galadrielsprecious ¡ 2 years
Here's my question: what did Ho Min want to talk to Pil Hyun about in the car?
Also, Ji Woo, you emotionally constipated fool. I love him, but omg. I'm glad he has Da Kyung, Yoo Ha and his ex standing up for him. I'm glad the village pitched in too after being severely told off. That poor idiot needs some support and therapy to get even a whisker of self worth.
I'm so interested in the last two episodes if they are going with a happy ending... because that's a lot to resolve. I hope Ji Woo finally steps up.
Also, this series is so good! The problems are realistic. People don't communicate. They let their perspective and history cloud their judgement. It's quite true to the characters in my opinion.
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 2 years
So, here are the things I want to know/see before the end of To My Star 2.
- Ji Woo snuggling into the pillow Seo John slept on, preferably weeping.
- an explanation for Ti Aspetto (since he obviously didn't want Seo Joon to come right now, or he wouldn't be so mean)
- Seo Joon getting therapy for his people pleasing and anxiety.
- Explain what happened with Ji Woo's parents and what this has to do with the plot!!!
- Multiple episodes from Ji Woo's perspective, where he is protecting Seo Joon and hurting himself like the doofus we know and love.
- Yoo Ha to not be Ji Woo and his ex girlfriend's daughter (this will annoy me, but there were a few theories I saw)
- An amazing reconciliation between Ji Woo and Seo Joon.
I probably won't get most of these, but I'm still hopeful 😅
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 3 years
I feel like more people should be talking about how they actually acted like they were attracted to each other. JJY's "we won't finish in ten minutes if you keep looking at me like that", and the way SW was leaning up for a kiss before it happened, and was holding JJY arm. Mwah! Perfection. That's how you portray attraction and romance! Not even the kissing, but those other moments are often missing in most BL. Kiss scenes in BL's are getting better, but portraying mutual attraction outside of that well, is still fairly rare. Go Semantic Error!
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 3 years
Episode 4 is pure romantic adoreableness, silly chaos and I am obsessed. 😂
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 3 years
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 3 years
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It makes so much sense that Koyama immediately figures Kiyoi out and sees right through him because anyone who truly bothered to look at him and could put two and tow together would notice how emotionally invested he is in Hira. No one could miss the way he keeps looking at Hira with such longing, but when most people look at Kiyoi they can’t see past the beautiful face, sculpted body and seemingly cool tsundere attitude because his pretty facade is enough for them. That’s also one of the reasons why it triggers him so much when Hira appears to consider him to be some untouchable idol with gorgeous face as it makes seem Hira’s love for him to be only skin deep.
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However, Koyama is different - he can read Hira easily and so can he Kiyoi because, just like them, he is an introvert himself, constantly observing and trying to read people. He must have noticed how much Kiyoi cares about Hira the moment he met him for the first time - when Kiyoi so readily prevented Iruma from interacting with Hira, fearing he would make fun of Hira’s impediment and make Hira feel uncomfortable. Or Kiyoi’s underlying jealousy - how he wanted Hira to come to the after party and his subsequent disappointment when he got rejected. Koyama was then able to put two and two together.
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Kiyoi’s protectiveness towards Hira has been prevalent since the very beginning. He never laughed when he learnt the reason for Hira’s nickname. Furthermore, he always readily stood up for Hira when other people bullied him the moment they started. And Hira has always been someone special for him because he never bothered to defend anyone else but him, including the doormat glass girl, even though she misunderstood that he did, when it was all for Hira. 
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The moment when Kiyoi stands up for Hira for the first time is particularly interesting. First, the stare he gave Yoshida when he tried to bully Hira into cleaning the mess he had made is almost identical to the one he gives Koyama when he baits him by deliberately insulting Hira. Because Kiyoi has always felt this visceral need to defend Hira. Thus, it puts the scene when Hira actually defends him into a perspective - why and how it was such a shocking and groundbreaking moment for Kiyoi - it made Kiyoi realise that Hira is very much capable of fighting for himself, but he never does because he has low self-esteem and doesn’t consider himself someone good enough, and the only person Hira fights for is Kiyoi. Their actions echo each other due to their mutual feelings for each other and because there is a part of them that is quite similar.
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 Finally, notice the nervous and embarrassed way Kiyoi scratches his neck - he feels shy after so openly defending someone and thinks he revealed way too much about the way he is attracted to Hira so he masks it with the gruff demand for ginger ale, but, at the same time, tells Hira to buy something for himself like he wants to make Hira feel better after Yoshida bullied him. I particularly adore the fleeting moment when he looks so shyly and softly at Hira - you can see his unadulterated emotions for Hira. 
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However, it gradually becomes a habit and an extremely meaningful gesture towards Hira which holds a special meaning - because while Hira might be buying those snacks and drinks, he never pays for them. 
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Kiyoi gives that money to Hira and, even if Hira saved most of it in his beakers, this way Kiyoi has been buying Hira snacks the whole time they went together to high school. 
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It takes some time to realise it but it actually is quite romantic because it’s something a boyfriend would do.
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 3 years
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Happy birthday, Wei Wuxian! “The question,’ she replied, ‘is not whether you will love, hurt, dream, and die. It is what you will love, why you will hurt, when you will dream, and how you will die. This is your choice. You cannot pick the destination, only the path.”
― Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 3 years
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Sorry, but no! That was quick! I’m really sorry, okay? It’s okay.
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 3 years
Exactly, Orion is probably the Scholomance's favourite student (prior to El in this book) and he's the only student to have ever loved the school back too. Since the spell wasn't quite finished, I think the Scholomance the him out the door somehow into the swamp.
Does anyone else think that the Scholomance will have used the last of its sentience to save Orion? After all, its goal was to save wizarding children, and he's the only one left there.
Also, I think El slightly opening the gates and realising that the door to the world is somewhere swampy will matter as well.
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 3 years
Does anyone else think that the Scholomance will have used the last of its sentience to save Orion? After all, its goal was to save wizarding children, and he's the only one left there.
Also, I think El slightly opening the gates and realising that the door to the world is somewhere swampy will matter as well.
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 3 years
“I sat with my anger long enough until she told me her real name was grief.”
— C.S. Lewis
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 3 years
Why does everyone hate Zarco? He was super nice the couple of times I met him. Plus, he's got a decent underdog story from his early career. I want to see him backflip again. Am I missing something?
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 5 years
Quick reminder
Australians have until 8:00pm on the 18th of April to register to vote!
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 6 years
Why ‘female-presenting nipples’ matter
When I was 10, my mom made me wear a bra and it felt like a punishment for being different.
When I was 10, I took the bra off when changing for gymnastics and accidentally dropped it in the school hallway. A teacher picked it up and said, “Oh, this must belong to you” and handed it back to me in front of everyone. I quit gymnastics.
When I was 11, I thought maybe the boobs would be okay so long as they didn’t get any bigger than would fit in my hand, so I kept measuring it, but they did.
When I was 12, I started wearing two or three sports bras to smush them down, until one day a classmate said, “Are you wearing two bras?!” while laughing.
When I was 13, a boy told me he wanted to squeeze my boobs “until they popped.”
When I was 14, I got cast in a play as an older character and a classmate told me I got the role because I had boobs.
When I was 17, my mom told me to return a swimsuit because it would be too distracting for my boyfriend’s father.
When I was 21, I got properly fitted for a bra and everyone felt the need to tell me how much better my boobs looked.
When I was 26, I got pregnant and my immediate fear was that my boobs would get bigger.
When I was 28, I got shamed for trying to feed my screaming baby in public without a cover.
When I was 28, people asked me “why are you bothering to use a breastfeeding cover?”
When I was 30, people gave me weird looks that I wasn’t yelling at my kid for putting their hand on my boob.
When I was 31, I avoided going to the beach or pool because I didn’t want to have to deal with boobs in a swimsuit.
When I was 32, I got asked, again, “why don’t you get a breast reduction?”
When I was 33, I watched a 5yo girl get shamed for running around in sweltering heat without a shirt on and had to reprimand a bunch of tween boys who thought it was okay to shame her for doing something they do all the time.
When I was 34, my kid kept patting my breast and saying “Mommy’s squishy breast!!” They will never see me express any shame about tits, because I want them to have a different mindset than I had. Yes, boobs are nice! They’re squishy! They’re fun! That’s the end of that.
I’m 35 and no longer give a fuck. I don’t care anymore. As a teenager my tits were covered in stretch marks. They’ve been engorged with milk. My nipple changed shape with pregnancy. Give it another couple decades and my breasts will probably be all wrinkly. It’s sexual when I’m using it sexually. I don’t fucking care, and I won’t be ashamed anymore. 
Every time a policy or cultural hangup treats people with breasts differently, it fucks us over. 
Tumblr’s new policy makes an active choice to participate in this culture of shame. By classifying “female-presenting nipples” as explicit material, Tumblr has taken a stance that any chest or breast that differs from a male default is worthy of shame and unavoidably sexual. The idea that breasts are shameful and unavoidably sexual is exactly what fucked me up for so much of my life.
Stop shaming people for having bodies. 
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 6 years
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Wow. Mad Magazine is going all in on commentary with school shootings. Good for them!
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 6 years
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galadrielsprecious ¡ 6 years
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a really important thread
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