galixy0universe · 6 years
It’s Always You
Pairing: Lance x Hispanic Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: A request from @i-write-shakespeare-not-disney hope you enjoy it. Inspired by the song It’s Always You- Nick Merico. If you want a request leave it in the ask box. 
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Some people say that the moment is gone
And then they tell you that its time to move on
You hadn’t known how long it had been since you last heard from him. It didn’t matter since you were told that you may never hear from him again. The news of his disappearance crushed you, yet you had hope. This was Lance you were sure he would walk through the door. A smile on his face as he asked if you missed him. You held onto that hope, but it had been so long you didn’t know if any hope was left.
At first you refused to believe it. The screaming and cursing as you demanded to be told were he was. After a month it seemed as everyone began to pick up around you. They pitied you at first before irritation eventually took over. Spiteful words were thrown at you to move on. Many assumed him to be dead by know. They thought trying to force you to move on would magically heal your wounds. It didn’t, and it wouldn’t because how could you heal from a situation with no answers.
But don't you listen to a word that they say
Cause we got magic that just won't go away
You wanted to move on but in your heart, you knew. Somewhere out there he was thinking about you. In his prayers he was whispering to be returned to you. You couldn’t explain it to anyone, you just knew he was alive. It was a connection that called out to you. It whispered sweet words of encourage meant to hold on. Just hold on a bit longer. Soon you can be in his arms again. Soon.
This caused you to ignore those who told you to move on. The ones who tried to set you up with others. The ones who tried to tell you it was a lost cause. You refused to believe them and held out hope. You eventually picked up with your life. You began to work at the café you frequented with him. You gave the impression that everything was fine and life was going on, but you refused to give up hope he was coming back for you.
And we may be a hundred worlds apart but that wont keep me from your heart
You can't fight the rain when its already falling
You can't hide the truth from yourself when you're all in
Lance thought about you every moment he could. Especially in the moments that he felt alone. The moments where he wished he could hear your laugh as he gave yet another corny pick up line. The way you rolled your eyes and pushed his shoulder gently at his greetings. He craved those moments again. He missed the way your hand gently slid against his face in a gentle manner. The way you whispered sweet nothings in his ear. The way every cumbia or bachata called for the both of you to hit the dance floor. He missed your tan skin flushed against his as Spanish curses passed your lips.
Space was so much larger then he thought it was. He never thought he would ever be so far away from you. He didn’t think he had some magical destiny that had to be fulfilled. All of it happened so fast it gave him whip lash. It also enlisted the craving for you, his home. He masqueraded his strength, and when faced with the pressure he felt like crumbling. It was these moments of weakness he needed you. He needed you to tell him it would be alright. That everything was going to turn out okay.
No one can erase this, I'll always be drawing you closer and closer
whatever I do, its always you
Ohh, its always you
In his heart Lance knew that when he arrived home you would be waiting for him. That you would wrap your arms around him. He would kiss you as if letting go meant you would disappear. The both of you would look like a cliché movie reunion, but neither would care. You would have each other again because no one else could replace you to him. Even when surrounded with exotic women his heart always pulled towards you.
He knew that the distance between the two of you would eventually shorten. He knew that heading home you would have so many questions. That was not what scared him though. What if you moved on? What if you had grown to hate him? What if…so many what ifs plagued his mind he thought that he would implode. Even with encouragement from the others he couldn’t know what to expect from you. His heart knew the truth though. It knew that you were waiting for him.
Some people run from what they don't understand
But we're just keeping up the best that we can
Lance stood in front of you terrified of your reaction. He felt his heart pounding against his chest. He thought it was going to explode. You stared at him in shock. The books in your hands fell straight to the floor as your vision began to blur. Your legs were quick to close the distance between the two of you. Lance was quick to wrap his arms around you. He held onto you so tight as he apologized repeatedly.
“Disculpa me mi amor. Disculpa me.” He whispered.
Most people didn’t understand what Lance had been through. You didn’t understand most of it either. Flying lions, aliens, and the salvation of the universe. It sounded ridiculous, but it was all real. Lance suffered so much not only physically, but mentally. Many thought you were crazy to have waited to only have to deal with a broken man. To you he wasn’t broken no matter what they said.
The nights were the hardest for him. Every time Lance closed his eyes he found himself back in the most terrible situation. He would wake up in cold sweats shivering from the nightmare. It never bothered you at all. You were always quick to cup his face and whisper sweet carinos to him. Sometimes your simple touch eased his mind. Other times you would sit with him in the kitchen. He would watch as you made Abuelita’s and served him a hot glass.
Day’s turned to months and month’s turned to years. Before he knew it had been 4 years since returning to earth. Lance let out a small sigh of content as he watched you dance with his niece. It was his parent’s anniversary and a party had to be thrown, and as he watched you dance he pondered. From the moment he first laid eyes on you it had to be you. No matter what happened no matter how far away you were it was always you. Soul mate or not you were the only person for him.
You had realized the same thing years ago though. You realized that it was always him the moment he returned to you. For some strange reason you always knew somewhere in your heart that it was him. As his niece ran off to her parents you went to pull Lance up from his seat. He gave you one of his dazzling smiles and followed you to the dance floor. Just at that moment a slow song began to play, and he pulled you into his arms. You gave him a dazzling smile and felt content. Dancing there it felt like the moment you ran to his arms upon his return. Though this time he wasn’t apologizing. As the song began to fade you heard him whisper.
“Te amo tanto mi reina, te casarías conmigo.”
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galixy0universe · 6 years
The Object of My Affection 💝
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galixy0universe · 6 years
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galixy0universe · 6 years
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Shout out to crayola crayons for always being there for me ✊✊
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galixy0universe · 6 years
me: here’s a list of fictional characters i want to bone
my gf: this in no way diminishes my attraction to you. here’s my own list
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galixy0universe · 6 years
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galixy0universe · 6 years
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galixy0universe · 6 years
Some memes to lighten the post Infinity War blues.
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galixy0universe · 6 years
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so, i gathered just a handful testimonials from replies and messages revealing just how unprofessional they are with their commission work by leaving their commissioners in silence for months. do not commission ghost-oakes unless you want to wait for months, watching them pump out other commissions and art while you twiddle your thumbs 
i have my own testimonial too: i had tried to order a holiday icon back when they were offering them. weeks went by and i heard nothing, no updates. all the while, they were creating gift icons for friends for free and other such art. when i finally did hear back, the holidays were over and i still got no visual progress (but i was told it was being worked on). they said they would finish it in a week - nothing. i asked them about it again, another week - still nothing. it wasn’t until i threatened to backdraft them (which in most cases i would NEVER do, but i felt it was my only option) that i got my money back.
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galixy0universe · 6 years
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Daily Marvel Heroes’ Top 20 Characters (as voted by our followers) #17. Okoye (1.79%)
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galixy0universe · 6 years
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galixy0universe · 6 years
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You’re doing amazing sweetie
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galixy0universe · 6 years
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So I’ve seen the post he’s talking about around tumblr and twitter, but haven’t seen this on tumblr. I think it’s worth sharing.
(Also remember: do *not* pet service dogs!)
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galixy0universe · 6 years
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I first watched it in Spanish and absolutely loved it. I then started searching for the songs in various languages. Singing along to them helps with pronunciation due to its various rhythms.  Plus, how cool would it be to be able to sing the same song in different languages???
I just love how some of them keep the Spanish words in there. I could listen to these for hours [and I did].
Anyway, below are the various languages and songs I found. The crossed out ones, I couldn’t find sorry.
Also, major kudos to Celestial Bunny for most of these.
Remember Me [Ernerto De La Cruz]
Everyone Knows Juanita
Un Poco Loco
The World Es Mi Familia
Remember Me [Lullaby]
La Llorona
Remember Me [Reunion]
Proud Corazón
Remember Me [Ernerto De La Cruz]
Everyone Knows Juanita
Un Poco Loco
The World Es Mi Familia
Remember Me [Lullaby]
La Llorona 
Remember Me [Reunion]
Proud Corazón
Remember Me [Ernerto De La Cruz]
Everyone Knows Jaunita
Un Poco Loco
The World Es Mi Familia
Remember Me [Lullaby]
La Llorona
Remember Me [Reunion]
Proud Corazón
Remember Me [Ernerto De La Cruz]
Everyone Knows Juanita
Un Poco Loco
The World Es Mi Familia
Remember Me [Lullaby]
La Llorona
Remember Me [Reunion]
Proud Corazón
Remember Me [Ernerto De La Cruz]
Everyone Knows Juanita
Un Poco Loco
The World Es Mi Familia
Remember Me [Lullaby]
La Llorona 
Remember Me [Reunion]
Proud Corazón
Brazilian Portuguese [Kudos to MrDis Brasil for this one]
Remember Me [Ernerto De La Cruz]
Everyone Knows Juanita
Un Poco Loco
The World Es Mi Familia
Remember Me [Lullaby]
La Llorona
Remember Me [Reunion]
Proud Corazón
Keep reading
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galixy0universe · 6 years
Hey internet, can we make this happen?
So my mom works at a church. Actually, she works somewhere that is located in a church, but close enough for government work. It’s not important. Anyway, they had an artist gallery, because sometimes churches do that; it’s a whole “supporting local artists” thing, and it’s pretty standard. 
What is very not standard is the artist they happened to host this week.
Susan B. Hale is a musician and painter in the Upstate NY region. (For people wondering where that is: it’s all the not-NYC part. There’s actually an entire state attached to the city, like a big, slightly-racist wart. I’m getting off track.)
Susan’s art is fairly standard, lovely oil-on-canvas Impressionist stuff. Mostly flowers –
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– some pretty landscapes –
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– some weird abstract shit –
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Pretty stuff. If I had anything resembling disposable income, I’d wanna buy some of this stuff, because it’s gorgeous.
You know what else she paints, sometimes?
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Obviously, my immediate reaction was to seek this woman out and find her all of the money. But while I did absolutely spend two hours looking up who she was and then emailing her, she doesn’t appear to have an Etsy – or any online store at all. She has virtually no digital presence, and not much of a reputation offline either.
And this is tragic.
Because let’s be real: this woman should be a fucking internet star. She paints lovely scenes of tranquility and fills them with T-Rexes for no apparent reason, other than that she thinks they’re rad. There’s an alternate reality in which she’s a Tumblr legend, and I want to live in that reality.
So here’s the thing. I know I’m not a Big Tumblr Person. I have virtually no clout in things like this, and the odds of anyone seeing this post are kinda limited. But I also want this woman to be so inundated with requests for awesome dino paintings that she has no choice but to open up an online store. I want my home and those of everyone I know to be filled with humungous, lush oils of morbid hilarious dinosaur beauty, like if Monet spent a glorious weekend binging all of Jurassic Park while also on a cocaine bender.
Reblog this. Email her telling her how great you think she is and how much you wish she had an amazon site or whatever. Consider supporting her, if you have some money and love dinosaurs. Boost the shit out of this, because even if she doesn’t get a single dime, her artwork makes me smile and I want to at least share the happy with others, and maybe bounce some of it back to her.
I am not sorry for the length of this post. You got pretty flowers and fucking dinos and you are welcome for it.
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galixy0universe · 6 years
in my head theres a little mouse wearing a little apron and she makes all my emotions
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galixy0universe · 6 years
Prompt List #1
1. “I can’t believe you’ve done this!”
2. “You have no idea how much I love you,”
3. *laughs hysterically* “You love me?”
4. “Kiss me.”
5. “It’s raining outside but all I want to do is snuggle.”
6. “Let’s get out of here.”
7. “Why are you naked and in my bed?”
8. “What could you possibly want at 3 in the morning?”
9. “Are you wearing my shirt?”
10. “Why do you insist on breaking into my house in the middle of the night and stealing my food?”
11. “You broke my heart and all you can say is sorry?”
12. “I love you even when I hate you”
13. “I don’t believe it…”
14. “I never loved you.”
15. “Stop coming back.”
16. “Stop mucking around and get your cute butt inside this pillow fort right now!”
17. “Stop laughing.”
18. “Would you please take a chill pill and calm the fuck down.”
19. “Um…Where the fuck are we?”
20. “It reminded me of you,”
21. “I’ll wait,”
22. “Stay away from me,”
23. “Are you even listening to me?”
24. “What more do you want?”
25. “I won’t forget this.”
26. “You’re such an asshole. Let’s go back to my place.”
27. “Spend the night with me.”
28. “Let’s Netflix and chill. And by Netflix and chill, I mean actually netflixing and chilling.”
29. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any dumber, you go and do something like that this.”
30. “I’m tired, I’m cold, I’m hungry, and I need a hug.”
31. “Guess I’ve run out of fucks to give.”
32. “You’re so bloody cute.”
33. “Don’t call me cute!”
34. “It’s not what it looks like!”
35. “Your hair is so soft,”
36. “I think I love you,”
37. “I love your hugs,”
38. “Can you please come and get me?”
39. “Please don’t cry”
40. “I thought I would never see you again.”
41. “I’m just trying to help you.”
42. “You’re not okay.”
43. “Shut up! Just shut up, shut up, shut UP!”
44. “You’re so pathetic.”
45. “I miss your smile”
46. “I can’t do this anymore.”
47. “I’m a monster.”
48. “No you’re not.”
49. “You deserve so much better than me.”
50. “I had no choice.”
51. “Are you still awake…?”
52. “Marry me?”
53. *hysterical laughter* “You’re telling me that…you’re pregnant?”
54. “I feel like I’m losing my damn mind!”
55. “Did you just…Yeet that chocolate cake at my mum?”
56. “Are you drunk?”
57. “Would you stop that?!”
58. “Are you jealous?”
59. “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
60. “We’re lost, aren’t we?”
61. “You belong to me!”
62. “This was such a dumb idea,”
63. “Good one, genius.”
64. “I love the sound of your laugh”
65. “We could get coffee together? Or if you don’t like coffee, maybe a cup of tea? Or just water? We don’t even have to drink, we could just stare at each other. Not stare stare but-“
66. “You’re such a fucking dork. I love you.”
67. “Let’s hang out sometime. In my bed. With no clothes on.”
68. “Shut up and cuddle me already.”
69. “You’re such a nerd. Let’s fuck.”
70. “I’m pregnant with a baby you idiot.”
71. “You’re such a weirdo but I love you.”
72. “I didn’t mean it.”
73. “Leave me alone!”
74. “It’s over.”
75. “I’m so sick of this!”
76. “Please come back.”
77. “I miss you.”
78. “Pack your shit and leave me alone. I’m done with this.”
79. “Oh my god I don’t fucking care!”
80. “Don’t. I don’t need to hear your stupid excuses.”
81. “Just looking at you makes me sick.”
82. “I thought could trust you.”
83. “It’s too late.”
84. “I’m sorry.”
85. “You should be sorry.”
86. “It’s 4 in the morning, what do you want?”
87. “Can we just cancel today? Please?”
88. “Let’s stay in bed all day.”
89. “So I’m giving up and moving to Iceland, no one follow me.”
90. “How much did you hear of that?”
91. “Prove it.”
92. “I bought you food and I’ve got some fluffy blankets - want to stay in and watch movies all day?”
93. “No offence or anything but I’m high key lonely wanna hang out?”
94. “Can we kiss?”
95. “Act natural!”
96. “I lied.”
97. “I didn’t say I love you, you just misheard.”
98. “I don’t know but I feel like we should kiss.”
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