galaxy-kyun · 4 years
I don’t know if someone already requested this, but can you do a part 2 (or a continuation) of backseat! I love your writing 💕
No-one has requested it but there vaguely seems to be aome demand for it so I'll try 😇 if y'all have any ideas, feel free to leave them!
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galaxy-kyun · 4 years
Litha - Bang Chan Smut
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           I got the idea last year but I didn’t really have time to do anything and I’m beyond lucky that I got to finish it just on time this year. Hope you enjoy~ Chan has his first weekend off in a while and he spends it on a camping trip with you.
Bang Chan Smut , 2.5k words , AO3
       It was a lovely, sunny early June afternoon and you and your boyfriend, Chris were chilling on your balcony. Your hands were playing with his fluffy black hair as you were enjoying the sunshine. You still couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have been calling him your boyfriend for over a year now. 
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galaxy-kyun · 4 years
@sriyankathepidap ah thank you so much! I’m always open or requests I guess?
Group: Stray Kids Pairing: Seo Changbin x Reader (female) Genre: smut, streetracer! Changbin au, one shot Word Count: 3.5K Summary: Woojin and Changbin have been enemies for as long as both of them can remember. Little does Woojin know his sister has a secret thing with his enemy and decides to celebrate Changbin’s victory in the backseat of Chagbin’s car.
Nervously, you bit your lip as you kept staring at your phone. Jeongin had hacked the streetcameras to stream the latest streetrace that was being organised.
“Come on, tell me noona, I’m a genius, no!?” Jeongin said excitedly as you kept your eyes trained on the screen.
“You are, young one” You joked as you kept biting your lip.
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galaxy-kyun · 4 years
Group: Stray Kids Pairing: Seo Changbin x Reader (female) Genre: smut, streetracer! Changbin au, one shot Word Count: 3.5K Summary: Woojin and Changbin have been enemies for as long as both of them can remember. Little does Woojin know his sister has a secret thing with his enemy and decides to celebrate Changbin’s victory in the backseat of Chagbin’s car.
Nervously, you bit your lip as you kept staring at your phone. Jeongin had hacked the streetcameras to stream the latest streetrace that was being organised.
"Come on, tell me noona, I'm a genius, no!?" Jeongin said excitedly as you kept your eyes trained on the screen.
"You are, young one" You joked as you kept biting your lip.
"Who do you think'll win? I'm guessing it's Woojin, he said he has been training a lot on his sharp corners" Jeongin spoke excitedly, "but then again: corners have always been Changbin's forte and he seems to be controlling his car pretty well today so maybe it'll be decided in the last line?"
Hearing both their names being compared to one another, made your stomach turn. It felt natural you should root for your brother, Woojin, to win against his arch nemesis but could you really betray your boyfriend, Changbin, like that? The answer was 'no'.
"I think it'll be for Changbin today, he seems to be riding very clean" you muttered. Jeongin shook his shoulders and went back to his laptop to be able to switch camera's pretty soon.
Jeongin adored Woojin, sadly Woojin's team thought he was too young to race but that didn't mean Jeongin wouldn't hang around with you or your brother's gang. He made himself useful by streaming the races and sending out the invites to select people so it would stay lowkey and mainly as an underground event.
"So, Changbin taking you for a ride after the race?" a voice asked, making you choke. Minho, one of Changbin's teammates, had raplaced Jeongin sitting next to you but opposite of Jeongin, Minho also kept his eyes on the screen of your phone.
"Fucking hell, Minho! You gave me a heart attack, you know Changbin and I keep it down low and I almost forgot you knew" you hissed, punching his shoulder. Minho laughed loudly, grabbing mainly the attention of Woojin's teammates.
"Great, now they all have their eyes on us…" you muttered, biting your lip again as you saw Changbin turning one of the last corners before the finish line.
"Changbin has had a great race today, you better spoil him once he crosses that line" Minho joked and stood up again to leave you with a beet red face. This grabbed Chan’s attention, making him come over to you.
Ever since you and Changbin began dating, Chan has become suspicious, like he knew something was going on but he couldn’t wrap his head around it. Changbin had noticed it too, even though you two were very careful with sneaking around and only let Minho know because he was one of Changbin’s oldest and closest friends. To be honest, Minho had saved your ass a lot of times from Woojin or even Chan finding you and Changbin fucking in the back of Changbin’s car but by the way Chan acted, it made you wonder if Minho had always been able to warn you and Changbin in time…
“So, who do you think’ll win?” Chan asked, taking the spot next to you.
“Woojin, of course” You said without taking your eyes off the screen. Chan laughed dryly.
“Funnily enough, Jeongin just said you thought Changbin would win”
“Changbin’s been riding very well today and he seemed to be in the lead but Woojin’s coming around those last few kilometres” You said, still afraid of looking Chan in the eyes. Chan squinted at you.
“I hope you know whose side you’re on, ___” Chan spoke eerily as he stood up and walked towards the finishline. It was only then you realised Changbin and Woojin had just rounded the last corner and now being in a straight line towards the finish. Quickly, you got up from your spot and ran towards the finishline to stand with your brother’s gang. Chan still squinted at you but Felix and Seungmin were jumping up and down in excitement, making it easier to ignore Chan’s ominous glare.
“Changbin has picked up his game today but Woojin still seems to have a better technique” Felix said excitedly, Seungmin nodded. “You know, Woojin’s a good finisher. Changbin often forgets that those last few meters are the most important. Douchebag thinks he can already show off before he finishes” Seungmin scoffed, “don’t you agree, __?” Seungmin asked. You hoped no-one had noticed you swallowing thickly, not being comfortable with the way they spoke about your boyfriend.
“He is kind of a show off” you agreed but definitely in another way than Seungmin had meant. Changbin was notorious for marking your body up with lovebites, making sure that if you did wear something revealing, everyone would know you were off limits.
Roaring engines could be heard and two cars were approaching rather quickly. You couldn’t deny that from where you were standing, Chanbin was in the lead but like Felix and Seungmin had said: Woojin has a better technique and Changbin rather often forgets that the last few metres might be the most important ones.
“I think he’s going to make it…” Seungmin muttered surprised seconds before Changbin crossed the line first. For a second, your heart stopped beating. He did it, after months of ranting to you how much he hated your brother for always winning, Changbin himself won.
Woojin had just gotten out of his car, loudly slamming his door shut and making his way towards the team.
“Fucking hell” he cursed loudly, Felix pat his back gently. “It’s ok man, he probably cheated somewhere along the road”. It was scaring, how convinced Felix sounded accusing Changbin of cheating.
“No,” Woojin said, “he was really good today. If I didn’t hate his guts so much, I would’ve congratulated him but he’s so smug, I hate him”
“If you want to know if he cheated, you should ask ___, she seemed quite a big fan of him today” Chan’s ominous glare was back. Exaggeratedly, you rolled your eyes.
“Can’t a girl analyse a race!? Yeah I said I thought he’d win based on what I had seen with my own two eyes but as Seungmin said: Woojin’s a strong finisher. What the hell is wrong with you, Chan?” You hissed, taking back the four men surrounding you.
“Uh, am I interrupting something?” A voice that brought butterflies to your stomach spoke from behind you, making the five of you spin towards Changbin who stood behind you.
“What the hell do you want?” Woojin gritted, Changbin held up his hands in defence.
“I just wanted to congratulate you on the great race, it was really tough beating you and you really made me put in a lot of effort” Changbin spoke.
“Well, congratulations on winning, Seo, but don’t think it’ll happen again soon. I’ll make sure you’ll be second, as always, next time” Woojin spat. Changbin laughed loudly.
“I wouldn’t expect you to make it easy for me. Anyway, I have a long overdue victory to celebrate. See you guys later” Changbin spoke as he turned around but not before quickly slapping your ass lightly. To be honest, it surprised you Chan hadn’t noticed what Changbin had just done but instead of dwelling on it for too long, you were rather happy he didn’t.
“I need a drink after this interaction, let’s go home” Woojin muttered, his team nodding in agreement. “Get Jeongin and let’s go” Felix said pretty excited while he and Seungmin ran off to get Jeongin.
“Wait, if Jeongin comes along then my car’s full” Woojin frowned, looking at you. You shrug your shoulders.
“I’ll walk home, I was already planning on getting a snack before heading home so now you don’t have to make the stop”
Woojin nodded, “call me if you do need me or Chan to pick you up somewhere ok?”
You laughed.
“Like I’m letting your drunk asses drive tonight, go home and get drunk. I’ll be home later ok?”
Felix and Seungmin had arrived back, Woojin nodded and took the guys to the car but Chan stayed behind.
“I know something’s going on __,” he said as Woojin was out of earshot, “I don’t know what but I can feel it. Just…. Be safe ok?” He sighed.
“When the hell am I not, Bang Chan?” You laughed. Chan gave you a serious look.
“I mean it, ___ , be safe in whatever the hell you’re doing” He said while ruffling your hair and jogging off to Woojin’s car. Quickly after Chan slammed the door shut, Woojin drove off.
You turned on your heels, glancing over to Changbin and his group. You bit your lip, seeing he was still talking and laughing with his friends. Of course, Minho knew what was going on between you and Changbin but Hyunjin and Jisung? Most likely not, which would most likely look suspicious to them if you walked over. It was only then you noticed Minho looking at you and motioning you over. You swallowed thickly and walked over towards the guys.
“Why are you still here, __?” Minho asked with a grin on his face. Oh how he loved being in on this secret. How only he was able to spot that Changbin was trying to not to stare at you for too long but still, his eyes held so much adoration towards you and how you kept fumbling with the sleeves of your jacket, only looking at Minho, Hyunjin and Jisung.
“My brother left with his friends and Jeongin which means full car so I’ll be walking home because they’ll be drinking and I’m not letting them drive drunk” you stated.
“Well that’s rude” Hyunjin scoffed, you just shook your shoulders. Jisung shook his head
“Hey hyung,” the youngest spoke, “can’t we drop her off?”
Minho bit his lip as both you and Changbin choked on your own spit.
“Uh yeah sure, I mean if you’d like” Changbin stuttered, “but we’re going to a party first since I won… Would you like to join?”
Oh you knew exactly what he meant by that: he wanted to fuck in the car.
“No thank you, would you mind dropping me off first?” You asked, looking at Changbin and biting your lip. Changbin cursed you and the effect you had on him.
“Actually, the party is quite close. Changbin can drop us off and then drive you home “Minho suggested, giving you two a knowing glance.
“Well, that’s settled” Hyunjin said and spun around to walk to Changbin’s car.
The guys made you sit in the passenger’s seat, the three other cramped in the backseat. As usual, Changbin was blasting some soft type of music.
“Is this what you listen to while you race?” You asked surprised, noticing he was playing the playlist he specifically put together for when the two of you fuck.
“Yeah, keeps me focussed” He said without putting much thought into it and started the car.
The drive wasn’t too bad, Jisung and Hyunjin were nice to you even though they still expressed their distate towards your brother and his friends. Minho kept quiet but you could see him giving knowing glances in the rearview mirror. After ten minutes, you arrived at the bar the party was supposed to be at.
“You sure you’re not coming with us, __? It’ll be fun” Hyunjin asked as Changbin pulled the car over. Politely, you declined once again.
“I don’t think my brother would appreciate it but thank you for the inivite, have fun guys” you said and waved them off. However, Minho lingered a bit longer in the car.
“At least tell me you have condoms in this goddamn car” he said, looking around. It made you giggle and Changbin roll his eyes.
“The only place we can really fuck is my car so yes, we have condoms. You’re not my dad, Minho” Changbin grumbled. Minho held his hands up in defence and got out.
As soon as Minho shut the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. Changbin started laughing.
“You’re so good at playing the good little sister” He spoke as he put his hand on your thigh.
“Hmm would you rather have me telling your friends the only reason I’m not joining your celebratory party is because I want to fuck you in the backseat of your car?” you giggled. Changbin shook his head.
The party was a few blocks away from your house, not leaving Changbin with many options on where to park his car however, there was a pretty secluded car park down your street. It felt risky, fucking in his car so close to your home but it also turned Changbin on: the thought that your brother could walk past the both of you in that car.
Once parked, Changbin turned off the engine while you made your way to the backseat, pulling off your jacket and sweater while crawling over the seat.
“Goddamn love, you know how much I love black lace on you” Changbin muttered as he stared at your chest. You giggled and motioned him over. Changbin was quick to hop over the middle section and join you in the backseat. No matter how many times you two had done it in there, it never got easier to adjust to the cramped space.
You let your legs fall open gently, making room for Changbin to move between them. Your hands tangled into his hair as he started kissing your neck, first the kisses were close mouthed but soon they became open mouthed, wet kisses. Your hips started to buckle against his own as you softly moaned.
“Binnie, please” you mewled hotly into his ear while also kissing his own neck, sucking lightly in the hopes of leaving a hickey. Changbin growled.
He stopped kissing you to take off his own shirt before moving lower and kissing your chest ever so gently. You sighed softly and Changbin started massaging your right boob gently while he left a hickey on the left one. You chest and stomach were covered in love bites from previous sessions, only driving Changbin wilder. Even though Changbin was making you feel amazing, this was not what you wanted. You wanted his soft lips upon yours in a teeth clashing make-out session so that’s what you did.
Gently, you pushed Changbin back from your chest, still leaving you with angry purplish spots on your boobs. Changbin was breathless and slightly dishevelled already.
“You’re so hot” you muttered, pulling him in for a kiss. Changbin gently wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap, instinctively you grinded down on his dick. The kiss was gentle yet passionate with Changbin occasionally biting on your lip which made you moan. He was the first one to break the kiss.
“So… Am I getting a git for winning the race?” He asked, his eyes lighting up. You laughed while sliding your hands behind your back, unclasping your bra.
“I like where this is going” Changbin said whilst leaning back against the door.
“Oh, you’ll like this even more” You smile while biting your lip and sliding off his lap, your knees now on the floor of the car as you unbuckle his jeans and pull the down mid-thigh. He’s already hard.
After a few good tugs, you take Changbin’s tip in your mouth, sucking on him lightly. Changbin throws his head back, making a lot of noise as he bangs his head against the window.
“Goddamn” he mutters while holding his head whilst you laugh at him.
“Oh you think this is funny, babe?” He asks you in a dangerous yet playful voice. Innocently, you stick out your tongue and lick his dick from the bottom all the way to the tip while maintaining eye contact with him. He grunts.
“You little tease…” Is all he is able to mutter as you take him fully into your mouth.
Changbin isn’t little by any means, so it’s only normal that you struggle a tiny bit. Gently, you bop your head up and down, your dominant hand wrapped around the base of his cock while jerking him off. Keeping all of him in your mouth for too long is too much. Your other hand is on Changbin’s thigh.
“Oh fuck, that’s so good __, keep doing that” He moans, encouraging you to go faster, suck harder and most definitely encourages you to look up innocently into the face of your boyfriend. Changbin swallows thickly, tangling his hands into your hair.
“You’re so pretty, baby, so so pretty but I want to spoil you, too” he whispers. Slowly, you pull off.
“I thought you wanted a present for winning?” you asked, still licking the tip of his cock.
“Well, being buried between your thighs seems like a lovely present” He says while pulling you back up onto the backseat. You quickly kick off your jeans as Changbin manoeuvres himself around to get between your legs in a comfortable position.
“You are so gorgeous, babygirl” Changbin muttered as he kisses from your knee, up your thigh to the part where you wanted him the most, “and this black lace on you… You look so stunning, baby”. Changbin pulled your panties to the side and gently kissed your pussy. You heard him mutter another ‘so good’ before he dove in. Getting eaten out by Changbin was a whole experience in itself, the man knew how to use his tongue but today, he started by sucking onto your clit while he slipped one of his fingers inside of you. Loudly, you moaned.
“Fuck, Changbin”
Changbin quickly used his tongue where you wanted it the most, where he drew patterns around your vulva with his tongue making you wetter. He decided it was time to add another finger into you. His fingers had a slow but steady rhythm. In, curling up against your spot and out, in, curling up against your spot and out … You whined, your toes curling as he started to pick up the pace against your spot.
“Changbin no, I’ll cum if you continue doing that!” You moaned and sighed in relieve as Changbin pulled his fingers out but instead they were replaced with his tongue, his hands now keeping your thighs open as you screamed slightly. His tongue was fucking you deliciously and you felt yourself closing in on your orgasm but right as you were about to, Changbin removed his mouth from you. You whined.
“If you’re going to cum, it’s on my cock” Changbin smirked as he rolled on a condom. You huffed.
“Well then fuck me, Seo!” You gritted, Changbin taking this as an invite. Swiftly, he wrapped one of your legs around his waist and instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck. Changbin’s tip pressed against you, making you buck your hips so his tip was already inside you.
“Binnie,” you whined, not being able to get much more than the tip inside in this position by bucking your hips, “please?” you whispered, looking into his eyes. It was then you felt him slipping in fully.
“Keep your eyes open, baby, keep looking at me” he muttered as you bottomed out, soft whines leaving your mouth. “Such pretty noises”, he praised while pressing a soft kiss on your lips.
“You feel so good” you muttered, throwing your head back and closing your eyes. Changbin took this as a sign to start moving. His strokes were long, where he went almost completely out of you before slamming back in hard.
“Faster, baby” you whined, he complied. His strokes were much shorter but hit just as hard if not harder. You wrapped your second leg around him aswell, keeping him close to your body.
“Fuck, I love you so much baby” He muttered while pounding into you. Hid pace made you unable to really form words.
“Who knew my enemy has the most precious, supportive sister whom I’d fall in love with and fuck silly in the backseat of my car?” He gritted, sweat beading onto his forehead.
“Close” was the only word you were able to bring out, Changbin’s relentless pace being the cause of it.
“Just let go, baby” Changbin fucked you right into your orgasm, your walls clenching around him, triggering his own orgasm which spilled into the condom.
You wrapped your legs even tighter around Changbin, pulling him into a close hug and kissing his forehead.
“I love you” you muttered, kissing his cheeks, trying to catch your breath. Changbin laid his head down in the crook of your neck, enjoying the soft playing with his hair.
“I love you too, baby. One day, we’ll be able to tell everyone about us” he muttered, gently kissing you neck. You giggled
“I love you so much, baby, so much but for the love of everything in the universe, never talk about my brother again when we’re having sex!”
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galaxy-kyun · 4 years
Me: I’m gonna finish writing that thing tonight!
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galaxy-kyun · 4 years
Cover up
Group: Stray Kids Pairing: Bang Chan x Han Jisung Genre: fluff, one-shot (with a BIG chance of continuation), inspired by this tweet, tattoo artists! Jisung & Changbin AU Word Count: 1.7K Summary: Chan made the mistake of getting an ex' name tattood on his chest in the past and decides to let a young tattoo artist by the name of Han Jisung cover it up.  
Chan pushed the door of the shop open, the contrast of the warm shop being stark with how cold the February air was outside. The shop smelled strongly of cleaning products, not a bad thing for a tattoo shop at all but rather a good thing.
“Good afternoon, do you have an appointment?” a seemingly heavily tattooed man asked Chan. His arms were pretty full with a few crawling up his neck. Chan nodded.
“Yeah, at two with Jisung. Cover-up” He spoke. The man behind the counter nodded.
“Make yourself comfortable, he’ll be with you shortly” the man smiled friendly and opened a door behind the counter, only to be a staff room Chan presumed.
“Han! Your next appointment is here!” He yelled loudly. Chan chuckled lightly, playing with the edge of his coat sleeves as he waited for Jisung to come. The shop was very calm for a Saturday afternoon, to be honest: only Chan and the guy behind the counter were the only ones inside. Chan immediately felt comfortable with the vibe of the shop, he was glad he took Felix’ advice going to this shop. His friend Felix had no tattoos at all but ‘the cute guy with loads of tattoos and always drank his lattes way too sweet’ apparently owned this shop.
“I was about to ask if this was your first tattoo but then I remember you came in for a cover-up” the guy behind the counter chuckled. Chan chuckled too.
“Yeah no, I have multiple” Chan replied. The guy raised an eyebrow, Chan too that as a sign to take his coat off. Underneath he wore a plain T-shirt because having on a sweater would be a hassle later once the cover-up took place. The guy behind the counter looked impressed by Chan’s right arm, which seemed to be covered in a sleeve in a cosmic and galaxy theme.
“Nice sleeve you got there” He replied.
“Thanks, a friend of mine back in Australia did it” Chan replied fondly. “I just…. Love space, the moon, the stars … They’re just amazing” Chan beamed over the beauty of the universe. The guy chuckled.
“Your sleeve seems to have a lot of meaning” He replied, Chan nodded.
“All my tattoos have a lot of meaning” Chan replied showing off the compass on his left forearm, “I also have a turtle of my calf”.
The guy behind the counter frowned. “If I may be curious: what are you getting covered up? You genuinely are the first person that I’ve seen come in who has all nice, thought out work on his body. What could a guy like you possibly want covered up?”
Chan bit his lip.
“An ex’ name on my chest…. I thought we’d be together forever but apparently they thought otherwise. It’s really painful to be reminded of someone you once truly loved by a stupid tattoo” Chan muttered. The guy behind the counter let out a soft ‘oh’.
“I’m sorry dude, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“It’s ok” Chan smiled at him politely. At that very moment, the backroom door opened. A young man stepped out in a T-shirt and basketball shorts. On his arms, a bunch of random tattoos in nature themes with hues of black, grey, blue and green in them.
“Ah, you must be Chan” He smiled and held out his hand. “I’m Jisung, sorry it took a while I was trying to sketch out one more idea based on what you had e-mailed me”.
Chan took in Jisung. Jisung was cute. Really cute. A few years younger than Chan most likely. Chan shook his head quickly and smiled back at Jisung.
“Yeah, nice to meet you and no problem, your colleague and I had a nice chat” Chan genuinely smiled at the other guy behind the counter.
“You’re welcome dude! I often have to calm down people getting their first tattoo but you know what it’s like. Jisung’s a great artist, very nice and soothing too but a lot of people are sceptic because he looks like a young squirrel” The guy chuckled, making Chan chuckle too but Jisung shot his colleague a glance.
“Not cool Changbin, I’m not a squirrel” Jisung punched Changbin in the shoulder, making the other hold up his hands in defence.
“Ok, ok, now get to work you lazy. I don’t pay you for just standing here and joking” Changbin grinned. Jisung walked around the counter and pointed to the room where he’d be tattooing at.
“You don’t pay me, Bin, I pay myself. We co-own this place, you forgot that?” Jisung yelled back and closed the door behind Chan and himself before Changbin could reply.
“I’m really sorry about that, Chan” Jisung sighed and laughed slightly. Chan gave him a reassuring smile.
“It’s ok”
Jisung took in Chan for the first time. Chan was hot in Jisung’s opinion. It was only then Jisung took notice of Chan’s sleeve and the compass.
“Nice work you’ve got there! Absolutely love the compass on your forearm” Jisung complimented. Chan blushed lightly. The compass was kind of his pride.
Jisung had to shake his thoughts away from drooling over the man in front of him. ‘Be professional’ he reminded himself.
“So, you e-mailed me about a cover-up on your chest right?” Jisung asked, to make sure he had the right client in mind. Chan nodded.
“I remember we talked about the things you liked so I drew a few designs. I was thinking, it’s on the right side, right?” Chan nodded, letting Jisung continue his ramble, “I was thinking of it continuing the space theme so if you’d like, you could connect your chest to your sleeve. I drew up a few designs based on what you said you liked, I just mentioned the space thing because of your sleeve and I think it would look cool.”
While he talked, Jisung put his designs on the table. All of them were drawn delicately which made Chan stare in awe.
“If you don’t like any of them, we can always brainstorm together and make it work. I want my clients fully satisfied with what I’m doing” Jisung said. Chan looked at the younger in shock.
“Jisung, they’re all amazing!”
The younger blushed furiously, in meanwhile Chan’s eyes lingered on the third drawing in front of him. It’s a spaceship. His fingers went to trace the lines of the craft.
“We can go with this one” Chan decided.
“Are you sure? I can draw different ships, adjust things you don’t like about it, anything” Jisung smiled politely but Chan shook his head.
“This is about as perfect as it gets. Let’s do it!” Chan was confident in this design. It made Jisung feel a tad insecure, he was afraid Chan picked something against his will but then again had he never had a client who stared at his work with such adoration as Chan did.
“If you’re sure” Jisung smiled at Chan.
Chan noted that Jisung was very hygienic and careful in his workspace. He liked it a lot. Jisung readied the stencil and turned to Chan.
“Can you uh…. Remove your shirt? I mean, I do have to tattoo your chest” Jisung stammered. Chan giggled and nodded, fuck Jisung was so cute…. Chan quickly removed his shirt and Jisung’s jaw dropped.
Not only was Chan’s face stunning, but so was the rest of his body. Chan was muscly, sixpack showing. Jisung swallowed thickly and closed his mouth, motioning for Chan to sit on the chair…. He must’ve made a fool out of himself! But then he heard a small chuckle that sounded an awful lot like ‘cute’ come from the muscly older man.
Chan’s chest was toned and Jisung had to steady his breath very well to not faint over this stunning man in front of him. Jisung also noted that Chan’s chest was empty except for one cursive written word on his chest, right under his collarbone.
“Minjae?” Jisung asks, “she must’ve been very special if you got her name tattood on you”
“He was,” Chan replied, “I was madly in love with him and thought we’d be together forever but he decided otherwise”
He? Him? Oh….. Oh! Jisung blushed bright red.
“Oh dude, I’m so sorry” Jisung muttered and placed the stencil on top of the name.
“It’s ok, the first step in getting over him is getting his damn name covered up” Chan laughed. His laugh sounded amazing to Jisung.
“Well, I’m working on that. Would you mind checking the placement in the mirror?”
“As long as his name is covered, it’s good” Chan laughed as he got up to check the placement in the mirror.
“It looks really good Jisung, I’m sure it will look amazing when finished” Chan beamed.
And that’s how Jisung started up the tattoo process. Jisung made Chan lay back comfortably and sat down aswell, trying to position himself in the best manner to work. Jisung put his left hand on Chan’s chest to stabilise himself but it also caused him to blush furiously. Damn, this man really works out! In his right hand, Jisung took the tattoo needles and started outlining the spaceship.
“If you need to tap out for a minute, just tell me” Jisung told Chan as he carefuly followed the lines of his own design.
“I will but it’s nothing I haven’t felt before so I guess I’ll be cool, Sungie”
Good thing that Jisung had lifted the needle up because the nickname shocked him.
“O-ok” He muttered, continuing to work on Chan’s chest.
“You know,” Chan continued again, getting Jisung’s attention, “you’re really cute.”
Jisung blushed furiously.
“Chan, please, if you want me to not fuck up your tattoo then please stop flirting with me until I’m done” Jisung joked and made eye contact with the older man. Chan seemed very serious.
“Can I flirt with you over some drinks, tonight?” He asked in a serious tone but right after asking the question, a smile played on his face. Jisung swallowed thickly as he looked at Chan.
“Y-yes, of course I’d like that” He was able to stumble out.
Chan smirked.
“Then it’s a date, Jisung!”
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galaxy-kyun · 5 years
Yule - Bang Chan Smut
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I’ve been wanting to write a second part to Beltane since… well since I wrote Beltane. So with Yule coming tomorrow, I wrote this baby! Happy Yule my darlings and Happy Holidays in general~
Bang Chan smut, 2.3k words, AO3
It was well into winter already. You could see it in the nights that were getting longer and the brightly decorated shop windows. But most importantly you could feel it was getting colder, it was finally “hoodie season” as your boyfriend would say. The boyfriend who was lately way too busy.
           Chris and his group were currently promoting their new album and you’d be lucky if you got to see him a few hours a week, but really you couldn’t blame him. You knew all too well how time-consuming and exhausting his job was, and also how much he loved doing it, you just missed him terribly. But hopefully tonight, the longest night of the year, this would change. You wouldn’t really call it a date or anything but he had promised to you, since he’d have the weekend off that you could watch movies and spend time together.
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galaxy-kyun · 5 years
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Bang Chan x Reader fluff, 2.1k words, AO3
I was craving a friends-to-lovers Chan fluff so I wrote it.
You were one of Minho’s oldest friends. He was the first friend you made when you moved to Korea, you lived in the same neighborhood, went to the same school up until some point and you’ve been through thick and thin. Even though it was difficult to stay in touch during his trainee years, and even more now that he was actually an idol, you two still tried to make time for each other. He was literally like a little brother to you. Or more like the close cousin that you can be annoying with. A few months before his debut he was insisting that he wanted you to meet his members but both of your guys’ schedule was hectic, yours with university and work and his with promotions and practice and it never really happened until months later.
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galaxy-kyun · 5 years
Group: Stray Kids Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Han Jisung Wordcount: 670 Genre: smut, sub! Hyunjin, dom! Jisung, blowjobs, kind of enemies au (pre-debut situation?), one shot
Roughly, Han Jisung pushed Hwang Hyunjin against the wall of the changing room.
"Stupid Hwang, do you think you can actually rap!?" He spat out. Hyunjin laughed unimpressed.
"Oh Han, do you actually think you can dance?" He towered over the younger boy but the younger wasn't backing off. His chest was heaving and the look on his face screamed anger.
"You're so fucking stupid, Hwang" Jisung spat out but for Hyunjin could react, connected their lips. It took Hyunjin by surprise but he couldn't say he didn't love it. God, he loved it so much. The tension between the two young men had grown excruciating lately withJisung dropping nasty comments about Hyunjin's rap whenever he could and Hyunjin getting his payback by calling out Jisung's dancing loudly in front of their entire trainee group.
"You think you're so cool, Mr. Tall and Handsome, but I'm going to prove to you you're not" Jisung gritted and connected their lips again. Hyunjin couldn't help it but felt his body melt against the younger, shorter male. Jisung just knew what to do to make Hyunjin melt into a weak puddle.
"Jisung," he whimpered, "please!"
Jisung snickered and looked at the taller man, his eyes not focussing anymore.
"What's it, Hwang, you want to admit that you like being dominated?"
Hyunjin could only swallow dryly and nod. Jisung loved how the older had learned to not even put up a fight anymore, of course he respected Hyunjin’s boundaries but both had established that a good hate fuck between the two of them from time to time was something they could both live with. Yes, often Han Jisung and Hwang Hyunjin didn’t get along well but when it came to their mutual sex life, they were quick to sit down and set boundaries.
“Hmm well then, let’s see if you still suck dick better than you can rap” Jisung speaks as he pushes Hyunjin to his knees. Hyunjin’s mouth waters, if he loved one thing about Jisung it must be his dick. Hyunjin might be the taller of the two but he will gladly admit that height doesn’t matter, Jisung’s got the better dick out of the two of them.
Hyunjin eagerly reaches out to Jisung’s sweatpants and drags them down his thighs, along with his boxers. Jisung’s dick springs up against his stomach and Hyunjin drools. Jisung laughs.
“Do you want it, babyboy?” He asks in a sweet tone. Hyunjin nods eagerly.
“Go ahead”
That’s all Hyunjin needs. Quickly he leans forewards and takes Jisung’s cock in his mouth and moans. His tongue slowly circles around Jisung’s dick while he grabs the younger’s hips for more grip. Jisung closes his eyes and smiles contently.
“Fuck, Hyunjin”
Hyunjin takes this encouragement to bop his head some more, more ferociously and use more tongue and spit. Jisung loves how messy Hyunjin gives head. He loves how the taller goes all in to satisfy Jisung and would push himself beyond his limit to satisfy the younger one.
“You’re so good at this, Jinnie, if only you were this good at rapping”
Hyunjin glares at Jisung but knows he can’t be taken seriously while he’s still sucking him off but he can torture him a bit. Hyunjin slows down his pace and calms his throat to take Jisung deeper.
“Fuck, Jin, what are you doing?” Jisung moans and bites his lip. Hyunjin smirks and tries to take Jisung as far as he can. “Fuck baby boy, we don’t have time for this” Jisung moans again and pulls on Hyunjin’s hair slightly. Hyunjin quits his torture and picks up his previous pace again, one of his hands now going to Jisung’s balls to roll them around in his hand while he sucks him off.
“Oh fucking hell Hyunjin I’m coming” Jisung hisses right before he spils onto Hyunjin’s tongue, the older one swallowing quickly. Both men try to catch their breath, Hyunjin being the first one to recover.
“So, round two later?”
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galaxy-kyun · 5 years
hi cuties, can u pls write a cute fluff w/ jeongin from skz ? he make me soft :( 💛
Hi love! I’m really sorry it took so long to put up but you can find your request here. I hope you enjoy it!
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galaxy-kyun · 5 years
Group: Stray Kids Pairing: Yang Jeongin x Reader (gender neutral) Genre: fluff, drabble, friends to lovers, requested
The soft sound of autumn leaves crackling under your feet filled the air. You and your best friend Jeongin decided to go for a nice walk in the warm autumn afternoon sun.
“After our walk, we could go for a hot chocolate?” Jeongin had proposed, which had made you blush furiously as for the last couple of months, you had been crushing on your best friend so your head screamed ‘date’.
“Sounds lovely, Innie! Let’s do it” You had replied trying to cover up your pink face. Jeongin had sent you the cutest smile and dragged you out the house. He was already bundled up in a sweater, jacket and a scarf but due to his enthusiasm, you had just left the house in a thin sweater and jacket. Even though the sun was warm, the wind was making it quite chilly. At this moment, you cursed Jeongin for not giving you time to bundle up more.
“The leaves are so nice!” Jeongin exclaimed excitedly as he stared up at the trees, you chuckled at his cuteness.
“They are!” you agreed, shivering slightly as it was really cold and apparently the few layers of clothing you were wearing weren’t enough to keep you warm.
“Y/N, are you cold?” Jeongin asked as he saw you shiver out of the corner of his eyes. You brushed it off.
“Nah Innie, I’m ok” You smiled at him but Jeongin wasn’t having it, quickly wrapping you up in his own scarf and coat.
“Jeongin! Now you’ll be cold!” you voiced your worry towards your best friend. He laughed.
“I’ll gladly be cold if it means you’re warm at least” which made you blush furiously.
“You can’t do this to me, Yang Jeongin” you muttered under your breath, in hopes he hadn’t heard you. But he did.
“I can’t do what, Y/N?” Jeongin asked, blinking confused at you. You swallowed, should you…?
“You can’t just play with my heart” the words had left your mouth before your head had processed it, confusing Jeongin even more.
“I’m… not? I’m just being a good friend?” Jeongin asked confusedly, you took your chance and grabbed both of his hands.
“I like you, Jeongin, in more than a friend way”
“Oh… Oh!” Jeongin’s eyes lit up. “I like you too, Y/N! I thought you just saw us as friends but genuinely, I like you”
Your heart started to beat faster after his words.
“Why are we so cheesy!?” You groaned out loud, looking away from Jeongin to hide your blush.
“What do you say, Y/N, may that hot chocolate be our first date?” Jeongin asked smugly. You laughed and punched his arm gently.
“I don’t see why not” You muttered shyly, Jeongin took this as a chance to grab your hand and drag you to the café for your first date.
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galaxy-kyun · 5 years
Once again, I am making a post regarding to a departure. Wonho left Monsta X, I’m really heartbroken as they are my ultimate group. Once agaian: Monsta X will always be OT7, just as Stray Kids will always be OT9. For that reason, also Wonho will stay included in writing.
Keep strong, Monbebe and Stay <3
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galaxy-kyun · 5 years
As some of you may have read, our beloved Woojin left Stray Kids and JYP. Am I hurt? Yes, am I upset? Yes, but that's all besides the point. I want Woojin to be ok, to take care of himself, to know he is loved. Nine or none. I hope he's doing ok....
For anyone who might have this question: yes I wi continue to write Woojin, especially now since we all need comfort.
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galaxy-kyun · 5 years
woojin making me feel some kinda way thanks I love it
Is this about the drabble? It had literally been sitting in my drafts since early September and I just decided to finish it I feel like I don't appreciate Woojin enough in my writing! Anyway, you're welcome 😏
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galaxy-kyun · 5 years
Stolen T-shirt
Group: Stray Kids Pairing: Kim Woojin x Reader (gender neutral) Genre: fluff, drabble, suggestive
"Babe? Have you seen my sh-… Oh" Your boyfriend Woojin spoke as he entered the kitchen.
It was such a cliché sight, but he loved it. There you were, basically the love of his life, cooking for him in his grey T-shirt he had worn yesterday when he arrived at your place.
"Good morning babe, have I seen what?" You asked, scrambling the eggs while looking over your shoulder at your boyfriend who stood there, smirking at you.
"I was going to ask if you had seen my grey shirt but obviously, you have?" He pointed towards your shirt, smirking. It was then when you noticed your boyfriend was shirtless.
"Oh, yes I have…. Did you want it back?" you ask, slightly pulling on the soft fabric.
Woojin bites his lip and walks over to you, his arms wrapping around your waist while turning the stove off and pushing the scrambled eggs off the hot burner. Confused, you turn around in his arms but Woojin quickly pushes you onto the counter and stands between your legs.
“Hmm... I don’t know, maybe I do” He smirked, playing with the hem of his shirt on your body. You giggled.
“Well maybe you should take it off of me then” you replied cheekily, Woojin quickly leans in to kiss you.
“I just might, babe”
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galaxy-kyun · 5 years
can i still send a request for the drabble challenge, too?? T-T
Yes of course, ask away and read our faq if you have any other questions ;-)
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galaxy-kyun · 5 years
❣️ one-shot | 💌 drabble | 💗 fanfic | 💘 requested
❤️ fluff | 🖤 smut | 💙 angst | 💚 au | 💜 song inspired
LAST UPDATE: 13 september 2019
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