galacticgravitation · 10 years
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
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I was going to make full on commander gijinkas out of the commanders' three main Pokemon but then I got lazy again so I only made head sketch things OTL
mugshots ;; c ;;
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
⊰ ♄ ⊱
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"Dawn? It’s - it’s one-thirty in the morning!"
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
⊰ ♄ ⊱
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
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Who are you and how did you get into the HQ.
"Please leave."
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
*sets off tons of fireworks in the middle of the night*
⊰ ♄ ⊱
[Throws open the windows just to lean out and yell through a megaphone.]
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
⊰ ♄ ⊱
"Why would I want to keep it? In case you haven't noticed, felines and I don't typically get along."
The Glameow in his hands had already proven itself to be different, though. Saturn turned up his nose and let go, purposefully dropping the cat; it let out a quiet huff once its paws hit the ground before stepping forward to sit on one of the blue-haired man's shoes, rubbing its face against the leg of his pants. He shook it off complaining about fur and shedding, but it stuck close.
"... Why me? Why couldn't it have gone off and bothered someone else-"
"That’s your decision, but I think you should keep it. The strange color is probably due to some weird genes, like albinism or something. No need for research."
'Commander cat ears' she couldn't see, but if he had this Glameow hanging off of him like he did now? That would make the nickname more solid. That was if he kept it. Hopefully he did. Definitely would brighten the atmosphere on that floor.
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
Who cares about "Truth"? Let's play "Dare or Dare"! Dare my character to do two crazy things and they'll have to do one of them!
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
*runs in* Hi! *grabs a chair* Bye! *steals his chair and runs away*
⊰ ♄ ⊱
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… What just… Happened..?
"Pardon? Bring me back my chair!"
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
⊰ ♄ ⊱
"That sounds like a decent strategy... If you were only cute. You looked so pathetic flailing around for the cookies like a Magikarp out of water that I had to help you out of pity."
Saturn bit into one of the cookies and turned away from Hikari to examine the state of the tea, the corners of his lips twitching upwards into a hint of a smirk. That was a good comeback if he did say so himself. Still, he really wasn't sure he could think of her as cute at all after all they had gone through against each other. More... Meddlesome. Tirelessly meddlesome. More dodgy and sneaky than the innocent little girl that would lend itself to being cute.
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"I wouldn't say you fit that bill at all. Perhaps if you were still several years younger - a ten year old, something closer to that... Then maybe. Five minutes to tea, by the way. Let me just set the leaves."
Game Corner Confrontation? | Hikari & Saturn
      “Yes, you were,” teased the younger girl, sticking out her tongue before giggling. It was nice for him to get the cookies on top of the fridge for her. Then he brought up the fact that she could have just used a chair to get the cookies instead of having to have him get them. Hikari already knew that. She wasn’t dumb, even though he wasn’t trying to mean that. There was a reason as to why she didn’t do that though, and it was actually a really sneaky thing to do.
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      ��I know I could have gotten a chair, but if I did that, then I couldn’t have acted all cute and make you get the cookies for me.” That’s when she took them and grabbed a cookie, beginning to nibble on it before giving him back the rest. This girl was a very cunning one that knew how to use her assets to her advantage. Even if she was short, that just meant she could get others to do things for her; and that is exactly what she just did to Saturn.
      After finishing the cookie, the dark-haired girl sat back down in a chair and smiled up at the older man. She was giving her best innocent look.
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      “How’s the tea coming along?”
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
⊰ ♄ ⊱
"I'm quite aware of that."
As he was sure she knew. His common scuffles with the local Glameow weren't exactly hidden from the grunts; it had, at one point, gotten so severe that he'd banned his subordinates from bringing them into his office with them if they needed to speak to him. It wasn't like he was doing anything to aggravate them... As far as he knew.
The Glameow continued to play with his hair, pausing after some time to place a padded paw on his nose and give it a few pats. He kept flinching away, expecting claws in his eye.
"Do you suppose I should leave it with our scientists for research?"
"The purple fur is odd.But as I said before, I think it likes you. Glameow are definitely not the nicest ‘mons to those they don’t at least tolerate."
It was interesting how the feline’s fur was that color though, she wouldn’t disregard that. But it was simply more interesting how the glameow didn’t hate the commander. She had heard stories from the other grunts of how Saturn seemed to aggravate any feline within about 3 yards. This was definitely interesting.
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
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[A smile is given as Platina stepped towards the box and lifted out a slice for herself, holding it up to her mouth she looks to Saturn.] Careful, the cheese is escaping.
[In the food went.]
⊰ ♄ ⊱
Saturn was too busy trying to keep the molten cheese off his uniform to pay Platina's words any mind, even if they did have to do with what he was dealing with. The Commander ended up folding the rest of the pizza slice before finishing it off, wiping the residue off his mouth and chin.
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"I'm aware. Maybe I should let it cool a little while longer before taking another slice..."
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
"One of them did have a breeding project going on, but I doubt it would’ve been successful… Do you think it has a name?”
Odd was one way to put this. Adria had heard of situations where pokemon had been born different colors, but it was completely different to see one in person. Was it purring?
"I think it likes you."
⊰ ♄ ⊱
"It hasn't clawed at me yet, if that's what you're trying to suggest."
Which was a remarkable feat on its own. He could be found sporting a good number of scratches from having to deal with the grunts' Glameow getting territorial with him at any given time, but for whatever reason the one he was holding did not attack him.
"I wouldn't know whether it had a name or not. I'm still a bit astounded at the purple fur."
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
"I'm really glad someone invented pizza."
⊰ ♄ ⊱
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"As am I. It’s a wonderful thing to eat."
Saucy, cheesy goodness on a crunchy cheese-stuffed crust - preferably with olives or crisp fish as a topping. Saturn took another bite out of his slice and gestured to the open box as an invitation to share, struggling a bit as the cheese oozed onto his chin.
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
"Whoa, that cat IS fancy."
⊰ ♄ ⊱
"Isn’t it? I can’t imagine it belonging to any of the grunts, but I found it in the basement at the HQ."
Saturn held the shiny Glameow he’d been holding away from his chest to examine it for a moment, the feline staring blankly back at him for a moment before meowling and reaching out in an attempt to paw at his hair.
"You wouldn’t happen to know if any of your co-workers have a shiny, would you?"
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
drake & josh;; starter sentences
"There's a NEW Jersey?"
"Are you calling me a liar?"
"I ain't calling you a truther!"
"I don't care. I like it on my face."
"Pip pip da doodly do!"
"Maybe 'E' means 'extra fuel'!"
"That is not my job."
"I have dreams. And sometimes, in those dreams, things happen to you."
"Dude, when life hands you free nachos, you don't question it!"
"Hang on, I'm doing something really important!"
"I love this album more than I love myself."
"Whoa, just take it easy, man."
"So my foot's totally stuck in there, right, I'm freaking out, the dog's having a seizure and I still got half a pie left."
"You should date whoever you want to date."
"So I don't like her, big deal."
"If you make fun of me one more time, I'm gonna tell everyone we know that you named your favorite pillow Mr. Puff Puff."
"I don't like half the girls I date."
"Nice going, you ran over your sister!"
"I hope you go bald!"
"I hope they cancel Oprah!"
"I'm really glad someone invented pizza."
"Well, sorry doesn't sweeten my tea!"
"Whoa, that cat IS fancy."
"Don't you have a rib to nibble?"
"You sicken me."
"You're the worst!"
"Look, I was wrong, okay?"
"I need you, I need you way more than you need me."
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galacticgravitation · 10 years
(your doodles are really cute)
(( omg thank you very much OTL;;
lately I’ve had no drive to draw anything but one of these days I’ll do a real drawing of Saturn. Thank you for the compliment though, it’s really kind of you. ;; c ;; / ))
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