gabehsv · 5 years
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True 💋❤️
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gabehsv · 5 years
So very true.  Maybe one day, I will truly learn that lesson.  Maybe.  Sigh.
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gabehsv · 5 years
“Y’all”  Are you from Southern Israel?  :-)  
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gabehsv · 5 years
That is incredible.
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gabehsv · 5 years
It is not yet your time...
I was reading in Genesis this morning when I came across this verse.  Genesis 40:23, “Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.”
I want to share an important biblical principal that may apply to many of you reading this post.  (The title of the post is a clue.)  But first a little background is needed to bring us up to speed with Joseph’s story.
If we remember our Bible stories, Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers to Potipher (Gen. 37) and later ended up in prison when Potipher’s wife falsely accused him of rape.  Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker commit an offense against him and end up in prison with Joseph.  They both tell him their dreams.
And Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell them to me.”  Gen. 40:8b
Joseph interprets the death of the baker (Yikes!!) and life for the cupbearer - “In three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your office, and you shall place Pharaoh's cup in his hand as formerly, when you were his cupbearer. Only remember me, when it is well with you, and please do me the kindness to mention me to Pharaoh, and so get me out of this house.”  Gen 40:13-14
So it comes to pass just as Joseph interpreted and what does the cupbearer do?  He forgets about Joseph!  What a guy!!
OK... this brings us up to date.  What I want to say is that the cupbearer forgot about Joseph because it was not yet God’s time for Joseph to be released.  He would have to wait two more years.
How many of you are waiting on God for something?  You feel like life is a prison of sorts because you long for the change that never seems to happen.  For some, it has been years of waiting.  Others, maybe it has not been so long.
Here is the lesson found in scripture.  When it was God’s time to release Joseph from prison, Joseph was elevated to the to second in command over all of Egypt.
And Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?” Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has shown you all this, there is none so discerning and wise as you are. You shall be over my house, and all my people shall order themselves as you command.” Gen 41:38-40
God wants to know if you will be obedient and faithful to His Will for your life.  “Can we find [in you] the Spirit of God?”
My wife and I are in a transition period of our lives.  We are so thankful for where we are at and look with great anticipation for Him to reveal, in His fullness, the next step.  We have been patient and will continue until He calls us to move to the next step along the path.  
Are you a single woman waiting for a husband?  I’ve counseled many an impatient woman wanting to find a husband.  God is faithful and will bring you to the man He has chosen to be your husband.  He is meant to be your mate and no other.
Are you waiting for a better job?  Whatever, the situation may be walk in patience and faith before your God.  Let Him see, “in whom is the Spirit of God.”
Shalom.  Gabe
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gabehsv · 5 years
We sold our house...
After being on the market for less than 48 hours we had 2 competing offers for our house.  As of yesterday, it is now under contract.  It’s been a bit of a hassle to maintain a 3300 ft^2 house with just my wife and I.  Our two oldest sons are now out of the house and in full time ministry.  We just don’t need a four bedroom house anymore, especially since we are currently on temporary assignment with the company I work for and living in another state.
Now, we need to start packing. 
But here’s God for you...  About 3 months ago, I ordered a power supply for some lights on the pergola on our patio.  They were out of stock so it went on back order.  I completely forgot about the PS until yesterday when it arrived in the mail.
God cares about us and He loves us.  Like a perfect Father, He cares about the little things and make sure He takes care of His kids.
Thank you, Lord!
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gabehsv · 5 years
LSU 46 - AL 41
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gabehsv · 5 years
So true.
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gabehsv · 5 years
Married almost 31 years to my best friend, lover and wife.
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Best Friends ❣️
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gabehsv · 5 years
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gabehsv · 5 years
Outstanding.  Well said, @subwifehappylife
“Sexism” in Christianity
In a recent post, an anonymous user used the word “sexist” to describe the concept of wives submitting to their husbands in a question posed to another blog that I was asked to comment on. 
The word sexism is never used in a neutral way, as the word is negative in and of itself and thus solely used in a negative context. Sexism by definition means “prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex”. Sexism is bad based on its definition. Here is a quote from Thoughtco.com on the word sexism as it relates to feminism: 
“The word “sexism” became widely known during the Women’s Liberation Movement of the 1960s. At that time, feminist theorists explained that oppression of women was widespread in nearly all human society, and they began to speak of sexism instead of male chauvinism. Whereas male chauvinists were usually individual men who expressed the belief that they were superior to women, sexism referred to collective behavior that reflected society as a whole. Australian writer Dale Spender noted that she was “old enough to have lived in a world without sexism and sexual harassment. Not because they weren’t everyday occurrences in my life but because THESE WORDS DIDN’T EXIST. It was not until the feminist writers of the 1970s made them up, and used them publicly and defined their meanings – an opportunity that men had enjoyed for centuries – that women could name these experiences of their daily life.”
If we were to take the word sexism in it’s simplest form and only apply it to mean “discrimination based on sex”, the word no longer has to be negative in connotation. This is because discrimination is not inherently bad. “Discriminate” in its primary definition and purest form means to “recognize a distinction; differentiate”. If a student is discriminated from passing a test because of scoring a low grade, is this bad? If a citizen is discriminated from earning old age pension because she is only 35 years of age, is this bad?
There are biblical gender roles which discriminate men and women from doing certain things because these actions are a direct violation of God’s intended plan for each sex, and for the world at large. Some of these discriminating rules or laws include: a woman not being allowed to teach men at church (because of headship and authority), a man not being allowed to wear women’s clothing and vice versa, a man not being allowed to marry another man & the reverse, a man not being allowed to not sacrificially love his wife and children, etc. The Bible discriminates the sexes from doing what is not assigned to or expected from their specific sex by God’s design, just as a state law discriminates against categories or groups of people from doing certain things which are not beneficial to themselves or to society as a whole. For example, minors are not permitted to drink, vote & marry; doctors & judges are not allowed to withhold the truth in relation to their duty to society & their legal obligations, police officers & firefighters are not allowed to willfully neglect their duties or be intoxicated on the job. 
God’s design for men and women is for our happiness & fulfillment, and for the benefit of society at large. God is our sovreign Creator who designed each sex, so He knows us best. Thus, we would be wise to adhere to his discrimination (distinction and differentiation) of each sex based on biblical gender roles.
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gabehsv · 7 years
Mommy on the Phone
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Source: Unknown
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gabehsv · 7 years
The Gospel.
The gospel is the good news about what Jesus Christ has done to reconcile sinners to God. Here’s the whole story:
The one and only God, who is holy, made us in his image to know him (Gen. 1:26-28).
But we sinned and cut ourselves off from him (Gen. 3; Rom. 3:23).
In his great love, God sent his Son Jesus to come as king and rescue his people from their enemies—most significantly their own sin (Ps. 2; Luke 1:67-79).
Jesus established his kingdom by acting as both a mediating priest and a priestly sacrifice—he lived a perfect life and died on the cross, thus fulfilling the law himself and taking on himself the punishment for the sins of many (Mark 10:45; John 1:14; Heb. 7:26; Rom. 3:21-26, 5:12-21); then he rose again from the dead, showing that God accepted his sacrifice and that God’s wrath against us had been exhausted (Acts 2:24, Rom. 4:25).
He now calls us to repent of our sins and trust in Christ alone for our forgiveness (Acts 17:30, John 1:12). If we repent of our sins and trust in Christ, we are born again into a new life, an eternal life with God (John 3:16)
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gabehsv · 7 years
It is exceedingly difficult if not downright impossible to vet the source of every single post. Personally, I try to check but cannot say I’ve never posted something that has originated from a Nazi site.
It bothers me as well that I could potentially post something with dubious origins but I don’t let myself get wrapped around the axle over it. Most everyone in this small community are aware of the issue.
For those of us who espouse traditional gender roles, whether from a biblical perspective or not, we are painfully aware there are those who consider themselves tgr as well but are also white supremicists, antisemetic, racists, Nationals Socialists and/or Nazis. Some of those blogs are blatantly Nazi (block) while some are not.
I stand by that list @tradfems provided - I saw the names and they are all good men. I added a few more. I know some are Christian but can’t speak for all of them. If you’re looking for perfection you won’t find it in any of us. I hope that helps. Shalom, Gabe
Dude even the trad guys u mentioned are either reblogging kinky stuff/stuff from nazi blogs/love tradcatfem. Rip I give up
I haven’t seen any kinky posts, and I don’t really look who people reblog from.
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gabehsv · 7 years
With all due respect, as a man, I'm used to feminists telling me to sit down and shut up. (Of course, I don't abide by their deranged nonsense.) You write, "A lot of what needs to be done must come from Christian Women. A man can speak against feminism [but] his words are fuel for the fire." What I'm hearing you say is, don't worry, guys, we've got this. Stand aside and let us women handle it.
I never would have dreamed I'd hear Christian women tell Christian men they are the answer to this ungodly mess we call our society. Neither would I ever thought I’d hear Godly women tell their men to stand aside. This thinking simply is not biblical, ladies.
At what point do men have a say in what's going on in society? How's this for an answer: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
Do you realize the message it sends if Christian Women are the lone voice in this by design? It says Christian men aren't strong enough to stand up for their families. It says Christian men aren't smart enough to counter this satanic message. It says Christian men aren't really the heads of our households in spite of what we say because we don't have what it takes to stand strong against this message.
Are you sure you want to send that message?
Yes, a man's words may be "fuel for the fire" but is that really a bad thing? Do a Christian man’s words not carry the Word of God as well? Aren’t we really looking for Holy Spirit to give us the words to say? If we say what God wants us to say does gender matter? I say let’s throw as much fuel on the fire as possible! We’ll get results like the unhinged derangement below. The more crazed the better.
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Do you think the voice of Christian Women will create a fire with any less intensity? Really? I know of numerous TGR blogs run by women who receive death threats. Some of the most horrific things are written to these ladies.
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I say Christian Men AND Women together need to stand against this and say enough. I say we need to stand together and model biblical traditional gender roles within marriage and let the benefits be seen by all.
Will you join me?
* From the abortionists’ surgical forceps
* From deranged mass murderers
* From the flood of illegal narcotics
* From easy access pornography
* From the diluting of marriage and family
* From an immoral and decadent Hollywood
* From the most heinous violence on every movie screen, TV and video game
* From narcissistic, demagoguing professors
* From parents who seek their friendship rather than teaching them how to be the best they can be
I’m not sure what gun laws can be changed to help the safety of our children, but the real work needed to protect our children is long overdue.
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gabehsv · 7 years
The first step in healing broken minds, bodies and spirits is to get things right with God so He is able to heal your heart. That first step is found in Romans 10:9-10 - “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”
Then find a good church. Go every Sunday. Pray and read your Bible every day. There’s something about reading God’s Word that “heals the broken hearted.”
I am so damaged that I am not even sure or confident that I can be fixed. I don't think I have ever been happy in this life and it looks like I will never be.
There is nobody “too broken” for Christ to fix.. to believe you can’t be fixed is to accept a lie from the enemy instead of the truth that God’s Word tells us:
“But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” - Matthew 19:26
If anyone would have appeared to have been an impossible case, it would have been Paul. Paul once hated Christ to the point that he persecuted the church and actually murdered Christians. Then, an encounter with Christ was all it took to totally transform him into a new creation. Imagine going from a hateful murderer who despised Christ to a follower of Christ on fire for Him and spreading His Word to countless people!
God can’t force you to accept His love or His help.. think of it this way - if you’re set on believing you can’t be helped by Him, how can you expect to accept His help that way? God never forces Himself upon us. But if you bring your brokenness to Him and trust Him to help you, He won’t disappoint. So I strongly urge you to do so!
I really like this quote, and answering your question made me think of it:
“There are many sorts of broken hearts, and Christ is good at healing them all… The patients of the Great Physician are those whose hearts are broken through sorrow. Hearts are broken through disappointment. Hearts are broken through bereavement. Hearts are broken in ten thousand ways, for this is a heart-breaking world; and Christ is good at healing all manner of heart-breaks.
Christ heals the heart that is broken because of its sin… If there is a man here whose heart is broken about his past life, he is the man to whom my text refers. Are you heart-broken because you have wasted forty, fifty, sixty years?
Some people are afraid that the doctor will try experiments on them; but our Physician will only do for us what He has done many times before… If you knock tonight at my Great Doctor’s door, you will, perhaps say to Him, ‘Here is the strangest patient, my Lord, that ever came to thee.’ He will smile as He looks at you, and He will think, ‘I have saved hundreds like you.’” - Charles H. Spurgeon, Christ’s Hospital: A Sermon on Psalm 147:3
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gabehsv · 7 years
Folks, this is your Captain speaking, due to minor technical difficulties we’re going to be a little late for our departure.
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