galaxybatter · 14 days
walking distance poll
• speaking for your own definition in a private context (for example not what you would expect when a hotel advertises a "beach at walking distance" but rather if you want to go somewhere, what distance do you consider within your personal walking distance)
• you can walk at any pace you like, fast or slow
• you can take as many breaks as you like, the only thing that matters is the total time that it takes you to get from point A to point B
• you can use any medical mobility aids you want/need to cross the distance
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galaxybatter · 15 days
got curious about this based on my own life experiences
whether or not you actually did lock your door is irrelevant. this is only about what rules did or didn't exist in your household as a child
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galaxybatter · 15 days
i think we should all go back to carrying cheap little plastic mp3 players that look strangely edible and only hold like 200 songs
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galaxybatter · 15 days
Tumblr is making the move to WordPress. After its 2019 acquisition by WordPress.com parent company Automattic in a $3 million fire sale, the new owner has focused on improving Tumblr’s platform and growing its revenue. Now Automattic will shift Tumblr’s back end over to WordPress, Automattic said in a blog post published on Wednesday. The company clarified that it will not change Tumblr into WordPress; it will just run on WordPress. “We acquired Tumblr to benefit from its differences and strengths, not to water it down. We love Tumblr’s streamlined posting experience and its current product direction,” the post explained. “We’re not changing that. We’re talking about running Tumblr’s backend on WordPress. You won’t even notice a difference from the outside,” it noted. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @vague-humanoid
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galaxybatter · 16 days
I feel like I might have already made this post but I'll do it again; I've found a way to video game my stress by playing boss battle music while doing my tasks, thus tricking my brain into being stressed about something rational rather than nothing-and-everything.
Because that also means that in turn, once the task is over, I can put on a calm song from the same soundtrack (in this case safe room music), and trick my brain into calming down because the music says we're Done and Safe.
Now of course this stops working the moment I turn off the calm music, but it's getting me through the thick of it.
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galaxybatter · 17 days
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galaxybatter · 17 days
{Submitted September 4th to Kpolls}
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galaxybatter · 17 days
I am finding such delights on this new roleplay forum, I just gotta say. The old site I was on was very unified with strict definitions of what semi-lit, literature, and novella meant. As well as (in)frequent posting meant.
On this forum though it's not at all the same. You have people saying "I'm a really chill poster—anywhere from several times a day to every two days" and then two searches later a "I'm chill on posts, once a month or so average."
There's "I'm novella, and I need you to be able to write at least five sentences like me" and "I'm novella, so I ask for 2000 words minimum" back to back.
It's so fun (genuine), it really shows how everyone's origins for how they started really has an effect on the language they use and the words and their meanings.
It also proves my long standing principle of saying explicit word-counts and post times, because sometimes someone's "I'm busy so don't expect me to post often" is three posts a day and another's twice a year.
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galaxybatter · 17 days
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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galaxybatter · 18 days
wait i have no idea how to season food. what kind of things can u put in the water when u make ur rice
I pour in sweet chili sauce and broth cubes. They sell broth in cubes around here, you put the cube in water and it becomes broth.
Tumblr media
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galaxybatter · 18 days
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galaxybatter · 18 days
Most computers and phones can track this for you now, but if you can't find that data, answer with your best estimate.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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galaxybatter · 18 days
I know this is the "hates talking on the phone" website– for the purposes of this poll, "I like ___" can mean "I'm fine with" or "I tolerate."
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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galaxybatter · 19 days
Each spell can be used sporadically and can get stronger/easier with practice. Each one has a cooldown so you can't just spam the one magic thing you know endlessly.
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galaxybatter · 19 days
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galaxybatter · 19 days
While the bingo line has been a daily occurrence in my life, ever since I watched Seán play the game a month(?) or so ago. Now that it's September, by brain immediately goes "September 30th....1998".
Come on me, you have not cared this much about jokes and shit since Supernatural in 2011. Stop.
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galaxybatter · 20 days
you know that jaw clench dean does when someone reads him for filth n he doesn’t want to admit they’re right but they’re right? when cas gets all up in his space n says “what’s the matter? you don’t think you deserve to be saved” dean does that Dean Winchester Jaw Clench bc its true but he doesnt wanna say it. that jaw clench is his admission yall know that jaw clench right? anyway this is just to say, he does that same jaw clench when meg accuses him of being in love with cas
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