gamebound-comic · 3 years
Pending Write Up
So it’s been a while.  Stuff happens in fandom as it does in life.
And I think I’ve come to the end of my energy for Homestuck in the past year, which I’m sorry to say.  I put a lot of genuine effort into Gamebound and planning it, trying to make a good story and I think a lot of the foundation was there, but the motivation, energy, and, tbh, courage stopped being there.
What I think would be a shame though is to leave everything unfinished as it is.
I have notes, I have timelines, character arcs, background, ancestor backstory, planned hidden content, sketches, conversations, 150 pages of written script, panel edits and so on.
So I think I’ll put the last motivation I have for a huge fan adventure like Gamebound and, as coherently as I can, basically recap everything the story was going to be.  Including with it all background information I’d worked on (personal quests, planet names, fraymotifs, consorts, typing quirks, interests, Beforan society, Ancestors, naming themes, references etc).
I don’t know when this will come out, the compilation would be a lot but I still want to present it in an interesting way.  I might incorporate that itself into the fan adventure to close it off in a way too.  I feel like nearly a decade of being in the Homestuck fandom should be given some sort of closure and this would be a good way to do it.
Thank you for everyone who has been interested in this story and my work.
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gamebound-comic · 4 years
Everyone whose asked me about concepts, you’ve been really nice and it has made me really happy to share. :3
These are also only the sketch scans I have on hand while at work.  Diving my digital files would take much longer.
are there more concepts for the beforus ancestors??
Alrighty anon~ I don’t have much but here we go~
(Newest to oldest for the most part)
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No points for guessing whose handwriting this is. :y
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Don’t mind the sketches above Nepeta.  I’m at work so I can’t crop the image. X__x
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And I’m just gonna... include Beforus’ first guardian in here.  She IS relevant to one ancestor backstory in particular.
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Aaaand my bonus favs, text bits. :y One diary entry and some Myths Retold.  I don’t think anything here is particularly spoilery, mostly for the fact that it doesn’t really make any implications to the main comic that can’t be determined by the connections you can make between the dancestors in Homestuck proper.
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gamebound-comic · 4 years
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I might have some ideas about Beforus ancestors.
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gamebound-comic · 4 years
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>GAMEBOUND UPD8: Meenah: Clear queue for asshole 2. (6 pgs)
Content Warning: ableist & mild sexually descriptive language (in context of insults)
(Gamebound: Begin)(twitter)(pillowfort)
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gamebound-comic · 4 years
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>GAMEBOUND UPD8: Meenah: Clear queue for asshole 2. (6 pgs)
Content Warning: ableist & mild sexually descriptive language (in context of insults)
(Gamebound: Begin)(twitter)(pillowfort)
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gamebound-comic · 4 years
not sure if you can show it, but do you have any sketches with gamebound meenah and feferi??? i find their relationship really interesting
Oh of course!  And I hope it isn’t presumptuous of me to say, but if anyone ever wants to draw or do anything ir2 my designs, go for it be sure to tag “gamebound” cause I would love to see. <3
Anyways, without further ado (and stay till the cut lol)
Most recent Fef drawing
All dancestor pre-grame sprites
Meenah-centric concepts FOR DAYYYYS (x) (x) (x) (x)
Bonus Mituna, Latula, and Horuss in those
Aaaaand their first sprites
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And some bonus never before posted ones cause you got my hype for my own shit anon. <3
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-Sketches for a proper painting I wanna do of Meenah
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Meeting Porrim to get her eyebrow pierced
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Hussnasty mode modeled after these panels (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)
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Going for the style from 5x Showdown Combo
And here we go, all concepts for stuff that I don’t feel is all too spoilery.
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And now all that include Feferi for her one appearance in the comic. 38)
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And if you’ve made it here to the end, There is, in fact, a full backstory to the Beforus ancestors.  There is one sketch here that points to Fef’s history and I want you to have it.
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gamebound-comic · 4 years
I cant wait to see the next update! the art for this project looks fantastic, and the writing is spot on! im especially excited to see how you handle beforus feferi, keep up the great work!
Thank you anon! <3 Messages like these mean a lot to me as I try to will myself out of the nervousness that’s kept me from posting since the last update.  Next character is probz gonna be the most blatantly problematic and I’ve been on twitter too much to think I’ll get out of Gamebound without a destroyed career. XD
Been taking a break though so it’s given me some renewed confidence but messages like these I should revisit more often.  It’s nice to know there’s people who already enjoy it and are excited to see what I have to offer. <3
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gamebound-comic · 5 years
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Making some rooms.
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gamebound-comic · 5 years
Progress Upd8
So I realize its been a while since Gamebound updated and since I talked about the current status here.
I make a lot of random ass tweets, but that's buried easy and not all that far reaching. :U
So here's a progress upd8~
-I'm doing work on Gamebound for NaNo, so there will be an upd8 at the end of the month/beginning of December
-Current script status
110 pages
~24k words
3 Acts, 2 Interludes, 1 Intermission
11 flashes planned, 4 of which are interactive
Estimated completion: About 1/3 or 30% written
Act 1: 67 pages (~60% written)
Act 2: 30 pages (~30% written)
Act 3: 10 pages (~10% written)
Remaining 3 pages are divided between 2 Interludes
I'm planning on adding some sidebar links too.
Tag page for blocking, organization, and tracking purposes
Content Warning page
General warnings: From what we know.  Like major character death, violence, toxic relationships, etc
Comic-so-far warnings: What's shown up in-comic as it's currently posted
Warnings for current upd8: When there's a new upd8, this section will be warnings pertaining only to the new upd8.
Because these would be changing and because there will be warnings for future content I feel may be a deal breaker from the get go, I would prefer they be on a separate page to avoid any spoilers.  This will be linked in the description of the comic, but also as I post each update notification on tumblr/twitter/etc
Another aspect to this is that, alone, I won't necessarily catch all content that warrants a warning.  So I do ask that if there's something you feel should be added, I'd appreciate being informed and perhaps a brief explanation for why it should be added.  There is some particularly... questionable language in the next upd8 that has prompted me to get this page added to the side bar at that time.
I'm also planning on changing the theme on this blog soon as the current one has not been playing nice with my tags, my links, and really hadn't been the best looking imo.  It was cute enough looking like the mspa site, but it's time to change.
And for now, that's that.  If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.  Otherwise, see ya at the end of the month with an upd8. 0u0
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gamebound-comic · 5 years
lol I didn’t realize this was to my main account. :P
will you explore the black relationship between latula and porrim thats hinted at in gamebound??
Hmm… I think I explore that hinted relationship a little differently but I haven’t solidified the nature of it.  Tho I am so down for healthier kismesitudes.
Any canon ships and implied ships, I plan on having a look at in Gamebound and Porrim/Latula was definitely one of them. :3
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gamebound-comic · 5 years
have you considered allowing volunteers to help with the project? also your writing is wonderful and i love the story so far!
Yeah actually!  As I’ve been writing, the number of flashes has increased and tbh there is one that’s looking like it’ll be positively massive and I kinda have to plan it out in it’s entirety alongside the rest of the comic if I want it to go up at the right time. XD That one I’ll definitely be looking to get people on for.
Tbh, I’m thinking of retooling some of my goals on patreon so I can properly commission peeps.  One of the things I really would like to do is support the creative community and some artists who deserve more attention.  I’d be looking for writers, musicians, and visual artists of all types in that case, but it’s still far off and I lack the proper funds atm for that route.  In which case, idk if it’d be fair to have people volunteering without pay, know what I mean?  But that’s still a decision I need to make.
I’ll probz put out a call as I get more consistent with upd8s (end of November is the next one, Gamebound is my NaNo baybeeeeee) but there are plans for eventual collaboration.  There’s a little bit of a weird pride thing I got tho where I want the first and last flashes to be a solo effort at least. XD;;
My life recently got way less hectic, so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to concentrate more on getting upd8s out.  So we’ll see soon how this’ll go. :3
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gamebound-comic · 5 years
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>GAMEBOUND UPD8: Meenah: Be in cahoots with asshole 1.
(Gamebound: Begin)(twitter)(pillowfort)
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gamebound-comic · 5 years
the update was great!! I really like what you've done so far!
Thank you!
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gamebound-comic · 5 years
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>GAMEBOUND UPD8: Meenah: Be in cahoots with asshole 1.
(Gamebound: Begin)(twitter)(pillowfort)
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gamebound-comic · 5 years
Hello! Love gamebound so far, your artstyle for it is super authentic and you have a lot of talent, this is going to be amazing :) hope these arent too spoiler-y 1) So far, which characters are you having the most fun with developing in your take on Beforus? 2) Porrim/Meenah got me thinking, are there any other new quadrants between the characters or are you doing canon only ships? (Im super curious/excited about kankri/meulin interactions considering their alternian selves) Have a great day!
I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far, it really does mean a lot to me when someone tells me this since I’ve been very nervous about posting logs where they speak actually. QuQ This started getting long, so I hope you’re good with that~
Keep reading
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gamebound-comic · 5 years
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Here’s the finished version of that Beforus Fef sketch I posted earlier this week. :3 I think I might try to do more like.. “no reason” stuff for Gamebound just cause I love how this turned out. <3
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gamebound-comic · 5 years
On the off chance anyone who reads Gamebound is interested in Homestuck (lol) and hasn’t heard of SAHCON, it’s going on right now and there’s plenty left to do today!
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So click up above if you just wanna hang with me or GO TO THE SAHCON SITE
If you want to commission me during the con, you have to get to me on discord through my table!
I’ll be on mic and playing music!
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