gabiioreblogs · 16 days
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gabiioreblogs · 19 days
I saw the tv glow is Plato’s allegory of the cave but make it trans
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gabiioreblogs · 20 days
Hello hi hey sup, it's Devil again and I'm calling right now for your help YES! YOUR HELP!
Here's the deal, basically the economy in my country's fucking TANKING! And daily expenses have become luxuries at this point. And this, is directly interfering with my plans to get to Canada so i can meet with my partners. I can't afford rent, food, locomotion AND the trip whatsoever. I also can't have a conventional job as I am a disabled person (autistic plus mobility disabled) AND on top of that I am currently going to college full time from monday to friday.
SO! I am opening up my commissions ONCE MORE! To essentially be able to afford a trip, and enough money to be safe and walk around there AND also be able to afford food for myself in the coming months while i save for the trip. The goal right now is 500 dollars USD for my trip, and the rest will go to be able to afford my livelihood, trust me it's bad out here.
I've also set up a Ko-Fi page and my carrd will be linked down below! You can DM me on here, or do so through my email, linked in my carrd. Thank you very much for reading and reblogs are appreciated!
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gabiioreblogs · 1 month
Paramore was right. Hard times
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gabiioreblogs · 2 months
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forge and tzaphiel( @gabiioartist )……… i think abt them
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gabiioreblogs · 4 months
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gabiioreblogs · 4 months
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we watched madame web ^_^ (took 3 hours to finish it)
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gabiioreblogs · 4 months
rewatching saltburn "i love gayfreaks"
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gabiioreblogs · 4 months
life is too short for me to read anything that isn't about gay men being weird to each other
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gabiioreblogs · 4 months
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this is the closest you can get to experiencing a jumpscare on social media
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gabiioreblogs · 4 months
having such an obvious favorite character trope is life ruining bro
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gabiioreblogs · 4 months
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have you guys heard of them. shit's crazy. (@gabiioartist's ocs!!)
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gabiioreblogs · 4 months
no gay relationship written by a straight person will ever come close to how diabolically insane a straight relationship written by a gay person is
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gabiioreblogs · 4 months
aint it weird that recently there were two characters who had, virtually, the same narrative arc, that of being a sexual tool for a much more powerful man, and that the control exerted on said character was hard to impossible to get rid of, and the perpetual sexualization of their demeanors in and out of the storyline is pervasive. Yet, one of them I thought was one of the best storylines I've seen touching that subject, ending in a narrative where, depending on the choices you make, he emancipates himself from his captive, and deals with his sexuality; or lack thereof, whilst the other I thought was genuinely horrific, triggering, homophobic and really difficult to watch in a way that was ungratifying. Maybe it's because the latter's character arc revolves around the fact that it's his fault for being in this situation(the narrative continually brings back the fact that he's a cocksucker as a bad thing and that it's his fault because he started willingly), and that you. see. him getting abused, repeatedly. Idk I just think some people shouldn't be able to have very popular shows.
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gabiioreblogs · 4 months
Anyone else noticed the way Felix is always baring his neck?? Like even the first time he meets Oliver he's doing this:
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Like literally just tossing his head back and exposing his throat. We get this shot of Felix so many times that it's almost a motif lol he does it again here:
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And of course he does it in the tub:
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And again, for the very last time, in the maze :
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Any time I see an image repeating like this over and over again I start wondering how it is significant. If we're reading Saltburn as an non-supernatural vampire story, which imo it absolutely is, we can see Felix's repeated vulnerability. He's exposing his life force to Oliver. We see the pulse in his neck, thinly veiled and beating under his skin. We see his fragility and his exposure and Oliver sees it too. Oliver, functioning as a 'vampire' of sorts, just wants to take. And take. And take from Felix. His obsession with consuming Felix in turn functionally consumes him. He never kisses Felix, he never gets that "bite" Felix is opening himself up to in these moments and I don't think any amount of Felix would be enough for Oliver. Further, i think Oliver actually recognizes his own insatiability in those final moments in the maze and decides that he is going to take Felix in the only way he knows will be complete and absolute. The utter finality of death appeals to Oliver in that moment because he wants everything to *last* and if he can end Felix's life, he knows at least he can do something to Felix that will be eternal.
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Which leads us to see Felix hanging his head. He has no life force left to bare to Oliver anymore. He slumps his shoulders and crouches in on himself in these final moments. Oliver has finally drained him.
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gabiioreblogs · 4 months
Reading the book is not enough. I need to eat it.
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gabiioreblogs · 5 months
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cinematic parralels
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