gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
Is this part of my deal about watching romantic movies with you? Does Gossip Girl count towards that? 
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Tonight feels like a top gear night
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
...Gossip Girl? 
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but...isn't that a girl show? 
Tonight feels like a top gear night
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
Tonight feels like a top gear night
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
As he walked with Alice to where they both hoped a flag would be, Lancaster started to worry about how their mission felt a bit too...easy. Not that it wasn't a hard task, but he'd always built up missions to be more extravagent or far fetched. Something that he'd see in a movie, or television show. He knew better than to think that being a spy was glamorous though. Lancaster saw into people's heads, and could see that it was anything but glamorous. It required a lot of determination, focus, and skill. 
His thoughts kept him preoccupied as the two made their way Northwest for a mile or so. And just as they made it to the mile mark, Lancaster stopped in his tracks, looking across the way, he saw the first flag. "This feels a bit too easy...do you think all of them are placed out in the open like that? Or is it a trick to make us think we're doing good?" He fretted a bit out loud before walking up to the flag and taking it. 
First Mission || Gabriel and Alice
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
I was just running on the treadmills...I was going to head back and take a shower now.
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How have you been?
  Oh hey! Haven’t seen you around! 
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Mmm..Thanks! How have you been? 
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
Looking at the map in front of them, Lancaster was very thankful that Alice was better at reading maps than him. But just to be on the safe dise, he took our his map as well to double check. "Yeah, there is where the river should be...and here is where we roughly are...so it looks like you're right." He smiled at Alice, glad that the two of them somewhat knew where they were located. 
"Just so you know...there was a person about a mile away from here...seemed like they were frustrated over something. Possibly finding a f;ag. there might be one by the river. I mean, we should check it out right?" he wanted to get a move on with the mission so he could go back to his room, and hope that he'd have more time to practice and prepare for whatever their next mission was going to be. 
First Mission || Gabriel and Alice
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
nice lifting skills. 
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…And ten.
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
"Both sounds good to me then." He left Alice to go do her thing while he walked a bit away from the tree to listen in to whoever might be out there. Making sure he was far enough away from Alice to not let her "voice" distract him, Lancaster closed his eyes and opened his mind to everything surrounding him. 
Noting that there were a scarce amount of people around him, Lancaster immediately found another voice, but it felt far off. Perhaps a mile or two away. It was very muffled, but with the lack of voices surrounding him, he was able to hone in and see into the person's mind. He saw that they were about a mile off from some sort of fishing site, which meant that there was a body of water nearby. He also could tell that the voice was southwest from where he was located, which would prove to be helpful when him and Alice would start to track their progress using the map. 
After a few more minutes, Lancaster was not able to learn any more from the voice that was nearby, and opened his eyes again. "I got something! what did you find?" he said as he walked back to where Alice was by the tree. 
First Mission || Gabriel and Alice
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
Relief flooded Lancaster's face as he realized that he wasn't going to be alone on this mission. But quickly he replaced his relief with concentration, so that they would get down to business and start looking for the flags for their mission. The sooner they got done, the sooner Lancaster could be back in his room and sleep, since he was now beginning to feel that he was tired from being woken up in the middle of the night. But all of those thoughts left his mind when he saw Alice looking at a tree and thinking of climbing it. 
"If you want to get our location, that's fine. I heard some other people around here though, I couldn't get an exact placement of where we are. But I'm sure that if I paid more attention then I could see where they were in relation to us." He hoped that didn't sound too creepy of him. Usually he didn't like to listen in on other people, but now was not a time to be squeamish about it. "Never mind, it's a stupid idea. Climbing up a tree sounds better. Less...invasive. The tree does look pretty sturdy." He looked at the few branches on it, and gave Alice an encouraging smile. 
First Mission || Gabriel and Alice
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
Lancaster had been walking along, not paying attention to the map in his hand at all. He had been concentrating of the voice that he hoped belonged to Alice. When he finally made it to where she was he heard her head go quiet. "Hey, sorry I uh...I was just seeing if anyone else was near and I heard you...and I just thought I'd see if it was you or not." He looked around awkwardly at their surrounding. "So, I guess I'll leave you be so we can read our maps and get going with our first mission..." Lancaster turned around and started to open up his map and then turned back around to look at Alice. 
"I think this might just be my nerves over the mission talking, but I don't remember how to read a map..." He looked innocently awkward between the map and then up at Alice. "Any chance maybe you'd want to tag team this? There's nothing against it. Spies work in teams all the time anyway, right?" He shrugged his shoulders at her. "Of course, if you want to go this alone, then I'd understand." 
First Mission || Gabriel and Alice
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
First Mission || Gabriel and Alice
Lancaster had been sleeping in his room when he first heard the voices. They seemed a bit muffled in his current sleepy state. But when he opened his eyes, he found that everything around him was black. Blindfold...duh he thought to himself. Lancaster let the people with the blurry voices drag him out of bed, and he could feel himself being transported to something. He tried to hone in on what the voices were saying, but it seemed as if they were deliberately trying not to think of where they were taking him. This must be it...the mission has started...and they know how to deal with me....great. No use getting information from their heads if they're blocking it. Lancaster just let the strange people take him to the location for the mission.
After some time, and being put into a car, Lancaster had been dropped off to where he assumed the mission starting point was. He heard the car drive off away from him, and he took off his blindfold to find a map in front of him. Bending down to pick up the map, he looked around and started to freak out a bit. He wasn't good at reading maps, he wasn't even sure if anyone else was around him. You can hear people you idiot! Start listening for someone! Lancaster yelled at himself, and smashed his palm to his forehead. He forgot for a moment that he could use his abilities out here. It was using a "resource" as Peyton had put it. 
Letting his mind wander around, Lancaster listened for anyone who might be near. Honing in on a particularly familiar voice, he started to head off in that direction, hoping that it was actually Alice's voice that he was hearing in his head and not an illusion of some sort. 
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
I'll be like an evil Professor X. 
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That's what friendship is though, at least that's what mine and Peyton's friendship is. Anyway...Doctor Horrible doesn't count as a musical...because I watch that and know all the songs. And it's like...sci-fi...but not really. So that doesn't count! No need to drug me to watch that. No, I"m not going to find a pretty girl to show me. I'll just stay as I am thank you very much. No progress is going to be made on that front if I have anything to say about it. 
Oh Sci-fi, how I miss thee
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
Thank you, thank you. *takes a bow* It has taken me a while, but I think my evil powers are coming in. 
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I can force myself to watch a month's worth of romantic movies to appease certain people. But I'd have to be drugged to watch musicals. And I know that "showing" not "telling" would probably be more beneficial to me. But I"m not going to have her show me. It'd just be awkward. 
Oh Sci-fi, how I miss thee
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
we're watching StarWars, which means....we're going to watch all six! Because I'm evil and know you can't watch one without all of them. Point for Lancaster!
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Grease? Oh...oh God no. I can't watch musicals. No. *facepalms* No, I'm not going to ask her for tips. Because if I ask, then she might start jsut showing me, and I don't need that. 
Oh Sci-fi, how I miss thee
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
she's my best friend, what else am I supposed to do besides accidentally call her favorite movie stupid, and then try to fix it? We're going to actually watch another movie tonight. Last Sci-fi movie before the punishment begins. 
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Smooth tips from horrible actors being paid to have chemistry with someone? No thank you. I'd rather ask Peyton for tips before doing that. 
Oh Sci-fi, how I miss thee
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
It's not puppet animation. It's a cartoon! And I didn't realize it was her favorite movie when I called it stupid. 
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But I mean...at least we haven't stopped watching movies. I just have to watch romantic movies with her for a month. That's going to leave me with scarring images for life. 
Oh Sci-fi, how I miss thee
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gabriel-lancaster · 11 years
Oh come on! I'm not that much of a wimp. I just can't stand to see her angry at me when I know I can fix it. 
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It's all her fault though! If she'd give My Little Pony a chance, I wouldn't have insulted The Notebook. 
Oh Sci-fi, how I miss thee
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