaming. "I had to work on being a team player." Frost shrugged.
"Good for you. While you were playing Guru Frost and Snow I was locked up. All alone. The food here is crap." Blaze snapped at the woman who sighed and walked closer sitting against the open door of the cell.
"It doesn't sleep too bad though." Frost said earning a raised brow from the other woman. "Been there didn't get the shirt." She teased but got no response from the woman making her turn around and look at the woman who was just staring.
"Blizzard was right, you are pretty." Blaze said almost reluctantly.
"Can I talk to her?" Frost asked making you scoff.
"I haven't heard from her in six months. For all I know she's dead. Because of your hero friends." Blaze said sadly and to her surprise Frost pulled her into a hug emitting more cold to cool Blaze down and even if it took all her energy to do so she let Caitlin take over once Blizzard was awoken once again.
"Blaze?" You immediately spoke up looking around seeing Caitlin stand with you. 'I'm here.' Blaze answered after a moment.
'It's good to hear your voice again.' Blaze admitted. "Who's going soft now?" The teasing got interrupted.
"So you're Blizzard?" You looked at the brunette who you had seen but never met. "I'm Caitlin Snow." Caitlin held her hand out watching you stare at her hand before taking it in yours looking up into her warm eyes, ones you'd seen only for moments before Frost took back control.
"You can call me Y/n." You said and she smiled shaking your hand gently yet firmly.
"We never met." You noted and she smiled again making your cold heart melt.
"Frost had the pleasantries of meeting you first." Caitlin said making you chuckle remembering those as your own words.
"Would you like to go get some proper dinner? Blaze said the food was bad." Caitlin offered making you smile. "Jitters has great iced coffee." You said making her chuckle.
"Let's go." You stepped out of the cell taking a deep breath feeling an odd sense of relief wash over you. You hadn't been free in so long you had forgotten what it felt like, first it was mind control then it was being locked up.
"You good?" Caitlin asked seeing you pause almost immediately. "I forgot what it's like being your own person. Being able to make your own choices." You said not seeing the sad smile Caitlin had.
You let out a short laugh at the overwhelming feeling then pulled Caitlin into a tight hug which she reciprocated even if caught off guard.
"I think we should get iced coffees to celebrate." You suggested and she nodded as you began walking out of S.T.A.R. Labs again.
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akariamai · 1 year
Glitch [Part 2]
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Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
Pairing: Tommy Merlyn x reader
Word Count: 1088
Tommy Merlyn hurriedly got ready to leave your condo for dinner at the Queen’s household. His best friend, thought by the world to have been lost at sea, was found alive. Oliver Queen clung to life as his father’s yacht sank beneath the treacherous and unforgiving waves of the ocean. He learned to survive alone on an island fraught with danger for five long years. Tommy knew his friend, the person untouched by the current situation, would not be the same. He knew Oliver would be a changed man but so was he. He would still lend a hand to his friend and be patient and understanding. He would lend an ear if Oliver wished to speak about those years but never push for information. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” It was not the first time he had asked you. The first came right after the call he received from Moira Queen. An invitation celebrating the survival and return of her son. A family affair. You refused to intrude such an event. You had no connections to Oliver Queen before the accident. He was merely a celebrity on the television. 
“I don’t think it’ll be a good idea.” You nodded confident of your resolution. Oliver Queen did not need to be overwhelmed with an unfamiliar face at his dinner table. Five years away from society and people is already enough to fathom. Having to learn to adapt in a world that had moved on without your absence was unimaginably incomprehensible. To be able to see the scars left after your supposed death could not be easy to swallow. Unthinkable, really. Adding an additional change probably wouldn’t be beneficial to his healing. Oliver needs time to adjust before anyone other than his friends or family waltz into his life however, you did understand where Tommy was coming from. He wanted support from his significant other as it was all too ponderous. 
Disappointment spread throughout his ridiculously handsome face before disappearing entirely. He nodded in acceptance, “Alright.” He made his way over to you, giving you a hug before placing a kiss on your forehead, “I’ll let you know when I make it home.” Starling City, while was home for the two of you, was also a dangerous place to live. You had learned the hard way and now place measures to ensure each others’ safety. 
In the early stages of your relationship, upon leaving his place in the dead of night, a random car intentionally rammed into yours, speeding away from the crime scene, leaving you unconscious and hurt before help arrived. You were told you were lucky someone had found you that night. Your injuries were extensive to put it bluntly. You would not have survived if it wasn’t for that passerby. Tommy, unaware of what had occurred, was notified of the situation the next morning and felt nothing but fear and guilt. 
The accident had left scars within your relationship. Embedded fear into your hearts of not being able to hold the other in the morning after. It left you with everlasting night terrors of that night. Continuously creeping into your dreams and scaring you awake. Tommy would stay at your place, holding your trembling body as he whispered sweet nothings in an attempt to soothe you. 
He helped you overcome your fears of being inside a car again. Your body remembered the accident all too well. Memories of the night would come flooding back, ultimately shutting down your body into a blubbering mess. He stayed by your side the entire time when he could’ve left. You wouldn’t have faulted him for leaving. You were in shambles but he helped bring order back into your life. 
You kissed his cheek and flashed him a gentle smile, “Have fun and be careful.” Horrific scenarios always tried to engulf your thoughts whenever he was out of your sight. Flashes of him bleeding out in a disfigured and wrecked car lingering in the back of your mind. These feelings of dread and fright were a byproduct of your accident and remedy your emotions. Calls from unknown numbers, during the time Tommy is away, raises your worries. 
He closed the door behind him as he left, leaving you alone with your thoughts, and you began to preoccupy yourself. You loved cooking, the negative thoughts swimming within your mind quiets, and you lose yourself within the intricacies of making dinner. In the background, a cheesy romance movie played on your TV. Occasionally, you would watch as you waited. Internally keeping track of the clock for you to finish cooking. 
Once dinner was finished you made yourself a plate and proceeded to finish watching the movie. Laughing at the ridiculous moments and crying towards the very end. The commercials left you alone with your thoughts, slowly spiraling, and was interrupted by your ringtone ringing. It left you with a different feeling, more anxious that something could’ve happened to Tommy, and you picked your phone checking the caller ID.  
It was Tommy and you sighed in relief for a moment before answering. “Hello.” Tommy usually left you a text message in case you were busy washing the dishes or taking a shower. You wondered what made him change his routine. 
“Hey!” He enthusiastically began, “I came up with a brilliant idea... but I wanted to run it by you first.” You remained quiet. “I want you to meet Oliver. The two of us could prepare dinner for him at my place. I want him to see the person who managed to set me straight.” He laughed towards the end, reminiscing his time as a playboy. 
Tommy asking you to meet his best friend was tremendously important to him and for yourself. While you had not met his father yet, Tommy had hinted his relationship with his father was staggering at best. Oliver is like a brother to him. You wanted to give Oliver time to adjust to the modern world before springing your relationship onto him but if he agreed then you saw no problem with introducing yourself. 
“Only if he agrees.” You didn’t want to do anything that would make Oliver uncomfortable. You were sure Tommy wouldn’t either. 
“Great!” His voice slightly rose in pitch, “I’ll ask him after dinner tomorrow and make sure my kitchen is stocked with whatever we’ll need... if he agrees of course.” You hummed in agreement. “I can’t wait for the two of you to meet! He’ll love you almost as much as I do.”
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Hey guys!
I had a really slow day today and didn't manage to do anything than lying around and reading fanfiction.
I will try to work on some requests again today. I have 24 to work on currently so that certainly won't get boring.
If you want to request something feel free to do that! Currently I'm interested in ATSV, DC and the Grishaverse!
Already excited to post some stuff again :D
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deelovesbooks · 3 months
i cannot for the life of me remember who's the guy with the yellow and black mask on the island. It's not Slade right he's got a different mask red and black?
0 notes
vicontheinternet · 2 years
Title, the end of a burning world
Pairing, n/a
Synopsis, They lost Laurel, but sometimes Thea felt like she was the only one who mourned her.
0 notes
kitkatt0430 · 2 months
Something that's been rattling around for some years now...how exactly would Slade have reacted if it had been Oliver who was the one killed by Ivo? How would that have rippled out into the Arrowverse? Would the Undertaking have succeeded or would a Mirakuru enhanced Slade along with Sara and Shado - presuming they also managed to survive the Island - have managed to get to Starling anyway, if they'd managed to retrieve The List?
I had not considered this kind of AU before but now you are giving me ideas... ^_^
So I do think Slade would still have reacted really badly. Honestly, I think the only death out of the trio he wouldn't have reacted badly to while hopped up on Mirakuru is Sara because he didn't know her well enough. But while Slade was in love with Shado, he'd still come to care a great deal about Oliver despite Oliver sleeping with Shado. (Oliver still in the 'cannot do relationships that aren't super messy' stage of his life, it's still hilarious to me that his relationship struggles on the 'present' day part of the show are still improvements on his past relationship screw ups.)
Slade would probably handle things a bit better at first, but much like how canon Slade started hallucinating Shado in his anger/grief over her death, I think he'd start to see Oliver as the representative of the Mirakuru anger/paranoia/mental instability it induces and he'd still wind up become a problem that Shado, Sara, and Ivo's prisoners have to deal with after Ivo himself is killed.
Rewind a bit to the moment of Ollie's death. He's still put on the spot by Ivo, who is a rapist and misogynist and all around piece of shit. Ollie can't choose who lives and who dies. At least not between Shado and Sara. So Oliver says "me. Shoot me" and Ivo does it. He thinks it'll be easier to keep two women in check anyway, he doesn't know that Shado's a badass and that killing Oliver in front of Sara (after threatening to kill her first) is gonna be the snapping point for his 'docile lab assistant/rape victim'.
For drama, Oliver's death isn't immediate. He's shot in the chest maybe? Somewhere where he has just long enough to make a dying declaration, passing on the List and what little he knows about it to Sara and Shado. I think Sara would hang on to it, but it could honestly go either way.
Events would then play out similarly to how they did in canon. Except I think Shado would be more willing to take the chance that the cure would work on Slade. She just lost Oliver and despite Slade probably physically assaulting her in his growing anger... she doesn't want to lose Slade again to. She knows she's losing him to the Mirakuru but as long as he's alive there's a chance of saving him.
Of course, we don't really know if this iteration of the cure was correct or not. It looks superficially like the cure Caitlin and Cisco come up with years later but it wasn't developed off the real Mirakuru serum. Ivo made it based off his faulty, bastardized version of Mirakuru.
So this could go one of a few ways. It works, Slade returns to normal, he has to come to grips with his behavior over the last few days and the way he threatened Shado, but it's better than having to live with years of hurting people in a mentally altered state and then having his sanity forced back on him to have to live with it.
Or it doesn't work, it doesn't have any effect, and Shado has to kill him and she's more effective at it than Ollie was at that point in time. So Slade dies. Or maybe she's not more effective because she does return Slade's feelings after all but found Oliver more approachable of the two for a casual relationship. She can't bring herself to be as brutal as necessary to kill someone with Mirakuru, assumes Slade drowns, and instead Slade's attraction turns into a burning hatred that focuses on Shado and her sister down the line.
Or the cure reacts badly to the OG Mirakuru and it kills Slade stone dead and Shado has to live with the fact that her attempt to save him was what killed him.
I favor the Slade lives but is still Mirakuru Man option, but all of these scenarios are really interesting ideas to explore and there are probably more variations that could be considered. These were just the big ones that stood out to me immediately.
If Sara still washes up where Nyssa finds her - Sara still in possession of the List because it's all she's got left of Oliver - then this of course complicates things. A lot. Canonically Sara doesn't go back until after the Undertaking, but I could see the List burning a hole in her pocket, as it were. The League offers her a chance to develop her skills, but she's basically saying screw you to Oliver's memory if she hooks up with League permanently.
While Sara is dealing with League bullshit, Shado would take Oliver's place in washing up in Hong Kong. But I honestly don't see ARGUS being interested in her the way they were with Oliver. Oliver was useful because he was considered dead already, amongst other reasons. But Shado wasn't missing that long comparatively and is able to return to her life as a pre-med student and reunites with her sister Mei.
It takes some doing, but Shado is able to transfer to a school in Starling City to complete her pre-med education abroad. There she's able to track down the Queen's easily and the Lances only slightly less so.
She makes an appointment with Moira first and while she doesn't have the List, Shado does have Oliver's picture of Laurel which proves to Moira that Shado is telling the truth. It's a sanitized version of the truth, but Shado basically tells her that Shado met Oliver when she was kidnapped and brought to an island off of the China coast and used to blackmail her father into behaving. Oliver was there, someone her father had been mentoring to survive, and he'd been entrusted with protecting Shado. And he'd done so with his life. Probably vaguing things so that Ivo sounds like he's part of the group that murdered her dad, leaving out Sara and Slade entirely, and crying rather than being specific about Oliver's death because there are some things Moira doesn't need to hear. Shado is able to confirm Robert Queen's death too, which maybe gives Moira the push she needs to move on with Walter if she hasn't already.
Shado's visit with the Lances goes differently in that she's telling them that Sara might actually still be alive. Oliver's photograph of Laurel is once again Shado's ticket to being believed, which she gives to Laurel. She explains again how she knew Oliver, but actually brings up Sara here and Ivo being someone who both rescued and abused her. She probably still leaves out Slade and connects herself and Sara being lost at sea again to Ivo's death after Oliver's murder.
I think Quentin would probably still think Sara was dead despite Shado's earnest belief that Sara was strong and survived, but he'd greatly appreciate Shado telling him about his daughter and offer to be someone she can count on like family while she's in the states. Laurel - and definitely Dinah - would take hope that Sara is alive and will come back to them eventually, however.
Shado probably also got back into contact with Anatoly and some of the other survivors of the island, though not to the degree that Oliver did. Instead, Shado starts looking into what she remembers of the List immediately, setting herself up as the vigilante the Hood years before Oliver would have. She can only remember a few names from the List but she also knows that if Robert Queen had one then it stands to reason Moira might have one or at least that Robert had a backup.
So her first point of order is to get her hands on a copy of the List. She targets one of the names she remembers first, and while Shado can prove he's a shitty person by the time she's done and the guy goes to jail, she's SoL on the List. Shado turns to breaking and entering, sneaking into the Queen's home while they're out one day and there she eventually strikes paydirt, finding a little book that looks just like the one Ollie gave Sara. It's blank, but it's got the symbol of the Undertaking stamped in it, so Shado takes it and books it. Moira probably assumes Malcolm took it and the two have some bitchy power plays that eventually settles back into a frigid status quo.
Meanwhile, back at the League. Sara's got a mission already. The List. Fulfilling Ollie's last wish, to right the wrongs Robert Queen was part of. But she's also got a cute girl and her long-lived assassin-leader father to contend with. I can see her making a deal with Ra'as, who clearly does not approve of Nyssa's attraction to Sara. Train her, use her, and let her be a distraction for Nyssa for a while. When he tires of Sara, let her return to her old life as a sleeper assassin should he have need of her.
Honestly, it's not a bad deal for Ra'as because it gets Nyssa out of his hair for a while as he figures out who he's going to betroth her to. (Let his daughters marry for love or accept that one is a lesbian? Ra'as? Nope, he's not doing that.) Sara, of course, falls in love with Nyssa, but what's a girl to do? She knows better than to think she can save Nyssa from Ra'as, and so in a few years when he decides Nyssa's infatuation with Sara is getting to be too much of a distraction instead of just enough of a distraction, Sara returns to Starling City. She feels woefully unprepared to return because she's an assassin now and her family deserves better than her.
But still. She has her mission and she's gonna fulfill it. So Sara gets 'rescued' somewhere in maybe India or the Middle East and returns home.
All this time, Shado has been using the List 2.0 to figure out what the hell Robert Queen was involved in. She's become a local hero, no longer the Hood but the Green Arrow. With Laurel's non-vigilante-as-of-yet help after shenanigans. Tommy's too, he's the financial backer until he gets cut off but this Tommy planned ahead and had some money squirreled away in his name, maybe some stocks (including some STAR Labs stock that's lucrative right now but'll bite him in the butt come a couple more years), and a night club set up atop the arrow cave as a nod to Tommy and Oliver's childhood dream of running one together. Maybe Shado even got to name it Verdant, or maybe it's named something else entirely.
When Sara shows up, I think she'd confide in Shado about what happened to her but on the promise that Laurel never finds out. Sara would take up as the Canary and help try to stop the Undertaking too. Malcolm is, unbeknownst to them, the bad guy they're trying to stop.
Since Oliver was the connection that brought in Dig and Felicity, they're having relatively normal lives. Tommy's been learning to use a bow from Shado since he doesn't want her out there alone - Sara showing up and being her backup is a big relief for him. There's probably some Tommy/Laurel going on with Shado having bad luck with relationships - men and women alike. So maybe some Shado/Sara while Sara mourns leaving Nyssa behind and Shado is well aware this is more of a friends with benefits thing.
I could see this team up discovering that Malcolm is the Dark Archer and the mastermind behind the List - the Undertaking - eventually. Likely when Malcolm brings - successfully this time around - Tommy into his panic room for some reason. Tommy would have to essentially be undercover as himself trying to figure out what's going on and while I don't think they'd find the second bomb in time, I think they'd at least learn about it a little earlier. They'd still defuse bomb #1 and save a lot of lives. Tommy and Laurel would both survive, though they'd be evacuating as many people from the Glades as they could. Moira probably wouldn't fare as well in the aftermath, though, without Oliver to convince her to do the right thing at the last minute. Though perhaps Tommy gets through to her?
Of course, they'd have a lot of different issues from canon to deal with. Shado would have to worry about her student visa and transitioning from pre-med into a rigorous medical degree course that probably meant she was very slow about targeting the List compared to Oliver going after a new villain every week. She'd also likely be trying to gain citizenship in order to stay in the life she'd made for herself there, which would be easier for her than some given her lawyer friend Laurel helping out. And the power of being the protagonist.
Obviously it could all play out as a worst case scenario - Shado stays in Hong Kong with her sister, Sara doesn't return until after the Undertaking, and Tommy dies saving his girlfriend Laurel.... but I like the idea that in spite of a nail, there would still be a Green Arrow in Starling City.
Of course, if Slade survived and is still Mirakuru Man, then it could be the Undertaking that brings Starling City, and thus Shado, back into his crosshairs. This would also wind up dragging Mei into the middle of things, because I could see Slade going after her to bait Shado. And perhaps as a side plot, Tommy learns that Thea is his sister and that Malcolm is still alive. Despite Moira's protests, I could see Tommy recognizing what would protect Thea from Malcolm most is knowing the truth. And he'd tell her.
Honestly... I don't see Moira and Thea's relationship ever recovering in this timeline. Maybe they get back on good terms one day, but Thea's never close to her again. Thea has Walter and Tommy and that's all the family she wants or needs.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 3 months
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Both are extrememly talented inventors who bring joy into the lives of those around them. One even took a bee for the other. But do you like to see the two together romanitically, see them more platonically, or rather not see the two toghet at all?
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jackiequick · 1 year
Your in love, aren’t you? • The Flash Fanfic ⚡️
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HR Wells and Lea O’Conner One Shot | The Flash Fanfic ⚡️
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“HR your in love, aren’t you?” Lea asked with a grinned, standing in front of the taller man.
“W-what? Me? Me in love? Noooo!” HR tried to defend himself but his eyes said otherwise.
One thing that every Wells they met so held strongly was their eyes and mannerisms. It’s one thing she noticed the 3rd time around with The Wells crew, as much as Harry likes to deny him ever being compared to the others, it was clearly there.
“HR. I can see it in your face and your hand gestures today, matter a fact this whole week.” Lea pointed out with her hands on her hips.
“Maybe.” HR admitted with a goofy grin on his face, “Okay, I am in love!”
“Ooo who’s the pretty girl?”
“Yes it’s her!”
HR was grinning and started to blush a bit. It was the cutest thing, rarely do you ever see a Wells blush. Grin like an idiot, yes. Blush? No. Lea started grinning brightly at the sight. HR was one of kindness and most sweetest people she knows, of course Tracy would go out with him.
“I just don’t know how to woo her.” HR admits with a smile fidgeting with his drumsticks a bit.
Lea sat down and nods, “What do you mean? HR, honey, all you gotta do is ring in that classic Wells charm.”
“How, flower? I-I don’t know how women on Earth 1 like to woo..”
“Awwww! First off, if she likes you back then Tracy has great taste in men. And secondly, buy her a small bouquet of flowers and a size small of favorite coffee.”
“Ohhh! I can add a little custom note, like a poem.”
“There you go! Use that writer brain of yours HR. Your a Wells, your clever than anyone.”
HR grinned brightly bouncing up from his chair and with a flicker of his wrist placed his hat on his head. Always a flare for the dramatically sweet moment. Lea laughed a little, practically seeing his gears turning in his head. Always happy to help a friend like him.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much, flower! I know excited what I’m going to do!” HR yelled excitedly and pulled her into a adorable embrace, placing a kiss of her forehead always grateful for his friends.
She laughed hugging him back tightly, knowing all he needed was a small push. “Your welcome, HR! Now go on before it’s too late, it’s 2:31pm already!” Lea replied with a smile.
“R-right! I’m going now, don’t tell anyone okay?”
“Of course not. Theses lips are sealed, I won’t tell a soul.”
“Promise? At least until I tell Cisco.”
“I won’t tell anyone, HR.”
The writer of Team Flash left with a grin, not before grabbing his black jacket and almost stumbling out the door in excitement. Once she was sure he was gone, she smirked with a dazzling look in her eyes.
“I’mma go tell Caitlin.” Lea said with a cheeky smirk to herself and raced off to the top floor.
⚡️ Thank you for reading this short one shot. I hope you enjoy it!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @yetanotherwells @drspencereidhotch @gcthvile @blueboirick @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @morgan108 @topgun-imagines @ohgodnotagainn @blackheart-beauty @rooster-84 and etc
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Malcolm Merlyn x Queen!Reader Pt. 5
IMAGINE…it’s Moira and Walter’s wedding day, people aren’t as oblivious to your “thing” with Malcolm as you previously believed they were, and after (nearly) two years, you and Malcolm take a step further in your relationship.
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this! I’m so excited about getting to events that take place during the first two (ish) seasons of Arrow! ALSO, I such at summaries sooo sorry for the “imagine” line above.
Pt. 1 2 3 4 6 7
WARNING: None, possible ooc!Malcolm Merlyn
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Moira and Walter’s wedding ceremony was beautiful. Breathtaking even and you could do nothing but grin like an idiot next to Thea, both of you shedding tears of happiness (and some sadness as Oliver wasn’t alive to be there as well).
The reception was held at your family’s estate and thankfully the weather remained warm and sunny.
“…welcome, thank you for coming.” You and Thea stood under the arch that led to the designated reception area, greeting the guests.
With everyone you smiled at and thanked for coming, your nerves intensified. You knew the Merlyns were invited; they had been at the church after all. You just had no idea where in line they were. There were at least four hundred guests (six hundred at most).
“I am very glad mom went with blue for us. Can you imagine us in the pink?” Thea grumbled in between guests. She was growing impatient – no doubt your fifteen year old sister was ready to mingle with whichever of her friends had shown up.
You couldn’t argue with her; the baby pink dress had been…questionable. No way would Thea have worn it without a fight, and there was no way it would have looked as good as your step-mother had believed at the time.
“Thank you for coming. It means so much to us,” you smiled, hugging a few women you knew were companions of Moira.
And then you caught sight of Malcolm and Tommy. They were six people back, dressed in black with near matching ties (no doubt, Tommy had been coerced into wearing his by something fast and expensive).
Soon enough they were standing in front of you with Thea giggling Tommy’s name and hugging him while you greeted the CEO of Merlyn Global.
He was grinning, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he stepped toward you.
Your breath caught and you could do nothing but say his name, a nervous smile tugging at your lips.
“Y/n,” Malcolm said your name with amusement as he leaned forward and kissed your cheek as you placed a hand to his chest, grabbing at his shirt as if you were struggling to remain on your feet. “You look stunning,” he added, the hot air of his breath hitting your ear as he began to pull away.
Dropping your hand from his chest and reminding yourself that the two of you weren’t alone no matter how much the feelings you had for him always made you forget you weren’t the only two people on Earth, you teased with a laugh, “Save your compliments for the bride, Mr. Merlyn. Although Walter might forgo his poshness if you’re too friendly.”
Malcolm’s blue eyes held yours and for a moment you weren’t sure if he was going to be suggestive about the secret affair the two of you had or if he would simply go along with you, finally he said, “We wouldn’t want that.”
God he’s so attractive…
Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest and you could hear all the noise around you disappearing, your existence narrowing to Malcolm and only him.
“…why don’t I show Tommy to your table?” Thea’s voice brought you crashing back to reality and your head snapped in her direction, confusion momentarily crossing your face as you watched her wrap an arm around Tommy’s, “I’m so bored.” Your sister mumbled, silently pleading for you to not argue – obviously unaware of where your mind had just wandered to.
“Thea,” you began, not too sure of what you were going to say after
Malcolm saved you by stepping in, his gaze locked on his son as he said, “Make sure you congratulate Moira and Mr. Steele.”
Tommy nodded, throwing a smirk in your direction as he let Thea drag him away neither giving you or Malcolm a chance to say anything differently.
Turning back to the guests waiting in line (and not allowing Malcolm a chance to speak right away), you greeted a few more before saying softly, “It wouldn’t have hurt her to stay put. Even a little longer. People can’t let her just…do whatever she wants when she wants.” On one hand, you were purposefully picking a fight in hopes that he would go away, and on the other, you were talking to him about something you had (in private) discussed with him a dozen times already so to avoid the man standing next to you from saying anything that might fluster and distract you further.
Malcolm, being Malcolm, just laughed and greeted guests alongside you, “Pick your battles. Thea is a child, let her have fun before she has to enter the world of adulthood and endless responsibility.”
“She’s not too far away from being an adult, Malcolm.” Your teen sister was spiraling like Oliver had. It just worried you because Oliver’s acting out could have had some serious consequences (they DID if you consider Sara Lance getting on the Gambit – and eventually dying – as a consequence of Oliver’s unchecked, poor behavior), and so could Thea’s if it continued to escalate. “She needs structure and…”
Malcolm placed a hand to your lower back as he leaned closer, cutting off your sentence to say, “You are not her mother, Y/n.”
“Neither is Moira at this point.” It hurt to admit, but it was the truth. Moira acted more like a friend than a parent when it came to Thea. She had since your father and Oliver had died. And you understood why Moira was like that. Thea was her last reminder of Robert so of course she didn’t want to risk hurting the bond she had with your sister, but there came a time when enough was enough.
And, unfortunately, your step-mother refused to listen to you no matter how often you brought it up to her.
Thankfully, for now, Malcolm didn’t press the conversation further.
Soon enough, you had finished greeting the rest of the guests and let Malcolm lead you to your table, frowning when you realized the Merlyn father-son duo had been placed at the same table as you and Thea.
“Wait…” you frowned, looking at Malcolm for a second before looking at the name card in the center of the table.
Malcolm and Thomas Merlyn
Y/n and Thea Queen
With the last two of six names belonging to Thea’s friends (who were currently too busy staring half in love in Tommy’s direction).
Deciding to rescue your dead-brother’s friend from teenage hormones, you were quick to rearrange the seating with Tommy safely placed between his father and Thea. At the least, it was sure to save you from a headache and Tommy (should he get wasted as he normally did at such events) from any possible legal trouble.
Placing a hand to Malcolm’s shoulder as you sat down, you murmured, “Either you had something to do with this – somehow – or my dear stepmother is attempting to prove herself right about there being something between us.”
Malcolm slipped his hand under the table and placed it to your knee as the both of you looked toward the table Moira and Walter were seated at, talking away to one another. “We both know I didn’t.” he smirked, returning his gaze to you after a moment, “If I did, however, it would be so I could do something like this.”
Once again in the course of your affair, you found yourself caught off guard by the boldness Malcolm showed as he let his hand slide from your knee, up your leg, and under your dress – his fingers digging greedily into your inner thigh.
Luckily, you were able to mask your gasp of surprise at his touch with a breathless laugh.
Throwing a look at the others at the table to make sure they hadn’t noticed anything, you steadied yourself before attempting to say anything. “If anyone notices where your hand is, our secret is out.”
Your lips barely moved, but you knew he heard you by the way he leaned toward you to respond, his breath hitting warmly off your cheek, “That’s what makes our game so fun,”
“Malcolm.” You warned, throwing him a pointed look of frustration, “I’m not playing games.”
Not only was this far from how you would want your family, friends, and associates to find out about your affair, but you couldn’t continue to treat you and Malcolm as just the two of you having fun.
You had allowed yourself (stupidly) to grow far too many feelings for him to try and act like it was a game, like things weren’t serious for you. Like it didn’t take everything you had not to admit your feelings to him and just…beg him to love you back.
“Please, not here.” You finally added, your breath nearly catching in your throat as you spoke.
Malcolm’s blue eyes watched you for several long moments before he was pulling his hand away and getting to his feet, moving his body away from you just enough so you couldn’t grab his arm without others noticing and drawing attention to yourself.
“Excuse me,” he smiled at Tommy, Thea, and Thea’s friends before looking back at you, “Miss Queen, we’ll speak later.” And he just walked away, heading for the bar, and away from you as you watched after him, your head and heart screaming for you to go after him.
You were thankful that he hadn’t gone any further, but you couldn’t help but wonder if you had been too snappy.
He wasn’t angry, or he didn’t seem to be, and he had never gone too far in crowded, public spaces…you could have trusted him to remain playful but also to keep his usual discretion.
And then you began to wonder if he wanted to get caught but wasn’t sure whether to admit it or not. To be fair, you always made a fuss about people finding out. Maybe he took that as you never wanting to tell anyone. Ever.
Or maybe that was just wishful thinking. That he would want to get caught.
Letting out a shaky breath, you grabbed your glass of champagne and lifted it to your lips. As you did, you locked eyes with Moira who was looking at you like she definitely knew something.
Once the dancing began, you wasted no time in accepting partners. You loved to dance and didn’t bother to keep yourself in check or to wisely choose who your next dance partner was. It was a wedding, and it wasn’t like you were doing anything that would disgrace your step-mother and her new husband.
And so, you didn’t bother (or think) to turn Tommy down when he appeared beside you at the end of a slow song.
“May I?” he teased, already grabbing your hip and pulling you into his arms
Placing your hands to his shoulders, you teased just as another slow song started up, “Are you sure you want to leave your fan club?”
Tommy cringed at the mention of Thea and her friends who had watched him all night, following him everywhere and asking him a million questions about college parties, fast cars, and anything else they thought he was interested in (and that’s all you knew about before you started dancing). “I am pretty sure Thea dared one of them to follow me into the bathroom.”
“Oh no,” you laughed, playfully concerned about your sister doing that knowing Tommy was only playing around.
“And what about you?” Tommy questioned as the two of you moved around in a slow circle, not truly trying to dance “My dad hasn’t stopped looking at you since your first dance. And I noticed the tenseness between you two before that. What’s going on between the two of you?”
His words froze you to the spot, your eyes wide as you tried to think of something to respond with.
Tommy wasn’t upset, but he wasn’t being playful anymore either. You knew him well enough to read the emotions on his face. Tommy was curious and…worried, maybe?
“My father hasn’t shown attention to another woman since my mother, as far as I know. And suddenly he’s…he’s different when he’s with you, Y/n. I don’t…I don’t know how, exactly, but he is.”
“Tommy,” you croaked, shaking your head to try and get him to stop talking. “Malcolm and I are…friends.”
Panic. Absolute panic was in your chest as you tried to defend yourself and Malcolm, to hide your secret from his only child.
Tommy laughed, almost as if he could sense the internal conflict within you, “Y/n, I’m not stupid and my eyes work just fine.”
The memory of a month earlier, at Malcolm’s, when he had spoken in some foreign language and how he had looked at you so gently came rushing to the front of your mind. Is that what Tommy was referring to? Is that the “different” Tommy had seen in his father?
Licking your suddenly dry lips, you forced yourself to meet Tommy’s gaze as you whispered, “Your father and I are…close friends. That’s all.” You stepped back from him, needing to put space between the two of you as soon as possible, “I’m sorry Tommy. Please don’t be upset but I…I can’t…it’s complicated.”
As quickly as you could, you left the dance floor and headed away from the reception, off to a more secluded area away from prying eyes.
Your hands were sweaty, and your heart was racing.
It wasn’t in panic, however.
For a moment you had been excited about someone knowing about you and Malcolm. Finally, you would have had someone you could confide in.
Then you considered others knowing and that, undoubtedly, they would have bombarded you with questions and wanting to know everything about your affair.
But at least you wouldn’t have had to be so secretive anymore.
So caught up in your desire to tell someone, you had nearly told Tommy until you caught yourself, realizing you didn’t want to cause problems for Tommy if Malcolm didn’t want him to know or if Malcolm wanted to be the one to tell him.
You were certain that a moment longer and you would have told Tommy, disregarding how Malcolm may have felt about it.
So lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear anyone approaching until a hand was on your arm and Moira was standing in front of you – a look of concern and a little hint of suspicion on her face.
“Mom,” you were quick to, forcing a smile
“Are you alright? I saw you with Tommy. Did something happen?”
You appreciated how worried she sounded, but you saw the look in her eyes that she always had when she was trying to be sneaky and pry information from people, waving a hand about to try and make it seem like everything was fine, you said “What? No. Tommy didn’t do anything. I just got dizzy and…and needed some fresh air.”
Humming, Moira looked you over and then asked, refusing to let it go, “And the other Merlyn? Has he done anything?”
Gotcha. So obvious.
You wondered how long she had been waiting to ask you that?
Deciding to play dumb, you laughed and shook your head, “Malcolm? Of course not. I’ve hardly seen him today except for what little time we were both at the table at the beginning of the reception.”
“Honey,” Moira clicked her tongue with a small shake of her head, and you knew the look she had given you earlier hadn’t been you misreading her expression, “If there is anything between you and Malcolm, it needs to end. He’s far from the right guy for you.” She placed a hand to your arm, squeezing as if to comfort you.
“Mom,” It took some restraint to hold back any rude comments you had about Moira trying to tell you who to see romantically. You knew it was just you being defensive while Moira was just looking out for you (as she always had). “For the last time, I am not dating Malcolm Merlyn. We’re friends and close associates….”
Moira was quick to interrupt, her voice coming off sharp with a clear sign of frustration. “I see the way you look at him, Y/n. I don’t want you to get your heart broken.”
You sighed and opened your mouth to ask her to just stay out of your business when a threat cleared from behind you, stopping you before you could do something you would have absolutely regretted.
Moira’s gaze slipped over your shoulder and you watched the way she nodded and took a step away from you, “This family doesn’t need any more secrets, Y/n.” she advised with a smile, sad smile before she let go of your arm and walked away.
Her words were icy, and killed any excitement you had felt earlier about the possibility of people finding out about your affair.
“I couldn’t help but notice that my son upset you.”
You weren’t surprised that it was Malcolm who had interrupted you and Moira. Anyone else would have been sent away by Moira with a simple rejection. Still, the sound of his voice nearly surprised you as it filled the space between the two of you.
Turning to look at Malcolm, you shook your head and whispered, “Nothing happened. Tommy is a sweetheart.” You forced yourself to sound okay, to keep your emotions in check as you looked at him, doing your best to hold his gaze.
“Yes. He’s always been a charmer.” Malcolm’s gaze flickered over you as he moved closer, his hands tucked into the pockets of his dress pants.
You laughed softly and said, “Moira knows. Or she thinks she knows. She warned me about you, said you’re not safe for me. That there are other, better options for me.” As you spoke, you rubbed a hand over your forehead – completely exhausted – which made it possible for you to ignore the look of annoyance that flickered briefly over Malcolm’s face.
Grabbing your hand, Malcolm tilted your head back and held you against him. The warmth of his body nearly had you tucking yourself against him, searching instinctively for the comfort of simply being in his arms.  “What options?” He was smirking, trying to come off as playful, but he was also clenching his jaw and his fingers were digging into your chin silently screaming that he was only acting amused.
“Tommy? One of my dance partners?” you shrugged and grabbed his wrist, squeezing it until he released your face, “Why? Are you jealous?” Any other time and you would have been teasing him, trying to push him buttons. Tonight, however, you were just cranky.
Malcolm didn’t respond with words, only wrapped his arms around you – holding you as close as possible with no hope of you getting away unless he allowed.
And although you wanted him to, you hated him a little bit for holding you like that. For making you feel comfortable and comforted without even really trying to do so.
Your arms wrapped around his waist, your face pressed into his chest as you breathed in his cologne and the natural smell of him. It was comforting enough to nearly pull tears from your eyes and almost had you breaking down in soft sobs of confusion – your emotions feeling like they were snow balling and were threating to just spill over.
“We’re done playing games.” Malcolm finally said after a few moments, pulling back and moving his hands to grip your shoulders.
“Malcolm,” you started to say, to remind him that he was the one who always treated your affair as “fun and games” and “no strings attached,” but was silenced by the man in front of you as he pressed his lips against yours in a heated kiss, his will power seemingly breaking and making it impossible for him to hold back any further.
He growled something in that unfamiliar language once more before he was speaking English again, “You’re mine. All mine. I don’t’ share. I thought I made that obvious.” No doubt, he was referring to you dancing and your/Moira’s comment about there being “possible others” you could be seeing.
“You did,” you murmured, feeling light and like you were dreaming. “Malcolm…what is going on?” It was usually you who had erratic mood swings and made rash decisions. The man in front of you was frazzled and so unlike the Malcolm you knew…
His jaw was set, his fingers digging into your shoulders as he held you to him. Every ounce of possessiveness he had was in his darkened blue eyes as he pulled back just enough to look down at you.
“You want this to be serious? Monogamous? No games? Fine.” Malcolm hissed, one hand slipping from your left shoulder to tangle in your hair at the back of your head, “But you’re mine. Entirely mine.”
There were no words to express your scrambled thoughts.
What he was proposing was…what he was offering was a relationship. The one thing you had been dreaming about for months. At least, what you had been dreaming about the last month.
“You…you would have us be public?” You managed, laughing in disbelief as you stared at him, wide eyed.
“Unless you want to take Moira’s advice and run.” Malcolm suggested it, but it was clear by his tone and the way he was holding himself that there was no way Malcolm would go without a fight.
“My step-mother doesn’t get to decide my life, Mr. Merlyn.” Was your immediate response before you had collected yourself enough to ask, “Are you sure about this?” in a softer tone, searching his face for any signs of regret or that he was saying all of this without truly thinking it through.
“I refuse to let you end up in another man’s arms, Y/n.”
“Oh? So you didn’t like my dancing then?” You teased, dryly
Malcolm tried to look annoyed but a chuckle slipped out in the end, “Trust me, you don’t want to know what I thought about your dancing.”
What he thought about my dance partners is more like it…
“You know,” You hummed, reaching up to grab the knot of his tie, ‘I don’t want you in anyone else’s arms either.”
Malcolm’s face softened near completely as he placed a kiss to your forehead, “There’s no need to worry about that.”
Somehow, you knew he would respond with that.
After all, Malcolm Merlyn didn’t really seem like the type to cheat anyway…
Grinning, you leaned up to steal (another) kiss from him, “Good.”
In the back of your head, you knew this decision asnt as easy as you and Malcolm were making it out to be.
But, for now, you let yourself enjoy the moment.
Do not fall in love with him!
Too late.
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this and wish to support me, please consider leaving a tip over on my Kofi and stay tuned for further installments of this series and other words coming soon both FANDOM and Original Content!
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Killer Frost is back
You were the first person she came to see.
Coming out of the shower dressed in a sports bra and shorts you ruffled your hair leaving it to dry. You didn't have the energy to do it after your long day.
You went to see your brother today and Barry had to bring you in for Cisco to put you in the cooling chamber and they had to give you a sedative to calm you down. You still felt sluggish from the sedative.
You were wearing Caitlin's meta dampening necklace in attempt to easy your mind. As you didn't have speed running through your veins the sedative was working much more efficiently.
"Hey hotstuff." You froze mid step slowly looking over your shoulder. You recognised her voice not needing to look but you were sure you were going crazy. "I really need to sleep off this sedative." You sighed shaking your head turning your back on Frost.
"What?" She asked clearly confused. "I am not talking to my hallucinations." You waved her off but as you went to close the door the doorknob froze making you pull back.
"Remind me to never take a sedative from Cisco ever again." You muttered until you felt a cold hand on your back. You stood completely still.
"This scar is new." Her voice was soft but still slightly distorted. "It does feel like it's on fire. So possibly." You felt your shoulders ease as the cold from her touch spread on your burning skin.
"You're really here?" You asked finally turning to face Frost who took a step back. "Yeah." She nodded and you smiled sadly.
"Pitstop or permanent?" You asked and she stayed silent.
"I like your outfit." You gestured at her outfit that was very cool. "I like yours more." Frost said making you blush under her intense gaze.
"Why did you come here?" You asked and Frost looked down for a moment. "We wanted to see you." You raised a brow looking behind her for another person but she just chuckled.
"Caity says hi." Frost said and you raised a brow. "You can talk to her?" You asked and she shook her head.
"Oh wait you meant you and Snow came to see me?" You asked trying to wrap your head around everything. "Bingo." She nodded.
"Would you mind sticking around a little longer?" You asked Frost who raised a brow but nodded. "I don't mind." She shrugged waving you off when you smiled.
You tried getting to know Frost more and sensing she was equally if not more guarded than Caitlin so you stuck to basic questions.
Frost noticed it and appreciated it but she promised Caity she would try to let you in.
"Did you go to your brother?" Frost asked and you immediately fell silent looking at you hands. "You know about him?" You asked softly and she shrugged.
"I have Caity's memories too." Frost informed and you let out a shaky breath. "I tried going to him but passed out before I could say anything." You almost whispered staring at the floor.
You felt her cold hand on your leg and you put your hand over hers looking at her hand seeing your bracelet on her pale arm. You smiled weakly at the sight.
"I'm sure he understands." Frost said and you bowed your head closing your eyes trying to stop the tears. "It just hurts today." You admitted in a shaky voice unsure why you allowed yourself to be so vulnerable around Frost, maybe because she was soft towards you or maybe because you were too tired to mask it all for longer.
She pulled you into a hug that you happily melted into. "It's okay babe." You heard Caitlin's voice making you let out a sob. You missed her voice more than you thought possible.
"I'm here now." She whispered as she rubbed your back and you cried into her shoulder. She could feel your body overheating again and when she saw the necklace she wore she sighed.
Standing up she took you to your room where she put the aircon on and laid down with you on the bed in hopes that your temperature would come down but it didn't seem to happen.
"Are you okay with Frost?" Caitlin asked and you hummed not really thinking much of her question. "She's been nice to me." You said easing Caitlin's nerves quite a bit.
"Can I bring her out? She can cool you down." Caitlin offered knowing that if your temperature would go any higher you'd fall ill again. "I just don't want to be alone." You whispered tiredly.
"I'm not going anywhere." You barely heard her over your own thoughts. You opened your eyes seeing how Caitlin's soft eyes turned to a bright white colour as her hair turned white. You watched as her skin turned pale and you could see that it was an entirely different person but still Frost looked at you with soft eyes.
"Hey hotstuff." Frost greeted with a smirk but when she saw how tired you looked she worried. "What's going on?" She asked not sure why she was back.
"Snow said you'd cool me off." You mumbled hiding your face in her chest as you yawned. "You are heating up." Frost noted before you physically felt the room turn into a freezer which eased your burning skin and chaotic thoughts.
"That okay?" She asked and you hummed snuggling closer to Frost who stayed completely still. "Perfect." You curled up into her side as she laid staring at the door unable to fight her smile.
You found out that Frost had a soft spot for you too.
Before going she spoke some more and admitted that although she and Caitlin were two different people she also liked you.
"I thought it was because you took care of Caity but when I was fronting you were the only one who didn't completely dismiss me and you acknowledged me as my own person. Being away gave us both time to think and I missed you mostly." Frost seemed to be a bit awkward as she admitted these things but still it oddly warmed your heart.
You didn't have time to reply when your phone rang. An emergency at S.T.A.R. Labs.
You told Frost you'd talk later as you rushed out of the room getting in the car driving to S.T.A.R. Labs.
Reaching there you saw Frost there and everyone staring. You stood silently watching Caitlin take over again and seeing her small smile you realised just how much you missed kissing her.
The first opportunity you had, you pulled Caitlin aside and had her pinned to a wall kissing her deeply and much to your delight she didn't deny you. If anything she simply encouraged you but pulling you closer to her.
Mid-kiss she quickly pulled away confusing you.
You apologised thinking you had overstepped but she shook her head and you waited as she stood holding you close.
"Did Frost confess her feelings?" Caitlin asked and you nodded. "I wanted to talk to you before I answered her." You admitted letting her sit down with you.
"Do you like Frost?" Caitlin asked and you blushed looking down. "I don't dislike her." You shrugged.
"Guys you need to see this." You and Caitlin got interrupted.
You didn't have opportunity to finish that talk. And you did very smoothly avoid that talk because you were too nervous.
Caitlin noticed this and so did Frost, sharing their thoughts with sticky notes deciding that it was better to give you time.
Only after she used the cerebral inhibitor that Cisco made did they talk to each other catching up on everything.
Of course you were also topic of discussion.
Caitlin had caught you off-guard by kissing you before you could get out of the cooling chamber. You sat upright and kissed her back and she used the cold powers to cool you down making you think Frost was taking over so you pulled away.
"Hey whoa." You held your hands up no longer holding her waist making her giggle. Although they wanted you to start the talk after the dangerous mission they didn't want to wait any longer.
"Snow." You sighed feeling yourself flush red as she smirked at you. "Got you." She winked.
"Frost and I thought we'd leave you to talk but after today we decided to talk first." Caitlin said and you nodded listening to her.
"You know both of us like you very much. We want to know if you maybe like both me and Frost?" You fell silent avoiding her eyes. "I..." You felt yourself begin to panic but you didn't know why. They both openly liked you and didn't hide it. Frost loved flirting with you when she fronted and it always left you all flustered.
"It's okay we both had a long conversation thanks to Cisco's gadget and one thing we seem to strongly agree on is that you're the best thing in our life." You smiled at her words. "I really like you both too." You said and she smiled relieved with your words.
"You're okay with that?" You asked Caitlin who nodded. "I never imagined to ever be here but I know Frost cares about you just as much as I do. I'm just hoping you're okay with us both liking you?" Caitlin asked and you sighed.
"Honestly I do like you both and it scared me because I thought you wouldn't like me back." You admitted. "Frost has been shamelessly flirting with you." Caitlin said in disbelief at your words.
"Yeah but I know she's got a very rebellious streak in her so I was afraid she was just pulling my leg or something." You shrugged giving her a sheepish smile. "Frost says she knows you secretly liked it." You flushed red at Caitlin's smirk making you clear your throat.
"She's a brave backseat driver." You mumbled not noticing the shift as you were still on the cooling chamber. "I'm an even braver driver." You heard Frost making you gasp and stand up turning to her.
"Don't you agree?" She stood up walking to you as you backed up until you hit Caitlin's desk. "Hmm." You hummed trying to avoid looking at her.
"Caity she's shy. You said she's bold." You were much more bolder with Caitlin. She was a Bada$$ but she was also a very soft person who you felt the need to protect. Frost was a Bada$$ and a very hard person which made your protective streak fail slightly as you felt weak compared to her.
A cold hand cupped your cheek as she stared into your eyes but when she rolled her eyes you suspected Caitlin was talking to her. "I'm not intimidating her." Frost answered out loud making you gulp.
"Is the mighty Y/n intimidated by me?" Frost asked curiously. "You're really attractive." You blurted while grabbing onto the desk tightly.
"You're not too bad yourself hotstuff." She winked making you blush even harder. "Thanks." You mumbled.
Caitlin came to your rescue by fronting allowing you to let out a long breath while resting your head on her shoulder as she laughed.
You assured both you weren't scared of Frost after Frost asked you if you were aftaid to kiss her because of the cold kiss she gave you.
You admitted to Caitlin that you didn't know how to react to Frost's flirting since it was usually you being the approaching one.
"You don't like that Frost is a dominant person?" Caitlin asked and you blushed. "Of course not. I just find it weird being so susceptible to her charm." You shrugged making Caitlin smile.
"Now you know how I felt. Frost is getting back at you for all the times you left me flustered." Caitlin said making you gasp. "This is a team effort." You gasped realising they were teaming up on you.
"Oh well played doc." You pulled her into your body holding her close kissing her neck smiling when she tilted her head to the side allowing you more access. You nibbled on the soft skin making her gasp and grab tightly onto your suit.
You felt a cold hand against your chest pushing you back and you felt your heart racing but only saw a smirking Caitlin as she could feel your heart racing.
"I hope I get enough of that before Frost falls susceptible to your charms too." Caitlin said making you laugh and pull her into a kiss.
You were closer with Caitlin than Frost but you two quickly worked on fixing that. Many dates and movie nights you spent just getting to know each other better.
Your first kiss with Caitlin was different than your first kiss with Frost.
"Come on Snow. It's just rain." You insisted as you stepped out into the rain. "What if we get sick?" She asked and you laughed.
"I use a cooling chamber daily. This is nothing for me and you seem rather fond of the cold yourself." You teased taking her hand and she stepped into the rain with you.
You ran around acting goody making the doctor laugh as you danced your way over to her pulling you closer and spinning her hugging her from behind as you both swayed in the rain.
"Smooth." She noted as you spun her around again pulling her closer she wrapped her arms around your neck resting her forehead against yours feeling how hot your skin still was. You held her waist as you both shuffled through the rain.
Opening your eyes you saw her looking at your lips and you did the same unable to resist her red lips you leaned in leaving a moment for her to object but she pulled you closer and for the first time you shared a gentle and passionate kiss.
Your first kiss with Frost was much different than Caitlin's.
Laying on the floor you stared at the metal rod sticking through your abdomen you groaned. "Y/n!" Frost mumbled panicked kneeling next to you. "Hey." You coughed up some blood.
"The irony." You attempted to joke but Frost failed to see the humour.
"Caity can help." Frost said but you grabbed her wrist.
"We're in the middle of the field she won't be able to help." You said groaning when Frost put her jacket over your wound to stop the bleeding. "What do I do? You've read all those medical books." Frost said but your mind was fumbling at the loss of blood.
"Don't pull it out." You said and she nodded. "But you need to get me back to base so Snow can look at it." You said and she nodded looking at you seeing how you were growing pale.
"Frost." She leaned closer to hear you and you cupped her cheek. "I never told you this before but a frown doesn't look so good on you." You teased making her frown again.
You cupped her neck and pulled her down into a kiss that she returned. The kiss was cold but you melted at the touch of her lips feeling your mind begin to clear and fill with nothing but Frost.
You fell back onto the ground with a dazed smile. "What if I freeze the wound?" Frost asked and you nodded. "Could stop the bleeding. I'm always overheating so if you don't freeze it too much it should defrost by the time we get back." You said and she nodded looking at you.
"This might hurt." She said and you began to visibly panic.
"Hey." H.R. arrived running over to them and Frost pointed at the pole. "When I kiss her. Pull it out." He wanted to object but followed her instructions.
She leaned down and pecked your lips. "It's okay." She kissed you and just as you fell into a bliss you felt the pain of the rod being removed then numbed by Frost's cold hand but ultimately her kiss was what distracted you entirely.
"B.A. is occupied with Cisco so we're on our own." H.R. said and Frost nodded lifting you up while H.R. got the other side you groaned at the discomfort and stinging as they walked you back.
Cisco picked up on your vitals and breached to you then breached you to the lab where they laid you down as you began losing consciousness.
"Frost bring out Caitlin." Cisco said and she immediately did.
"Y/n!" Caitlin called as she immediately began working on prepping for surgery while the ice began to melt.
You were recovering from the wound thankful for how attentive both Snow and Frost was.
Frost was around more as she kept the room cool for you to sleep comfortably and Snow would front to check on you.
You made a full recovery only for Snow to scold you and Frost about pulling the rod out and kissing instead of rushing to the Lab but you silenced her with a kiss promising to do better next time which she replied with.
"There better not be a next time."
You realised it must've been traumatic for Caitlin to come back to find you on death's door. So you made a point of being safer for both Frost and Snow.
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akariamai · 2 years
Glitch [Part 1]
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Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Pairing: Tommy Merlyn x Reader
Word Count: 1221
Meeting Tommy Merlyn was not something you expected to happen within your lifetime. You lived worlds apart despite living within Starling City for the entirety of your lives. He basked in the high life society while you primarily stayed cozied up within your condo. Your lives coinciding felt like a glitch. A sporadic moment in a hectic reality just waiting to drop a bombshell disrupting the peace you’ve ever known.
It began with a work email. Your catering business has somehow garnered the attention of one of the assistants working for Moira Queen. It was a surreal moment of your life as you could not fathom how they became aware of your business. To this day, it was still a mystery.
You worked your ass off for each piece to be perfect and delicious. You called up some friends to help you with delivering them to the Queen Mansion. You nor your friends have ever seen the mansion in person. Decorated so gratifyingly that it established an elite lifestyle. One you and your friends could only dream of but never touch. Thea Queen’s sweet sixteen would be the talk of the city and you had but a small part in making it the best day of her teenage years. You were thankful for this opportunity.
The door of the Queen Mansion was wide open. Busy bodies rushing back and forth with decorations barely being hung up. There he stood nearby the stairwell. He diligently surveyed the chaos stirring within the mansion. His only source of entertainment until the guest arrived. He wore an awfully expensive black tux. His presence radiated a sort of authority, a type you were vastly unfamiliar with.
Moira spotted the dishes and instantly began instructing you where to place the food. It was then that he noticed your semi-muscular frame. She attentively inspected your work for a solid second as your friends placed them onto the table, leaving you to verify the flawlessness of each piece. “These look wonderful.” She placed her hand onto your shoulder as you proceeded to unveil the rest. “That’ll be all.”
You nodded before responding, “Thank you.” That’s where it should’ve ended. A brief minute of residing in the same room at the same time. A moment where the planets and the fates and the stars aligned. Laying the groundwork for the glitch to spark an incomparable possibility. An unlikely  window of opportunity for magic to captivate even the utmost bachelor in all of Starling City.
He was spellbound by your beauty, enthralled by your stance, and intended to become acquainted with you. His good looks, he thought, would help drastically but much to his disappointment you’d barely looked at him as you leisurely fled the mansion. He attempted to woo you with his lifestyle and money but you weren’t taking the bait. In fact, you barely muttered a few words to him as he tried to dazzle you. It was slightly frustrating but something kept him from relenting.
Within the entirety of his womanizer life, women came easy for him. It was his last name attracting the attention of women or his ridiculously handsome face (at least he thought so) that usually did the trick. But his usual antics weren’t working. For the first time, he had to work for acknowledgement from a woman and he rather enjoyed it. The rush of knowing his time with you was limited and every action could either disconnect from each other's lives permanently or become the start of something new.
He knew your job ended the second you’d dropped the food off and rectified what could’ve been disturbed by the car ride. His window was slowly coming to a close and you’d be lost forever in the sea of women that inhabited the city. He needed to arrange for more time, allowing his charm to fulfill its purpose and enchant you into his arms.
“Can I have a business card?” You nodded, digging into your pocket and handing him the card one of your friends digitally designed. All you wanted was to cuddle into your bed while silently stressing over the review that would soon loom over your head. A terrible review from Moira Queen will utterly destroy your business. You were dying for the days to come to progress so you could know the fate of your business. You were so busy ensnared into your thoughts that you didn’t notice Tommy Merlyn was flirting with you. Frankly, a panic attack was undoubtedly ensuing your figure as you left.
It wasn’t until a few days later that you’d realized that Tommy Merlyn was trying to pursue you romantically and the thought initiated a hearty roar of laughter. You regarded it as utterly ridiculous. Enough so that you’d poked fun at the situation you’d found yourself in with your friends. Knowing nothing remotely romantic could unravel between the two of you, you dismissed his attempt as a spur of the moment relapse on his part. He wasn’t a one-girl type of guy. His past (and very public) relationships presented as such and you were not looking for a short time. You wanted something more intimate and profound. Something the man the media portrayed could not approach if he continued on with his lack of self-control.
Unexpectedly he popped back into your life as he contacted you. Hiring you for an event he’d be hosting and imparting an invitation to you and your friends. When you relay the message you’d experience endless teasing by your friends. It was, according to them, another chance to have Tommy swoon over you. You took their bantering in stride as nothing, absolutely nothing will occur between the two of you. You were searching for something more than merely sex and didn’t want to be included in his ever growing list of one-night stands nor suffer through the heartbreak that would possibly hover over the hypothetical relationship. It was just something you did not want to bear.
He was, without a doubt, charming in his own right. He’d fished for little nuggets of specifics. Details of one such as preferred hobbies, cherished memories, and everything in between. Nothing a person who desired a one-night stand would seek. He was different from what the media had plastered all over the television and magazines. He seemed genuine when he indicated his want to get to know you on a personal level. Even admitting the entire event was assembled to grasp a fraction of a chance to encounter one another again.
It only brought more questions than answers but with a little convincing from your friends, you decided to give him a chance. It progressed slowly. Dates at Big Belly Burgers and stolen kisses under streetlights. You’d realized just how big his heart was and how much love he could muster for the people around him. Almost too much as most was at the cost of his mental state. He recognized the amount of devotion you dedicate to cooking. So much so he once decided to cook for you. He captured your heart the second he tried to cook Fettuccine Alfredo using a cookbook he’d soon give to you.
An inconceivable relationship blossomed over a mere glitch in reality and you both thank whatever gods or fate for allowing such a circumstance to transpire.
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arandomaquarius · 8 months
~Request Rules!~
Please read all of this post thoroughly before you request anything, thx much appreciated <3
Fandoms I will write for now
•DC (I won’t go by canon often though, and I won’t do Arrowverse)
•Transformers (Bayverse, ROTB/Knightverse and TFP)
•Undertale AUs
•Gravity Falls
•FNAF (only 1, 2, 4, and SB. Maybe movie when the sequel comes out)
DC Characters I will write for now (main characters not side characters)
•Pied Piper/Hartley Rathaway
•Trickster I/James Jesse
•Captain Cold/Leonard Snart
•Wally West/Flash III/Kid Flash
•Triplicate Girl
Transformers Characters (No Comics!)
•Knockout (Tfp)
•Breakdown (Tfp)
•Wildbreak (RiD15)
•Soundwave (Tfp, RiD15)
•Starscream (Tfp, RiD15)
•Megatron (Tfp)
•Dreadwing (Tfp)
•Skyquake (Tfp)
•Shockwave (Tfp)
•Optimus Prime (Bay, Knight/ROTB, Tfp, RiD15)
•Bumblebee (Bay, Knight/ROTB, Tfp, RiD15)
•Ratchet (Bay, Tfp, RiD15)
•Ironhide (Bay)
•Jazz (Bay, RiD15)
•Bulkhead (Tfp, RiD15)
•Crosshairs (Bay)
•Drift (Bay, RiD15)
•Slipstream (RiD15)
•Jetstorm (RiD15)
•Mirage (ROTB/Knight)
•Hotrod (Bay)
•Hound (Bay)
•Grimlock (RiD15)
•Wheeljack (Tfp)
•Ultra Magnus (Tfp)
•Smokescreen (Tfp)
•Windblade (RiD15)
I'll pretty much do any Undertale AU, preferably Sans but other characters are welcome!
Gravity Falls Characters
•Grunkle Stan
•Mabel Pines
•Dipper Pines
•Bill Cipher
•Rev!Dipper (Mason Gleeful)
•Rev!Mabel (Mabel Gleeful)
•Rev!Bill Cipher (Will Cipher)
•FightFalls!Bill Cipher (Kill Cipher)
What I Will Write
•Hurt/No Comfort
•Angst (character death included)
•Romantic (depends on the character, but I’ll do it for most)
•character x reader
•character x character
•m/m, f/f, m/f etc
•gn reader
•fem reader
•Cybertronian reader
•specific species reader
•some dark topics (I’ll let you know if it’s too much)
What I Will Not Write
•NSFW (there are plenty of other blogs for this, do not ask me. However, I might put a few suggestive things in)
•Rape/assault (I am willing to write reactions to it in hcs or imply it, but I won’t explicitly state it)
•character x oc
•uhhh I forget what it’s called but like cyborg reader or like half-human-half-cybertronian reader
I am willing to write characters being sexist, racist, transphobic, homophobic, and overall bigots. I DO NOT support it. However, I strive to keep things real in my writing, and those things do unfortunately occur. It is something I face every day, and I’m sure you do too. These people exist and I am simply acknowledging that.
You may request now! Remember to be specific when you do! Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! <3
Edit: some requests won’t get done, simply because I can’t think of anything for it. I’ll try to let you know if that’s the case but no guarantees
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lands-of-fantasy · 11 months
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Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earths
I was looking for trinity shots and I didn't find a single good one in Crisis??? So I edited a couple shots together.
Screencaps from screencapped.net
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